Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quest: When is Death Permanent - Issue 21

Location: Dr. Avery’s Mansion

Occult had successfully stolen the scroll from Dr. Avery. She left three of her undead minions to slaughter those that would prevent her escape. The Team fought back in a heated battle.

DarkStar struck Samhain so hard he flew through the wall onto the pool patio deck. Slowly Samhain started to rise.

Agent America watched as the man of uranium was being double teamed and holding his own, thanks to Catalyst's upgrade.

Seeing Samhain thrown outside, Adamas attempted to stay between Elwood and the lumberjack clown twins. He decided to focus on one of them, and unleash his full power blast.


Chainsaw was caught full on from Adamas’ blast which penetrated his armor protection. He was knocked back from the library out through the next room. He slammed into the exterior wall of the mansion. The wall did not stop his progress. Chainsaw flew through the wall onto the front lawn. Plowing a trench into the rain drenched lawn.  Chainsaw did not get up from where he laid.  He was 100 feet from the house.

Manslaughter’s chainsaw suddenly started to move and shake in his hands. He fought against his own weapon to … what … it wasn’t sure. Was the weapon attacking him or was breaking apart. With a sudden jerk, the chainsaw flew out of Manslaughter’s hands and threw the opening in the back of the library. The chainsaw rattled on the patio and stopped running.

Peeking around the corner of the couch, Elwood could be heard saying, “Good golly!  The flying objects… people going through windows… exciting bright flashes of colors and bombastic noises!  Why it reminds of me of Charlie’s Christmas party back in 1992!”  With a tilt of his head and a sip from his flask Elwood continued, “Oh, you are right of course Harvey.  That was 1993.  How right you are.  What a glorious party that was.”

Glancing over his shoulder at the scene behind him, Joshua focused thoughts through the amulet exclusively to Agent America. “What say we take this fight outside where we can use our numbers and maneuverability to better effect?”

The star spangled superspy remained on the desk and put his back to the wall, in case Samhain made it back into the room. He replied to Rose via the amulet thing: "Sounds good. If you and Adamas go outside, they should follow you. I wonder if they can swim. 'Sam Hane' is susceptible to taunting, if I recall our last encounter. A regular hothead. Easy to manipulate. You know the type."

Seeing his carbonado companion once again in the middle of the fray, “Adamas! You okay? I thought for sure Doc said those chainsaws were deadly to you.”

He prepared himself to once again play the role of hammer and anvil, “Cybil, please continue to scan for Donnah and keep an eye on the grounds. We need to know if the Tarot Masters double back or any new players enter the field of play.” Focusing his private thoughts once more through the amulet, “Doc? You and Pietor okay? With the Occult and the Masters gone it should be safe to look for Donnah now shouldn't it?”

Dr. Avery thought, “We’re fine. We are safe on an island that that Pietor’s family owns”.

Pietor replied, “I bet it is perfectly safe, it’s not like there are undead mass murderers where you are. I will bring Dr. Avery right back so we can look for Donnah.”

DarkStar watched Samhain start to rise after having been punched through the library walls, DarkStar glanced at Catalyst and Elwood. “Come here you two. Let’s get you some place where you’re not trapped between twiddle dee and his two dumber brothers.”

As DarkStar stared outside at Samhain, Catalyst said to him, “Nice hit . . . think you can do that again?” Just as he finished asking him that question, Catalyst raised his hands up and lets loose with a double blast of red electrical energy at DarkStar


DarkStar teleported away before the energy could reach him. It harmlessly struck the pool furniture knocking it over.


As the dark blue teleporter appeared above the rising Samhain, Catalyst stepped through the hole in the side of the building and out onto the patio surrounding the pool. Catalyst stared at them in silence.

Above DarkStar’s dangerous undead foe, and listening to the seemingly nervous ramblings on his new combat comrade, a thought crossed the blue battling 'behemoth's" mind. Focusing on his amulet right as he attempted to drive Samhain into the earth like a railroad spike with his double fisted hammer strikes, Joshua asked Dr. Arcane the question, "Hey Doc. what's our chances of convincing these Geonesians to ally with us against the Null Masters? If nothing else maybe provide passage or support for an attack against them in the Domain?"


