Friday, July 29, 2011

Archer: Fire at the Festival - Issue 9

David is enjoying a festival with Tommy.  They are next to the river waiting David’s turn on the archery range.  Tommy is more interested in flirting with the worker than pretending to be ‘Robin Hood’. He said with a laugh.

Suddenly there was a purple flash in front of him. It wasn’t blinding but it revealed a large … worm? David had never seen anything like it before and that was the best description he could come up.  He only had time for that single thought before the wave of water washed over the entire archery area. Desperately David searched for something to grab a hold of as he was submerged and thrown by the moving wall of water.

He found the archery parameter rope and grabbed it.  As the wave reseeded, he was brought above the water line and could breathe again.  Fortunately the parameter roping was secure and did not give away.  David saw that Tommy and others were also hanging onto it.

David noticed a Sailboat flying above him. Looking up, he saw it was not a product of the wave but that a man wearing yellow and white with a cape was carrying it.  It a blur of movement, the man bashes the monster with the Sailboat.

KaBOOm! Wood and metal pieces fly across the river and into the festival.  Tommy yells, “David!” He is pointing to where a man is holding onto the rope.  He was hit by a fragment.  He hangs on to the rope but loses the grip he had on his 9 year old daughter.  The girl is dragged by the undertow of the water as it moves back toward the river.  The dad is hurt and can’t move.  The girl is 5 feet from David and 20 feet from the river.

David hears a woman scream.

“Someone save my Katie!”

David discovered there is enough slack to twist the rope around his wrist. David used a combination of his presence and Kun Lun Yi training to create a voice that demands obedience and yelled out in a commanding tone "Everyone prepare to pull on the rope" in case the tide pulls them out into the river.  He used his acrobatic and gymnastic abilities to grab and secure young Katie.

Tommy and the others help pull David and Katie to safety.

David carried a frightened Katie to her mother.  Her mother grabbed Katie. Between sobs, she kisses Katie.  The mother looks up and attempted to say ‘thank you’.  Overwhelmed by emotion, the best Katie’s mom is able to do is mouth the words.  She can’t find her voice but her gratitude is very apparent.

David smiles

A familiar sound is heard.  It is the scream of CHESS Skycycles approaching. David looked up in time to see the monster shoot a CHESS Skycycle. It hits will a liquid stream.  The substance is strong enough to mess up the Skycycle’s flight systems.  The CHESS Knight attempted in vain to bring the Skycycle back into control. The Knight is able to create enough lift to miss the Festival parking lot but crashes into a stand next to it.

FOOM! The Skycycle explodes in a ball of fire.  The Festival workers attempted to start a bucket brigade to put out the fire when a burst of wind hits everyone.  David is knocked down.  He watches as the large pavilion collapsed to the ground.

The steel man-mountain is back.  David senses him inside.  There are a lot of other people in the collapsed pavilion as well but he can’t make out what is happening inside.

Suddenly the man he had seen earlier in the day ran across the top of the pavilion toward the people trapped under it.
Tommy ran up to David. He points out that the Festival workers are calling for help with putting the fire out.
“C’mon, David don’t you want to be a hero?” Tommy asked as he ran past.

< Due Date: June 10th, Actions, Goal, Replies>

Current Conditions:
Archer               Hit Points: 44    Power Points: 75
                        Blunt Head Arrows:    0
                        Target Point Arrows:  0
                        Broad Head Arrows:   0

Archer - initial responses
<Player Response>   Niiiiiice~!!!

Really like where you took the story Tom. I missed some of the introspective stuff in the side shot but
you really used elements of it and the other stuff we talked about effectively.

Dragon Kai martial arts school huh? Well isn't that just precious. Between that and the Celestial Garden
- depending on how long it stays in port - We have some real interesting material to work with. That
Jessica Anderson chick gets around.

I like you having Craftsman suggest the Festival, very mentor-ish of him. We definitely need to do a
scene with the two hashing out more ethical and operational stuff. That and more stuff about his dad.
Interesting choices for the trick arrowheads. Hm no blinding flash arrow huh?

Cool - probably give him too much tactical advantage at this level anyway. His blunt arrows are going to
be his primary weapon from now on - unless he's taking on Talons. Explosive arrows tactical uses are
obvious but might lack some finesse. Taser sounds promising and non-lethal,an obvious appealling
factor for David just now, and Acid arrow? Have to see how that works - sounds less combat effective
but more of a support tool - interesting choices.

I don't think we need to make a big deal of it RP-ing but I want David slowly leaking word of the danger
of Blue Xiang to Tommy and their famlies. Nothing of the Talons or Nicotines just as if spreading reliable
rumor stuff. Hope to get word out through the University and neighborhoods.

Dude absolutely loved the DarkStar drive-by. Read it four times. I tell ya, Agent America's starting to
spook me.

I also like Tommy's easy acceptance and good humor of David's cultural awkwardness. Not sure about
him hinting at David's "fondness" for archery - for Tommy's safety, not his own. But besides Craftsman, if
he was to slip around anyone it would be Tommy. Achery fits the Festival theme nice.

Hey Tom! I thought it interesting how David picked up some of the goings on with his Spatial Awareness
. . . . and then came the curveball - sorta.

I do believe someone needs to smack Mr. Adamas in back of the head and mention a few key phrases
such as "reckless behavior" "child endangerment" "civil liability" and Archer just might be the guy to do it
if this kid is hurt. :)

<David Houyi: IC Actions and replies>
If there is enough slack David will twist the rope around his wrist, using a combination of his Presence
and Kun Lun Yi training to create a voice that demands obedience and yell out in a commanding tone
"Everyone prepare to pull on the rope" in case the tide pulls them out into the river.  He'll then use any of
his acrobatic or gymnastic abilities needed to grab and secure young Katie.

If there is not enough slack in the rope he'll still use all of his skills to grab and secure the child and return
to shore asap delivering her to her parents.

OOC: I hope David will be able to perform the simple actions I outlined. If so I really hope we can flow into
further activity without delay, depending on the surrounding situations. i.e. please tell me there's more to
the current Archer's issue than grabbing the girl. On the otherhand I wouldn't be surprised if you smacked
me with an another Dragon Statue.  :)

I reiterate I realllllly liked how the storyline played out this issue. A nice blend of supporting characters and
non-combat activities.

John R