Saturday, January 22, 2011

Meltdown Character Sheet


Secret Identity: Unknown
Age: 25
Gender: M
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs
Level: 1
Experience Points:
Player: Andrew

No barrier he can’t pass, no substance he can’t vaporize, no person can survive his gaze.  Is Megalopolis ready for Meltdown?

Super Powers and Super Skills:
1. Disintegration Ray: Range 42”, 1d20 damage, PR=2
       Ray vaporizes solids and liquids. Each point of damage scored destroys a point of
         structural rating, regardless for the damage threshold for the target substance.
       Living things struck with Disintegration energy do not vaporize - they disrupt, taking
         full damage from the attack.
2. Non Corporealness: Not permanent, PR=4 per hour (see V&V 2.1)
3. Heightened Speed (+340" ground movement and +11 initiative)
4. Heightened Endurance +4
5. Heightened Endurance +23
6. Heightened Senses: x4 Detect Danger

Weakness: Low Self Control - Battle Fury (cannot flee a battle)

Strength: 18
Endurance: 42
Agility: 15
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 9

Hit Points: 64
Power Points: 87

Carrying Capacity: 902.88 lbs
Hand-to-Hand Damage: 1d8

Accuracy: +2 (Including Power Mods)
Damage Modifier: +2 (Including Power Mods)

Detect Hidden: 10
Detect Danger:  56

Reaction Modifiers: 0 from Good 0 from Evil

Movement: Ground:  415 per turn
Healing Rate: 5.2 hit points per day

Security Clearance: 2

Military Intelligence
Martial Arts

Luck Points: 0.9


A marine stealth "unit" in the army, he was assaulting a silo controlled by the enemy organization Black Legion that supposedly contained enemy missiles. Instead of weapons, he found a rare drug, being compounded and produced at an incredible rate. He was found out, and during a scuffle with the guards he ended up getting thrown into a large area where the drug was being made. He inhaled it, and became horribly ill.

He was captured, and over the next month in their rotting jail he developed his powers; incredible stamina, a blast from his eyes, and the ability to enter and leave the ethereal world. He quickly escaped, and made his way back to america. He is still considered "MIA", and has his superpowers registered under a false identity.