DarkStar swung two punches at Samhain. The Ancient Spirit dodged one blow but the other landed in his chest. It was a solid hit knocking him prone but Samhain was unhurt by it.

DarkStar dropped on top of Samhain. Samhain easily lifted DarkStar up off of him and threw the teleporting titan into the swimming pool. Joshua sunk to the bottom like an 800 lb rock.

Back in the library Manslaughter reached for the nearest weapon he could find, one of the couches. He picked it up and swung it at Adamas.

America coolly fired at the brawling weapon, timing his blast to coincide with the zombie's attack. The disintegration ray did exactly as advertised. The undead man in the Halloween mask stared at his empty hands trying to figure out where his weapon had gone. It was at a loss why its weapons weren’t staying in its hands.

Adamas felt the power in him wearing off. He knew without testing that his power blast had returned to normal. His invulnerability was still double what it normally was.

Outside a shadowy figure walked across the lawn. She was checking to make sure the man in the trench was okay. To her horror she discovered he was dead.  Her medical training allowed her to easily determine that death had not been recent but a long time ago. She slowly back away from the unmoving undead and moved cautiously toward the mansion. “What had Dr. Arcane gotten her involved in?” she wondered.

On the other side of the house, Catalyst remembered the look in DarkStar’s eyes before he had teleported away to attack Samhain. As much as Joshua tried to hide it and focus on the fight at hand, Catalyst knew what that look had meant. {GM Note: successful Detect Hidden roll}. It was the same look of disdain and rejection he had for his own father. He didn’t notice the rain falling onto his face or the storm that was raging out of control. He turned away from the mansion. He started walking down the hillside of the estate.  Catalyst stopped by a large tree. He looked around in a daze. Trying to figure out where to go to next, he had to find those that wanted his help and he could make others better.




The tree split in two from the lightning strike and the man underneath it fell to the ground, never to rise again.

{GM Note: Explanation of the title of this issue:

Question: When is death permanent?

Answer: When the player requests the GM to kill his PC.
End Note.}

< Due Date: January 7th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Agent America              Hit Points: 83    Power Points: 97           Pistol: 17 of 20 charges. Willpower activiated.
Adamas                        Hit Points: 7      Power Points: 48           Invulnerability: 4
DarkStar                       Hit Points: 73    Power Points: 98           Invulnerability: 30          
Elwood                         Hit Points: 9      Power Points: 54 
Harvey                          Hit Points: 81    Power Points: 89           1 saved action
Catalyst                        Hit Points: 0      Power Points: 0             DEAD


Hey Guys

[quote] “ … send me after Occult or the Tarot Masters, I’m the only one who has a chance of catching up to them and surviving the battle.” [/quote]

OOC: WOW!!! Was that freakin’ arrogant or what. I mean I know it was driven by his wanting to compensate for not being there for Adamas but holy cow  & crap patties it came out way wrong now that I read it.

DarkStar initial IC responses:
1)    Watching Samhain start to rise after having been punched through the library walls, DarkStar glances at Catalyst and Elwood. “Come here you two. Let’s get you some place where you’re not trapped between twiddle dee and his two dumber brothers.”
2)    Glancing over his shoulder at the scene behind him, Joshua focuses thoughts through the amulet exclusively to Agent America. “What say we take this fight outside where we can use our numbers and maneuverability to better effect?” Seeing his carbonado companion once again in the middle of the fray, “Adamas! You okay? I thought for sure Doc said those chainsaws were deadly to you.”
3)    Preparing himself to once again play the role of hammer and anvil, “Cybil, please continue to scan for Donnah and keep an eye on the grounds. We need to know if the Tarot Masters double back or any new players enter the field of play.” Focusing his private thoughts once more through the amulet, “Doc? You and Pietor okay? With the Occult and the Masters gone it should be safe to look for Donnah now shouldn't’t it?”
Fun Issue Tom. I’m floored by Adamas’s autofire attack. At this rate we might be able to go after the Tarot Masters also … Because I’m sure it’s going to be that easy LOL.

