Monday, March 26, 2012

Quest: DR. Arcane's Shame - Issue 23

Location: Outside front yard of Dr. Avery’s Mansion

The Cure’s blast struck Manslaughter in the back hard. Yes!!! She let out with a roar. A direct hit square to the back. The monster was sent flying 25ft from where he once stood. The rush of adrenalin, the excitement of battle ran threw her veins. It’s a feeling Mary had felt before. Her first goal came to mind. But it all came to a crashing stop. The monster shrugged off the blast doing his best Kane Hodder impersonation. The monster slowly stood on his feet and quickly turned and spotted her in the sky. Covered in grass and dirt from being blasted across the grounds sliding to a dead stop. His face hidden by a mask she could still tell by his body language he was pissed. Unfortunately for him so was she. Regaining her composure she swooped into range with a sweet 360 and said” You’re the decease and I’m The Cure!” It came out steely but she knew it sounded corny. As she stretched her arms out like a crucifix she opened her hands. A green/silver glow appeared from her palms. The air crackled around her hands as she took aim at the monster and let’s loose with a blast from each hand. As loud as she could the Cure shouted out”Eat hot Latarium fan boy!” As the blasts left her hands she can’t help but wonder which guy was Harvey and why didn’t he make sure Elwood was safe?

Adamas was still upset about Catalyst, and planned on taking that out on this clown.  Seeing the new arrival was also attacking the clown, he didn't want to get between the two of him, he moved to a higher position and autofired down on him with the intent of driving him into the ground. Adams thought sent through his medallion "We seem to have company, and she doesn't appear to like these villains any more than I do."

Manslaughter was caught between the Latarium blasts and the Alien’s Power blasts of which 6 of the 10 shots hit.  The Revenant was encased in an energy orb created from a mixture of green/silver Latarium and yellow/red Mystic Energy. Nothing but Manslaughter’s ashes remained when the energy orb dissipated.

{GM Note: The Cure and Adamas rolled the same exact initiative for the turn. Since their actions made it possible for the events to occur at the same time so that is what I did.}

Atop the roof of Dr. Arcane's palatial estate, Elwood made himself comfortable.  With a glance around him, he lowered himself to sit down where he could calmly watch the action continue on the grounds below.  A delicate sip from his flask and subdued sound of enjoyment preceded Mr. Dowd's next experiment.  He had yet to examine the talisman that Dr. Arcane had given him, and now seemed as good a time as any.  The magical ornament held his fascination as he turned it around a few times in different directions, getting familiar with it.  "Hmmm?"  Elwood used mild concentration and in his mind spoke, "Trick everyone, trick me; leave me in ignorance; let me enjoy the life of a happy fool." The trinket was a puzzle.  Tapping it once against his flask, he imbibed again and returned to watching over his new companions below.

Inside Elwood’s head he heard a reply. It was Pietor. “Fool indeed. You want a happy life? Convince Harvey to join with me and you will enjoy the most pleasant life possible. You could live on your own island and tourists would visit you year around to enjoy your company”.

Next Elwood heard Dr. Avery speaking in his head. “Now, now, Pietor, we can’t understand the ways of a Pooka so there is no way you could expect to have one do your bidding. Elwood pay no attention to Pietor.  There are times I wish Pietor would choose to be pleasant like you instead of oh so smart.”

Location: Inside Dr. Avery’s Mansion

Agent America was preparing to leave when he heard something unexpected.


Samhain and DarkStar reappeared in the exact same spot and position as they had left in.

Trusting his steel-blue adamantium-like body to ward off Samhain's attacks, Joshua maintained his death grip on the undead assailant and squeezed Samhain for all he is worth. Shocked with the ease he had been manipulated, the ex-black op tech-lord sub-vocalizes to his constant companion. "Cybil please run the Bloodhound Program utilizing all available resources. Collate and cross-reference all data referring to 'Beautiful Memory of Celestial Laughter, the Talons of the Jade Emperor' and their Tibetan Headquarters." More than a little embarrassed, DarkStar looked up at Agent America from the floor amidst the shattered remains of the Doc's desk and with a frustrated grin winked at the Team's leader. "Minor snafu, I'll be right back."


Agent America smiled from hearing from Adamas that the cavalry had arrived. "Nice timing," he said to the Cure.

Rose wanted Samhain one on one, so the superspy would stay out of it.

