Friday, June 14, 2019

Crusade: Storm is Coming - Issue 54

The New Crusaders afterwards flew back to the Harmon Building where Crusader Citadel and Crusader Academy were located. All the heroes were given access to the Crusader Citadel and offered temporary quarters if they wanted them.

Manta-Man took Skink aside. The Aquatic Avenger let him know that he was officially enrolled in the Crusader Academy and there was a dormitory he was expected to stay in. It was in one of the lower floors of the Harmon Building. There were 5 students in the academy. Manta-Man introduced him to them. They are Manta Lad, Cannon, Rapidfire, Power Plant, and Green Peace. Power Plant and Green Peace are the teenage children of Evergreen and Powercell.

Skink said to Manta-Man, "Yes sir! You don’t know what this means to me and I’ll do my best, cuz I learned from the best.. Thank you!! (Shakes his hand) I wanna work with the new group to learn more, it’s an honor, but you know i gotta work it out with the guys (motions with thumb to group) they’d be a wreck without me. I know this city’s got trouble enough all round for us to beat on, and we can work it out! Can’t wait, Sir!"

Manta-Man reassured him that while he was enrolled in the Academy, Skink was still a team member of the New Crusaders.

Dr Wildman declined the offer of a room in the Citadel and based himself at his Steading. He did take time to memorize the meeting room in the Citadel as a 'Druids Gate' location.

 At the Crusader Citadel Black Orchid bumped into Manta Lad. Literally bumped into him as he was running down the hallway as he was late to his class in the Crusader Academy; he said “Hi, good to see you again, Thanks again for helping me save Manta-Man and the rest of the Crusaders against the Crushers. Sorry, I have to go. I’m late to class. Manta-Man still has me in school.”

“It was my pleasure and an honor to work with Manta-Man. Good luck on your studies Manta Lad.” Black Orchid said.

Dr Wildman kept an eye out on Skink and his ongoing mutation. He was professionally (and pastorally) concerned as a leading Zoologist in the transformation of the young teenager; and Skink may have the potential to become a Guardian.

"Im ok, man. Just felt super weird after my tail grew in. Probably could do with a checkup.” Skink told Dr. Wildman.

Dr. Wildman suggested they see what the Citadel had to offer. He believed he could perform the checkup pretty quickly.

 The Black Orchid considered Manta-Man's offer. "I would be honored to stay at Crusader Citadel, as long as it doesn't interfere with my duties as a CHESS agent. I would be glad to stay on in an official capacity as a liaison between CHESS and the Crusaders if I could get approval."

Manta-Man said he had no intention of interfering with her duties.

 StrikeForce told Manta-Man, "While I may occasionally need to crash here, I have my own place. But thank you anyway."

Manta-Man stated he understood. He showed StrikeForce and Adamas where the temporary quarters and how to access the control pad to open it and assign his own pass code while he was using it. Seeing the expression on Adamas face, Manta-Man said “Or you can press this green button and T.E.A.C.H.E.R. will take care of it all for you.”

Adamas had been staying with Dr. Avery for some time, though relations have been strained at times, like the time Adamas entered the bathroom to better hear Donnah singing in the shower. Donnah was quite shocked and upset by his invasion of her privacy but Dr Avery was able to help him apologize and soothe Donnah’s feelings. He had since moved in with Jessica.

Jessica laughed as she showed Adamas how to use his new cellphone.  It was an older model with large numbers.  He didn’t seem to be able to comprehend all the little pictures (icons).  “If you’re not gallivanting around the universe, or travelling to another dimension, the least you can do is stay in touch.  I’m tired of not knowing where you are or what you’re doing… inquiring minds want to know.

I have been spending a lot of time with Paul lately, since he broke up with his girlfriend, he just can’t seem to get back in the game.”  Her eyes widened, “I know, why don’t we fix him up with one of your new friends, you know, Dreamweaver or Black Orchid.  They are both single, right?”

Adamas shrugged, staring at the small screen.  He felt uncomfortable enough in the Jeans and T-Shirt Jessica had acquired for him.  He hadn’t worn anything but his uniform for as long as he could remember.  “I don’t really know, we don’t usually talk about things like that.”

Jessica squeezed his enormous bicep playfully, “Well you should, and you are going to.  I expect you to ask one of them to join us for dinner on Friday, and you don’t want to let me down.  I’ll make the reservations tomorrow.”

Adamas sighed, and tried not to squeeze the tiny mechanical device.  Dr. Avery’s communicators are so much better he thought to himself, I wonder how he and Donna are getting along.

Adamas resigned himself to bring up the invitation with whichever of his new friends he had a few quiet moments with first.

 The Black Orchid was at first taken aback and reluctant. She had so concentrated on her career and tracking down the instigators of the explosion, she has done nothing outwardly to suggest any interest in other activities, especially along those fronts. She did however feel that she should do more to feel part of the group.

The Black Orchid looked side to side as she answers. “I’m… uh… flattered. I think I really need to… however… I guess I could go… It’s just a dinner right? So OK… yes?”

Jessica and Paul were very excited at dinner. Since they were both reporters their talk was about all the current events especially in the superhero community. They both quizzed Adamas and Black Orchid about the Crusaders and what the Citadel was like.

Paul was interested in what they could share about StrikeForce. He was researching a new organization what would specializing is cybernetics for beautification. They advocated replacing healthy organs with cyberganics. Paul stopped talking when he saw the expressions on his dinner companions’ faces. “Sorry, that is their term. It appears they have taken ‘cybernetics’ and ‘organics’ and merged them to coin the phrase ‘cyberganics’”

Jessica, always in competition with her brother and not to be outdone, said “I have been researching the recent break-ins in Research Facilities. While there have been a number of fatalities I have discovered that 1 scientist was missing.” Black Orchid stared in shock when Jessica said it was the name of the scientist. It was a fellow co-worker that had been in the lab explosion that had given Black Orchid her powers. She wondered if he was still alive and if he was where was he?

