Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quest: Night of the Undead - Issue 20

Location: Dr. Avery’s Mansion

Occult looked at Pietor. “It seems I took too long in getting here. You have bonded with the cloak.”

“That is okay. I will take it from your dead body. Get him!” she said as she teleported away.

Joshua Rose felt the light-headness leave him at the same time.

DarkStar immediately contacted Cybil to track where Occult went. Dr. Avery thought “She isn’t in our world, Joshua. She has not simply teleported. She dimensionally traveled. She has gone to the Domain where she will deliver the scrolls and the necessary reagents for the ceremony.”

Samhain and the ‘Halloween Twins’ entered the room. The Twins were both carrying chainsaws.

DarkStar said, “Damn it Doc I told you."

Dr. Avery looked at DarkStar, “Do you really think killing Occult would have prevented this?
Pietor snickered, “Look in front of you DarkStar. What kind of hold do you think death has on our world? A world where the dead can be summoned from the grave and lethal radiation turns a person blue giving him powers beyond mortal man.”

Agent America snarled at Doc Arcane: "Doc, how fast can you figure out a way for us to follow Occult?!"
Dr. Avery responded to Agent America, “I know an incantation which will allow us to follow her path. It will take a little time and complete contraction. It can’t be performed in the middle of a fight.”

Agent America called: 'Doc! Pietor! I'm going to evac you two right now unless you'd rather stay and fight. Your call. Now, please." Both expressed they were acceptable to the action which promoted Team success.

As the three drones of the Domain advanced DarkStar took up a defensive stance in front of Dr. Arcane. “Cybil, do we have a fix on the Tarot Masters? Agent, you guys can handle these three mooks, I think Occult targeted Pietor specifically, use that to our advantage. Either send me after Occult or the Tarot Masters, I’m the only one who has a chance of catching up to them and surviving the battle.”

Dr Avery replied, "That is good human logic Joshua, unfortunately Samhain is not human but an inhuman mindless killing machine. He could fulfill Occult's order by killing all of us. Occult did not say to kill Pietor only."

Agent America told the team to focus on the threat within the house. Fighting the Tarot Masters would have to wait until another day.

DarkStar said, “Adamas, do you see Donnah in her room or anywhere on the estate?” Adamas replied he could not see her.

“Doc, do you know where Donnah is?” DarkStar asked.

Doc did not know where Donnah was. He didn’t not know why she wasn’t responding. She might be safely hiding and didn’t want to risk giving her location away to any Psionic which might be around. She might be responding because something worse had happened. He was very afraid of the three revenants in the room. He did not share DarkStar's confidence.

“Cybil, activate Donnah’s comm-broach please, I need to locate her. Agent, at least let me get Doc and Donnah out of here. I’ll be back before you can blink twice. Donnah, where are you? Are you okay? Do you need assistance?

Donnah did not respond.

Cybil, use the Ares combat sensors and check for Donnah's heat signature in the house and on the grounds."

Cybil replied the storm was preventing the heat scans from working.

Joshua placed his hands on Dr.Avery and Pietor's shoulders as the minions of Occult continued their advance into the room. "Okay guys time to evac the non-combatants before things get out of hand. Doc if you have a preference speak up quick. Pietor, we both know I can't make you go, and I respect your desire to fight the good fight, but I'd take it as a personal favor if you kept an eye on Doc during this crisis."

Pietor agreed to teleport Dr. Avery and himself away from the mansion.

Stress and a physical sense of horror filled the room and while the costumed members of the Team began their heroic actions, Elwood casually crouched behind the nearby couch.  It smelled of fine Corinthian leather which for some reason reminded him of his days working for Mr. Winthrope.  "He always had the nicest furniture" thought Elwood.

"Harvey my friend, I believe I will need a little boost to keep me brave."  As he said this, Elwood smiled and carefully unscrewed the cap to his favorite flask.  He lifted it slightly, "To your health" and took a relaxed swig.

The masks of the chainsaw wielding villains twisted so that the eye holes are in the back. The masks now blinded the wearers.

