Saturday, January 22, 2011

Manta Lad Character Sheet

Manta Lad

Secret Identity: Shane Brooks
Age: 15
Gender: M
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 155 lbs
Level: 1
Experience Points: 0
Player: Jeff

Super Sidekick? Super Genation Z? That darn kid?
Whatever you call him, Manta Lad is not only the future of
Megalopolis Superheroes. He is one now.

Super Powers and Super Skills:
1. Lightning Control Device:
    Electrical Impulses: R= 30", 2d8 damage, PR=4
    Electrical Defense: requires action to start
2. Life Support Device:
     per rules with 1% of breaking device per point of damage
3. Wing Device: Agi +3, 51 MPH movement, PR=1 per hour
4. Heightened Intelligence +12
5. Heightened Senses: Heightened Perception: Detect Hidden x4, Detect Danger x2
6. Willpower B: "Makes Own Luck": Luck Pool: 3 points
         Manta Lad gets double luck points ((CHA*2)/10=3) to be used daily. All luck points used will replenish the
         next day.  Luck points in the pool cannot be saved for the next day.

Weakness 1: Teenager:
    a) Not taken seriously by anyone over 21 years old (eg.: couldn't ever be the leader of a team of adults,
        regardless of his Intelligence, Charisma or ability)
    b) Minor: Can't legally drive, drink, or work at a decent-paying job and is therefore usually Broke
    c) Reduce weight from rolled result by 5 lbs. for every year below 20 that the teen is in age.
    d) Lack of experience: because of his age he starts with half normal skill points: 11 (INT/2).

Weakness 2: Sidekick:
    a) Carries Sense of Duty toward mentor, must do anything he asks
    b) Mentor's villains (usually a higher level than sidekick) interested in harming/kidnapping sidekick as way to
        get at Mentor
    c) Costume/name/motif/powers are dictated by Mentor's motif
    d) Sidekick can never exceed Mentor's level, charisma or intelligence as long as Mentor is active.

Strength: 12
Endurance: 15
Agility: 21
Intelligence: 21
Charisma: 15

Hit Points: 24
Power Points: 69

Carrying Capacity: 250.17 lbs
Hand-to-Hand Damage: 1d6

Accuracy: +4 (Including Power Mods)
Damage Modifier: +3 (Including Power Mods)

Detect Hidden: 64
Detect Danger:  40

Reaction Modifiers: 2 from Good -2 from Evil

Movement: Ground:  48 per turn
Movement: Wings: 303 per turn
Healing Rate: 1.6 hit points per day

Security Clearance:

Forensic Science
First Aid
Law Enforcement
Marine Biology

Luck Points: 1.5


Shane Brooks was the son of a prostitute and grew up on the streets, surrounded by petty crime and hopelessness. When he was 12, Brooks’ mother overdosed on a bad strain of crack that was plaguing the city. When the Crusaders smashed the drug dealers, Manta Man found Shane homeless and orphaned. Altruist that he is, Manta Man adopted Brooks and began his education and his new life. Inspired by his loving mentor, Brooks wanted to help others too, and now does so as the teenage troublemaker, Manta Lad!

Quote: (sullenly) “Manta Man chose the name.”

Personality: determined, smart, resourceful kid learning how to become a superhero from one of the greatest heroes ever, but still a teenager at heart.

Motive: Altruism, thrill-seeking, debt to Manta Man

Method: During an investigation, methodical and thorough, thanks to his training from Manta Man. In combat, he’s chaotic and unpredictable, acting like a monkey wrench.