Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Codename: Red Hawk: What's the Point? - Issue 8

Location: Memorial Park in Our Fair City

In a section of Memorial park the police had blocked the entrances. Today the park was not open to the public. Today it was a battlefield. The sides were the B.A.D. guys versus the defenders of right: Condor, Shatterman, and Red Hawk. So far only one of B.A.D. had fallen beaten but since there were more to them the fight was still far from being decided.

The police looked with surprise when a woman came running toward them from the battlefield. They thought they had gotten everyone out. “Please help me,” she cried,”There is a man dressed a hawk. He is after me. I don’t know why he wants to hurt me. Please officers help me.”

Kudebuck moved as fast as his stunted legs would carry him. He looked desperately for a large enough group of bushes to hide in. When he found one suitable he crawled on his belly to get underneath its branches. He looked like a gray mouse trying to hide from a hawk. This wasn’t too far from the truth. When he was inside he thought about what would fool his pursuer the best. He smiled a wickedly as an image came to mind.

Shatterman circled back around flying straight at Cosmic Zoom.


He fired his power blast at him, hitting him in the gap in his armor. Unfortunately it was a glancing blow which did not slow Cosmic Zoom at all. Cosmic Zoom charged forward raising his sword. To his surprise he had charged in to a group of trees getting stuck. He couldn’t reach Shatterman. He couldn’t step past the branches and tree trunks. With a curse Cosmic Zoom shrunk down into the mini forest. He disappeared from sight.

Shatterman hovered waiting to see what Cosmic Zoom did next.

After having flown through a tree trunk, Red Hawk shook his head, thankful for the protection built into his uniform, Red Hawk looked up from amidst the shattered ruins of the tree, I need to get above the terrain and quick. Flying fifty feet straight up above the battleground that the Park had turned into, Chris analyzed the position of all the combatants. What’s the point of them staying here battling us? It’s not a bank, there’s nothing valuable here … is there? … or is it all just a distraction? Looking from his “hawk’s eye” view he tried find Dennis and see if there is something they’ve failed to notice. It doesn’t really matter; these guys need to be taken into custody and quick.

Red Hawk flew back to where he had last seen Kudebuck. To his surprise he found someone else there. It was a member New Super Society, the beautiful American Woman.
She was sunbathing in a bikini. She indicated she wanted him to join her, asking him to land. Red Hawk wasn’t fooled by the illusion but he wasn’t able to spot the mental mite either. He flew off looking for B.A.D. Momma.

He spotted her at the edge to the park. She was surrounded by 5 policemen. Red Hawk was surprised to see they weren’t arresting her but instead they were moving into position to protect her. Could it be they were trying to protect her from him?


He fired a vibe blast at BAD Momma but she was sheltered by a uniform human wall. Instead he his blast struck a police officer. To Red Hawk’s surprise the policeman’s image didn’t disburse as the other illusions had when struck. Instead the officer fell to the ground unconscious. The other 4 officers withdrew their revolvers. The lead officer demanded that Red Hawk give up and land.

SWARMaster flew higher out of Condor’s reach. “I brought locusts especially for you! Eat his suit my lovelies!” The insects swarmed Condor. They damaged his suit more. It had gotten to the point that more than half of its protection was gone.

In a panic Condor flew away from the insects. He had to protect the suit that had been given to him by Freedom Eagle. He dove into the lake. As he swam deeper to make sure the insects were gone he spotted a shadow in the distance. It might have been a man. Before he could get close enough to tell for sure the water around him erupted.


All around the park micro bombs and smoke bombs went off. The ground shook. Dust flew into the sky. Smoke obscured all visibility.

When the air had cleared all the members of B.A.D. were gone with the exception of Death Kite. Who was still unconscious on the ground. All 4 of the policeman had been knocked unconscious as well.

Shatterman and Red Hawk landed next to where Death Kite was. Condor was nowhere in sight.

<Due Date: August 18th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Red Hawk                     Hit Points: 49    Power Points: 57           Vibration Defense: On

I'm enjoying the simple nature of the combat at the moment for Redhawk, I haven't focused on his "persona" yet and I find the voice of a naive but eager kid wanting to do good developing.

(Last Issue) Using his heightened senses he found the Amazing Kudebuck hiding in bushes. The dwarf hadn’t even created an illusion to hide himself. Red Hawk fired a vibe blast at the infamous illusionist and missed.
The Amazing Kudebuck looked at Red Hawk and everything went black. Red Hawk couldn’t see. He reached out with his other senses to find a way out of the darkness. He couldn’t find a way out but he did sense a tree approaching. With a quick shift of his body he tried to fly past it. His reflexes weren’t fast enough. Red Hawk smashed into the tree truck splitting the tree into 3 pieces as he flew through it.

(Currently) Shaking his head, thankful for the protection built into his uniform, Redhawk look up from amidst the shattered ruins of the tree, I need to get above the terrain and quick. Flying fifty feet straight up above the battleground that the Park was turning into, Chris analyzed the position of all the combatants. What’s the point of them staying here battling us? It’s not a bank, there’s nothing valuable here … is there? … or is it all just a distraction? Looking from his “hawk’s eye” view he tries find Dennis and see if there is something they’ve failed to notice. It doesn’t really matter, these guys need to be taken into custody and quick.

Redhawk Actions: If Kude –chewer is still visible he’ll try to take him out with all the vibratory power he’s got, if not the he’ll move on to the Angie look-a-like.

OOC: I assume his Vibratory defense is still up? and I know it's a little vain, but could you post a character sheet for Redhawk on the Megalopolis site. He'll seem more part of the M-Universe to me that way.

Thanks Tom
John R