Agent America bolted from the room at top speed and vault up the stairs, taking them three at a time. "Looking for Donnah," he'd thought-broadcast through the amulet.

Pistol in one hand, he'd searched the upstairs level, starting at her bedroom, kicking down locked doors, calling her name.

Location: Outsider backyard of Dr. Avery’s Mansion


The surface of the pool ripples as the titan of transport returned to the pool he had recently just left. Returning as only DarkStar could, teleporting back into the deep water with his adversarial combatant in tow. Using all his strength and training, Joshua continued to squeeze the sinister Samhain in a rib cracking bear-hug. “Throw me in the pool will you? Let's just see which of us can hold his breath the longest.”

Easily it was DarkStar.

The Cobalt Commander emerged from the pool dragging Samhain’s limp body by one leg. He stepped out of the shallow end and tossed his incapacitated opponent onto the patio. It was obvious that DarkStar’s strength had finished him not the lack of oxygen.

Adamas landed next to DarkStar. He was carrying Catalyst’s body.

The Cure landed on the patio she was carrying Elwood with her again. Elwood told everyone that Harvey was right behind them.

Agent America returned alone.

DSA and FISH agents were quickly on the scene. FISH took the revenants in custody including Manslaughter’s ashes. If DarkStar’s snide comment about keeping Samhain locked up this time upset the FISH agents they didn’t let it show. The DSA agents took Catalyst’s body. They said they had protocols for notifying the family which had to be strictly observed.

Cybil reported to Joshua that the bloodhound tracking program did not turn up anything beyond public record information.

 The Talons of the Jade Emperor is the leading crime organization in the Orient.  The Dragon’s Claw is the only competition that they have.  They participate in all manners of crime that has been heard of and few that no one has heard of, yet.

The ToJE is structure like all Chinese organizations, based on the Han Bureaucracy model.  The ultimate leader of the ToJE has the position of Supreme Governor.  Under him the ToJE is divided into Providences which are run by Governors and Criminal Disciplines which are called Ministries and are ran by Administrators.  Each Providence Governor has own specialized Providential Troops which support his illicit activities and each Ministry provides a Director and support troops to administer the criminal disciplines within the providence.

The Supreme Governor of the Talons of the Jade Emperor is Son of Heaven

The Province: EurAsia is governed by Winter’s Edge. It is believed that he has Tibetan Headquarters but location is unknown. The Talons employee metas and mundanes in their organization. The commander of his troops is 'Beautiful Memory of Celestial Laughter. She is a powerful Psionic

Cybil could not find any trace of Donnah and found no relevance in the news report that Jonathan Winthrope III had died last night in an automobile accident. The police report did not state whether or not the wreck occurred because he was driving under the influence. Several commentators were wondering if this was a cover up considering Jonathan’s recent behavior at the High Society Donor’s Ball.

As soon as DSA and FISH left, The Team contacted Dr. Avery. Pietor opened a portal for them to come to their safe location.  The Team stepped onto a small archeological dig site. Cybil quickly identified they were in the Nacht Island group.

Pietor greeted them including The Cure. He lead them over to the entrance of a small temple ruins. There they found Dr. Avery grief stricken and overcome by tears. Dr. Avery tried to speak to them but couldn’t. Pietor said they knew where Donnah was and why.

Pietor explained. “Some months ago, a small golden casket was unearthed at the archeological dig of a 2,000 year old tell in Egypt.  With great care, the casket was opened and found to contain five remarkably well-preserved scrolls.  The casket itself was placed on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Unknown to the Domain and its allies the scrolls were sent to America. One each was sent to five prominent scholars for translation and analysis. Dr. Avery was one of those scholars even though his field of expertise has never been archeology or linguistics but parapsychology and the history of occult science.”

“Since I do have a doctorate in archeology I did the translation and analysis. The purpose in sending the scroll to Dr. Avery was for more than to study the fifth scroll, but to guard it and prevent it from falling into evil hands. If what small portion of the scroll I translated is accurate, then this scroll holds the key to the proper use of the other four, and those four contain long-forgotten secrets of mystic and ancient alchemical transubstantiation which could shake the very foundation of modern science.  I believe the Domain destroyed the Golden Casket attempting to get the five scrolls that they thought were inside it.”
“We attempted to contact the other four scholars. Three are missing and the last one is in the hospital. He was hurt in a burglary gone badly.  The police did not know all that was stolen from the house but I believe the Domain is behind this. I believe they have acquired all five scrolls and took the three scholars as well.”