Awesome stuff man


Another great issue.

How come AA didn't create his moat?


With two of the three being knocked out of the room I wasn't sure what to do.  All 3 characters having Hgt Strength which meant they would be able to jump over it easily. Both Chainsaw and Manslaughter are able to leap up to the ceiling to attack Adamas. The only way for them to fall would be for them to be standing where the Moat was when it was created.

There was the matter that the knife was thrown before either of the 2 returned to the room.  I took the order to remove weapons as a higher priority than waiting for them to return to set the moat up. That was why I had AA blast the knife instead.

The final issue I had was figuring out if a moat was possible.  In Texas we rarely have basements and the floor plans for the module didn't show a basement. So I was at a loss if that should be a given or not.  I know a 1 foot deep moat wasn't the effect you were after.

If I over stepped the bounds as GM in having AA interpret the situation based on the earlier actions please let me know and I will adhere closer to instructions next time. I didn't want it to be a meaningless action.


Ok. Thanks!!


Agent America watched as the man of uranium was being double teamed and holding his own, thanks to Catalyst's upgrade. 
ZOM! America cooly fired again at the "magical" chainsaw, timing his blast to coincide with the zombie's attack (if possible). Best case, he'd destroy the thing. Less than best case, he'd botch the zombie's attack again.

The star spangled superspy remained on the desk and put his back to the wall, in case Samhain made it back into the room.
He replied to Rose via the amulet thing: "Sounds good. If you and Adamas go outside, they should follow you. I wonder if they can swim. 'Sam Hane' is susceptible to taunting, if I recall our last encounter. A regular hothead. Easy to manipulate. You know the type."

OOC:  ;-)
Tom, is there any construction going on around the mansion? If we can get these guys in the pool, we could pour cement in after them. Or even dirt and create a quicksand situation.

OOC:  No construction being performed in the area. It would take 1 turn for someone to fly to a construction sight and return.


Happy Holidays all

I know it's the holidays so we all get backed up, but Kevin and Mike ... Do you guys need to be teleported outside or have your own favored form of locomotion? Instead of being possibly trapped between Samhain and the Zombie Brothers? Let me know please ... It might affect DS attack action. He probably has the lowest Agl of anyone beside Elwood and maybe him, so DS tends to act last in the group.

Go "Team"

Speaking of Tom ... did we say DS could make multiple combat teleports in a single turn? I thought we had and wasn't sure why DS didn’t use it to follow up to attack Samhain a second time with his second action? I probably just misunderstood something I'm sure. I need to know about the multiple teleports per Turn so I can plan an attack on Samhain if the "new guys" need evaced out of the combat zone.

He can only teleport once per action (movement tied to action). Last turn he had two actions so he teleported twice.  Once into the other room and then back into the room with the others.

He only has one action this turn so he can teleport once.


Crap (lol) gotya no mult-bamf ... err ... *whoump*ing unless tied to an Action

Ok, so DS can evac the boys or just go out and slug it out with Samhain with the idea he'll focus on DS and not corralling our less Invulnerables.

Up to you Keith and Mike, I'm in a "Team" friendly frame of mind. You guys okay on your own or rather be a bit further from the heavy hitting? Up to you

Thanks Tom. I really was thinking he could pull off multiple combat Teleports for some reason.

Hope to hear from ya soon guys

Maybe DS could taunt Samhain to keep him off those other guys?

I hope to have time to respond tonight but I am thinking of keeping Elwood in the room.  Sorry for the delay

  - I'm not sure DS taunting an Undead guy will be that effective. Sounds more like AA and Catalyst style than DS, and not sure they care, but it might be fun to see DS struggle with it. I'll see how it "feels" when I'm writing up his actions.

Happy Holidays

OOC: Thanks for saying something John, I totally thought Adamas had already responded right after issue 20 came out... I was just waiting for you guys to wrap things up.  After I got your email, I started looking through my sent file, since it's been awhile, and it doesn't look like I ever sent anything at all... apologies.

