Thursday, December 22, 2011

Harvey Character Sheet

Name: Harvey
Secret Identity: Unknown
Gender: M
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs
Level: 1
Experience Points: 0
Player: Michael

Irish Spirit wanting to protect his adoptive home and have a little fun too.

Super Powers and Super Skills:
1) Permanent Non Corporealness
2) Permanent invisibility (except for one chosen companion)
3) Pooka - Mutant Power - increased STR+14, AGI+11 & END+9
4) Speed Bonus (ground movement + 90)
5) Telekinesis: 15,000 lbs, 2d10 damage, PR=1, Range = 20"
6) Illusions (holograms - psionic illusions) PR=1

1) Mute
2) Companion - Harvey has to have a companion to anchor him to this plane.  If his companion is killed the pooka is banished until he can find a new companion (CHA save at highest difficulty, Luck points can be used to buy down difficulty).  If his companion is knocked unconscious the only action Harvey can take is to attempt to revive his companion.

Strength: 29
Endurance: 24
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 17
Charisma: 13

Hit Points: 81
Power Points: 90

Carrying Capacity: 2812.845 lbs
Hand-to-Hand Damage: 1d12

Accuracy: +3 (Including Power Mods)
Damage Modifier: +3 (Including Power Mods)

Detect Hidden: 12
Detect Danger:  16

Reaction Modifiers: 1 from Good -1 from Evil

Movement: Ground:  163 per turn
Movement: :  per turn
Healing Rate: 3.5 hit points per day

Security Clearance: 0
Wealth: 0

Cultic Knowledge
Irish Folklore Knowledge

Luck Points: 1.3


Irish spirit - magical

Harvey is a Pooka (Puka) which is to say that he is one of a race of Irish spirits or goblins.  Harvey is normally invisible, and intangible but for one person who can hear and see him.

Harvey's original name is unimportant, but he prefers to go by Harvey as this is how he is known by an old friend.  Today, Harvey is the travelling companion of Elwood P. Dowd though he has been affiliated with others.  Normally he is unable to be seen or heard and he has almost no affect on the world in which he resides perhaps due to his own preference or due to imposed limitations. By nature, Harvey is mischievous and playful though rarely malevolent and staunchly protective of his chosen companions.

Queen Mab, a fairy of royal stature had designs on a free spirit and while this spirit returned her interests he was not as dedicated as Mab required.  The free spirit was more distracted by the comings and goings of humans and was particularly interested in the actions of poets, wits and drinkers. By way of testing her suitor, Mab gave the spirit the choice of being her royal partner but he would need to swear to refuse all contact with mankind and this was too much sacrifice for the spirit.  A furious Mab cast a powerful and irreversible spell on the spirit forever banishing him from the neverseelie realm of the fairies and at the same time she made him almost completely undetectable by humans.  Not completely cruel Mab allowed the spirit to bond with one soul at a time so the spirit would still be able to make contact with a being beside himself.

The lonely spirit first connected with a young Irish poet in Dublin where the two would conjure all kinds of playful and sometimes socially dangerous witticisms.  Jealous of the joy the spirit found, Mab inspired others at first by way of competing to be more witty but when this was not as effective as she wanted she turned her inspiration to malevolence.  The poet was imprisoned and never was the same. He died shortly afterward and the free spirit was alone.

The spirit floated without direction for many years and in that time considered many things but mostly he considered how unjust the worlds - both fairy and earthly - can be.  He decided that if and when he next would get a chance to bond with a human he would make it a point to focus at least a part of his energies to being a champion of the common man, perhaps inspiring justice.

Elwood P. Dowd was an accountant, and very good one, but not very happy.  One fateful day Elwood had been in his drink when a large 6'4" rabbit greeted him.  The two became fast friends and they both found new joy that neither had known for many years.