Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Quest: The Bigger They Are! - Issue 29

Location: Domain inside the Crystal Castle.

Our intrepid heroes have entered the inner most chamber of Occult’s Castle. They observe her performing the ceremony with the stolen scrolls and the 4 people she had stolen as well. The area is guarded by beasts never seen before by anyone from Earth but a select few.

Occult finished her incantation. She looked up. She quickly saw through the illusions. “You dare try to fool me with mind tricks. I am the Master of the Mind. Fools we are under attack. Look around you. Defeat them.”

The Domain beings looked from left to right, in front and behind them. They could not see any enemy to fight.

{GM Note: Harvey’s illusions were rolled to hit as Mind Control attack. Occult was the only one that the attack was not successful on.}

Occult snarled at her minions’ incompetence. “Fine I will bring another to deal with the Illusionist”. She started performing a summoning spell.

Magus thought to himself, “Bloody hell, she saw through the illusion!” Not wasting any time, the ‘Gallant Guardian of Magic’ casted his Elfsbane spell on the Force Field surrounding Occult.

The glowing force field flickered then it dissipated in a flash of maroon light.

The four elementals groaned and strained as if trying to resist another’s will. It appeared as part of them wanted to attack. Another part of them was resisting the urge. It was obvious their will was failing.

A year’s worth of practice with his heightened intellect had made focusing his thoughts through the Amulet as easy as talking with Cybil. Opening his mind, DarkStar let Doctor Arcane see what was going on through his eyes. "Doc, it's all up to you now." With that he quickly slipped the Amulet from his neck and wrapped it like a charm around Donnah wrist and bracelet. As she seemingly tried to resist the transformation and control of Occult, DarkStar kept hold of the Amulet's chain and her bracelets. "Donnah, fight it Donnah. Don't give in to this woman who killed your parents. Come back to us ... the people who love you."

When DarkStar wrapped the Amulet's chain around Donnah's wrist and bracelet she responded by gripping his hand back. There were continued magically sparks and flames coming from where the chain touches the bracelet. The magic did not hurt DarkStar. It didn't appear to hurt Donnah either.

Donnah was not free from Occult's influence but it had lessened. She was still transformed in the Earth Elemental.

The Cure thought into the amulet "Doc if DS breaks the bands on the hostages could that free them of the spell they're under?"

Doc replied to The Cure, "It will break the mind control that Occult has over them. I don't know if it will undo the transmutation."

The Cure yelled to DS, "Break the bands on the hostages. It will break Occult's control over them!"

Still holding Donnah by the bracelets on her wrist, the amulet wrapped around the one part of her body he could touch. “I promised Doc we would save you … I’m sorry, sorry I never told you how I felt about you.” Frustration and anger raging through him DarkStar grabbed the bracelets firmly with all his strength. “I might have been too late to save your body, but I’ll be damned if I let Occult have your Soul.”

When the bracelets broke her form dissipated as if caught in a violent storm. Seconds past as everyone watched to see what happened next. The wind came back to the same spot and reformed.
DarkStar heard the wind blowing all around him. Later swore he heard the words, “Thank You” within the wind.

Adamas used his heightened speed to assess the battleground, and thought into his amulet to the team, "Stick to the plan." Realizing DS no longer has his amulet, he yelled to him, "Take out the guards, we'll deal with the hostages as soon as we are able."

Angry and frustrated over Donnah's transformation, DarkStar heard his friend's call to battle. Preparing to make a 'combat jump' DarkStar sized up the battlefield and for once was stumped. Take out the guards? "Adamas ... You have any preferences? There's a dozen of them and two are bigger than the Star Tower."

Adamas responded to DarkStar, "The bigger they are.  You never hesitated to take out the Destroyer... if you can get those two out of here; we can mop up the rest after Occult is taken care of.  If not, they'll just have to fall."

The Cure turned to Elwood, "stay down and out of sight. If you need my help call to me with the amulet and I'll be back in a flash.”

The back wall became a comfortable rest spot for Elwood.  His jacket wrinkled and bunched as he slided himself to the ground, staying low with his feet tucked close to his rear and his knees up by his chin.  