Seeing the horrific adversaries’ masks spun backwards may have caused the two chainsaw wielding foes trouble but it gave Elwood a great feeling of joy and he erupted in laughter.  "HAHAHAHA!  Excellent!"  His jacket wrinkled in the back as his shoulders slid down the side of the arm of the couch and he couldn't help but hold his stomach from the laughter.  "Oh that is good stuff buddy."  Catching his breath, Elwood then simply said, "You're quite welcome."

Adamas first thought was to leave the team and go after the retreating villains but he had learned a lesson.  He flew to a position to put himself between Elwood, Pietor, and the undead trio, and fired his power blast at the three of them as fast as he could.


A blaze of glory was released from Adamas’ eyes as he fired 12 blasts at the 3 foes. Two of the shots missed striking the floor. Both Chainsaw and Samhain withstood the blasts without showing any signs of damage. It appeared that they either had natural armor or invulnerability protecting them. Manslaughter was struck and injured by two strikes but he still stood.

Adamas unleashed again.


Another blaze of glory was released from Adamas’ eyes as he fired 12 blasts at the 3 foes. Again two of the shots missed striking the floor. Only Chainsaw withstood the blast. His natural armor was protecting him less and less with each blast but it was still protecting him. Samhain didn’t have any invulnerability left to protect him this time. He was struck hard and sent flying backwards into the room across from the library. Manslaughter was hurt the worse and knocked back so hard he flew through the front bay window and onto the front lawn. He slowly stood back up, fixed his mask, and walk toward the broken window.

From the other room a knife flew in through the door way. Agent America didn't miss a beat. His pistol was suddenly out of its holster and in his hand ZOM! A black beam of energy roared from the high tech firearm at the knife that Samhain had thrown. It disintegrated into nothingness.  The acrobatic operative leaped backwards, tumbling in the air and landed BAM! on the desk in front of Pietor, facing their enemies.

From the top of the desk, America said through the necklace: "Team, massacre these mooks. No need to hold back. They're dead already”

Chainsaw entered the room on the run holding his chainsaw over his head. ZOM! The disintegration ray struck the chainsaw. It melted pieces off of it but it was still working.  The chainsaw maniac leaped up at Adamas swinging. As he reached the height of his arc, the chainsaw handle loosened. The change in balance caused the swing to go wide missing Adamas.

Manslaughter fixed his mask then leaped from his spot towards Adamas with his chainsaw over his head.


He struck Adamas with the motorized weapon {GM Note: 19 damage all against Invulnerability, Invulnerability now 29. This chainsaw is not magical}.

From his position in front of the two arcane academics, DarkStar turned to Dr. Avery and Pietor. “Okay guys time to evac the non-combatants before things get out of hand. Pietor, get Doc out of here and some place safe. Keep us informed through the amulets. Please, keep an eye on Doc during the crisis.”

Pietor nodded. The teleportation portal opened and Pietor wheel Dr. Avery through it, following behind his mentor.


DarkStar combat jumped into the other room behind Samhain.


 At the sound Samhain turned to face him.

Whiff! WHAM!

DarkStar struck Samhain with one of his punches. The blow caught Samhain squarely in the chest knocking him out of the room back into the Library.


DarkStar combat jumped into the Library next to Samhain.



DarkStar struck Samhain so hard he flew through the wall onto the pool patio deck. Slowly Samhain started to rise.

