Cities of Megalopolis

Megalopolis is the combination of seven cities into one overlapping Mega-Municipality.  The cities banded together to provide more comprehensive services.  Megalopolis has combined services for Electric, Water, and Gas services; Fire Departments; Hospital and Ambulance; and Cape Clean-up services.

The combination also created the largest Municipality with the largest Cape population.  The situation warranted their own divisional offices of CHESS with the two squadrons of Knights which are attached to it.  Skeptics  believe the reason for the creation of Megalopolis was to ensure a greater CHESS presence.

The seven cities of Megalopolis are:

Center City: It is the seat of the Megalopolis Government offices. The Financial District is located here as well as the HQs of many major corporations (i.e. Emerson Electronics, Manning Enterprises, Vanguard Incorporated, and Yamashito Electronics). It is a city of tall gleaming buildings, condos and advanced technology.

Our Fair City: Major Retail Centers and High Tech Industry is the backbone of this city. Sports Entertainment is the largest tourist industry.  It is a city of parks, bike trails, ranch style homes, Megalopolis' largest mall, Megalopolis University Monarchs sporting events and Megalopolis' professional sports teams: Masters (Basketball), Mammoths (Football), Mastodons(Hockey), and Majestics (Baseball)

Soiree Heights: The richest city in the Megalopolis has the best Restaurants, Performing Arts, and Modern Museums. It is a city of mansions, gated communities, private schools, and high architecture.

Hallowed Hills: The oldest city in the Megalopolis. It has lots of Old Estates, Book Shops, Antiques, Museums, and Religious Institutions. It is a city of Gothic architecture, apartments, and narrow streets

Foundry: This city is known as the ‘Devil’s Forge’ for the type of people it creates. It has the dying industries of the prior century. Vast acres of Industrial Factories, Warehouse, Trains, and Ports make up the Foundry. It is a city of of tenant buildings, warehouses, railroad tracks, and docks.

Winthrope Station: This city is known as ‘End of the Line’. It has no industry or hope. It contains Pawn Shops, Liquor Stores, and Individual owned shops. It is a city of ruin.

Refuge Islands: A series of islands which joined together to form a city. It is the recreation destination for the whole state. Its beaches and theme parks bring families and couples to enjoy them. It is a city of beaches, cabins, jogging paths, and open air shopping.

Fear Island: While not a city, Fear Island maintains a significant presence because it is the location of Fear Island Super-Penitentiary. The CHESS run Penal Island designed to house and hold the super-powered  element found guilty of felony violation of Local, State, National and/or Super Hero Licensing laws.