At the Crusaders Academy Skink met Canon, Rapidfire, Power Plant, Green Peace, and Manta Lad. Manta Lad told Skink that Manta-Man picked out his name. He would really like a cooler name like Stingray or Devil Ray but Manta-Man said no. The Skink clapped Manta Lad on the shoulder... "You’re gonna be ok, Man. Manta Man is the real thing, and he will understand when the time comes, that you'll want to assert your own identity and find your path... just don’t pick a weird name like Guitar Fish or something (laughs good naturedly)

 The CAST (which is what they call themselves: Crusaders Academy Student Team) asked Skink if he wanted to go to mall with them. They were doing shopping and getting pizza. C’mon, let hit the mall (wrapping his tail around his waist) that pizza won’t eat itself!"            

Dr Wildman looked upon the timber structure before him. Its architecture was somewhere between Nordic and Celtic, a nod to his European heritage. He could have gone Native American but that didn’t feel quite authentic for his personal tastes. ‘They’ve done a great job’ he silently reflected to himself. ‘They’ of course were the dryads, the woodshapers - the mystical peoples that his friend Evergreen hailed from. In fact Evergreen had visited a couple of times just to keep an eye on the project. The soil was rich here, the rain soft and good strong trees could be grown and shaped. To the untrained eye this was a large wooden hall, a little out of place in terms of style...but to be honest few would wonder here by accident and most were reluctant to as there was an eldritch nature to the place that created an uncomfortable dissonance; a sense of mystery. This was mainly in part due to the Tanith trees that had been interspersed with the native woodland. Tanith trees could move, not far or fast, but enough to confuse even the sharpest of scouts.

William adjusted the sports bag over his shoulder that held the Tome of the Ancients and what personal effects he had gathered since coming to the States. He’d have to go back to the UK to get the rest of his stuff in time; still it was enough for the moment. “Well, the moment of truth then…” he declared to no one in particular.

He approached the door and walked into his new home. There he found…

...the hearth blazing in the centre of the hall throwing shadows onto walls and the ceiling shaped by the ends of beams carved into the creatures of the dryads native realm. Shadows of creatures familiar in mythology and legend danced to the flickering flames.

Dr Wildman strode to the raised wooden Dias with its lectern shaped like a hawk with outstretched wings. Carefully he took out the Tome of Ancients and respectfully placed it on the hawk.

As the book was set down there blew through the Steading a gust of wind, unnatural in origin. The flames of the hearth were suddenly extinguished and for a moment darkness enveloped the hall. There was a faint ethereal laughter, warm, light hearted and mischievous accompanied by a shift in the atmosphere in the room. Dr Wildman was no longer alone.

William grinned - the dryads were renowned for their mirth and he had half expected a ‘house warming’ present. With an incantation he relit the hearth and as the light spread it revealed a hall filled not with the shadows, but with the very creatures themselves! There were unicorns and griffins, fairies and silver stags. What felt like the whole unnatural range of fauna of ‘Other World’ was before him and before he could utter an exclamation the doors flung open and the herd of creatures stampeded out!

“Oh crap!” the somewhat late exclamation finally burst out.

Two pairs of eyes watched the man carrying the sledgehammer from the distance.

Clyde found work in construction and demolition; he's particularly good at demolition with his weakness detection and strength, using his sledgehammer to bring down almost any building.  He considered trying to rob a bank or two, getting into a vault would be easy for him, but decided against that path.  Bedsides the fact that it would be wrong, he also knew that he's not the smartest, and knew he would get caught eventually by someone who would be able to stop him.  He would like to do the right thing, though he was not always sure what that was.  Breaking things was a lot less confusing, he was at his happiest when he had something to hit with his sledgehammer. 

“Being part of a group with a strong leader would be good for him, as long as that leader was leading a good direction.” said the women that one of the pairs of eyes belonged to. “While we have tried to give him that, he isn’t made for the secretive behind the scene work we have to do. He had performed well on the raids we have taken him on but  the wake he leaves behind is a little too public.”

“I know you are right Lilith, I have talked with Dr Arcane about getting him on a Superhero team. Since he is from the Domain and not one of us he should be able to fit in. I am sure he will even be glad to come up with some kind of code name.”

“I am glad to hear that Adam, when do you think she will get back with us?”

“She said to give her a couple of weeks.”

Lilith nodded and smiled as they both watched Clyde happily smash a cinderblock into a pile of dust with one swing of his silver sledgehammer.

 Dr Avery and Donnah contacted both Dr. Wildman and Adamas separately. They invited them to their home for dinner.

Adamas had been thinking of Dr. Avery and Donnah recently, and was happy to hear from them.  After a short conversation, he agreed to fly to the manor for dinner as soon as possible.

It would be good to see his friends again, as they had practically taken him in when he first came to this world, until he had moved in with Jessica.

It had been almost 7 years since William had last met Clinton Avery. They had been introduced by Lewis as part of his training as a Druid. His assistant: Apoucalous...that was his name was an officious prig who was no doubt highly efficient but socially...a difficult man to like. William couldn’t shake the feeling that talking to Avery was like he was being interviewed by his old Headmaster from his schooldays. He had seemed amiable enough but felt like he carried an unseen burden upon his shoulders. He had a natural authority about him that suggested a potency of character beyond his appearance.

What had stayed with him was Avery’s interest in what became the Cowl of Storms that he now wore. His manner suggested that his interest was personal rather than business. It was funny how that memory returned as the invitation owl!

“Well Avery, you are not so detached as to make a culturally relevant jest like that.” Dr Wildman mused with a smile on his lips.

A few days later William Wildman found himself outside Avery’s not insubstantial Manor alongside the towering Adamas. He adjusted his tie, a nervous habit, and looked at his watch. “Well Adamas, shall we…?” He gestured with an exaggerated bow towards the front door.

The two heroes entered the beautiful mansion. Dr Avery and Donnah were very glad to see them. Donnah gave Adamas a kiss on the cheek. “Now don’t tell Jessica.” She teased. She led them into the formal dining room as Dr. Avery followed behind. They enjoyed a nice dinner with good conversation as everyone shared recent events and stories of their lives.

Dr. Avery and Dr Wildman retired to his study to talk of more serious matters in the magical world. Dr. Avery let Dr Wildman know he had passed the Dr. Arcane mantel down to Donnah. She was now the new Dr. Arcane. Dr Avery asked Dr. Wildman if he would take her as his apprentice.