{GM Note: DarkStar was supposed to perform a dual attack but the first action removed Samhain from within range of the second action so it was aborted without any Power Points spent, for either the second action or aborting the action.}

{Second GM Note: Adamas made both his saves so the effects of Catalyst powers are in place next turn. Invulnerability of 48 and Power Blast of 2d20 and 2d12 for Autofire variant}

{Third GM Note: Catalyst increased 2 of Adamas powers so it is PR=4 per and +1 for Adamas Alien DNA, so he has spent 10 PP}

< Due Date: December 17th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Agent America              Hit Points: 83    Power Points: 97           Pistol: 18 of 20 charges.
Adamas                        Hit Points: 7      Power Points: 49           Invulnerability: 29 (48 start of next turn)
Catalyst                        Hit Points: 26    Power Points: 61           1 saved action
DarkStar                       Hit Points: 73    Power Points: 102         Invulnerability: 30          
Elwood                         Hit Points: 9      Power Points: 54 
Harvey                          Hit Points: 81    Power Points: 90           1 saved action

Map next page.
AA and GM

IC: Agent America snarled at Doc Arcane: "Doc, how fast can you figure
out a way for us to follow Occult?!"

OOC: Zoinks! Great issue, as usual.

Lotta questions:

AA: when I asked Pietor to lock up the scroll, what happened?

GM: Pietor went for the cloak and Dr. Avery locked the scroll up.  When checking the safe the scroll is there but it is a fake. No one knows when or how the switch was done but everyone suspects Miss Ellie/Mortal.

AA: Adamas warned us 4 intruders were coming, but we were taken by surprise and lost all initiative, correct?

GM: Yes, because you were waiting for an attack and not a traitor turn, Miss Ellie's actions surprised you and the Triplets were blocking any action you might have taken when Occult had the scroll.

AA: Do I, or anyone, still have held actions from last issue?

GM: Everyone except Catalyst has a held action available this turn, so you can submit two actions this issue. Catalyst used his boosting Adamas

AA: No chance that the womanizing charmer, Catalyst, would have joked with Miss Ellie about her disguise power?

GM: I bet he had plans to but there was never enough time to even say hi let alone hit on her (She had Charsima of 9, so he might not hit on her until he realized that it was in her power to change it)

AA Magical defenses are gone from the house, but DS is still dizzy when trying to port. Does that appear to be Occult's doing now?

GM: Yes, that was her doing. It would appear she learned the spell as well.

AA: When did we last see Occult?

GM: In the Temple of the Dragon of Juompur

AA: I thought we had beaten her?

GM: Yes, it would appear that villains can return to cause further troubles. Not very comic book like of me is it? Could she be the equivalent of The Team’s Enchantress?

AA: Doc didn't detect the Miss Ellie disguise! I think I'm over-estimating Doc's magic abilities!

GM: Would AA recommend Doc check her every morning when she arrived for work?  It is possible Dr. Avery verified her for this when hired but a switch occurred.  What surprises me is that Craftsman told AA that Miss Ellie appeared to be a false identity and he didn’t check her out himself.

AA: We need to hire a sorcerer onto this squad. Are any magical superheroes in public knowledge?

GM: I will have to check on that, Kevin do you know of anyone? (Hidden reference for a possible new player, I will come up with something)

Thanks / Best
Jeff and Tom

Great Issue, and great tie-in to Halloween!

Oh, and before anyone starts to ask Catalyst whether or not he did or did not know there was a shapeshifter among us . . . I personally blame DarkStar . . . it’s just easier that way for me. That way I don't have to take any of the responsibility for what happened lol ;)

One last thing - for those of us not of Irish decent - Samhain is pronounced Sow-in, and NOT Sam-hane =P

Talk to you guys soon,

- Kev

Hey Guys

 Crap, I'm at lunch and don't have time to read the Issue til I get home tonight.

I can already tell there's going to be a discussion about being on a war footing and needing to start treating our enemies as war time combatants.

OOC: "Damn it Doc I told you."

Awesome I'm sure Tom



After we defeated Occult was she locked up or otherwise imprisoned? I don't recall.

I thought the Craftsman meant 'a false identity' like Avery has for Arcane. Doh!

Sorry, is Kevin's PC magical in nature? Haven't seen his sheet.

Will Arcane reply to AA's IC question this issue or next? Thanks.


OOC: Well, for those who played/read Dom. Sumner's campaign... Power Chord is on hiatus...

And while we're rounding up new team members, can we get someone that can heal... did this job come with a health plan... jk



Last one:
Where was Occult imprisoned?


