Friday, June 14, 2019

Crusade: Elephant in the Room - Issue 48

{Location: Everglades Florida, the Base of the Chemical Thieves}

Last Turn
“That will be enough of that.” Psi-Prime said as his eyes glowed. “You are powerful Adamas. Definitely the most powerful opponent I have ever faced. Obviously my coins will have little impact of you if you are able to rip my base apart like you just did.”

“I think I am going to have to extend my powers beyond normal in order to stop you.” The glow around Psi-Prime’s eyes expanded to encompass his entire head. A blast of physic energy unleashed from the Super Scientist striking Adamas’ brain with full force. The Diamond Dynamo resisted as best as he could but failed.

Adamas failed. He fell unconscious to the floor.


None of the New Crusaders are on level C. Therefore they don’t know what is happening there.

The guard moved toward the other Prime Squaddies. He fired his pistol at StrikeForce. His shot missed.

Level A
Evergreen stepped out of the elevator. “So this is where those who would destroy nature have chosen to hide. You cannot hide within the very thing you seek to destroy and you cannot hide from me!” She raised her arms and twirled them in a circular fashion. Within 5 seconds she lowered her arms to point at guards One and Two. From outside the base the plant life on the island grew and twisted together. Shaping themselves into giant vines, as they stretched through the hole leading into the base; the plants moved toward the two guards.

Across the floor the animated plant life twitches and jerked as it reached out for the guards. They entwined and snare the guards within the branches and trunks which comprised the summoned growing animated plants. It had successfully grabbed the two guards in its constricting grasp.


Viewing Level C on the Security Screens, Manta-Man said, “We have company coming, get ready New Crusaders!”

When they switched to level D they saw a lone figure standing and looking down at Adamas. This had to be the Psi-Prime they had heard speaking over the intercom. He wasn’t wearing the costume of Dr. Velo but Dr. Wildman thought the super scientist looked about the same size and build as Dr. Velo.

Switching the cameras to level E they saw Adamas lying unconscious in the water filled floor next to the broken Water Purifier Unit. Manta-Man noticed a side tunnel in the wall not far from Adamas.

Dr. Wildman found which switch turned the camera to the tunnel on Level E. He switched over to the end of the tunnel.

What they saw were two missiles in launch bays. The missiles were inactive.

“So that is how Psi-Prime is going to deliver the chemicals. He is going to contaminate the oceans.” Manta-Man said.

This Turn

On Level E
[13] Adamas dreamed of large women. One woman more than others; Maxima was her name.
{GM Note: Adamas failed his wake up roll}

Level A

[12] Skink held his action. He waited for the Inhuman League to arrive.

[ 9] TicToc attacked Thomas, the Prime Squadron guard. He bit down on the torso of the guard. Thomas grunted in pain as the giant crocodile’s teeth penetrated his armored vest.

[6] Manta-Man flew through the hole in the floor. He went down until he arrived at Level E. He attempted to wake up Adamas. Manta-Man decided an electric shock would be the fastest way to revive him.


Adamas woke up. Manta-Man said in his comm., “Adamas is awake. Let’s get ‘im New Crusaders.”
Manta-Man quickly briefed Adamas on all that the New Crusaders knew about the base and mini-sub.

Level D

[5] Psi-Prime walked away from where he stood over Adamas and Manta-Man. He had to get his plan into action before the New Crusaders could stop it. He went to the room where his links computers were. Psi-Prime worked on his computer console. An alarm sounded continuously and a red light strobe on all floors. A computer voice came over the loud speaker.

Launch sequence has commenced. Man your stations! Man your Stations! Launch will commence in 120 seconds.
{GM Note: Each turn is 10 seconds. The players have 12 turns to stop the 2 missiles from launching. This is the 1st turn.}

Level A

[5] Next Dr. Wildman and Manta-Man switched the camera to level C. “There’s the Inhuman League”, Manta-Man said. “I recognize Spyder and Tank Gunner. I don’t know who the winged woman or the alligator man is.”

They watched the winged woman fly into the elevator shaft.

Dr Wildman looked away from the screen and stole a glance around the room, rapidly assessing the situation. It took moments but years of survival training had taught him that if you are going to act, act decisively.