“The transubstantiation spell will not work in the Domain. It has to have Earth reagents. These reagents can be human but they need a fourth. We believe they took Donnah to be the fourth reagent.”

Dr. Avery let out a low moan and started to speak. “Not again. It can’t be happening again.”  He stopped and for the first time noticed that The Team was here.

Straightening his composure he looked each in the eye. “I am sorry I have failed you. Of all the enemies I have gained as Doctor Arcane during the course of my career, the greatest was the Domain sorceress known as Ch’andarra. In our first encounter, in early 1933, I discovered Ch’andarra lording it over an isolated tribe of purebred Incas in a remote Andean valley. Sensing that she was, despite her guise of incomparable human beauty, something not of this world, I challenged her, tricked her into defeat, and forced her to depart this plane. But as she treated, she swore vengeance against me and promised that she would destroy me and all that I loved.”

“Time and again, Ch’andarra returned to Earth to strive against me and time and again she was defeated. Finally, after numerous defeats, Ch’andarra steeled herself to put aside her obsession with me and wait. The aspect of the seductress that I knew her best was, after all, but a single aspect of the many she possessed throughout the mystical dimensions, and certainly one of the least.”

“In early 1958, I lost the use of my legs when I braved the fringe of a nuclear explosion to save a small child who had wondered onto the testing range. Soon after, I retired upon realizing that the magic I was using to force my legs to function in spite of the physical damage they’d suffered was draining not only my mystic energies but my very life. One year later, despite my noble intention never to oblige the woman I loved to marry a hopeless cripple, she was able to convince me that love involved more than mere physical gratification. Later that year, I expended one more small portion of my remaining magic, and my wife conceived a child. Twenty-three years later, she child grew into a graceful woman, married, and bore a beautiful child of her own, who became the apple of her grandfather’s eye.”

“It took three years more as we measure time, for Ch’andarra to realize that her enemy’s happiness had caused me to allow my most potent mystic defenses to go untended. As soon as she realized it, she attacked. This time, Ch’andarra chose not to come in the guise of the seductress, but in the guise of the Slayer. Before I was able to react, my wife, daughter, and son-in-law were reduced to ash. A desperate parry saved my grandchild, but left me completely vulnerable to Ch’andarra’s magic. Ch’andarra was poised to strike, to end her enemy’s life but it occurred to her that my death would not be sufficient to appease her hatred, so instead she plucked Donnah from my arms and fled with the baby to the Doman.”

“At length, I overcame my torment and divined that my granddaughter still lived. Once more I donned the colorful garb I had worn so proudly in earlier years, and tracked the sorceress to the realm in which her magic alone held say. Here the mortal who had continually defied her influence on Earth was totally within her power, and Ch’andarra took full advantage of her opportunity to abuse, humiliate, taunt, and torture me.”

“But, try though she might, Ch’andarra could not bring herself to slay me. At length, she was force to comprehend what I had sensed dimly all long: She was obsessed not with vengeance, but with a burning hatred that was the opposite side of love!”

“I felt pity for Ch’andarra’s anguish, but I couldn’t find it within myself to forgive her for what she’d done. When Ch’andarra at last released me, I returned to Earth with my granddaughter and found that five years had passed in what has seemed but a prolonged instant in the timeless realm.”

“Ch’andarra had given me Donnah in exchange for a spark of my own mortality which might allow her to impart her essence into a more fragile being capable of learning how truly to love.”

“Occult is that form. She is both Earth and Domain and she has Donnah.”

“You have to go to the Domain and get her back for me. Fortunately the spell is a very complicated ritual we have three days to prepare and stop the ceremony.”

“DarkStar, I have been working with the Geonesian for years. They find allies to empower to protect themselves from the threat of the Null Masters. They have provided Earth with a new Guardian. His name is Magus. I would like to introduce you to him now.” At that time a new person entered the temple ruin.

“Pietor will no longer be my student. He has accomplished his training. If Magus is willing I would like to teach him what I know of the mystic arts”

Dr. Avery paused and looked Pietor in the eyes. Pietor nodded in the affirmative. Dr. Avery sighed and his faced showed he was making a decision he would likely regret but had no choice in the matter. “Magus, Harvey, and Elwood will accompany me back to the Mansion to make preparations for opening the portal into the Domain.”