IC: Seeing Sam Hain thrown outside, Adamas will attempt to stay between Elwood and the lumberjack clown twins... He decides to focus on one of them, and unleash his full power blast.  He will repeat on one target until it is down, or he needs to move to protect someone.  Again, defense will take precedence over attack, if they attempt to avoid Adamas, or get around him, he will not hesitate to put himself between the villians and his new friends.

OOC: I know that's short, but again, I thought I had already responded.  Things have been crazy around here.  Mother-in-law visit for three weeks, kids out of school now, kids flying in, travel for work, etc... but those are not the reasons I didn't respond.  I'll do better with the next issue. 

OOC: He that's cool Mike. Whatta ya say Kevin? Want to go tag-team Samhain with DS?

As Darkstar stares outside at Samhain, Catalyst says to him, “Nice hit . . . think you can do that again?” Just as he finishes asking him that question, Catalyst raises his hands up and lets loose with a double blast of red electrical energy at Darkstar ( OOC: Genetic Resequencing ability – Invulnerability and Heightened Density ). As the dark blue teleporter takes a second to realize what he has just done to him, Catalyst steps through the hole in the side of the building and out onto the patio surrounding the pool. He walks through the hole I the side of the building with a certain swagger about him, and then looks directly at Samhain and shouts over to him in a mocking tone,”Hey! Screw-face!”

Regaining his footing, Samhain begins to slowly make his way back towards the Avery Estate. Continuing his verbal assault against his undead opponent, Catalyst barks out at Samhain,”Yeah . . . that’s right . . . I’m talking to you. Hey tell me something, did your whore of a mother have any kids that survived childbirth? Oh and speaking of your mother; I just saw that old sea cow work’n a street corner not too long ago, and damn dude . . . that bitch is fat as hell! She’s so fat that the back of her neck looked like a package of frankfurters.” Using his hands to demonstrate the several bumps normally found on a package of frankfurters, Catalyst continues with his bombardment of insults,”. . . and oh my God . . . how ugly is she? I ain’t seen noth’n that ugly since I just took a good look at you. I mean, damn dude, do you actually own a mirror? Because I hate to be the one to tell ya this, but you’ve got a ton of ‘front end damage’ if you know what I mean. I mean; I could be wrong, but I get the feel’n that you don’t date much do ya? Am I right? I bet all that internet porn has got your forearms so ‘jacked up’ that you could probably get work as a stunt double in the next Popeye movie couldn’t ya?”


To aggravate the hell out of Samhain!!!


In case it wasn’t brutally obvious, Catalyst is going to do his best to distract Samhain and get his attention fixed squarely on himself. I’m hoping that this will give Darkstar a solid opportunity at a rear attack on Samhain and hopefully not be counter-attacked. Knowing that he could never stand toe-to-toe with the undead villain, Catalyst will use his Saved Action to Evade. Catalyst is also aware that if Darkstar makes an attack against Samhain, that Samhain might go flying again and he’s fully prepared to Evade that as well.

Speaking of Saved Actions; I didn’t remember doing that last issue, I thought for sure that I mentioned ‘mapping’ Darkstar and hitting him with a dual blast of Catalyst’s Genetic Resequencing ability. I actually went back through my e-mails and searched for the e-mail where I mentioned that, but I couldn’t find it – did I not respond last issue? If I didn’t I’m really sorry – I thought for sure that I did =/

If I did send a reply; like I thought I did, does that mean that Catalyst is getting two actions per turn?

Also wanted to ask you about Catalyst’s Power Point usage Tom . . .


Third GM Note: Catalyst increased 2 of Adamas powers so it is PR=4 per and +1 for Adamas Alien DNA, so he has spent 10 PP

Wouldn’t that be 12 PP? Two extra points for the dual-attack – no? Although it would end up being 10 PP any way since he would get back 2 PP at the end of that turn from his Enhanced Recovery ability – just wanted to make sure I had my ‘Power Point bookkeeping’ right is all.

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev

You are correct it should have been 12 points. I forgot to add 2 for the dual attack.