OOC: It wasn't disclosed at the time but it wasn't Fear Island.  If you want to find out, I am sure Dr. Avery can make a call.
Hey Jeff

OOC: Doc wouldn't let DarkStar deep six her after Juompur. Said it was bad karma, that she would come back twice as powerful and thirsting for vengeance. To let her masters deal with her.

How's that working out Doc?

(lol – I still haven’t has chance to read the issue, but someone’s getting a big old IC: "I Told You So" - lol)
Trying to catch up to everyone's messages before I dive into "character" and read this month's issue


OOC: Every time I think I know what's going to happen, you pull the rug out from under me... First teased with the destroyers, now with the Tarot Masters...

IC: Adamas first thought is to leave the team and go after the retreating villains, but I think we can safely say he's learned a lesson there.  At this point he's going to put himself between Elwood, Pietor, and the undead trio, and let's see how this boosted Power Blast works.  He's going to Autofire the three of them as many times as his heightened speed allows.

OOC: "My daddy always said, When you want to hammer a nail, don't do anything fancy, just get a hammer and pound the son of a $@^*#."  Gary Busey's character Captain Church in Soldier.  Watched it again over the weekend... love that movie!


Adamas: First teased with the destroyers, now with the Tarot Masters

GM:I agree the Tarot Masters were a tease to get you to the next events and to fulfill some players need to know "Who the Hell are these guys?" before fighting them. They will definitely be a factor later in the Domain Storyline.

The Destroyers were not supposed to be a tease but the main event of that 'module'. They were to get the isotope and escape. The Team would then track them down to the base to retrieve the Isotope and defeat them.  When one of the players defeated the Destroyers single handedly it ended the module. Their whooping him for defeating them was inconsequential to the module, even though the PC wouldn't think that way.

I couldn't think of a reason to have them look for the Destroyers. So the first encounter with the Destroyers did turn into a tease but it wasn’t planned that way.

So we ended with two teases instead of one but the first one wasn't my fault (unless underestimating Adamas is counted then it is my fault).


Oh, and before anyone starts to ask Catalyst whether or not he did or did not know there was a shapeshifter among us . . . I personally blame DarkStar . . . it’s just easier that way for me. That way I don't have to take any of the responsibility for what happened lol ;)


Here's hoping a gremlin bites you in the butt tonight buddy. Don't you dare give him a head's up either Harvey (lol)

Kev, you’re gonna be a blast. I can see why you have Catalyst with a quick wit.

Harvey & Elwood


First let me say THANK YOU for this fun and exciting installment.  This can't be easy and you do it well.
Also, I really enjoy that you "get" Elwood and Harvey.  It has already made this easy for me.  I hope you have some fun with it too (I think you are).

On to business.

First actions

Elwood saves, and uses just movement to get in position behind a couch.

Harvey's action will depend on...

Did Harvey get to see and hear Occult clearly?

If "yes" then Harvey will attempt to create a visual, audible and psionic illusion of Occult standing behind the Halloweenies.  She would appear to say, "Come my friends!  It looks like we won't need the cloak after.  Let's make our escape. (and mumble some gibberish similar to the jargon she used earlier)" while waving her hands, mimicking prior movements.

If the trio turn around:
IC:  In a position of defense behind a sturdy couch and hurriedly finishing a sip from his trusty flask, Elwood almost chokes on the whiskey as he bellows, "Harvey says to hit them now while he has them turned around!  Don't wait!"  Pleased with his contribution to what he believes is a momentous interaction, Elwood rewards himself with another glorious sip.  "Ahhh."

If the trio have no reaction to the illusion:
IC:  In a position of defense behind a sturdy couch Elwood is heard to say, "That is odd Harvey.  I wonder if these three are even real?"  After taking a consolatory sip from his flask, Elwood says, "I hope you're right.  Gentlemen, Harvey thinks these may be just illusions perhaps meant to keep us distracted from something."