The Cure turned to their Alien Champion, “Big A lead the way." As Adamas took to the air Mary played follow the leader. "If you go right I'll go left." Hoping to keep Occult off target they both flew circles around her.


Adamas fired 10 power blasts from his eyes. Seven of them struck Occult. She cried in pain. Occult collapsed to the ground incapacitated.

Having finished Occult; The Cure looked for the next biggest target. Finding the nearest XIMIX She lifted her visor and looks down at it..."Say cheese!" and let loose from both hands and her face. Her blast hit the monster. The XIMIX screamed in pain.

Adamas circled around as he fired 10 power blasts from his eyes.


Eight of them struck the XIMIX. It cried in pain. The XIMIX stood its ground.

The Cure fired on the XIMIX striking it with her Latarium blast. The XIMIX screamed in pain staring hard at her with 4 of its eyes.

The XIMIX wobbled for a second like it would fall but then it stood firm.

{GM Note: Harvey attempted to pick up the XIMIX. He failed grab attack, rolling a 19}

Flame, the Fire based Earth Elemental, flew over to the side on the room. It raised its hand. A ball of fire welled up around it.


A jet of flame shot across the room hitting Adamas in the shoulder. Adamas was shocked to discover the flames were imbued with magic. He was vulnerable to the flames.

{GM Note: -2 to power points. On a 2d12 damage roll, the roll came up snake eyes!}

One of the smaller creatures, known as a Boogen, lifted its spear, throwing it at Adamas. It missed but struck the XIMIX. While the spear did hurt the creature the XIMIX did not flinch from the pain.

Another Boogen on the other side of the room ran toward DarkStar. It hacked at him with its spear but missed him.

Wave, the Water based Earth Elemental, stepped past Stone, the Soil based Earth Elemental. Its hand grew larger then it stretched out it arm. Wave grabbed The Cure encasing her in its entire hand. To The Cure’s horror she couldn’t breathe. She was drowning!

{GM Note: This is a non damaging attack but The Cure had to perform a Save against her endurance. She failed. This results in 1d8 damage and can’t be rolled with. The drowning damage rolled was 8. She took -8 to Hit Points}
 {GM Note: Because so much is happening I am including a mid-turn map.}

Magus quickly turned his attention to the four elementals in the chamber. Targeting the bracelets around two of their wrists, Magus casted his Elfsbane spell once more and shouted out to DarkStar. ”Quickly, get them to safety! We’ll delay the others here and join you shortly!”

Using the Amulet of the Arcane; Magus asked Harvey & Elwood,”If it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, would either of you chaps mind using your telekinetic abilities to please reclaim that scroll from Occults hands?”

The Elfsbane spell split in two. It reached out to Wave’s and Flame’s bracelets. The spell encompassed them. The bracelets glowed then dimmed. Both of the Earth Elementals transformed again. Their bracelets fell to the ground.

The Cure dropped to the floor glad she could breathe again.

The scroll on the floor floated up off the ground. It floated across the room landing gently in Elwood’s hands.

Two more Boogens threw their spears at Adamas. Both of the spears missed him.

Then Boogen on the other end of the room charged DarkStar with his spear. DarkStar easily blocked the attack.

The XIMIX that Adamas and The Cure were battling raised its crossbow firing at Adamas. The crossbow bolt missed. It raised its giant sword. He swung it at The Team’s current leader missing him.

DarkStar looked around. The Earth Elementals were too spread out for him to teleport them all out especially with one of them still wearing the bracelets. DarkStar looked for the biggest opponent nearest him. Harkening back to his days at Annapolis, DarkStar made a running tackle trying to slam the 4 headed monster into and through the castle wall beside Ion.


DarkStar felt like he had hit the offensive line of Notre Dame. While he had hit the XIMIX hard, DarkStar did not move it an inch.

{GM Note: To more the XIMIX the damage DarkStar rolled had to exceed its basic hits which it did not. I included the entire rolled amount not just the amount to Hit Points as the Knock Back calculation does}

Across the room the last Boogen attacked The Cure from behind slashing her with his spear.

{GM Note: 8 damage to The Cure, -6 to Power Points and -2 to Hit Points}

DarkStar was shocked to see a massive fist appear at his side. He hadn’t heard any one approach so he wondered where the fist had come from. He looked over his shoulder to see Stone was still where he had been but his arm had stretched all the way toward him.