“I know you haven’t chosen your apprentice for the Guardian of the Sun,” Dr. Avery said, “I am not asking you to choose Donnah. I am asking to use that time to train her. Since I am no longer Sorcerer Supreme I have been training Donnah myself but she has a greater affinity to Nature Magic, especially Elemental Forces. I believe it has something to do with Occult’s changing her into a Wind Elemental. We were able through the help of Adamas and others like him to change her back but it appears there is still a connection.”

Adamas and Donnah walked into the garden. Adamas was surprised that Donnah asked if he would be willing to help another stranger in a strange land get acclimated to living on Earth. Clyde was his name and he would need someone understanding and patient to help him adjust to the customs of Earth, not unlike she had done with Adamas. Adamas knew Donnah well enough that she was calling in a favor owed. He could see if clearly in her eyes that the time she had forgiven him but had said “but you owe me”, that marker was being called in now.

Adamas knew that he wasn’t going to bring Clyde home to Jessica as a surprise house guest but instead he would arrange with Manta-Man for the offer of a permanent residence transferred to Clyde. Adamas let Donnah know what he was thinking; just to be sure he hadn’t missed some obscure cultural norm.

Donnah smiled and happily replied, “That is perfect Adamas, I am so proud of how far you have come and what you have learned. I am very proud of you, my friend.”

The two New Crusaders left the dinner together. With knowing looks, each knew that while the dinner was wonderful what came afterwards felt more like having to pay the check instead of dessert.

Manta-Man agreed to Adamas request. He said he would coordinate with Dr Arcane to help Clyde get moved in. Manta-Man introduced Clyde to all the other Crusaders and New Crusaders. Clyde chose the code name Demolisher.

When Black Orchid returned to the Citadel she immediately mentioned what Jessica had told her to Manta-Man. “Manta-Man, is there a way to run down this lead on a missing scientist? I’m not sure I want to start this search on CHESS computers yet as I don’t want to do anything to risk their location. All of the others who were involved in the accident that gave me my powers have disappeared and this is the first lead I’ve seen in a long time”

Manta-Man said, “I will contact Enforcer. He has the contacts and the skills to help you with this type of search. I will have him help you.”

Manta-Man talked with StrikeForce complimenting him on how well he took over in an emergency when Manta-Man. He asked StrikeForce if he would join him in his office as he wants to discussion management restructuring of Crusaders Corp with him.

"Thanks Manta-Man, I would be honored to step up, but I have to say that when you work with so many talented people, they make you look good. I promise you that I will give it my all. I hope that I can still pick your brain from time to time. You've been doing this a while, and I value your input."

Manta-Man said, “I will always been here to help. If not in person, then I will be available over the comms.”

StrikeForce went to the family business to use their facilities to upgrade his tech. There he added the glider wings and other features to his bionics. It is a part of him, not his costume. Jason was surprised to see Anna, as it had been before his injuries that caused his father to rebuild him as the Cyborg superhero that he was now. She had been a quiet younger girl, but she was now outgoing and engaging. She smiled and teased him by offering to give his circuitry a surge test.

Before StrikeForce could response in walked his brother and sister; she wanted StrikeForce some sense into his brother. His brother has been attending these rallies. It is all about how electronics and bionics are the future. How they will bring humanity to reaching their full potential. “How the Force will change us all, No! He isn’t going to a Star Wars convention!” She screamed at them.

Jason understood where his sister was coming from, but how could he be against bionics, he was alive thanks to them. He had to ask his brother though, "So.....Trey, What has sparked your interest in these areas?"

Trey replied, “I have been researching more about their uses. Trying to figure out news ways to improve our lives, that is when I discovered cyberganics. While use it to replace damaged or missing organs, when all organics are inferior to cybernetics. That is the future, replacing healthy but inferior organic materials with cyberganics.”

 StrikeForce’s sister grabbed his arm, pleading with him, “see, you have to talk Trey out of this nonsense!”

 While all these events were happening there was a storm coming towards Megalopolis. Out of nowhere it had arrived and it was nothing like they have ever seen before. It was worse than a hurricane or blizzard. It was tearing down power lines and causing large buildings to sway.

Dr. Wildman knew this isn’t a weather phenomenon that the Cowls of Storms couldn’t control or even abate. The storm was resisting his magic, as if it was already being control by magic.

Adamas could see the storm was causing damage to buildings. Airplanes were having difficulty maintaining altitude in this weather. He could see several that are in distress.

As the storms rolled in, Adamas could sense that something wasn’t right.  He tried to use his super senses to detect anything unusual about the storm. 

As soon as Jessica was safe, he moved to begin helping those in Danger, trying to communicate with the rest of the team to see if they were aware of the storm, and what or who was behind it.

Skink was with the CAST at the mall when the storm clouds dumped rain on the mall. There are a lot of windows in the building and it was full of shoppers. He could see that cars stacking up as people tried to leave in the heavy rains and they were having a difficult time driving in the parking lot. When the civil alert sirens went off Manta Lad said, “We need to help people get to shelter. Everyone is too exposed in the center of the mall. Cannon, go help the drivers. Rapidfire help the people to get away from the windows. The rest of us will go help where we can.

Black Orchid contacted CHESS on the iBoard. It was a communications device they had given her. They call it iBoard; another one of their CHESS jokes which they had a lot of.  There was no warning to the storm’s coming. It didn’t appear through natural forces. They were attempting to coordinate with FISH (Federal Intelligence - Supernatural and Horrific). She could help in the coordination or help provide rescue services with the agents in the field.  
The Black Orchid was happy to help with the coordination with CHESS, FISH and The Crusaders. She was also willing to quickly do so data analytics on the percentage likelihood of this occurring naturally and try to reverse engineer/model what might have led up to this, particularly pinpointing an origin location if possible. The data wasn’t able to be transferred to the Citadel. The storm was messing up Satellite communications. She needed to get to CHESS HQ to get access to the data.

Manta-Man and the Demolisher escort her there. The weather was too bad to take the Crusader Plane. They would have to run.

StrikeForce heard the Megalopolis emergency services were overwhelmed with calls. His monitoring of the distress calls inform him there was a mother with her 3 children who’s van was being swept away in a flash flood.