"Well it's time to deal with this...Inhuman League then." He announced to no one in particular and then he starts singing!

"You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up
And turned you around
Turned you into someone new"

As he started this first refrain he looked at TicToc and mystically pulsed "There is another reptile coming to dominate your territory." He then impressed the image of the Aligator-man on TicToc's consciousness. The 15' bull crocodile gave a throaty roar of challenge swinging his tail from side to side.

"Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too."

Still singing he moved towards the elevator, breaking from song: "Excuse me ladies!" as he passed Evergreen and walked into the elevator.

"Don't. Don't you want me?
You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me"

"Going down" With a gesture Dr Wildman pressed the button and the doors began to close

"SIZE OF AN ELEPHANT!" was heard as the doors close and there was a bright nimbus of green energy that shined through the retreating crack of the elevator doors. The song continued but in a much deeper, strangely pitched voice...almost as if sung by an elephant stuck in a lift, were that possible!


And the gears and mechanisms of the lift began to creak under strain of more weight than it was designed to carry!


A cable holding the elevator gave way. Safety measures designed to keep the elevator car from free falling to the bottom of the shaft engaged. They strained and groaned from holding the extreme weight but held they did.

{GM Note: I decided the best way to figure out how long the elevator would hold before free falling to the bottom was for the Elevator to have to perform a Strength save against Dr. Wildman the Elephant Man’s Mass. This was a 2d6 vs d6+d8 roll. The Elevator rolled 9 and Dr Wildman rolled 6. So the Elevator held for 10 seconds. Next turn I will lower the Elevators Strength dice 1 level to represent its weakening. Next turn the Strength save roll will be d10+1 vs d6+d8.}

[4] Evergreen turned to face Commander Schmidt of the Prime Squadron. The animated plants under her control lifted the two Prime Squadron Squaddies up into the air. Oscar and Tyrone called to Thomas and Commander Schmidt for help. The animated plants carried their two captives with them through the opening in the ceiling. The plants had receded back to where they came from with the prisoners in their grip.

Evergreen said, “Surrender Commander, there is no way you will survive. Your master won’t keep his promises and we are going to stop him anyway. Save yourself a lot of pain and just give up.”

Commander Schmidt said, “Never! Psi-Prime is going to control the world and I have already staked my claim to my piece as the Commander of the Prime Squadron.”

Evergreen removed a thorn from her costume. She attacked the Commander.


She sliced opened Schmidt’s shoulder with the thorn. The wound ooze as the venom from the thorn entered her opponent’s body.

Commander Schmidt grimace in pain. “I recognize that venom. I too have been to the Lost Lands. I made friends with a Shaman there who gave me a potion which made me immune to that venom. It came at a high price but it was worth not to ever experience the horrifying hallucinations that venom brings.”

{GM Note: Commander Schmidt roll a 1 on his d20 save roll, twice! I decided critical success would be immunity to the venom.}

[3] Commander Schmidt shot his pistol at Evergreen


The bullet struck Evergreen in the shoulder. She grunted and rolled with the damage.

{GM Note: 4 points of damage from the gunshot. Evergreen rolled with all 4, -4 PP}

[3] Above level A, outsider the base, the New Crusaders could hear gunshots being fired. It was Prime Squadron guards Oscar and Tyrone attempting to free themselves from Evergreen’s animated plants.

[3] Prime Squadron guard Thomas fired at the charmed crocodile. His gunshot missed.

[2] Black Orchid was surprised to hear that Adamas had been down. She looked for the ‘company’ that was coming but not seeing anyone she decided to vacuum blast Commander Schmidt.


Commander Schmidt shuttered from the immense cold of the vacuum blast as it drained energy from his body. He slumped over greatly drained but he was still not fatigue and could fight on.

[1] Skink decided the Inhuman League was not going to arrive soon. He attacked the nearest Prime Squad guard to him. He struck Thomas with his claws.


Skink’s claws ripped through the squaddies protective armor. Thomas fell to the ground incapacitated.

On Level C

[4] Alligator prepared to leap two floors onto level A. He miss judged the distance and he jumped all the way through the base out to the top of the island. He landed. Alligator snarled in frustration. He turned and started running back toward the opening in the base.

