Friday, July 29, 2011

Crusade: Messing with Mammoth’s Mind - Issue 7

A fight royal was occurring in Manning Enterprises warehouse. A new band of heroes were attempting to stop some of the Crushers from robbing it.

Mammoth screamed, “You lied to me! Mocker isn’t captured. Now I will capture you.” He lifted a crate, throwing it at "Manta-Man”. The crate missed.

Having seen the report on FIST, Manta Lad knew that he wasn't the most trusted crook in the Crushers.

"You going to believe FIST?" he said to Mammoth. "He's the one who's running out on you right now! Because he knows the truth. Mocker's in custody. That's why FIST is bailing on you.

"Give it up and we'll go easy on you, Toth," he said in his best Manta-Man voice, as he fired lightning again at the Shrew!

“Aaarggh!” The Shrew screamed as the lightning course through her body. The blast knocked her back 5 feet into a stack of crates.  She fell to the ground.  “Mammoth, kill Manta-Man”, she snarled.

Master Zero steadied his hand.  With aim that was true, he fired an ice blast at Phade. SCREECK!
[GM Note: 12 points of damage; -8 to Invulnerability and -4 to Power Points.]

Meltdown fired his disintegration beams at F.I.S.T.  The beams missed as F.I.S.T. took to the air.

Starbolt flew around behind Mammoth. He fired his Star Bolt.  ZWALT! He missed his target.

The Black Orchid took a deep breath and let fly with a vacuum blast at the Shrew.  Shrew is slammed by the powerful blast.  Energy is drained from her body.  She slumped lower to the floor, “Mammoth, kill her next.”

Black Orchid responded with a slight smile and "Aw, the big furry man has to resort to throwing boxes... and badly I might add."

“On second thought I will do it myself”, The Shrew stood up.  She moved toward Black Orchid.  Unleashing a fierce upper cut Shrew only hit air.

Phade aimed his blaster carefully from the ceiling. ZA-BLAM! The blast struck Master Zero in the chest destroying a section of his armor.  Phade raised his hand. Next to him a portal opened. He dived through into.  Out of the shadows in one of the Manning Enterprise office on the second floor, Phade rolled out of the portal onto the floor.

Meltdown ran around F.I.S.T. as he hovered above.  Able to outmaneuver the armored thug, Meltdown fired his disintegration eye beams again.  He hit the same spot as before missing the armor all together.   “!&%$$$!”, F.I.S.T. screamed as he was knocked back 20 feet to the ground. THUD!

“Stupid! Don’t be Stupid!! Who do youse think you’re talka to Manta-Man.  I am NOT Bull!” Mammoth screamed.  In a rage, he leaped at ‘Manta-Man’. The Hairy Circus Strongman easily flew to the same height as Manta Lad. A look of surprise crossed his face as Mammoth prepared to punch his victim. “Hey, youse not Manta-Man, youse his sidekick, Sharkboy!

Mammoth soared past Manta Lad as the Underwater Sidekick easily dodged his punch.  SLAM! Mammoth hit the wall of the warehouse.  The wall bent to create a Mammoth shape dent but held enough to stop his movement.

Emerald Dragon chased after Mammoth. He unleashed his acid spray breathe. SPLUSHED! The acid covered Mammoth’s body and the wall.  It melted the wall away, dropping Mammoth to the ground.  His hair was singed and a few bald spots on his back were visible but Mammoth was still standing.

 From one knee, F.I.S.T. looked at Meltdown. “So tough guy, you think you can rub me out. Well that ain’t gonnar happen. I am F.I.S.T. One of the baddest Crushers there is.”

SKROW! F.I.S.T. fired a power blast from his arm blaster hitting Meltdown. The blast knocked Meltdown back 15 feet to the ground. He is lying on the ground half submerged at his waist with his knees sticking out above ground.
[GM Note: 11 points of damage; -4 points to Power and -7 to Hit Points]

SHAKOW! Manta Lad blasted Shrew again.  Shrew cried out in pain as she was struck. The lightning bolt knocked her 35 feet across the warehouse into the wall. WHAM!  The Shrew was still standing. She leaned heavily against the wall breathing hard.  Her eyes frantically searched for the best course of action.