StrikeForce, receiving the distress call about the mother and her three children, leapt into action. Opening the comm. to the other New Crusaders, the Cyborg superhero stated, "This is StrikeForce, I am responding to a distress call. Be advised, I will be occupied for an undetermined amount of time. I will update when able. StrikeForce out." By the time this communication was ended he was already inside the pilot seat of the Crusaders Hover craft ready to take off. “This will get me there faster than I could do so under my own power, plus it is a blast to fly. " He thought.

At the Steading it was worse than a hurricane or blizzard. It was tearing down power lines and causing large buildings to sway. Dr. Wildman knew this isn’t a weather phenomenon that Cowls of Storms could control or even abate. The storm was resisting his magic, as if it was already being controlled by magic.

William was intrigued when TEACHER revealed that Storm Lord was incarcerated on Fear Island. Was it coincidence that as this 'eldritch' storm began to form as the meteorological megalomaniac found himself imprisoned. Still Stanislas might have some helpful insight into the nature of the storm that would be worth talking about. He asked TEACHER to set up an interview with the prison, given his new Crusader status it should be a reasonable request.

"This is StrikeForce, I am responding to to a distress call. Be advised, I will be occupied for an undetermined amount of time. I will update when able. StrikeForce out."

'Sounds like trouble' Dr Wildman mused - TEACHER where is Strikeforce's location?


"Hold the doors until I get there will you, and inform Strikeforce I'm on my way to lend assistance."

Dr Wildman grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, clapped his hands together and spoke the eldritch incantation: "size of a cheetah". With a flash of green mystical energy where Dr Wildman once stood now a cheetah pounced and leapt through the gate.

Once through the gate into the Citadel conference room, he sprinted down to the hanger. 'Hopefully he can give me a lift to Fear Island when this incident is over' he wondered to himself as he ran.

Hearing Teachers request, StrikeForce opened his comm to Dr. Wildman. "Hey Doc, waiting on you."

 In cheetah form Dr Wildman reached the hanger bay in record time. He leapt through the open hatch and as he landed reverted to human form taking a dramatic 'on one knee' stance. He shook his head and laughed: " Its a bit of a cliche, but it does lend the right amount of drama to our situation."

Throwing himself into the seat the dynamic druid started buckling up.

Nature was turning into super nature and this was what he trained as a druid for. There were people to save, disasters to avert, companions to adventure with and no doubt some mystical butt to kick!

He put his hand on Strikeforces shoulder. "Punch it Chewie!"

 At the "Punch it Chewie" line StrikeForce maneuvered the vehicle out of the New Crusaders headquarters. He looked at the Dynamic Druid, and in a completely straightforward tone he replied. "Doc, since You can become furry........shouldn't you be Chewie?"

"Fair Point" grinned Dr Wildman, and with that he clapped his hands. "Size of a gorrilla!" and in combination with a change colour cantrip a more golden gorilla than should exist sat in the co-pilot’s seat. With his best 'Chewbacca' impersonation he leaned his head back and growls!

 Speeding through the streets of Megalopolis Dr Wildman kept a keen eye out for trouble, grateful to the enhanced skills and reactions of his companion 'StrikeForce'. The unusual quiet of the cabin was an indicator that there was something bothering him internally. He broke the uncomfortable silence:

"I have to be honest Strike most people freak out a bit if I start speaking in animal forms. To most it's really unsettling to have a 400 lb gorilla speak to them in the Queen's English, let alone a hawk or a badger or whatever form I take! I suspect that's why the druid’s life is a bit...well...isolated. Let me know if it starts to freak you out and I'll change back, but clearly there are some advantages in taking the form of an animal."

With that the 'Cowl of Storms' reappears over the gorilla's torso and the familiar 'Amulet of Charming' wraps itself around his neck.

"One of the advantages of being a gorilla is that I can use the tools of my trade, it's not so easy as a fish or a spider to wear a hooded jacket - but as a gorilla I make it look good!"

 "Yeah Doc, you are the most stylish gorilla that I have ever seen. The talking in your animal form may unsettle some people, but honestly on one of first missions, I traveled to another dimension and met heroes from other Earths. So, I guess a talking animal doesn't seem so strange. Besides, there's no need to be isolated. I can show you around the cities if you want. There have to be some points of interest around here for you. If nothing else, we could grab a beer sometime."

With that said they flew towards the mini-van being swept away by the flood waters. When they arrived they both could see the frightened faces of the woman and her children pressed up against the windows.

<Turns and Actions due April 15th>

I plan on playing this as a free form narrative with Saving rolls for actions and rescue attempts. If you want more details please email me and ask. If you want to create the rescues scenario that appeals to you most then feel free to. This is a hurricane, tornado, flood, and monsoon all rolled into one. Have fun with it.

Please welcome Chris to our game as a new player. He is playing Demolisher, aka Clyde to the New Crusaders.

Great issue Tom. I am excited to continue on. I will think on the other questions and get back to you soon.

 Another great issues and a victorious conclusion for the New Crusaders!

I'd like to stay on playing please. I'm really enjoying myself - thanks for letting me join in.

Dr Wildman will decline the offer of a room in the Citadel and will base himself at his Steading. He will however use CP's to memorize the meeting room in the Citadel as a 'Druids Gate' location.
He will keep an eye out on Skink and his ongoing mutation. He is professionally (and pastorally) concerned as a leading Zoologist in the transformation of the young teenager; and Skink may have the potential to become a Guardian.
In the Steading he will continue his mystical studies in developing new spells to aid him in his ongoing conflict with the Brotherhood. OOC: In addition to the spells I wrote to you earlier about I'd also like to investigate how to evolve the healing/mending cantrip into a more potent spell.

I'll have some other thoughts I'm sure and will post them over the Christmas holiday season.

 Ooc: its vnv.. Of course in staying!

"Im ok, man.. Just felt super weird after my tail grew in.. Probably could do with a checkup.."

To Mantaman

"Yes sir! You dont know what this means to me and ill do my best, cuz I learned from the best.. Thank you!! (Shakes his hand) I wanna work with the new group to learn more, its an honor, but you know i gotta work it out with the guys (motions with thumb to group) theyd be a wreck without me.. I know this citys got trouble enough all round for us to beat on, and we can work it out! Cant wait, Sir!"

 Merry Christmas!

Adamas is in!

Merry Christmas everyone from the UK. Hope you have a fantastic day, get lots of loot and enjoy time with friends and family.