{GM Note: Since Alligator was traveling through multiple floors by jumping I had him made the same agility save as I have StrikeForce do when he jumped into the base. Alligator rolled a 20 and 19 on his AGI save roll. For the fumble I decided he jumped too hard. So he flew past his target to the level above it which was the island outside.}

On level B

[4] White Heron flew up the elevator shaft to level A. When she reached the half in the bottom of the elevator car she was shocked she couldn’t open it. Something heavy was on top of it and it wouldn’t budge. She flew from level A back down to level B. There she opened the doors. She flew across the room to where the hole in the ceiling was.

{White Heron used movement to get to the elevator and movement to attempt to open the elevator hatch in the floor. She used movement to fly down to Level B. She used movement to open the elevator doors on B. She flew across the room to the spot next to the hole. At this point she used all her movement and was done for the turn.}

[4] Tank Gunner reached out to the ledge of the elevator floor on Level B. He pulled himself through the door into level B. When he stood up he looked around. He saw StrikeForce on the end of the hallway. He turned, fired 3 shots at the Bionic Crusader with his automatic rifle.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

The first two rifle shots hit StrikeForce and the other third shot missed. The two rifle shots hit but bounced off StrikeForce’s armor without doing any damage. In frustration he lowered his bayonet and charged.

{GM Note: on Tank Gunner’s first shot he rolled a 1 and 8 on d20. His critical success was a free action in addition to the one he had taken. The damage rolls were 6 and 5. Neither was higher than StrikeForce’s Armor protection of 6.}

Tank Gunner gave his battle cry as he charged with his bayonet. He struck StrikeForce with his attack. StrikeForce rolled with the damage.

{GM Note: Tank Gunner did 13 points of damage. Armor stopped 6 points. StrikeForce rolled with the remaining 7 points for -7 PP}

[3] Frank said, “Now Steve and Eddie, let’s do this like we drilled. On my mark, we fire. Mark!” All three Prime Squadron guards fired at StrikeForce in unison.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

Frank’s shot hit. StrikeForce rolled with what little got through his armor.

{GM Note: Frank rolled 7 points of damage. StrikeForce’s armor stopped 6 and -1 PP from rolling with remainder}

The other Squaddies’, Steve and Eddie, gunshots missed.

StrikeForce choose to try to take out as many as possible now. So he went after the Prime Squadron guards instead of Tank Gunner. The Bionic Brawler ran across the room and summersaults over Squaddie Steve to land next to all three of the guards. StrikeForce went into a multiply escrima attack pattern attacking all three Squaddies at the same time.

Wham! Wham!
Both escrima struck Frank.

Wham! Wham!
Both escrima struck Steve.

Wham! WHIF!
One escrima struck Eddie. The other missed.

Frank flew across the room from the knockback of the blows. He smashed through the wall into the adjacent room, slamming into the exterior wall of the base. He was embedded in the wall incapacitated.

Steve flew across the room from the knockback of the blows. He smashed through the wall into the adjacent hallway. He slammed into the reinforce wall of the elevator shaft. He bounced off and slammed into the floor incapacitated.

Eddie flew across the room from the knockback of the blows. He smashed through the wall into the adjacent room, slamming into the exterior wall of the base. He was embedded in the wall incapacitated.

[1] Spyder crawled up the elevator shaft. He entered level B by the top on the elevator door on the ceiling. Seeing the mayhem that StrikeForce had unleashed on Swamp Goat and the Prime Squadron, he smiled. “Could this be a worthy opponent?” he thought. With a slight shrugged of his shoulders he acknowledged there was only one way to find out.

Quickly and efficiently he moved like the experienced fighter he is, toward the Bionic Crusader. He loved the look of surprise on his opponents face when they see they are going to have to fight someone who is on the ceiling. When Spyder closed on the Bionic Brawler he attacked with a Palm Heel Strike.


Spyder’s strike hit StrikeForce in the head. StrikeForce rolled with the blow and switch into a defensive stance with his escrima.