I did not get an email from you last turn, that is why you have a saved action.  Only one action per turn.


Peeking around the corner of the couch, Elwood could be heard saying, “Good golly!  The flying objects… people going through windows… exciting bright flashes of colors and bombastic noises!  Why it reminds of me of Charlie’s Christmas party back in 1992!”  With a tilt of his head and a sip from his flask Elwood continues, “Oh, you are right of course Harvey.  That was 1993.  How right you are.  What a glorious party that was.”

I would like to have Harvey focus on the chainsaw wielded by Manslaughter, making a telekinetic attack against it hoping to dislodge it or damage it or both.  

Because a hyper-intellect is never too busy to ponder multiple issues at the same time  (lol) (and I can’t sleep tonight
<DarkStar IC: Response> (please add this to whatever response you craft for Joshua's response to Catalyst "attack" on him. Oh and remember he might be angry at Catalyst but still playing the role of good soldier and Team member - Thanks Tom)


As he teleports above his dangerous undead foe, and listening to the seemingly nervous ramblings on his new combat comrade, a thought crosses the blue battling 'behemoth's" mind. Focusing on his amulet right as he attempts to drive Samhain into the earth like a railroad spike with his double fisted hammer strikes, Joshua ask Dr. Arcane the question, "Hey Doc. what's our chances of convincing these Geonesians to ally with us against the Null Masters? If nothing else maybe provide passage or support for an attack against them in the Domain?"

Quest: Issue 20: Night Of The Undead


As Darkstar stares outside at Samhain, Catalyst says to him, “Nice hit . . . think you can do that again?” Just as he finishes asking him that question, Catalyst raises his hands up and lets loose with a double blast of red electrical energy at Darkstar ( OOC: Genetic Resequencing ability – Invulnerability and Heightened Density ). As the dark blue teleporter takes a second to realize what he has just done to him, Catalyst steps through the hole in the side of the building and out  onto the patio surrounding the pool.

Quote from Issue #19 Standoff
Watching as Adamas was irradiated in a strange red glow, he whispered to Doc. "I think he and I need to have a talk before he tries that trick on me. I want to know how, why and what he's doing, beforehand."

OOC: Hey Tom, hey Kevin

Not having had a peek at Catalyst character sheet I'm not sure how his power is suppose to work other than it's a variation on Weakness Detection if I remember right. Does it detect all a characters powers in a single go or like the standard Weakness Detection can it only detect one per Action? I'm asking because I really don't want to create any character animosity between the two. Unless that's what Kev's looking for between the two rich boys, then cool that's a choice  

And no I don't necessarily expect Catalyst to know/understand DarkStar intense desire not to have his powers messed with, but Joshua would expect anyone with the ability to do so to ask permission first. It's just way too similar to hacking into someones medical records or bank account and messing with them, but worse. You're messing with someones body without asking permission and that is an assault of a very personal nature. Joshua is not cool at all with having his genetic sequence being mapped and altered without his permission. The fight Doc and DS had in issue #2 will be a spat compared to this by the time it's over.

Okay the character personality stuff to the side, this is a bad idea tactically also. By "doubling DarkStar's Body Power: Density Increase, you've not only added +20 to his Strength stat (which is good) but also increased his weight another x4 (which is freaking awfully bad). Tom can interpret that as a total of his original weight x8, or god forbid x16, depending on what algebraic formula he's fond of today  Which modifies DarkStar's Agility score another -2 due to the weight  at the least (making his to hit score -1) or god forbid he suddenly weights 3,200 lbs and gets an additional -4 Agility Modifier due to his weight (making his to hit score -2) Neither which is all that a desirable situation for a guy without a high agility to begin with.

I suppose the good news here (assuming Catalyst idea works)  is that DS will have a 6d10 to 7d10 punch depending on how Tom wants to booger the weight increase. Is the potential damage increase worth a lesser chance to hit? In some cases I'm sure it's going to be an obvious yes - this case probably not.