God bless
 Merry Christmas! May your time with family and friends be wonderful and with good cheer.

 Merry Christmas to you and yours.

 Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and yes! The Black Orchid will be there for whatever adventure awaits!

 Also, I'm adding a friend of mine who is potentially interested in playing. He's never done V&V before, but I've been gaming with him for years in my Sunday in-person RPG sessions. I've sent him all of the issues of the previous adventure to catch up. I don't think he has a character idea yet. (We just saw Into the Spiderverse yesterday which got us talking about all this!)

 Wonderful. Glad you are reading our stuff Chris. If you have any questions let me know. Can always add a new player.

 Happy New Year everyone from the UK! Hope you have a good one.

  You as well Steve.

 Happy New Year!

 Hi Tom,

Seeing as we are focusing on backgrounds, NPC's etc I have added some images and visual 'colour' to Dr Wildman's background that I wrote a while back. I hope it's helpful. To be honest it gave me an excuse to have an hours 'cave' time to recover from a very sociable Christmas period!

 The Black Orchid considers Manta-Man's offer. "I would be honored to stay at Crusader Citadel, as long as it doesn't interfere with my duties as a CHESS agent. I would be glad to stay on in an official capacity as a liaison between CHESS and the Crusaders if I could get approval."

As to CP, I use my inventing points quite a bit, so using them to free up inventing points sounds great!

 StrikeForce tells Manta-Man, "While I may occasionally need to crash here, I have my own place. But thank you anyway."

 Steve, I would like to add a little more to Dr. Wildman's history if that is okay with you. You can change the wording as you see fit.

The conflict between Brotherhood of the Moon vs Guardians of the Sun has resembled what modern historians would refer to as a "Cold" War. Never has a large scale, open magical battle occurred. This isn't because of the Guardians never having more than 12 members or both sides fearing mutual destruction. It is the presence of the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. Throughout history the Sorcerer Supreme has served to functions; first and foremost is the role of protector of Earth from all other Dimensional Domains that would attempt to subjugate the Earth. Second is to protect the Earth from suffering destruction from magical users reckless unleashing and losing control of the forces they control. Throughout the centuries different Sorcerer Supreme's have either out right allow magic to be visible and flourish or has restricted it keeping it to the shadows. This is evidence by the growth of mythology during certain historical periods and then others where magic is consider a trick or optical illusion.

During Dr Wildman training to take his place in the Guardians of the Sun, Lewis Silverhand introduced him to Dr Arcane, the Sorcerer Supreme. Dr Arcane was allowing magical use to flourish is the spotlight with the introduction of Super Heroes and Villains to the world. He still required the "Cold" War nature of the conflicts between Earth's magical organizations with them not escalating to anything larger that what would be viewed as battling super teams to the public.

Dr. Wildman has personal relationship with Dr Arcane which he knows is Doctor Clinton Avery, his granddaughter Donnah Hannah and Doctor Avery's assistant, Doctor Pietor Apoucalos. All reside in the city of Hallow Hills with Megalopolis.

It has been several years since Dr Wildman and Dr Arcane has seen each other.

Very happy to weave this into the tale of Dr Wildman.

I can't remember the name of the Champions adventure the images came from but I remember it being one of my favorites back in the day.

I love the integration of the two main heroic worlds of my youth! I still fondly remember Crusader Vs Ogre from Champions as much as Volcanic Man Vs the alien character from V&V1.

Ah nostalgia!

 It was the The Coriolis Effect module. I used it as the base shell for the Quest that played out several V&V adventures including the Devil's Domain from Sept 2010 to Jan 2017.

I really like the Champions modules. I tend to use them with the Champion characters replaced by V&V characters. There aren't any Champion villains that are really that much better than the V&V ones, so I don't have to worry about translations issues.

Best thing about nostalgia, is you can go there again in RPGs.
 Loved that one, another favorite was the Blood and Dr. McQuark.

I think Adamas has been staying with Dr. Avery for some time, though relations have been strained at times... I seem to remember Adamas entering the bathroom to better hear Donna singing in the shower... loved the interactions with these characters.

 I was curious about the legends of Megalopolis. Are those characters still running around in the background (so to speak), or have they left the cities?

Most of them are. Windblown is in England. I have permission to use a few of them as NPCs in the campaign but others I had the player drop without giving me permission. So I can reference them as needed but not all can come back into the game to be played as a NPC.

 Cool Tom. I was wondering what the 411 on that was. If you need him for some reason, feel free to use Starbolt.

 Here is the first stab - let me know if that is what you had in mind.

I'll include the Stormlord bit in the main reply as the Magical Storm gives him a reason to make the visit.

 Yes it is exactly what I am looking for.

A few notes. In our run of the module Donnah was cured at the end. She isn't an Air Elemental anymore. I have too many players drop playing that by the time we got to that section only one of the players had any attachment to her.

We can still play out Dr. Avery's interest in the Storm of Cowls but it will be for a different reason than helping contain her if she lost control of her powers.

 Whew! That's great.

How about we play it that Dr Avery is interested in either the Cowl or Amulet - which ever serves a plot better.

Re: Storm Lord; CiCC says that his Father was ' a WW2 hero called Excalibur" from whom he inherited his powers. I'm not sure how you interpret that but given that real time has marched on would it be possible to interpret it that Excalibur was his Grandfather and that Excalibur was the wielder of the 'Sword of Storms' the functional form of the 'Cowl of Storms' during that time period and was himself a Guardian who passed the artifact onto Lewis Silverhand. Storm Lord's powers come from a mutation caused by the 'sword'; recessive in his father but dominant in him. Storm Lord wants the artifact because he feels it’s his by inheritance rights (His thinking like a lord of nobility) and that it might magnify his natural powers as it is responsible for giving them to him.

Just an idea and may influence the interaction - what do you think?
 I think that is awesome! Definitely will run with that.

 I have a quick question. Would the hover vehicle be the best option to use for attempting to rescue the woman and her three kids?  Can StrikeForce bring it in close enough to get to her and her kids?

 Yes to both questions

 Thanks. I am still working on my reply, both for the rescue and StrikeForce's interaction with Manta-Man.

Information on Scientist at work(possible love interest for Jason aka StrikeForce)

Her family are old friends of Jason's parents. She was adopted as a baby from Vietnam.

