Citizens of Megalopolis

Alexandra Huffington - King of CHESS.

William Gaunt, Director of the Department of Superpower Affairs (DSA)

Alexi Vlasov, Former Director of Military Espionage Department, United States of America (MEDUSA)

General Wilson E Samuel, Commanding Officer of Super Forces

Mr. Delta, Former Director of Federal Intelligence - Supernatural and Horrific (FISH). Whereabouts unknown

Commander Astro, Director of Alien Affairs in Space for Government Intelligence Agency - Non-Terrestials (GIANT)

Dr. Mark Ravage, Director of Alien Affairs on Earth for Government Intelligence Agency - Non-Terrestials (GIANT)
The Baron, owner of the Circus de' Horror and Hallowed Hills Mayor Pro Tem

Manta-Man, Leader of the Crusaders

Solomon, Leader of the Chosen

Matthew 27:51-53, Leader of the Reedemers

Dr. Avery, Leading researcher of ancient civilizations in Megalopolis with his granddaughter Donnah. Currently Dr. Avery is acting Director of F.I.S.H while he is undergoing Congressional confirmation hearings.

Craftsman - Former Handler for 'The Company' and Technical Resource

Detective Broyko of MPD (Megalopolis Police Department)

Sergeant Investigator Barry Carlton of MPD

CHESS Bishop Code Name: Prince

News Reporter Jessica Anderson

Ambassadors on Earth 1 Space Station:

SirrianDor of HaBath VII

SHRREECH the Xareon

Sllizzip the Gorg

Rall of the Capellan Confederacy

John Yamashito, vice president of North American operations of Yasmashito Electronics

James Rush, president of Vanguard Shipping Incorporated

Stewart Rhodes, president of Pioneer Oil

Senator Matthew Bennet, head of the Senate Finance Committee

Alexander Brandt, Owner of DeBrandt Industries; formerly DeBrandt Corporation: World's Leader in Military Hardware.

Joshua Rose, Owner of StarCorp and Mega-Manpower. Acting Extraterrestrial Security Advisor for GIANT while undergoing Congressional confirmation hearings.

Carter Manning, Owner of Manning Enterprises

Franklin Emerson, owner of Emerson Electronics