{GM Note: Spyder rolled 10 points of damage. StrikeForce’s armor stopped 6 and -4 PP for rolling with the remainder}

<Turns and Actions due August 20th >

Battle Conditions (Mighty Protectors character data):
Adamas                       Hit Points:   18  Power Points:   38         Attack Style: Offensive
Black Orchid                Hit Points:   24  Power Points:   86         Invisible
StrikeForce                  Hit Points:   31  Power Points:   70         Attack Style: Defensive
The Skink                    Hit Points:   24  Power Points:   78         Attack Style: Defensive
Manta-Man                  Hit Points:   13  Power Points:   66         Lightning Defense: On
Dr. Wildman                 Hit Points:   18  Power Points:   58         Form of: Elephant
Evergreen                    Hit Points:   23  Power Points:   54         Attack Style: Offensive
TicToc                          Hit Points:   22  Power Points:   68         Charmed Crocodile

Phase of Action for next turn:
[14]       Skink
[ 9]       Adamas
[ 9]       TicToc
[ 7]       Black Orchid
[ 5]       Manta-Man
[ 4]       Evergreen
[ 3]       StrikeForce
[ 2]       Dr. Wildman

This is turn 12 of the countdown. When the turn count reaches 0 the missiles will launch.
OOC: Now this is Superheroing! Brilliant, grinning like a loon reading this!

Loved the Strike 'forced-entry' maneuver, another one to add to the repertoire of New Crusader moves!

Just checking Tom, Dr Wildman is now in human form but with his Armour spell active as per the narrative, rather than in crocodile form?

Also, his Gate spell allows him to teleport where he can directly sense within the range parameters of the spell. Looking at a screen, would that count as direct or indirect sensing? Would the penalty be slightly less than a blind gate?

Great issue!
Great issue Tom, except for Adamas. Sorry Jon. Hopefully Adamas will be back up soon. It sounds like we will need him.

 Steve, glad you liked the Strike 'forced-entry' maneuver. I'll admit that I was grinning myself when I read the issue. Maybe Adamas and The Skink can pull a 'fast-ball special' ala Collossus and Wolverine.

Tom, I love the New Crusaders comic book covers that you have been using. Two thumbs up my friend.
I was shocked to see Adamas go down that quick. I hope that he isn't down for long.

 Yes, Dr. Woodman is in human form. I have corrected the issue, if you want a new PDF let me know.

Yes, his armour spell has been cast and in effect.

Between the cameras and being able to look down the hole in the floor, Dr. Woodman can direct sense for teleporting in the base. If he wants to teleport somewhere obscure to hide him then he needs to make an INT Save with a +3 save modifier.

 Thanks, I can't take the credit for the covers. They are based on Steve's art. I have enough Photoshop skills to turn his art into a template I can modify.

I am glad you really like the covers. Steve and I make a good team.

 Hero to Zero... didn't see that coming.

 Yeah, Tom. You and Steve make a good team. Good job Steve.

 Thanks for kind comments about the artwork stuff, and it’s a great team!

OOC: Just checking: the elevator is currently on level A and open, with Evergreen and Orchid (invisible) within - and level B is below level A, level C below level B etc and White Heron, Spider and Tank Gunner are climbing up the elevator shaft from level C? Like many elevator shafts would it be fair to assume that the elevator itself is fractionally smaller than the shaft? How many people can fit in the elevator at once?

 Evergreen and Black Orchid have stepped out of the elevator.

Yes on the relationship of the levels to each other.

White Heron is flying up the shaft.

Spyder is climbing as he carries Tank Gunner.

The elevator is slightly smaller than the shaft. The elevator car is 10ft X 10ft in size so 4 to 8 people comfortably. Maybe more if squeezing in.

 OOC: Tom, would it be fair to say that they will have to exit at level B? I was trying to guess how many people are coming to the party.

 There is an entrance into the elevator. So all 3 can arrive in level A next turn, if they choose to.

 OOC : Thanks Tom.

 "If they choose to" well played Tom.

 OOC: Well let’s get the ball rolling then...

IC: Next Dr. Wildman and Manta-Man switched the camera to level C. “There’s the Inhuman League”, Manta-Man said. “I recognize Spyder and Tank Gunner. I don’t know who the winged woman or the alligator man is.”
They watched the winged woman fly into the elevator shaft.