Name: Anna Parrish
Age: 21 or 22
Height: 110lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

Interests and hobbies: Parkour, rock climbing, and a new interest in self-defense training since getting mugged.

These would be some things to get Jason's interest.

Is there any other information that you need on this?

 To Manta-Man's complimentary statements on his temporary leadership in the field, and wanting him to accept a bigger role as field leader.

"Thanks Manta-Man, I would be honored to step up, but I have to say that when you work with so many talented people, they make you look good. I promise you that I will give it my all. I hope that I can still pick your brain from time to time. You've been doing this a while, and I value your input."

Scientist's introduction:

Jason was surprised to see Anna, as it had been before his injuries that caused his father to rebuild him as the Cyborg superhero that he was now. She had been a quiet younger girl, but she was now outgoing and engaging.

His siblings interaction:

Jason understands where his sister is coming from, but how could he be against bionics, he was alive thanks to them. He had to ask his brother though, "So.....Trey, What has sparked your interest in these areas?"

 StrikeForce, receiving the distress call about the mother and her three children, leaps into action. Opening the comm. to the other New Crusaders, the Cyborg superhero states, "This is StrikeForce, I am responding to to a distress call. Be advised, I will be occupied for an undetermined amount of time. I will update when able. StrikeForce out." By the time this communication was ended he is already inside the pilot seat of the Crusaders Hover craft ready to take off. " This will get me there faster than I could do so under my own power, plus it is a blast to fly. " He thinks. He then flies towards the action.

OOC: I don't know if anyone is joining me, or if any of npc Crusaders wanted to go, so I will leave that option open.
 Currently there is a storm front building in Megalopolis. Out of nowhere it has arrived and it is nothing like they have ever seen before. It is worse than a hurricane or blizzard. It is tearing down power lines and causing large buildings to sway.
Dr. Wildman knows this isn’t a weather phenomenon that Cowls of Storms can control or even abate. The storm is resisting his magic, as if it was already being controlled by magic.

William was intrigued when TEACHER revealed that Storm Lord was incarcerated on Fear Island. Was it coincidence that as this 'eldritch' storm began to form as the meteorological megalomaniac found himself imprisoned. Still Stanislas might have some helpful insight into the nature of the storm that would be worth talking about. He asked TEACHER to set up an interview with the prison, given his new Crusader status it should be a reasonable request.

"This is StrikeForce, I am responding to to a distress call. Be advised, I will be occupied for an undetermined amount of time. I will update when able. StrikeForce out."

'Sounds like trouble' Dr Wildman mused - TEACHER where is Strikeforce's location?


"Hold the doors until I get there will you, and inform Strikeforce I'm on my way to lend assistance."

Dr Wildman grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, clapped his hands together and spoke the eldritch incantation: "size of a cheetah". With a flash of green mystical energy where Dr Wildman once stood now a cheetah pounced and sprinted down to the hanger. 'Hopefully he can give me a lift to Fear Island when this incident is over' he wondered to himself as he ran.

 The Black Orchid is happy to help with the coordination with CHESS, FISH and The Crusaders. She is also willing to quickly do so data analytics on the percentage likelihood of this occurring naturally and try to reverse engineer/model what might have led up to this, particularly pinpointing an origin location if possible.

Also, I kept trying to fill out the Me Time file and messing up so I redid it. My responses are in red.
Hearing Teachers request, StrikeForce opened his comm to Dr. Wildman. "Hey Doc, waiting on you."

 In cheetah form Dr Wildman reached the hanger bay in record time. He leapt through the open hatch and as he landed reverted to human form taking a dramatic 'on one knee' stance. He shook his head and laughed: " Its a bit of a cliche, but it does lend the right amount of drama to our situation."

Throwing himself into the seat the dynamic druid starts buckling up.

Nature was turning into super nature and this was what he trained as a druid for. There were people to save, disasters to avert, companions to adventure with and no doubt some mystical butt to kick!

He puts his hand on Strikeforces shoulder. "Punch it Chewie!"

OOC: Tom, I've been looking at the rules. I'm trying to design the "King Sized" spell and healing potions.

Am I on the right path?

King Sized Spell
Size Change Large 24' (30 cp)
Usable 3 times a day (0 pr stepped down to 3 charges = 6 steps -15 cp)
Linked to Shapeshift Spell (can only use to shift into giant animals -2.5 cp)
Duration 1 hour per use (0 cp)
Requires BC INT save to activate (new spell being learned; -2.5 cp)
Total cost 10 cp

Healing Potion
Healing 3 hp a round (22.5 cp)
Gear (potion bottles -5 cp)
Duration 3 turns (+5 cp)
Charges, 3 bottles carried (5 steps down -12.5 cp)
Components; rare plants and roots (-2 to roll, -5 cp)
Total cost 5 cp

 At the "Punch it Chewie" line StrikeForce maneuvers the vehicle out of the New Crusaders headquarters. He looks at the Dynamic Druid, and in a completely straightforward tone he replies. "Doc, since You can become furry........shouldn't you be Chewie?"

 At the "Punch it Chewie" line StrikeForce maneuvers the vehicle out of the New Crusaders headquarters. He looks at the Dynamic Druid, and in a completely straightforward tone he replies. "Doc, since You can become furry........shouldn't you be Chewie?"

"Fair Point" grinned Dr Wildman, and with that he claps his hands. "Size of a gorrilla!" and in combination with a change colour cantrip a more golden gorilla than should exist sits in the co-pilots seat. With his best 'Chewbacca' impersonation he leans his head back and growls!

Dr Wildman will use his survival skills and Druid Skills to anticipate any storm related incidents they may confront on route to their final destination.

 Speeding through the streets of Megalopolis Dr Wildman keeps a keen eye out for trouble, grateful to the enhanced skills and reactions of his companion 'StrikeForce'. The unusual quiet of the cabin was an indicator that there was something bothering him internally. He broke the uncomfortable silence:

"I have to be honest Strike most people freak out a bit if I start speaking in animal forms. To most it's really unsettling to have a 400 lb gorilla speak to them in the Queen's English, let alone a hawk or a badger or whatever form I take! I suspect that's why the druids life is a bit...well...isolated. Let me know if it starts to freak you out and I'll change back, but clearly there are some advantages in taking the form of an animal."