Additional questions if I may Tom. The ability to detect multiple weakness/powers in a single Action to the side, I assume Catalyst has to roll to hit an unwilling to target with his "Booster Ray"? Also having addressed DS directly then raised his hands toward DS, is it possible for DS to evade Catalyst red energy? Can DS just Combat Teleport before he actually shoots at him with his attack?

That +1 or +2 to hit may not seem like much to hit to someone using Power blast (base 16 to hit) or someone with Heightened Agility and Natural Weaponry, but when we only get one Action per Turn, I really don't want my character to be missing his attacks because his base of 5 + 4 + 2 for a total of 11 to hit in hand to hand combat got nerfed because DS just had his weight quadruples - again.

I think I got all the math right in that.

<DarkStar IC Action:> While his IC response depends on knowing the results of the above questions his Action will remain the same (til he and Catalyst have a spare second for a trip to the Himalayans at least) DarkStar will teleport just above Samhain and come down on him with double hammer-strikes. While he might be "dead" DS wouldn't assume him stupid and is trying to come at him from different angles and attack ideas as often as possible. I'll work it into his IC response when Tom let's me know about the above stuff. I'll say if nothing else you've kept the "Team" dynamics interesting this issue Kev (lol)

Later Guys

I hope to get the Character Sheets posted this weekend. Catalyst's variation gives him knowledge of powers and weaknesses on DNA based powers only.  So he doesn't know DarkStar's intelligence and can't affect it.

I am not recalculating the Character Sheet every time it is done, so it effects on completed stats (Accuracy, Damage, Carrying Cap.) so the Density Increase would be Carrying Capacity increase only. DarkStar would go from 3d10 to 6d10. No impact to weight, agility, or accuracy.

You are correct it is not automatic for opponents, so DarkStar would have to make a successful detect danger roll to know he is being blasted by a teammate.  Both of you have Agility that is identical in value so it will come down to the initiative roll to see if DarkStar was first and he would have to hold his action to teleport away which would count as choosing Evasion as his action for the turn (automatic success in evading).


Hey Big T

I think I got most of that.

I don't blame you for not recalculating everything, every time he uses the Boost/Negate, and normally I don't think you'd find it much of an issue. I definitely agree on not re-figuring HP/PP and the such, but DS's Density Increase is such an "involved" power I would consider it more than fair to take the bad with the good in that particular case (not that I want to but it would be fair as Carrying Capacity is so closely tied to Weight). Your call but I'm cool either way. It won't change DS's feelings of having been assaulted by having his physiology altered without permission and knowing all the potential ramifications ahead of time however.


My bad for not writing it clearly earlier I think. My fault for even mentioning "evading". Whether DS "sees" Catalyst "attack" coming in time or not his Actions remain the same. If he can, he will Combat Teleport as described out of Catalyst line of fire and into attack mode just above Samhain for the double hammer fist strike doing his normal 3d10 each. If he can't Combat Teleport out of the line of fire in time he'll still perform the same jump and attack Samhain in the exact same fashion but with 6d10 each. (God that's just wrong with or without the -1 to hit). The only difference will be his internal (I repeat internal) dialog. One will be about having almost been assaulted changed to one of having actually being assaulted (regardless of the "benefits" it might have produced)

SO - Tom make that initiative roll and write up whatever you think works in either case partner. Please keep in mind that while DS might be extremely pissed internally I'd like him to keep that mitigated by Joshua's current need to prove to the rest of the Team that he is a "team" member. The guilt of Adamas's condition post-Destroyers still is weighing heavily upon him. i.e I don't plan on having DS drop Catalyst off the top of Mount Everest. (Maybe just break his family financially - lol - joke - joke I kid - lol)

Kev I hope the game pace gives our characters a chance to role-play this out. I think we'll both have fun with it. At worst maybe Tom will let us do a Side-Shot for it

Cya guys in Issue #21

My unsolicited two cents:

John raises some interesting ethical questions around right to privacy, as well as plain old good manners.

In Vanguard, Symbiote can duplicate another hero's powers, and is always careful to ask permission from allies before doing so. Sentinel, despite his self-professed "goodness," secretly scans people without their permission, even allies, to determine if they are "extranormal." But he doesn't reveal his findings, or even the existance of this this ability.


