Friday, July 29, 2011

Archer: To be a Hero - Issue 10

FOOM! The Skycycle exploded in a ball of fire.  The Festival workers attempted to start a bucket brigade to put out the fire when a burst of wind hit everyone.  David was knocked down.  He watched as the large pavilion collapsed to the ground.

The steel man-mountain was back.  David sensed him inside.  There were a lot of other people in the collapsed pavilion as well but he can’t make out what was happening inside.

Suddenly the man he had seen earlier in the day ran across the top of the pavilion toward the people trapped under it.
Tommy ran up to David. He pointed out that the Festival workers are calling for help with putting the fire out.
“C’mon, David don’t you want to be a hero?” Tommy asked as he ran past.

“Tommy you head to the fire, I’m going to help these people under the collapsed pavilion. We’ll meet back up and both have a story to tell the girls at school.” David replied

Looking from the fiery grandstand and back to the collapsed pavilion hiding the mysterious man of steel, David can't tell if that guy in the fire was dead or not but at least he deserved a chance.  David quickly gathered any usable materials he can find for an impromptu rescue.

"Tommy, that guy on the flying motorcycle was still in there. Don't tell your mom about this. I'll never hear the end of it". 

Focus David. Nothing but me and the path to the Knight. Nothing else is important. Nothing else exists.

David quickly gathered up the rope he used to rescue Katie, a blanket, and a screw driver.  He soaked the rope and blanket in water.  He found a metal pole.  Wrapping the blanket and rope to create a side pack like the ones used in the temple, David focused on the task at hand. He was going to pole vaulting over the fire.

David made sure of his grip.  All he saw was the fire before him.

He ran … hard!

He planted the pole against the wheel of a left behind car. It worked! The pole snapped him up and he leaped over the fire to land next to the Knight. [GM Note: Archer made 2 agility save throws. 1 for the pole to stick to create the vault. 2 for the leap over the fire and to land safely]

David removed his make shift pack.  He approached the Knight.  He was unconscious and the armor was hot to the touch.  David covered the armor with the soaked blanket.  Steam rose from beneath the blanked.  The armor was cool enough to touch now.  David gently moved the Knight to do a visual inspection for damage.  A waist section had been crushed and was restricting breathing.  David used the screw drive to bend the section enough for the CHESS Knight to breathe easier.

David heard the Knight sigh and breathe deeply.  There was a hint of pain in his breathing.

David knotted the rope around the Knight’s waist and underneath his arms.  David called for Tommy’s attention.  Tommy understood the directions provided.  Tommy gathered a few workers to help him pull the Knight through with the rope.

The Skycycle fuel had burned off so the fire was not as hot as when David leaped but it was still burning because of the grass and debris in the area.

David tried to toss the rope to Tommy but failed. [GM Note: Failed Agility roll]

“Nice try, but I think I inadvertently stopped you”

David knew there were 2 women and 1 man behind him on the ridge of the Festival but they had only been standing there so he had focused on more important things.

David turned to look at the speaker.

“Sorry,” The man continued, “I have been holding the fire back with my TK field. I can’t put it out because it isn’t airtight but I had been able to stop it from spreading.”

“You have already done the hard part. Let me handle this.”

The end of the rope started to float up. It slowly moved its way above the fire and a few additional feet as well.  It floated over the other side right into the hands of Tommy.  Tommy peered through the fire. “Cool! Telecom and the Valiants are here!  David that is Epsilon who is talking to you! Isn’t that so awesome!”

Epsilon nodded toward Tommy and gave a celebrity styled wave. “I need you to complete your rescue plan. I am stretched to my limit holding the fires in place and keeping the few remaining buildings from falling.”

“Telecom is on the trail of a gang of art thieves. That is what has brought us here. Something about ‘orbs that need to be hidden from the light’ is what she is trying to recover.”

“Serena is maxed out keeping the Festival goers calm and not panicking.”

< Due Date: June 30th, Actions, Goal, Replies>
Current Conditions:
Archer               Hit Points: 44    Power Points: 75
                        Blunt Head Arrows:    0
                        Target Point Arrows:  0
                        Broad Head Arrows:   0

Tommy ran up to David. He points out that the Festival workers are calling for help with putting the fire out.
“C’mon, David don’t you want to be a hero?” Tommy asked as he ran past.

<David Houyi: IC> “Tommy you head to the fire, I’m going to help these people under the collapsed pavilion. We’ll meet back up and both have a story to tell the girls at school.”

Need a few clarification and detail of current events.

1) Is the cultist running across top of the collapsed pavilion is Agent America? (player knowledge, not character)
2) What is the proximity of the Dhole to the Festival grounds Tommy and David are in?
3) Is there any usable archery equipment in the immediate vicinity?
4) Does David see the Knight anywhere? If so is anyone assisting him or checking for life signs.
5) If David can’t see the Knight, what would it take to detect him with Spatial Awareness?
6) Given a worst case scenario, would using a Luck point set up a scenario where David might be able to rescue the Knight? If not that’s absolutely fine.