With that the 'Cowl of Storms' reappears over the gorilla's torso and the familiar 'Amulet of Charming' wraps itself around his neck.

"One of the advantages of being a gorilla is that I can use the tools of my trade, it's not so easy as a fish or a spider to wear a hooded jacket - but as a gorilla I make it look good!"

 "Yeah Doc, you are the most stylish gorilla that I have ever seen. The talking in your animal form may unsettle some people, but honestly on one of first missions, I traveled to another dimension and met heroes from other Earths. So, I guess a talking animal doesn't seem so strange. Besides, there's no need to be isolated. I can show you around the cities if you want. There have to be some points of interest around here for you. If nothing else, we could grab a beer sometime."

The Skink clapped Manta Lad on the shoulder... "Youre gonna be ok, Man. Manta Man is the real thing, and he will understaand when the time comes, that you'll want to assert your own identity and find your path... just dont pick a weird name like Guitar Fish or something (laughs goodnaturedly) Cmon, let hit the mall (wrapping his tail around his waist) that pizza wont eat itself!"             

 Dr Wildman: He travel to his lodge and walked into this new home. There he found …

Dr Wildman looked upon the timber structure before him. Its architecture was somewhere between Nordic and Celtic, a nod to his European heritage. He could have gone Native American but that didn’t feel quite authentic for his personal tastes. ‘They’ve done a great job’ he silently reflected to himself. ‘They’ of course were the dryads, the woodshapers - the mystical peoples that his friend Evergreen hailed from. In fact Evergreen had visited a couple of times just to keep an eye on the project. The soil was rich here, the rain soft and good strong trees could be grown and shaped. To the untrained eye this was a large wooden hall, a little out of place in terms of style...but to be honest few would wonder here by accident and most were reluctant to as there was an eldritch nature to the place that created an uncomfortable dissonance; a sense of mystery. This was mainly in part due to the Tanith trees that had been interspersed with the native woodland. Tanith trees could move, not far or fast, but enough to confuse even the sharpest of scouts.

William adjusted the sports bag over his shoulder that held the Tome of the Ancients and what personal effects he had gathered since coming to the States. He’d have to go back to the UK to get the rest of his stuff in time, still it was enough for the moment. “Well, the moment of truth then…” he declared to no one in particular.

He approached the door and walked into his new home. There he found…

...the hearth blazing in the centre of the hall throwing shadows onto walls and the ceiling shaped by the ends of beams carved into the creatures of the dryads native realm. Shadows of creatures familiar in mythology and legend danced to the flickering flames.

Dr Wildman strode to the raised wooden Dias with its lectern shaped like a hawk with outstretched wings. Carefully he took out the Tome of Ancients and respectfully placed it on the hawk.

As the book was set down there blew through the Steading a gust of wind, unnatural in origin. The flames of the hearth were suddenly extinguished and for a moment darkness enveloped the hall. There was a faint ethereal laughter, warm, light hearted and mischievous accompanied by a shift in the atmosphere in the room. Dr Wildman was no longer alone.

William grinned - the dryads were renowned for their mirth and he had half expected a ‘house warming’ present. With an incantation he relit the hearth and as the light spread it revealed a hall filled not with the shadows, but with the very creatures themselves! There were unicorns and griffins, fairies and silver stags. What felt like the whole unnatural range of fauna of ‘Other World’ was before him and before he could utter an exclamation the doors flung open and the herd of creatures stampeded out!

“Oh crap!” the somewhat late exclamation finally burst out.
 Dr Avery and Donnah contacted both Dr. Wildman and Adamas separately. They invited them to their home for dinner.

It had been almost 7 years since William had last met Clinton Avery. They had been introduced by Lewis as part of his training as a Druid. His assistant: Apoucalous...that was his name, was an officious prig who was no doubt highly efficient but socially...a difficult man to like. William couldn’t shake the feeling that talking to Avery was like he was being interviewed by his old Headmaster from his schooldays. He had seemed amiable enough but felt like he carried an unseen burden upon his shoulders. He had a natural authority about him that suggested a potency of character beyond his appearance.

What had stayed with him was Avery’s interest in what became the Cowl of Storms that he now wore. His manner suggested that his interest was personal rather than business. It was funny how that memory returned as the invitation owl!

“Well Avery, you are not so detached as to make a culturally relevant jest like that.” Dr Wildman mused with a smile on his lips.

A few days later William Wildman found himself outside Avery’s not insubstantial Manor alongside the towering Adamas. He adjusted his tie, a nervous habit, and looked at his watch. “Well Adamas, shall we…?” He gestured with an exaggerated bow towards the front door.

 Currently there is a storm front building in Megalopolis. Out of nowhere it has arrived and it is nothing like they have ever seen before. It is worse than a hurricane or blizzard. It is tearing down power lines and causing large buildings to sway.

Dr. Wildman knows this isn’t a weather phenomenon that Cowls of Storms can’t control or even abate. The storm is resisting his magic, as if it was already being control by magic.

Adamas can see the storm is causing damage to buildings. Airplanes are having difficulty maintain altitude in this weather. He can see several that are in distress.

Skink knows the CAST are at the mall during this storm (did he go with them?). There are a lot of windows in the building and it is full of shoppers. He can also see that cars are having a difficult time driving in the rain as the streets start following

StrikeForce is he the Megalopolis emergency services are overwhelmed with calls. His monitoring of the distress calls inform him there is a mother with her 3 children who’s van is being swept away in a flash flood.

Black Orchid contacts CHESS on the IBoard. There was no warning to the storm’s coming. It did appear through natural forces. They are attempting to coordinate with FISH (Federal Intelligence - Supernatural and Horrific). She can help in the coordination or help provide rescue services with the agents in the field.