The XIMIX battling DarkStar lowered its crossbow. The crossbow bolt slammed into his chest but he was unhurt. The XIMIX followed up with a swing of its massive sword. DarkStar ducked the blade with ease.

{GM Note: Crossbow did 23 damage. All of it against Invulnerability}

Across the room the other XIMIX glowed green. It shuttered in pain from the lingering effects of the Latarium. It was weak but still standing. It looked at Adamas and The Cure each with a separate set of eyes.  In all four eyes were filled with a smothering rage.

< Due Date: August 18th, Actions? Replies?>

Changes Characters stats while in Domain

Adamas – Agility no change, Carrying Cap is 3,666, and HtH is 1d12
Agent America – Agility no change, Carrying Cap is 1,097, and HtH is 1d10
DarkStar – Agility is 11, Carrying Cap is 27,696, and HtH is 3d10
Elwood – Agility no change, Carrying Cap is 53, and HtH is 1d2
Harvey – He is a magical or imaginary being so his ‘stats’ are unaffected.
Magus – Agility no change, Carrying Cap is 852, and HtH is 1d8
The Cure – Agility no change, Carrying Cap is 85, and HtH is 1d3}

Current Conditions:
Adamas                        Hit Points: 47    Power Points: 56           Invulnerability: 18
DarkStar                       Hit Points: 83    Power Points: 110         Invulnerability:   7
Harvey                          Hit Points: 81    Power Points: 88  
Elwood                         Hit Points: 9      Power Points: 54  
Magus                          Hit Points: 34    Power Points: 61  
The Cure                       Hit Points: 12    Power Points: 57  


Tom my friend, buddy pal, (lol), it's situations like this makes me wish I hadn't defined DarkStar character so well. His first reaction was determined literally the very second I read what was happening to Donnah. Genius or Idiot DarkStar's first Action is preordained.

<DarkStar IC: Action and Response> A year’s worth of practice with his heightened intellect had made focusing his thoughts through the Amulet as easy as talking with Cybil. Opening his mind, DarkStar let Doctor Arcane see what was going on through his eyes. "Doc, it's all up to you now." With that he quickly slips the Amulet from his neck and wraps it like a charm around Donnah wrist and bracelet. As she seemingly tries to resist the transformation and control of Occult, Joshua keeps hold of the Amulet's chain and her bracelets. "Donnah, fight it Donnah. Don't give in to this woman who killed your parents. Come back to us ... the people who love you."

OOC: I"m not sure if anything there counts as an Action per see or just movement? Either way that had to be DarkStar's immediate response. The instant I saw that she was transforming I remembered that first meeting when Doc transformed Joshua back into a normal human being. (Wow that seems so long ago) Remember Rose slipping the Amulet on and transforming back? Well there you go. Good or not, that has to be DS's initial response/action  I'm hoping between Doc communicating through the Amulet and Joshua's own pleas through the same we can help Donnah at least break Occult's control.

Okay guys you're all next. With the Scrolls {seemingly} destroyed, I leave it to the rest of you to figure our next Actions. Of course you'll need to yell it at DarkStar (lol) I am so in need of suggestions at this point. DS is willing to just start slugging it out with the Domain monster maybe grab and teleport them into the plasma river, but hitting the elementals seems wrong, their the victims. Tom killing monsters is okay Bruce Timm said so.
This is movement only. DarkStar still has 2 actions.
Tom killing monsters is okay Bruce Timm said so,
Well there you go, You are in the Domain after all and there rule of the land is "All are Prey".

"All are Prey"

OOC: Lol, Yeah and I smell barbeque baby ... or else we'll see squished blue and yellow goo ;)
Have I mentioned how much a fan DarkStar is of bookworms and invisible rabbits :)

Still got two real Actions gottya. Thanks Tom. Now to wait for our fearless Champions to come up with a quick Plan "B" :) He won't attack the elementals  it I see avert target rich environment for "smashing". Quick question. Is Occult's force field still up?