If the trio react to the illusion but are not fooled or distracted by it:
IC:  "A fine try my friend.  I would have been fooled by it I assure you."  After taking a sip from his flask, Elwood then says, "You're quite welcome buddy.  Now what?"

The following would be Harvey's first action if you tell me that he did not get to see and hear Occult clearly.  On the other hand, if the above action takes place, then the following would be his second action:

Harvey will target the masks of the villains and try to telekinetically twist them turning the masks so that the eye holes are in the back and thereby blind the wearers.  If we can do this to just one villain, then let's target Samhain first.  If we can get them all, let's do that.  I will leave it to you to decide if this constitutes an attack or if it is just movement, though I am hoping it would be only movement.

I have never used illusions or telekinesis before so I will be testing the limits.  As per the 2.1 edition, "The character can manipulate physical objects at will, employing only movement to do so, although his telekinetic capacity will be temporarily reduced by the number of pounds being used..."

I thought of moving the chainsaws but I think twisting the masks is more in line with the playfulness of a pookah.

What a wonderful Halloween edition.  Thanks again Tom. 


OOC: You are correct it takes only movement to use TK to control.  Since it belongs to an opponent it accounts as an attack (High bonuses for unexpected, invisible, from invisible combatant).  If Harvey wanted to move the desk or couch that would be movement only.  Samhain doesn't wear a mask.

So to clarify for your turn.

To create and have the illusion speak is 1 action and PR =1. (Yes, Harvey saw Occult).

Since Harvey's illusions are Psionic they will have little effect because Samhain, Chainsaw, and Manslaughter are mindless killing machines. Harvey knows enough about these ancient revenants and Cultic lore and history to realize after the attack that Occult had to be using Mind Control for those 3 to follow her.

Do you mind writing up a response to that.

To grab a mask and turn it would be 1 action and PR=1. With Harvey's agility, he can attempt to turn two masks for 1 action and PR=4 (TK=1+1 and second attack PR=2)


Hey Guys

I just finished the newest awesome Issue of Quest . . . and I have to say I'm frustrated . First of all I've always pegged Pietor as the traitor in house. I can barely remember a thing about Ms. Ellie. Secondly Cybil and DarkStar's powers are both fritzed by magic, again? DS needs to get an anti-magic amulet. Is there a wealth point cost for something like that . Third - EIGHTEEN YEARS? Are you kidding me?


Okay all goofiness aside (18yrs? )

OOC: May I suggest me make sure we are all on the same page before AA starts barking out his best drill sergeant orders?  I think I'm just gun shy after the last couple issues. Here's my take on things and a couple thoughts.

Bad guys are still on the lawn and retreating? They were real right? Why the retreat when they could crush the main opposition (us) while we're at a disadvantage?

Bad guys in the house have split into two groups. Occult (who DarkStar should have killed, chopped in tiny pieces and buried like Ra in the four corners of the earth in Issue #7 - yeah yeah Isis brought Ra back too but I'm really not pleased at having my powers messed with by another magic-user . Why me why not Adamas - lol) Occult has split with the goods and left  some undead in the house that need cleaning.

BTW - I know I left Samhain in the hands of Bishop of CHESS.
Is that the basic gist of things?

Okay Questions

1) What are are primary objectives at this point? I can tell you I'm dying to have DarkStar ask Doc if he can send him after Occult - don't see that going well but I'm sick and tired of playing defense in this little war of ours.

2) Who the hell told Pietor to "bond" with the Cloak? I still don't trust this guy. If he flinches DS might cold clock him on reflex

3) Just my opinion but if you take Occults orders literally the Dead Musketeers are going to be focused on Pietor. We can devise a plan that utilizes that to our advantage somehow. If they are focused on him then if he leads them away, we can focus on either chasing down Occult (my particular favorite thought) or do a beat down on Noman and his tarot goons.

Remember this is all OOC, I'll provide an initial DarkStar IC: response in a day or two, but wanted to get this stuff out there first.

To Be Continued  ...