“Agent America, Adamas, DarkStar, and The Cure will help Pietor retrieve the artifact we need to power the spell.”

Pietor opened the portal. Dr. Avery and the ones chosen to accompany him walked through to enter the Mansion once again.

DarkStar wondered whose temple they were about to enter. Pietor informed him and the others not to worry. The Island of T’pao was owned by him. It had been in his family for generations. The team entered the main chamber of the temple. It was the last time that any of the island’s inhabitants ever saw them.

They quickly unsealed the rear door of the main chamber. Immediately upon entering the doors, they proceeded directly to a hidden and sealed alcove that contained a dull yellow gemstone literally glowing with supernatural energy of the most evil variety. As The Team fought off and defeated the protectors of the alcove, Pietor placed the gem to his forehead where it grated itself irrevocably into his flesh and into his soul.

The gemstone was a magic portal through which Pietor had but to will open to let this ancient evil race walk once more upon the Earth. The gemstone activated the portal against Pietor’s will. It started to open and The Team saw the demons of the Domain start to enter through. With an unspoken signal from their leader The Team launch on the attack. Quickly and successfully beating the demons back to where they came from.

They provided Pietor with the time he needed. Possessed of an indomitable will he regained control over the gemstone and resisted the Null Masters at the last crucial moment. They have been denied their place on this plane.

Pietor opened a portal to the Mansion and signaled it was time to return. The team walked back into the mansion.

They were told to take four hours to gather the supplies they would need for spending a week in the Domain.

{GM Note: Please let me know if you bring anything beyond what is on your PC’s character sheet.}

The Team gathered in Dr. Arcane’s mystical sanctuary. All had their preparations in order. Strangely Elwood was carrying a bunch of bananas. He didn’t know why other than Harvey told him to.

Dr Avery was dressed as Dr Arcane and was sitting {See cover art}. He called The Cure and Adamas over to him. “The Cure has the power to heal others. I will assist her in healing Adamas. I will get your restorative powers past his invulnerability and increase your power tenfold.”

Together The Cure and Dr. Arcane fired unique rays that meet and merged with Adamas. He was healed of his injuries and surprisingly he remembered something vague of his life before he was found by Earthlings. He hadn’t always been a man of magic. He had simply been a man, not a human, but a man. He had been chosen to be a Guardian and infused with magic.  Magic fueled his might and his being. It was his strength and his weakness. Because he had been made with magic he could be unmade by it as well. That is why his invulnerability did not stop magic.

Adamas looked at Magus and felt a brotherhood with him. While magic powered them in different ways it was still magic that powered them both.

Next The Cure and Dr. Arcane healed DarkStar.  When it was done all he remembered was that he had forgotten to give Trish the bonus he had promised her last year.

Dr. Arcane had The Team move their assigned positions in the room. Pietor stood behind Dr. Arcane. Together the two Masters of the Mystic Arts performed the incantation.

Pietor spoke, “We will maintain contact with you while you are there. You all have your amulets; including the one we gave to The Cure, safeguard those. It is the only way for you to contact us and Earth’s dimension. We will open the portal for you to leave and when you contact us we will reopen for your return.  Be sure to do this from a safe location otherwise whoever you’re fighting with will be able to follow you here.”

As Pietor provided final instructions Dr. Arcane opened the Portal and The Team went through. With their amulets they listened to their final instructions.”

“You will be met by a guide. He will mention that he knew an Earthling that carried sweets. You will ask if he would like to have one again and if he would like it peeled. You will peel a banana and give it to him. Only after he eats it will you know he is your guide. He will lead you to Occult’s lair.”

“Don’t assume everyone is your enemy or they will become so.”

“Don’t assume everyone is your ally or you will be betrayed.”

“DO NOT use your real names. Names have power with magic. Earth is only a partial magic realm but the Domain is a full magic realm. Remember this.”

“That goes double for you DarkStar.”

“Harvey is not his real name so continue to use it.”

“In the Domain, everyone will call Harvey’s Companion by the name of Scatterbrain and you will all call me …”

“Doctor Apocalypse”

< Due Date: February 18th, Actions? Replies?>
Harvey & Elwood

I love the China interlude.