1) I think DS only whispered his non-permission to Doc. Don't recall if he ever told Catalyst in-character.

2) Our characters don't understand the extent of Catalyst's powers. For all we know, it could be a blind boost to the recipient, with Catalyst receiving no information about his target, in which case there has been no privacy "violation," as far as we know.

It'll be interesting to watch all this play out.



Very interesting discussion on where the line should be drawn. If Catalyst does in with superpowers it is wrong but it DarkStar and AA uses electronics, contacts, and MEDUSA's covert databases & combat trainer to gain information its okay?

Both DarkStar and AA have researched Dr. Avery and Dr. Arcanne in detail without asking permission to invade his privacy but since it is his personal history and not his DNA, he shouldn't be upset?

I have co-workers who would allow the full body scans at the airport but won't give out their social security number to anyone.
The privacy line is probably the hottest issue of our times from the computer companies which put it in the software license agreement that buying and installing their software gives them the right to monitor your useage (same for website like Facebook) to drug testing in the workplace to government tracking of its citizens.

I am probably one of the few who believed Batman crossed over to villain with his plans to study the Justice League and determine a way to defeat each of them, including the creation of Brother Eye (Infinite Crisis storyline). 

It does seem to be consistent that the characters that value their privacy and secrecy the most are the first one to invade the privacy of others to steal their secrets.

Fun Times


I didn't mean to suggest that AA's investigation into the PCs or Arcane was okay. We know from the real world that these methods range from unethical to illegal.

But when superpowers are used this way, there's no clear, real world equivalent to render clear if this use is unethical or illegal. This grey area is where things get interesting for me.

There's also the distinction between intel gathering, and alteration (even temporarily) of another person without their permission.

For the record, I think it's okay for Batman to find a failsafe for each JLA member, in case any of them ever get a giant alien starfish attached to them again. But the methods to create, or the use of, those failsafes could cross the line, depending on the circumstances.



It does seem to be consistent that the characters that value their privacy and secrecy the most are the first one to invade the privacy of others to steal their secrets.

Speaking only for the Man from MEDUSA, privacy rights don't even show up on his radar.
Knowing that knowledge is power, restricting knowledge about oneself while maximizing your knowledge of everyone else is the only rational course.


John OOC: Hey Guys 

Jeff OOC: My unsolicited two cents:  Consider yourself solicited buddy (that kinda sounds dirty doesn't it?). Personally I love the good exchange of ideas.

John raises some interesting ethical questions around right to privacy, as well as plain old good manners. Hey who mentioned ethics during Christmas. Oh yeah me

In Vanguard, Symbiote can duplicate another hero's powers, and is always careful to ask permission from allies before doing so. Sentinel, despite his self-professed "goodness," secretly scans people without their permission, even allies, to determine if they are "extranormal." But he doesn't reveal his findings, or even the existence of this this ability. I always have thought Symbiote potentially very controversial (and too many similarities between DS and Sentinel for my own comfort )


1)I think DS only whispered his non-permission to Doc. Don't recall if he ever told Catalyst in-character.

He didn't which is one of a couple reasons I want to make sure I keep his external dialogue angry but fair. Internally so.

2) Our characters don't understand the extent of Catalyst's powers. For all we know, it could be a blind boost to the recipient, with Catalyst receiving no information about his target, in which case there has been no privacy "violation," as far as we know.

Actually Catalyst gave a very good description of what his powers do and how they work in Issue #19. He is very specifically described as sizing Adamas up before unleashing his booster ray. DarkStar wasn't there at the time, so I can't use that. AA mentioned at the time what a potential powder keg Catalyst powers were. I know he sized up the villains on the lawn but don't think he ever shared that information with the Team. However while I'm not one of the world's top 10 scientific minds, DarkStar is and I feel after watching Catalyst and his powers in acton he would have a theory on how they worked  first time he saw them. Once they were used on him, more so. Genetic resequencing aside (which I believe would come out again in "normal" conversation at some point) Doubling DS's Density Increase will have a physiological mutagenic effect which should be obvious - remember when Ben Grimm went to a spikey-rock formation? I don't play up DS's super-intellect a whole lot, but after enough anecdotal evidence is out there I think putting two and two together shouldn't be that hard even if Catalyst doesn't decide to come clean.