Dr Wildman looked away from the screen and stole a glance around the room, rapidly assessing the situation. It took moments but years of survival training had taught him that if you are going to act, act decisively.

"Well it's time to deal with this...Inhuman League then." He announced to no one in particular and then he starts singing!

"You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up
And turned you around
Turned you into someone new"

As he started this first refrain he looked at TicToc and mystically pulsed "There is another reptile coming to dominate your territory." He then impressed the image of the Aligator-man on TicToc's consciousness. The 15' bull crocodile gave a throaty roar of challenge swinging his tail from side to side.

"Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too."

Still singing he moves towards the elevator, breaking from song: "Excuse me ladies!" as he passes Evergreen and walks into the elevator.

"Don't. Don't you want me?
You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me"

"Going down" With a gesture Dr Wildman presses the button and the doors begin to close

"SIZE OF AN ELEPHANT!" is heard as the doors close and there is a bright nimbus of green energy that shines through the retreating crack of the elevator doors. The song continues but in a much deeper, strangely pitched voice...almost as if sung by an elephant stuck in a lift, were that possible!


And the gears and mechanisms of the lift begin to creak under strain of more weight than it was designed to carry!


OOC: Tom - That's how it looks in my head, please modify as I have made a whole heap of assumptions that may not make this scenario work...but it made me smile
 Makes me smile too

 I laughed.

 Very creative.  Loved it.

 I'm thinking of calling it the 'Elephant in the Room' maneuver, to add to our growing repertoire!

 StrikeForce keeps his senses active to detect if any reinforcements are coming. He activates his comm and communicates to the team."Let's keep each other updated on our situation. I have taken down Coot and one of the security personnel, and I have three left." Directing his attention to the guards, StrikeForce in a tense tone through gritted teeth says. "All right gents. I've taken out one of you and one of The Inhuman League, and I haven't raised a sweat, and my pulse is still slow and steady. Now normally I would say something about you should probably surrender, but I won't waste my time, because the three of you don't appear smart enough to accept my generosity." He moves toward them to attack.

OOC: I don't see them surrendering. I don't think that I would need help against them, but if more of the League comes through, that will probable change.
 A new rule in Mighty Protectors is the ability to spend power points to increase your physical effort. It is called Pushing. Here is the Push rule.

5.5 Pushing
Characters can momentarily boost their own innate physical capabilities and super-Abilities (but not Task rolls, or Abilities that are Gear-based) by spending 2 points of Power. Pushing can be used to simulate berserk rage, sprinting, adrenaline, and so on.

The types of things a character may Push include:

• Movement (x2 Acceleration, and x2 Top Speed)
• Standard Attack Damage (+2 damage)
• Save Attack Target Number (-2 to the Target Number)
• Save Target Number (+2 to the Target Number)
• Snare Attack Breakpoint (+2 to the Breakpoint)
• Strength (+2 Base HTH Damage and x2 Carrying Capacity)

Pushing must be declared and paid for before rolling to hit, or before rolling for the ability's effect if no roll to hit is needed. Vehicles, Unliving robots, etc. *may* Push their own Abilities; characters just can't Push an Ability like a gun that really isn't part of them.

For our game I am creating the house rule that allows pushing your initiative after the roll. For 2 Power Points you can increase initiative by 2.
• Initiative (+2 to the Initiative roll)

Please let me know in your actions if you want to push, especially let me know now if you want to Push your initiative number.

 What would be the best thing for StrikeForce to push in this situation?


 Sounds good.

 Dr Wildman will push the down button. Hopefully that won't cost too much Power


Adamas will push the snooze button.

Seriously, can I push a wake-up roll?

No, That is consider a Task roll. So you can’t but you can use Power Points to roll with the Task save. It is the same as rolling with damage (1/10). That is what I have been doing.

In case it wasn't stated, Adamas will try to wake up, but is dreaming of large women.

What would his reporter girlfriend think about that?
Late to the party here, but great cover and great issue!

Did Adamas say he was responding to The Black orchid's request? I'm thinking not
Did the others broadcast that Adamas was down? I think also not.
So it seems like The Black Orchid has no new information to go on, she'll reassess the current situation and probably decide on blasting the leader.