Harvey & Elwood


A map was not included in this issue.  Is this correct:
Manslaughter is outside with Adamas, The Cure & Elwood also outside but the latter 3 are in the air.
Samhain & DarkStar are on the floor of the library, locked in a grapple.  Also inside the library near the new hole in the wall stands Agent America.

I think this is everyone who is "alive" and visible.


Correct on everything but Elwood he has been deposited somewhere safe. So he is either in a tree or on the roof.

Harvey & Elwood

In a tree or on the roof, eh?  Both sound like fun.  If I have a choice, I would opt to have Elwood on the roof.  Trees don't seem very lucky in this place.  ; )

OOC: Roof it is then.

LOL wow you did not say that :)

Well with the outerwalls getting smashed in rapid fashion not sure Id trust the rook a whole lot either
The Cure

Really cool! Best cover so far! : ) LOL
The Cure

OOC: Being a team player is key. With that said I intend to keep Manslaughter’s attention on me so back shoots can be taken by the rest of the team. A little banter and some aerial acrobatics should keep his focus on her. She will let loose with a blast from each hand.(two shoots) hoping to take him out or at least help to so the rest of the team can help take out “the Shape”. Once again Tom Great job !


IC: Yes!!! She lets out with a roar. A direct hit square to the back. The monster is sent fling .25ft from where he once stood. The rush of adrenalin, the excitement of battle runs threw her veins. It’s a feeling Mary has felt before. Her first goal comes to mind. But it all comes to a crashing stop. The monster shrugs off the blast doing his best Kane Hodder impersonation. The monster slowly stands on his feet and quickly turns and spot her in the sky. Covered in grass and dirt from being blasted across the grounds sliding to a dead stop. His face hidden by a mask she could still tell by his body language he was pissed. Unfortunately for him so is she. Regaining her composure she swoops in to range with a sweat 360 and says” You’re the decease and I’m The Cure!” It comes out steely but she knows it sounds corny. As she stretches her arms out like a crucifix she opens her hands. A green/sliver glow appears from her palms. The air crackles around her hands as she takes aim at the monster and let’s loose with a blast from each hand. As loud as she can the Cure shouts out” Eat hot Latarium fan boy!” As the blasts leave her hands she can’t help but wonder which guy is Harvey and why didn’t he make sure Elwood was safe?
Harvey & Elwood

Now we're cooking with gas!

I tried sending response and actions last night but my system went down.  I'll try again tonight
The Cure

Thanks Mike. I just want to add some insight into what she's thinking so I can let everyone know what to expect as we move forward. I hope it works.
Harvey & Elwood

Elwood - Stay safe & comfortable atop the roof.  Observe & report.

Harvey - assist melee while keeping an eye on Elwood.
Harvey will use his movement to position himself outside where he can see Elwood.
The pooka's action will be to create an illusion of a chainsaw on the ground just at the edge of the pool, hopefully where Manslaughter can see it.  To help make it appealing to Manslaughter, the illusionary chainsaw will also appear to have the motor running.

Atop the roof of Dr. Arcane's palatial estate, Elwood made himself comfortable.  With a glance around him, he lowered himself to sit down where he could calmly watch the action continue on the grounds below.  A delicate sip from his flask and subdued sound of enjoyment preceded Mr. Dowd's next experiment.  He had yet to examine the talisman that Dr. Arcane had given him, and now seemed as good a time as any.  The magical ornament held his fascination as he turned it around a few times in different directions, getting familiar with it.  "Hmmm?"  Elwood used mild concentration and in his mind spoke, "Trick everyone, trick me; leave me in ignorance; let me enjoy the life of a happy fool." The trinket was a puzzle.  Tapping it once against his flask, he imbibed again and returned to watching over his new companions below.

OOC:  Adamas is still upset about Catalyst, and plans on taking that out on this clown.  Seeing the new arrival is also attacking the clown, he doesn't want to get between the two of him, he'll move to a higher position and autofire down on him with the intent of driving him into the ground.

IC: Adams thought sends through his medallion "We seem to have company, and she doesn't appear to like these villains any more than I do."

OOC: Can you send me a conditional action for Adamas, if Manslaughter is defeated by The Cure.  There is a good chance that The Cure will go first. Normally I would just use your stated action against Samhain (if he is still undefeated) but with DarkStar grappling him, I am unsure is Adamas would still autofire with DarkStar so close, even though he most likely would survive it with only minor damage.


