Thursday, December 22, 2011

Elwood Character Sheet

Name: Elwood P. Dowd
Secret Identity: Elwood
Age: 51
Gender: M
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Level: 1
Experience Points: 0
Player: Michael

A pleasant fellow who enjoys good conversation and sip or too.

Super Powers and Super Skills:
1) Heightened Senses:  Elwood is able to see and hear Harvey the pooka.
2) Heightened Defense:  -4 to be hit
3)Heightened Endurance B:  +8
4) Heightened Charasma B:  +7

Prejudice - A negative reaction to his Charisma indicates the person does not believe Harvey the pooka exists. The person thinks Elwood is insane with a split personality (or inebriated) with the powers of both Harvey and Elwood.

Strength: 7
Endurance: 21
Agility: 11
Intelligence: 15
Charisma: 21

Hit Points: 9
Power Points: 54

Carrying Capacity: 195.44 lbs
Hand-to-Hand Damage: 1d4

Accuracy: +0 (Including Power Mods)
Damage Modifier: +1 (Including Power Mods)

Detect Hidden: 12
Detect Danger:  16

Reaction Modifiers: 4 from Good -4 from Evil

Movement: Ground:  39 per turn
Movement::  per turn
Healing Rate: 2.4 hit points per day

Security Clearance: 0
Wealth: 3

Acoholic Beverage Knowledge

Luck Points: 2.1



Elwood is a mostly regular fellow who has an iron constitution and an effortless charm.  His most remarkable trait is his ability to see & hear Harvey, an invisible pooka.

The first half of Elwood's life was spent chasing after the almighty dollar.  He went to prestigious schools and worked for a formidable accounting company.  Without any warning, Elwood decided to change his paradigm and instead of being oh so smart, he chose oh so pleasant.  Soon after this, he had a remarkable encounter with 6'4" rabbit who was leaning on a lamp post.  They became fast friends and have been inseparable ever since.