Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Wraith: Save Yourself the Pain! - Issue 26

Location: Crusader Citadel

Outside the storm raged across Center City. A huge storm cloud settled on the top of the Harmon Building, the home of the Crusader Citadel. Three CHESS Knights on skybikes flew into the cloud to attempt to land on the rooftop. They were the first to arrive in response to the Crusaders’ Emergency Communications distress call. Lightning flashed from within the cloud. There were videos posted on the internet that looked like the lightning was starting at the bottom with the bolt traveling upwards. Experts noted that this was not a naturally occurring event. Most likely that lightning bolt was a meta-event or the video had been altered.

On the fourth floor of the Crusader Citadel a battle raged. Tomahawk picked up a helicopter transmission which was sitting on a work bench. It was must had been pulled out for maintenance. With an ancient war cry he threw the transmission at Centurion. Who had been waiting for the attack, the armored Crusher counterblasts the projectile. The blast shredded it into metal confetti.

The smaller parts which were circling Centurion picked up speed hitting him. A heavy wrench smashed his goggles.

Eyes glowing with light, the Stellar powered Sentinel adjusted his flight to face this newest menace. "I would suggest that you save yourself the pain, and surrender now. It will save us time, and you can tell your friends that you put up a heck of a fight. I would advise you not to antagonize us." Starbolt was ready to blast him if he doesn't give up.

“Okay, okay, it’s obvious that with the Crushers it is every man for himself. I am more worried about my armor that what they think of me. I give.” He cut the power to his boots and slowly landed on the ground with his hands raised in a position to reinforce the fact he is surrendering.

On the first floor in the stairwell as she's continued down, The Black Orchid called over the intercom, "Starbolt, there's another one coming up the stairs, Raijin, the electricity master. I think he's trying to escape."

"Is Manta Lad OK?" The Black Orchid said when she finally reached the level with the Crusaders. Seeing that he was being tended to, she picked up the pace of her voice and said very quickly but clearly, ”I'm The Black Orchid, a number of us led by Manta Lad here have come to rescue you and catch the Crushers. We've beaten some, but a few are trying to get away. Detective Broyko and his men may be injured near the entrance as well."

She then dropped down to see what sort of medical attention she can provide to Manta Lad. He had been knocked unconscious but was not in need of major medical attention. The medical supplies in the Citadel would be enough. The Crusaders were free but all were suffering from the effects of the captivity. None were in condition to give chase to any of the Crushers which had still eluded capture.

Manta Man knelt down next to Black Orchid looking of Manta Lad with pride. Looking at Black Orchid, Manta Man said “Thank you for freeing us and for choosing to be a hero.”

<Due Date: July 28th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Black Orchid                 Hit Points: 30    Power Points: 84 Willpower Defense active
Manta Lad                     Hit Points:   0    Power Points: 47 Luck Points Pool: 0                 ** Unconscious **
Starbolt                                    Hit Points: 34    Power Points: 72
The Wraith                     Hit Points: 10    Power Points: 51 Invisibility: +2/-2
Tomahawk                    Hit Points: 69    Power Points: 84


Eyes glowing with light, the Stellar powered Sentinel adjusts his flight to face this newest menace. "I would suggest that you save yourself the pain, and surrender now. It will save us time, and you can tell your friends that you put up a heck of a fight. I would advise you not to antagonize us." Starbolt is ready to blast him if he doesn't give up.
OOC: He is trying to intimidate Centurion. Thought it might be worth a shot.
Black Orchid

As she's continuing down, The Black Orchid will call over the intercom, "Starbolt, there's another one coming up the stairs, Raijin, the electricity master. I think he's trying to escape."

"Is Manta Lad OK?" The Black Orchid says when she finally reaches the level with the Crusaders. Seeing that he is being tended to, she'll then pick up the pace of her voice and say very quickly but clearly,  "I'm The Black Orchid, a number of us led by Manta Lad here have come to rescue you and catch the Crushers. We've beaten some, but a few are trying to get away. Detective Broyko and his men may be injured near the entrance as well."

She then drops down to see what sort of medical attention she can provide to Manta Lad.
The Wraith

The Wraith will continue his whirlwind of destruction against Centurion.  In particular, he'll try to focus some damage on his visors/eyes.