OOC: "Drill sergeant orders?" You must have us mistaken for an organized enterprise, like the Destroyers.  ;)

John, Doc isn't answering questions on how to follow Occult just yet, it would seem. :)
Do you still want to follow the pillars that were sent into the sky? It's you or Adamas, and with his power boost it makes sense for him to attack the trio like he did.
I'd like you to help fight these bruisers, (since Catalyst can't affect them and the Pookah won't hurt them directly, but can help our attacks) but if the pillars are going to hurt anyone, we have to save them.

Tom, AA is thinking of carrying Pietor and Doc out of here. Since Pietor's wearing the cloak does that mean he can't be carried???
Also, do we know where Donnah is?

You said the Tarot Masters were withdrawing. On foot? Flying? Teleported out? Thanks.

Catalyst, since these monsters don't register for you, I guess you can't turn off their powers. Can you boost DS and Adamas at the same time?

Any other thoughts anyone?  :)


AA: Do you still want to follow the pillars that were sent into the sky?

GM: Adamas will report with his Ethereal Vision he sees the pillars returning from the sky back to their spots, the same for the ones drawn into the ground. They are not a threat to anyone.

AA: AA is thinking of carrying Pietor and Doc out of here. Since Pietor's wearing the cloak does that mean he can't be carried???

GM: Yep, no one is making him go anywhere he doesn't want to go. Well, at least not unless it is over his dead body.

AA: Do we know where Donnah is?

GM: No. You know nothing other than she said she was going to her room earlier.

AA: You said the Tarot Masters were withdrawing. On foot? Flying? Teleported out?

GM: Yes, they are using their powers to withdraw as quickly as possible and the storm is worsening to help hide their retreat. Half can fly, Terra-izer teleported, and Emerald can carry the non fliers with her (like Jean Grey/Marvel Girl does).


Hey Jeff

DarkStar OOC:

OOC: "Drill sergeant orders?" You must have us mistaken for an organized enterprise, like the Destroyers. ;)

LOL - my mistake

John, Doc isn't answering questions on how to follow Occult just yet, it would seem. :)
Do you still want to follow the pillars that were sent into the sky? It's you or Adamas, and with his power boost it makes sense for him to attack the trio like he did.

No he doesn't seem real concerned about that does he? (We are in real trouble if I have DS start going paranoid about Doc's loyalty - lol ) I was having Cybil use the Ares satellite to track them - but it seems a moot point at this juncture.

I'd like you to help fight these bruisers, (since Catalyst can't affect them and the Pookah won't hurt them directly, but can help our attacks) but if the pillars are going to hurt anyone, we have to save them.

Your command(er) is my wishes in the combat arena sahib (sp) I make suggestions and follow orders - mostly  (lol).

Also, do we know where Donnah is?

Can use the communicator to track her if she has it on her and there's always the amulets.

You said the Tarot Masters were withdrawing. On foot? Flying? Teleported out? Thanks.

Just curious. Since Doc's probably and rightly so - send DS in the Domain to chase down Occult. Do you want to send Rose after Noman's group while AA and Adamas and Pietor (really? who told him he could do that - can't trust that boy I tell ya - lol) are of the Dead Musketeers? Just offering. I really don't like them just walking away without paying the piper at least a down payment for the trouble they've caused.

Catalyst, since these monsters don't register for you, I guess you can't turn off their powers. Can you boost DS and Adamas at the same time?
Hahahahahaha (huge gut laugh here in Indiana) While it will be with extreme IC reluctance, OOC I'll make sure to have DS be a good soldier if you think the boost is necessary to take these mooks out.

*Important* Jeff I think they have been targeted on Pietor - not the Team or even Doc. I could be wrong but if I have this interpreted right (Occult's specifically worded orders) then going after Noman might be a real opportunity. Doc's, Donnah's, and any other staff safety of course has to be first priority but Pietor took it on himself to bond with the Cloak, if he wants to play with the big boys I suggest we give our (wink wink) obnoxious step-brother a chance.