OOC: Adamas

Sorry, I haven't seen The Cure's character sheet, and Adamas is not used to not being the "fastest gun" on the team... may take some getting used to. 

If she takes out Manslaughter, he will circle the mansion looking for any other danger in the area.  If he sees anyone he will alert the rest of the team.  If not, he will recover the body of Catalyst.

He's seen what DarkStar can do, and has no doubt he can handle Sam Hain.
Agent America

Agent America smiled as the cavalry arrived. "Nice timing," he said to the Cure.

Rose wanted Samhain one on one, so the superspy would stay out of it, unless Rose requested help.

America would hold his action and wait to see if Adamas and the Cure needed help.
If after both of them acted, the clown was still conscious, and Agent America could get a clean shot, then he'd raze the zombie again with his futuristic firearm.

If Adamas, the Cure or Rose appeared to need immediate aid, he would fire on their adversary, if a safe shot was possible.

If the clown fell beneath their combined onslaught, or a safe shot proved impossible, then Agent America would bolt from the room at top speed and vault up the stairs, taking them three at a time. (Unless the jet pack was faster)
"Looking for Donnah," he'd thought-broadcast through the amulet.
Pistol in one hand, he'd search the upstairs level, starting at her bedroom, kicking down locked doors, calling her name.

Hold until Adamas and the Cure go.
Attack clown or Samhain if necessary.
Movement to race upstairs and search for Donnah.
If his Attack wasn't used before he ran upstairs, he'd save it in case he encountered any hostiles upstairs.

Harvey & Elwood

If The Cure takes down Manslaughter before Harvey gets an action, please just leave Harvey with a saved action.



Given his current situation, Catalyst will save his action as well. ;)

- Kev

Hey Guys

<DarkStar IC: response and actions> Trusting his steel blue adamantium-like body to ward off Samhain's attacks, Joshua maintains his death grip on the undead assailant and squeezes Samhain for all he is worth. DarkStar looks up at Agent America from the floor amist the shattered remains of the Doc's desk and with a frustrated grin winks at the Team's leader. "Minor snafu, I'll be right back."


DarkStar's Destination: Bouvet Island
OOC: Tom! . . . Dude!  Dirty pool brother (lol). Is this your not so subtle way of telling me to quit bouncing DS around and just slug it out like a good Thor/Thing wannabe?

I swear all of you would have laughed your butts off if you had seen my facial expression when I read the Tibetan scene. Leave it to some power mad china-(wo)man(?) to stick their nose in even the world's most remote location. (lol)

<DarkStar's Goal> LOL (duh) to once again to shake off Samhain in "safe" location for pick up later by FISH. Then return to the Team ASAP to find the missing ladies and carry on the fight with the Tarot Masters. His "actions will be to use both his dual attacks to squeeze the "life" out of Samhain til he passes out - and he must have to breath or it would have been okay to go with my first plan and dump his necrotic butt in outer space. (lol)

Kudos for finding new ways for the planetary teleporter to earn his keep Tom

Laughingly Frustrated Yours  

PS: curveballs, I get nothing but curveballs I tell ya ... and it's not even spring training yet

So DarkStar doesn't know that Malawi has claimed this island. I am sure Dictator for Life Leopold Linus would be glad to send his ZODIAC squad to explain his feelings on Joshua leaving Samhain on his island.



OOC: Did I say curve balls. I meant knuckle balls (lol).  No, I'm pretty sure Cybil would have mentioned that. At the least it's something Joshua would remember from his time in MEDUSA. See is the kind of thing "leaders" plan out ahead of time.  Not AAs fault. We cannot keep letting these guys to keep return to endanger innocents.

If DarkStar was/had been a true Team leader he'd have addressed this kind of situation instead of worrying about beefing up Earth's space defenses. The whole mystic was just too far outside his expertise for it to  click I think.

*confirm please*
Uhmmmm the whole Leo thing was a joke right? Hey don't laugh (lol) that whole Tibetan thing threw me for a real loop.

*confirm please*
Uhmmmm the whole Leo thing was a joke right?

Yes and No

Yes in the universal comic book joke that in the Superhero World of Megalopolis an isolated area on the map without any indication of life will host a hidden civilization, Super Villian HQ, or alien race. Remember the Megalopolis reason that Pluto is no longer a planet: It is now owned by an Alien race.

and No, the country of Malawi does claim the island as their own.
Blind Teleporting is an Adventure.