SCREECK! Master Zero hit Black Orchid with an ice blast. “Ha! Beginner capes are such easy pickings. Come taste the chill of the freezing death that Master Zero brings!”  As he said this his armor reformed to be whole again.
[GM Note: Black Orchid took 11 points of damage; -8 to Power Points and -3 to Hit Points.]

Starbolt flew over the mounds of crates toward Mammoth. ZWALT! Starbolt fired his stellar blast into Mammoth.  Mammoth flinched. His face grimaced in pain.

Unseen from an office window, Phade aimed his blaster. ZA-BLAM! Mammoth roared with pain. His defenses were being weakened by the onslaught.

<Due Date: June 30th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Black Orchid                 Hit Points: 27    Power Points: 72           Willpower Defense Active
Emerald Dragon            Hit Points: 81    Power Points: 98           Acid Breath: 27 Doses
Manta Lad                     Hit Points: 17    Power Points: 40           Luck Pool: 2
Meltdown                      Hit Points: 56    Power Points: 40           Non-corporal active
Phade                           Hit Points: 16    Power Points: 39           Invulnerability: 8
Starbolt                                    Hit Points: 34    Power Points: 63            

Manta Lad:

Mammoth screams, “You lied to me! Mocker isn‟t captured. Now I will capture you.” He lifts a crate, throwing it at "Manta-Man”. The crate misses.

Having seen the report on FIST, Manta Lad knew that he wasn't the most trusted crook in the Crushers.
"You going to believe FIST?" he said to Mammoth. "He's the one who's running out on you right now! Because he knows the truth. Mocker's in custody. That's why FIST is bailing on you.
"Give it up and we'll go easy on you, Toth," he said in his best Manta-Man voice, as he fired lightning again at the Shrew!

Please turn ML to face Shrew and Mammoth on the map. Thanks!
Also, if ML can see Master Zero attempt to attack Orchid from behind, he'll warn her. Thanks.


Starbolt flies into position so that Mammoth will have to choose either him or Manta-Lad to face, so that if he attacks one of us the other has a shot at his back. Starbolt replies to Mammoth after "Manta-Man" has his say. "Toth, I thought that you were supposed to be smart. The longer this fight continues the worse it is going to become for you. I don't know if you care about this Nest-of-Vipers you're associated with, but I thought that you wanted to save your own hide" Starbolt will continue alter his flight path to keep them from getting a straight shot at him(heightened defense). He will also continue to attack targets of opportunity.
Manta Lad

OOC: Made some modifications below.
This is the final version.

Manta Lad:
Mammoth screams, “You lied to me! Mocker isn‟t captured. Now I will capture you.” He lifts a crate, throwing it at "Manta-Man”. The crate misses.

Having seen the report on FIST, Manta Lad knew that he wasn't the most trusted crook in the Crushers.
"You're going to believe FIST?" he said to Mammoth. "He's the one who's running out on you! Because he knows the truth: Mocker's in custody.
"Think, Toth! How else would I be free?
"That's why FIST is bailing. He's lying to you. He just wants you to fight us long enough for him to make a clean getaway. Don't be FIST's chump.
"Give it up and we'll go easy on you, Toth. It's over," he said in his best Manta-Man voice, as he fired lightning again at the Shrew! SHAKOW!

Please turn ML to face Shrew and Mammoth on the map. Thanks!
Also, if ML can see Master Zero attempt to attack Orchid from behind, he'll warn her. Thanks.

Emerald Dragon

OOC: Emerald Dragon has not been very effective with his breath weapon. Guess he must be rolling pretty low. I will have him try one last time before changing tactics.

IC: Emerald Dragon continues to circle the area Mammoth and Shrew are in, frustrated he has not been able to connect with his acidic breath. He drops a bit lower and takes aim again at Mammoth, looking to soften him up so he can land and engage him in hand-to-hand combat.

Fingers crossed,

I will continue attacking fist, as primary target. Next would be mammoth
Hope I'm not too late.

I had serious computer issues for a few weeks and then I just got back from vacation.

The Black orchid sees The Shrew weakening so she presses her attack with another attack, while trying to maneuver herself near Mammoth to draw his ire.

"Aw, the big furry man has to resort to throwing boxes,... and badly I might add."