Later Team
When DarkStar wrapped the Amulet's chain around Donnah's wrist and bracelet she responded by gripping his hand back. There are continued magically sparks and flames coming from where the chain touches the bracelet. The magic did not hurt DarkStar and didn't appear to hurt Donnah either.

Donnah was not free from Occult's influence but it had lessen and she was still transformed in the Earth Elemental.

"She was now the Earth Elemental soon to be known as BREEZE."

I'd call fighting for a cause that is lost before you begin frustrating, if wasn't for the fact it' so damn fun at the same time. Enjoying the story's development so far Tom. Definitely has caught me off guard. I thought there was going to be some anti-tech magic-virus spell going down.

I knew there would be sparks between Joshua and Donnah one day - lol

Later Pal
I really don't know what to do with this.  Sheesh!  This is quite the pickle.  LOL


If only we had a couple "Champions" to lead the way ;)

Love ya Brothers
OOC: I think I can write up DarkStar easy enough but would like some more input from one of our two leaders. Can one of our Champions tell me what we are doing about the Elementals? Adamas wants DS to attack the guards which is cool, but leaving Donnah (and the others) like this feels wrong. Not to mention they are potentially a dagger in our back - keep an eye on Ion while you're at it guys.

Go "Team"
John R
IC: Mary thinks into the amulet "Doc if DS breaks the bands on the hostages could that free them of the spell they're under?".

OC: If it's a yes I'll relay to DS.

IC: She turns to Elwood "stay down and out of sight. If you need my help call to me with the amulet and I'll be back in a flash. Big A lead the way."As Adamas takes to the air Mary plays follow the leader. "If you go right I'll go left." Hoping to keep Occult off target they both fly circles around her. Mary lifts her visor and looks down at Occult..."Say cheese!" and lets loose from both hands and her face.

OC: Mary will always follow orders but must make sure Elwood is safe.
IC: Adamas uses his heightened speed to assess the battleground, and thinks into his amulet to the team, "Stick to the plan." As soon as Magus is able to bring down the force field, he bring all his firepower to bear to take out Occult. Realizing DS no longer has his amulet, he will yell to him, "Take out the guards, we'll deal with the hostages as soon as we are able."

IC: Adamas uses his heightened speed to assess the battleground, and thinks into his amulet to the team, "Stick to the plan." As soon as Magus is able to bring down the force field, he bring all his firepower to bear to take out Occult. Realizing DS no longer has his amulet, he will yell to him, "Take out the guards, we'll deal with the hostages as soon as we are able."

DarkStar response IC: Angry and frustrated over Donnah's transformation, Joshua hears his friend's call to battle. Preparing to make a 'combat jump' DarkStar sizes up the battlefield and for once is stumped. Take out the guards? "Adamas ... You have any preferences? There's a dozen of them and two are bigger than the Star Tower."

Adamas IC: Adamas responds to DarkStar via the amulet, "The bigger they are.  You never hesitated to take out the Destroyer... if you can get those two out of here, we can mop up the rest after Occult is taken care of.  If not, they'll just have to fall."

I think DS has no amulet at this time. You may want to change it to yelling at him again.


Thanks, please modify my response to yell to DS.

Good catch Larry.  Jon I'll cut and paste/modify Adamas response as the beginning of my write up for DarkStar's Actions this evening

John R
IC:  The back wall becomes a comfortable rest spot for Elwood.  His jacket wrinkles and bunches as he slides himself to the ground, staying low with his feet tucked close to his rear and his knees up by his chin.  

Quick and silent movement from Harvey puts him at the edge of the upper level, where he sizes up the situation.  He will attempt to move the big monster via telekinesis and drop it on Occult.

IC: Doc replied to Mary, "It will break the mind control that Occult has over them. I don't know if it will undo the transmutation."

Mary yelled to DS, "Break the bands on the hostages and it will break Occult's control over them!"

Adamas IC: Adamas responds to DarkStar via the amulet, "The bigger they are. You never hesitated to take out the Destroyer... if you can get those two out of here; we can mop up the rest after Occult is taken care of. If not, they'll just have to fall."

IC: Doc replied to Mary, "It will break the mind control that Occult has over them. I don't know if it will undo the transmutation."