Hey Tom

(LOL) Okay I get it. I give up. I'll stop having DarkStar teleporting opponents off the battlefield. Let me think a bit about it and I'll rewrite my response.

So okay, I admit it.  Sometimes a house of bricks needs to fall on my head   (LOL)
Repentantly Yours

Hey Boyo

Salutations and Happy Sunday greetings pal.

Just a quick shot concerning DarkStar's actions and responses this issue. Lets leave them as originally stated. I shot mine off first and don't want to worry about how it might have effected the others actions.

So , , ,  we'll live with the ramifications of the adventures of blind teleporting this time.

I do promise to try to keep it as a last resort tactic in the future. Honestly I wish I had seen and accepted DarkStar's role as leader - or at least combat leader. It would have reigned in this kind of thing I think? I was hoping Jeff might be a bit more Captain America-ish in giving each team member roles and responsibilities in combat but I'm sure he doesn't want us to feel like he's telling us how to play our characters. (which is why I sent this only to you - I don't want anyone thinking Id want to tell them how to play their character - but I believe combat leaders need to lead in combat - just always figured AA was better suited for that than DS but I guess really its just a matter of the players personality not the character) Did that last part make sense? I think I started to confuse myself (LOL)


Information Request:
If this Leo/Malawai thing isn't going to be a joke - I'd like to know if it's something that's just player knowledge or does  the character know (I think he should but that is so totally a GM plot device decision) I want to write a piece for when they arrive on the island but it will be strongly influenced by what DarkStar knows or doesn't know. Just as a fyi - if I had an inkling anyone but Norway might have a claim on this rock I'd have queried Cybil - but and I feel this strongly - I felt that I've leaned on that plot device overly hard for someone of Joshua Rose's lever of super-intellect and knowledge skills/experience. So if  he doesn't know I hope there's solid logic behind it. f he does know I'll just have to write it up as willing to take a gamble and a bit of hubris on the big blue.

Thanks Kimosabe

Joshua knows about Leo the Lion and his Zodiac squad plus that the island is considered Malawi territory from his time in both the Navy and MEDUSA.

That is why I told you now instead of waiting until next issue. It is character knowledge the player didn't have so I gave it to you so you can change your orders, if desired.

On Agent America's leadership the hard part is that he has to give a plan that the player wants his PC to do. AA told DarkStar to teleport behind the triplet’s and start slugging it out with them. While DarkStar can go toe to toe with Behemoth that isn't your vision of playing him.


Joshua knows about Leo the Lion and his Zodiac squad plus that the island is considered Malawi territory from his time in both the Navy and MEDUSA. That is why I told you now instead of waiting until next issue. It is character knowledge the player didn't have so I gave it to you so you can change your orders, if desired.

Cool thanks. No as long as Joshua has confidence that Bouvet is truly the world's most remote and inhabited island his action will remain the same. I'll deal with his thought process/rationalization (lol) on the potential ramification in the dialog I want to right up at the "drop off". I'm handling this like I rolled a natural "20" on my blind teleport skill roll (lol). Actually the Tibetan incident is more troubling to the character. Leo is a "man" of the world. I think the two might be able to come to an understanding (or not) and if not ... well Leo is my favorite V&V villain.

 On Agent America's leadership the hard part is that he has to give a plan that the player wants his PC to do. AA told DarkStar to teleport behind the triplets and start slugging it out with them. While DarkStar can go toe to toe with Behemoth that isn't your vision of playing him.

I actually shot Jeff and e-mail about that and I think everything is cool. This is his first chance to show AA in action and with the new characters getting a feel for things, Adamas ignoring orders and DS beboping around as usual its hard to do much. I told him feel free to order DS to contain his teleporting to the local combat arena, so when we have some down time I think the Team is going ot work on some team tactics - which is coooooool - only taken us a year or so to get to this point (lol).

Actually even with teleporting them to the desert I thought the Bull fight was pretty toe to toe, and looking back it played out similar to the Behemoth fight I wrote in the Side Shot. That was an awesome fight - even with Bull playing patty cake on DS's chest. I admit to often trying to use his teleport ability to quickly end a fight. It seems often there are multiple threats in the combat arena and as "the most powerful character" on the Team I figure it's responsibility to either draw as much fire as possible or take out the biggest bad  guy first and work his way down the threat level chart.