I have no real clue why, but I think I’m looking for an excuse not to have Archer and DarkStar meet. Ret-conning DarkStar has made me realize the illusions of grandeur I had concerning Archer’s ability to play in the Big Leagues. I suddenly realize just how out of their element Hawkeye or Green Arrow really were, and that’s with a quiver full of trick arrows.

I had a whole other ideal concerning evacuating the Festival grounds, but the Chess Knights ruining Adamas’s strategy threw that baby out with the bath water.

That being said, if saving the Knight from his fiery doom isn’t possible, which is cool, then I’ll write up a response based on where his Spatial Awareness say he can do the most good. I assume this will take him to the gentlemen trapped under the pavilion, in the vicinity of DarkStar (who will be collecting Orbs, unless Dr. Arcane suggest otherwise).

This should be interesting.
John R

PS: You know. Although he wasn't an innocent, and was using lethal weaponry at the time. Archer's accidental killing of Marlboro has put him on a path towards the light, were as if he had purposefully killed him, I think would have sent him toward the dark. Which all feels very strange, because I specifically remember thinking at the time that "they've chosen to use lethal weapons, what comes next is on their heads not his." Funny where different twist in the story will drive a character

Need a few clarification and detail of current events.

1) Is the cultist running across top of the collapsed pavilion is Agent America? (player knowledge, not character)
        Yes, it is Agent America

2) What is the proximity of the Dhole to the Festival grounds Tommy and David are in?
        The Dhole is still in the river, which is about 100 to 150 feet away, now that Tommy and David are back up the here and at the Festival proper.

3) Is there any usable archery equipment in the immediate vicinity?
        No, it was all washed away.

4) Does David see the Knight anywhere? If so is anyone assisting him or checking for life signs.
        Yes, he sees an outline of the Knight (He is looking through the fire is why only an outline). He has been thrown from the crash.  The fire separates him from the Festival workers.  They are all trying to put out the fire.  No one has attempted to reach the Knight

5) If David can’t see the Knight, what would it take to detect him with Spatial Awareness?
        While he can see the Knight, David could spend half his movement to focus his Spatial Awareness to 'see' the Knight clearly

6) Given a worst case scenario, would using a Luck point set up a scenario where David might be able to rescue the Knight? If not that’s absolutely fine.
        David has three different skills which could be used to get around the fire: Mountaineering, Acrobatics, and Entrance/Escape depending on how he tries to get there.  Since David is already wet from rescuing Katie that reduce it from a Difficult (-4) to Challenging (-2) situation. He would have to make a save against the skill:  10 or less. You can use a luck point to overcome a bad save roll.

Okay then, looks like you've given me enough rope to hang myself with. If it's a choice between old guys under a tent and a hopefully not dead guy in a fire . . . well there is no choice is there?

<David: 2nd Reply> Looking from the fiery grandstand and back to the collapsed pavilion hiding the mysterious man of steel. I can't tell if that guy in the fire is dead or not but at least he deserves a chance.  David quickly gathers any usable materials he can find for an impromptu rescue "Tommy, that guy on the flying motorcycle is still in there. Don't tell your mom about this. I'll never hear the end of it".  Focus David. Nothing but me and the path to the Knight. Nothing else is important. Nothing else exist.

David's [Actions] will be focused on the attempt to get to and extract the CHESS Knight from the fiery grandstands. If distances allow he will crank up his Spatial Awareness as much as possible, as long as he has enough movement to get the Knight out of the fiery stands. He'll be using his first Action to gather any usable rescue materials and his second Action performing the actual rescue of the CHESS Knight, so he should be able to crank up the Spatial Awareness - or not.

[OOC] I'm picturing his skycycle crashed into a set of grandstands. I'm guessing they're metal and the fire is mostly fuel from the cycle - that means it shouldn't last long, but likely is hot as hell. I have a some ideals tell me if they have any merit.

I'm betting there just might be something he can proxy as a pole vault from the collapsed pavilion. If not, he'll try an acrobatic/gymnastic Vaulting technique using a car, fence or the shoulders of a festival worker (you get the ideal) to get to the CHESS Knight as quickly as possible. (funny thing here is, using V&V rules his leaping ability would make this a cinch - but might be a tad obvious he's a bit more than your standard student-athlete).

Also if there's any wet cloth materials in the vicinity he can use to cover the Knight with when he gets there he'll grab that also. He'll be using his Kun' Lun Yi' skills to keep from being distracted by the fire. Hopefully that can further reduce the challenging nature of the "Entrance/Escape" from the crashed grandstands. Speaking of escape that rope line used in pulling the young girl to safety might be of use extracting the Knight also. David's strength can be explained as an adrenaline boost due to the emergency, but it can't hurt to have some help from Tommy and the Festival workers just in case.

and yeah if after all this trying to tilt the odds in his favor, if it takes a Luck point to pull this off then I suppose this is as good a time as any.

Well . . . it's a plan
John R