Mary yelled to DS, "Break the bands on the hostages and it will break Occult's control over them!"

<DarkStar: IC Actions> Still holding Donnah by the bracelets on her wrist, the amulet wrapped around the one part of her body he could touch. “I promised Doc we would save you … I’m sorry, sorry I never told you how I felt about you.” Frustration and anger raging through him DarkStar grabs the bracelets firmly with all his strength. “I might have been too late to save your body, but I’ll be damned if I let Occult have your Soul.”

Action #1: DarkStar will use this action in an attempt to destroy the bracelets on Donnah’s wrist. If successful advance to his second action. If not Rinse, Wash and Repeat.
Action #2: In an attempt to draw attention from the others, DarkStar will resort to the tactics that worked successfully on another of Occult’s henchmen, twice. Harkening back to his days at Annapolis, Joshua makes a running tackle and will try to slam the 4 headed monster into and through the castle wall beside Ion.

OOC: There are probably better tactics. I think the only “blind spot” these guys might have is from above them. More important to the team, while I doubt Ion is AA, on the off chance he is then maybe with some luck the collateral damage to the wall can help free him.


( OOC: First Action )

Occult finished her incantation and looked up. She quickly saw through the illusions. “You dare try to fool me with mind tricks. I am the Master of the Mind. Fools we are under attack. Look around you. Defeat them.”

Magus thought to himself, “Bloody hell, she saw through the illusion!” Not wasting any time, the ‘Gallant Guardian of Magic’ casts his Elfsbane spell on the Force Field surrounding Occult.

( OOC: Second Action )

Magus then quickly turns his attention to the four elementals in the chamber. Targeting the bracelets around two of their wrists ( OOC: Donna and one of the others, or two of the others if Donnah is already free ), Magus casts his Elfsbane spell once more ( OOC: double attack, and assuming the magic enchantments on them are temporarily broken . . . ), and shouts out to Darkstan, ”Quickly, get them to safety! We’ll delay the others here and join you shortly!” Using the Amulet of the Arcane; Magus then asks Harvey & Elwood, ”If it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, would either of you chaps mind using your telekinetic abilities to please reclaim that scroll from Occults hands?”


Magus wants to counter some of the magic that Occult has brewed-up in order to allow ‘The Team’ to do what they need to do.


Made it in right under the wire!!! lol

I know Mike has already posted his response, but if he was interested in helping Magus out ( see Second Action ) could we make that happen instead? If not – that’s cool – just figured I would ask.

On a side note – the teams name – ‘The Team’ – is still sticking between my teeth, we really need to do something with this I think – anyone else agree?

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev
Question for Kev - Can Elfsbane negate the Transformation? Also I think (don’t worry it only hurts a little bit) the scrolls were destroyed as part of the Transformation spell so recovering them isn’t possible anymore. Or I might have misread that?

Good post everybody should be fun seeing what Tom has cooked up for us


Question for Kev - Can Elfsbane negate the Transformation? Also I think (don’t worry it only hurts a little bit) the scrolls were destroyed as part of the Transformation spell so recovering them isn’t possible anymore. Or I might have misread that?

The Elfsbane might be able to negate the Transformation, but I'm not entirely sure - that would be up to Tom. I targeted the bracelets because it’s the one thing that all four elementals had in common so I figured they might somehow be linked to the Transformation itself. Basically I figure I would try to deal with the source of the condition (assuming that they're part of the condition) instead of dealing with its symptoms.

I may have misread it myself, but I thought there were five scrolls, four of which Occult used to transform the Donnah and the three others, and a fifth which Occult started to read from ( but never finished reading from ) just as she noticed our attempt at thwarting her plans. If I have that right, then the fifth scroll will tie-up all the loose ends on this little ritual of hers - something I would rather not see happen . . . but again - that's all assumption.

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev
There were 5 scrolls. 4 were consumed as part of the spell. Only 1 remains.


Can Harvey grab the scroll using just movement?

If it is laying on the ground and not in Occult's hand. So if Harvey waited until he saw the other drop Occult then he could.


If an attack roll is required to TK the scroll away, then skip that and stick with my initial response, but if the scroll can be grabbed by TK with just movement then do that and my action.

Thanks for your patience.