That said, I told Kev I think he's playing Catalyst "character" great. It's just my impression so far, far I don't think he's  guy that thinks to hard in terms of ethics, privacy, boundaries etc (something he has in common with AA and DS - welcome to the group buddy) DS may be rich but he self-made and blue-collar. Catalyst was born into it and raised in it. He truly is the rich boy debutante AA accuses DS of being. Or at least that's the personality Catalyst shows us. He might be the next Bruce Wayne. Either way I like how Kevin is playing the character and look forward to the "conversation" Cat and DS will be having in downtime. I expect much alcohol will end up being consumed before it’s over

It'll be interesting to watch all this play out.

I agree

Later "Team
John R

OOC: John
Awesome discussion :)

OOC: Tom

Very interesting discussion on where the line should be drawn. If Catalyst does in with superpowers it is wrong but it DarkStar and AA uses electronics, contacts, and MEDUSA's covert databases & combat trainer to gain information its okay?

Nope I agree whether it's powers or electronics the act itself is the same. What kind of information and whether it actually has a "right'  to be protected might be the true issues. Also maybe even in our private lives there ought to be layers of what information needs or should be protected by privacy. Just a thought on that one.

Both DarkStar and AA have researched Dr. Avery and Dr. Arcane in detail without asking permission to invade his privacy but since it is his personal history and not his DNA, he shouldn't be upset?

I almost think you answer this with your next statement.

I have co-workers who would allow the full body scans at the airport but won't give out their social security number to anyone.

I think it comes down to how they feel they can be hurt the most. Hope your not comparing an airport scan to what Catalyst can do though? World's different in potential effects.

The privacy line is probably the hottest issue of our times from the computer companies which put it in the software license agreement that buying and installing their software gives them the right to monitor your useage (same for website like Facebook) to drug testing in the workplace to government tracking of its citizens.

Hey DS just suggested tracking the bad guys. That other stuff is someone elses bad. (lol)

I am probably one of the few who believed Batman crossed over to villain with his plans to study the Justice League and determine a way to defeat each of them, including the creation of Brother Eye (Infinite Crisis storyline). 

I have to say I'm more in line with Bats on this one - given the world he lives in, I think he's just trying to be prepared for the worse. The fact that it was used by the bad guys doesn't make the planning bad. Guns kill but most of us think of them as a tool of home and self-defense. (lost me on big brother I quit reading DC Crisis stuff ages ago)

It does seem to be consistent that the characters that value their privacy and secrecy the most are the first one to invade the privacy of others to steal their secrets.

Probably because they know better than anyone the potential real damage that can be done

Fun Times


Jeff OOC: Speaking only for the Man from MEDUSA, privacy rights don't even show up on his radar.
Knowing that knowledge is power, restricting knowledge about oneself while maximizing your knowledge of everyone else is the only rational course.

Ditto from Medusa's ex- lord of electronics and surveillance tech.

Happy Holiday

Hey T

I think Bats just decided it was better/more efficient to have a safety lock available for the weapon than to try and predict when a bad guy might come along and co-op it (JLA that is, not his plan lol). You can plan for a known quantity alot easier than all the potential ones. Maybe he needed a plan for the plan?

I disagree on the Jericho thing by the way. Not by much mind you but I think Catalyst potential is much worse ASSUMING (lol) some science geek can replicate or take control of and make it a permanent effect. But only because of similarities to the Legacy Virus or the massive world wide House of M effect. If Jericho could make it permanent or effect a worldwide audience then oh yeah he gets dibs

Ha, lots of ifs huh? Wow I haven't had this big a comic book geek conversation in ages guys - thanks

Hey Tom, just wanted to let you know that I’ve decided not to continue playing Catalyst in the Quest campaign.

- Kev