Hey I'm serious about DarkStar getting his Invulnerability redone or hell even losing his ability to teleport for that matter if it makes for a better game. Now in all seriousness he would then start "inventing" stuff to compensate for his losses like a sky cycle for maneuverability or a shield for protection, but I think that would just be natural for any character. Just an honest offer.

Warm Regards

Hmm, drop Teleport to replace with Flight. Drop Invulnerability to replace with Armor.

Nope, I will stick with the DarkStar I know instead of the DarkStar I don't.

My point is DarkStar is the most powerful PC in the game and one of the top 5 Characters in the game.  I can deal with it but I guess I want you to recognize it too. Instead of trying to show how he is just one of the team and the others are just as powerful as he is.


Well there's goes the plans for the cool flame paint job on the skycycle's fenders

Tom I have no problem admitting DarkStar is a beast. It's why I suggested the ret-con. It wasn't a quantum reducing in anything (beside hit points) bit it was an effort - which seems to be needed again now that we've went to the one Action per Turn rules. Hey and if it helps I've always pictured DS (as in blackhole) powers to be gravity related - what if when struck by a gravity power DS randomly teleports somewhere as a side-effect - just a thought to help tame the wild stallion - oh and do toy remember the discussion about force fields and /or super-alloys? I'm not sure what was decided but I definitely remember a discussion.

LOL - and while I do admit the boy is a beast, I honestly and sincerely have always thought a fight with Adamas would be a coin toss . . . then I looked at the Hit Points and realized what an edge DarkStar has in durability. You sure he couldn't take the Tarot Masters on his own? LOL jk

Later Pal

PD: Still deciding between Bouvet and an alternative. Hmmm how would Samhain take spending a few minutes in a vacuum - just til he passed out I mean.

Since you have him in a Bear Hug while don't you see what 6d10 damage does to him first? Considering Samhain hasn't gotten past DarkStar's invulnerability yet why endanger another location when the Mansion has been trashed already.

In other words, if you beat him this turn do you still want to teleport him somewhere else and let normals (CHESS, FISH, or Foreign Military) clean up DarkStar's mess?


Hey Tom

That sounds fine. I never have taken time to familiarize myself with how grappling rules work and applying damage. Don't remember them from back in the day. Guess I should work on that. Let's go with teleporting him and Samhain into the deep end of the pool and attacking with the Bear Hug.  I'll send a DS one liner later today to finish his Turn


OOC: Thanks for working with me on the decision to teleport to Bouvet

<DarkStar IC: response and actions> Trusting his steel-blue adamantium-like body to ward off Samhain's attacks, Joshua maintains his death grip on the undead assailant and squeezes Samhain for all he is worth. Shocked with the ease he had been manipulated, the ex-black op tech-lord sub-vocalizes to his constant companion. "Cybil please run the Bloodhound Program utilizing all available resources. Collate and cross-reference all data referring to 'Beautiful Memory of Celestial Laughter, the Talons of the Jade Emperor' and their Tibetan Headquarters." More than a little embarrassed, DarkStar looks up at Agent America from the floor amidst the shattered remains of the Doc's desk and with a frustrated grin winks at the Team's leader. "Minor snafu, I'll be right back."



The surface of the pool ripples as the titan of transport returns to the pool he had recently just left. Returning as only DarkStar can, teleporting back into the deep water with his adversarial combatant in tow. Using all his strength and training, Joshua continues to squeeze the sinister Samhain in a rib cracking bear-hug. Throw me in the pool will you? Let's just see which of us can hold his breath the longest.

<DarkStar: Goals> Pleading lack of experience with the advanced hand to hand rules I'm making an assumption (love those don't we) from your stating DS has Sammie in a Bear Hug. It sounds like you interpreted last issues attack on Samhain as DarkStar using his Dual Attacks to first Tackle, then Hold him? He will continue to maintain that Hold, using his Dual Attacks to squeeze the air out of Samhain forcing him to either pass out from the lack of oxygen or make him go unconscious from the pain of broken ribs and a burst spleen. Whichever comes first.

Thanks for the assistance Tom
GM OOC: I basically count tackling and holding as the same thing otherwise DarkStar would not been able to teleport him.  DarkStar only teleports what he hold (touches). He is not an area teleporter or he would have teleported the desk with them as well.