 Jessica laughed as she showed Adamas how to use his new cellphone.  It was an older model with large numbers.  He didn’t seem to be able to comprehend all the little pictures (icons).  “If you’re not gallivanting around the universe, or travelling to another dimension, the least you can do is stay in touch.  I’m tired of not knowing where you are or what you’re doing… inquiring minds want to know.
I have been spending a lot of time with Paul lately, since he broke up with his girlfriend, he just can’t seem to get back in the game.”  Her eyes widened, “I know, why don’t we fix him up with one of your new friends, you know, Dreamweaver or Black Orchid.  They are both single, right?”
Adamas shrugged, staring at the small screen.  He felt uncomfortable enough in the Jeans and T-Shirt Jessica had acquired for him.  He hadn’t worn anything but his uniform for as long as he could remember.  “I don’t really know, we don’t usually talk about things like that.”
Jessica squeezed his enormous bicep playfully, “Well you should, and you are going to.  I expect you to ask one of them to join us for dinner on Friday, and you don’t want to let me down.  I’ll make the reservations tomorrow.”
Adamas sighed, and tried not to squeeze the tiny mechanical device.  Dr. Avery’s communicators are so much better he thought to himself, I wonder how he and Donna are getting along.
Adamas resigned himself to bring up the invitation with whichever of his new friends He had a few quiet moments with first.

Adamas had been thinking of Dr. Avery and Donnah recently, and was happy to hear from them.  After a short conversation, he agreed to fly to the manor for dinner as soon as possible.
It would be good to see his friends again, as they had practically taken him in when he first came to this world, until he had moved in with Jessica.

As the storms rolled in, Adamas could sense that something wasn’t right.  He tried to use his super senses to detect anything unusual about the storm. 
As soon as Jessica was safe, he moved to begin helping those in Danger, trying to communicate with the rest of the team to see if they were aware of the storm, and what or who was behind it.

 The Black Orchid is at first taken aback and reluctant. She has so concentrated on her career and tracking down the instigators of the explosion, she has done nothing outwardly to suggest any interest in other activities, especially along those fronts. She does however feel that she should do more to feel part of the group.
The Black Orchid looks side to side as she answers. “I’m… uh… flattered. I think I really need to… however… I guess I could go… It’s just a dinner right? So OK… yes?”

 At the Crusader Citadel she bumps into Manta Lad. Literally bumps into him as he is running down the hallway as he is late to his class in the Crusader Academy. He said “Hi, good to see you again, Thanks again for helping me save Manta-Man and the rest of the Crusaders against the Crushers. Sorry, I have to go. I’m late to class. Manta-Man still has me in school.”

“It was my pleasure and an honor to work with Manta Man. Good luck on your studies Manta Lad.”

 Black Orchid learned that there was a missing scientist from her explosion that gave her vacuum based powers. It isn’t known whether he was kidnapped by those that destroyed the lab or not.

The Black Orchid will immediately mention this to Manta-Man. “Manta-Man, is there a way to run down this lead on a missing scientist? I’m not sure I want to start this search on CHESS computers yet as I don’t want to do anything to risk their location. All of the others who were involved in the accident that gave me my powers have disappeared and this is the first lead I’ve seen in a long time”

   Marc and I rolled up a character, I have basic stats.  I can send them to you and you can see what you think, we basically ended up rolling up the Shoveler from Mystery Men.  I rolled background and everything and got a human construction worker who has gained his powers from a mysterious cult and has a magic weapon, which I decided was a Sledgehammer.  I am thinking a sort of Wrecking Crew vibe from Thor, if you're familiar with them.  I can mail you the stats I have for now tonight.
  Thanks for letting me join in this game, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun!
 I am familiar with both the Shoveler and the Wrecking Crew. I think we can work their vibe.

On the mysterious cult from the history of Megalopolis I have the Templar Knight and Order of Sceva on the side of Order. There is the Cult of Stellar Propitiation and Magi of the Black Rose which is on the side of the Domain. The Coven of Sargatanas is on the side of Chaos.

I looked at my previous notes on Magic. I have a name for a magic hammer if you want to use it for your sledgehammer: Silver Hammer of Sargatanas. The way magic works in Megalopolis the hammer would take a shape to reflect its master. So it would be a War Hammer for a Knight but a Sledgehammer for your character.

Your character doesn't have to be a member of the mysterious cult to get it. He could have found it or they could have bestowed it on him (including his thinking he found it, took it, etc without his knowing they want him to have it) for their own mysterious reason.

 What I was thinking was maybe he's from another dimension and ended up here because his absorption powers gave him Dimensional Travel and since he didn't really know how to use it ( and rolled really bad! ) he ended up here, once the power faded he was trapped here.
        He found work in construction and demolition, he's particularly good at demolition with his weakness detection and strength, using his sledgehammer to bring down almost any building.  He considered trying to rob a bank or two, getting into a vault would be easy for him, but decided against that path.  Bedsides the fact that it would be wrong, he also knows that he's not the smartest, and knew he would get caught eventually by someone who would be able to stop him.  He would like to do the right thing, though he is not always sure what that is.  Breaking things is a lot less confusing, he is at his happiest when he has something to hit with his sledgehammer.  Being part of a group with a strong leader would be good for him, as long as that leader is leading a good direction.

Thats the gist of what I was thinking, if you could make sure the build makes sense and fill in the  details, that would be great.  I know the basics of the rules but not all the details yet, i borrowed the book from Marc and I'm reading through it.   let me kn ow what you think, and that again for letting me join in, this sounds like a ton of fun.  Thanks,

Chris Burke
For background, your PCs home dimension is the Domain. He was forced to work on the dimensional bridge. When the Heroes of the Quest came to defeat the Tryant of the Domain. Your PC fell from the bridge through the portal to Earth. There you were found by FISH. You have been helping them deal with the Magical Cults that were supporting the Domains invasion plans.

On one of those raids is when he discovered his Magical Item.

Since the storm is magically controlled FISH has sent you to investigate and help.

I hope this gives you enough to start with. I am working on creating your character sheet. I will try to finish it tonight.

By the way, I missed what your PC'S name/code name is. Can you tell me again.

 Sounds good to me.  I hadn't really come up with a code name, how about Demolisher?  That sounds like what he does, real name is Clyde Kowalski.  Can you send me some more info about what the Domain is and the Tyrant?  I see Clyde as not very smart, he tries to do the right thing but can be easily misled.  It's good he fell in with people who are on the right side, so he is on the right path.   He needs a job and working for FISH gives him that and a way to use his talents.  He really like breaking things.
       He is trying to get better at other things but that's hard for him.  Also because of the weird effects his absorbing powers have, he never knows exactly whats going to happen.  Clyde is heading towards the center of the storm to see what he can figure out and get as many people as he can out of harms way.

Chris Burke