I'm in middle of crafting most of this with IC responses but working 12 hour shifts this week so creative juices are kind of burned out at the moment. Will have it ready by Thursday I think. Til then these are just some thoughts


PS: Tom for whatever reason, new blood, new team leader, whatever , this is great, this is the most back and forth communication amongst the Team members since we first started – kudos


GM clarifications

DS: Can use the communicator to track her if she has it on her and there's always the amulets.

GM: Donnah does not have a StarCorp comm unit but she does have the necklace with the communicator built into it.  She has never communicated with you by amulet, so while it appears that Donnah and Dr. Avery communicate by amulet, you do not know for sure.


Thanks Tom!

So, if Pietor wishes to be carried out of here, he can be?

Last question, I promise!!!  :)))




AA doesn't question Doc's loyalty. But with all due respect to our patron, AA is starting to question Doc's ability/judgment. More on this IC after the fight, assuming we survive.

"Your command(er) is my wishes in the combat arena sahib (sp) I make suggestions and follow orders - mostly  (lol)."
Thanks. That's all any of us can ask for.  ;)

Donnah is upstairs in her room. Occult and the terrible trio just came from upstairs.
I hope that Donnah is: a) alive and b) not secretly Occult!  ;)

Pietor acted quickly to bond the cloak to himself, or else Ellie would have made off with that too. Cut him some slack. :)

If you four want to focus on the bloodthirsty three, I'll try to evac Doc and Pietor, and check on Donnah and then hightail back to the fight as your (hopefully unnecessary) backup.

Once the immediate threat is over, we can chase Occult.

So protect yourselves. Try not to get too hurt. We'll need everyone in good shape if we catch up with Occult and the Tarot villains.

An other thoughts?



Too late for Adamas to be in "good shape" for any kind of battle. Thanks to Catalyst, he may make it through the fight with the three stooges, but he's going to need some down time if he's going to be up to any kind of extended battle.  

I know we've been talking about finding a sorcerer, but maybe there's one in the room.  We may have been selling Pietor short.  I mean he is Dr. Avery's student, he's proven himself adept at transportation, ala the last issue, and now he's bonded to the cloak... I don't know what else he has up his sleeve, but we may be looking at the new Dr. Arcane in training... I'm with DS, let's see what he can do.

To Adamas, the Tarot masters are off the table.  Our job is to prevent the Domain's takeover of the Earth, not to defeat some villain group.   IHHO (In his humble opinion) :).  The Domain now has all five scrolls, we either wait for them to show up, or we take the battle to them.  Those are the options.  

Current situation, let's deal with the villains at hand and regroup.  Adamas would certainly be OK with someone leaving the battle to go check on Donna.  Our Alien with the guilty conscience believes there will be enough self recrimination to go around for everyone...  We missed the hint on Ms. Ellie, were distracted by Lord Noman and his goons, and now we're struggling to determine direction.

While I appreciate everyone's got their own decisions to make, AA evac plans, DS going after Occult or the TM's, I'm not so sure Catalyst, Adamas, and the Pookah are going to be able to handle these three, if memory serves me, Sow In was no push over last time, and those chainsaws are sharp...


Adamas is still focusing on the trio, trying to keep himself between Dr. Avery/Pietor, and the undead elephant in the room.  


Well let's see if Doc and Pietor even want to go. No one can move Pietor now against his will.

Agent America called: 'Doc! Pietor! I'm going to evac you two right now unless you'd rather stay and fight. Your call. Now, please."


OOC: Ok. I think I can start. This is AA's first, saved, action. I'm assuming that Adamas is currently airborne. If he's not, I'll alter this.

Agent America didn't miss a beat. His pistol was suddenly out of its holster and in his hand and ZOM! A black beam of energy roared from the high tech firearm at the feet of the three freaks. He wanted to disintegrate the floor beneath them!
The acrobatic operative leaped backwards, tumbling in the air and landed BAM! on the desk in front of Pietor, facing their enemies. ZOM! The daredevil of democracy fired again, this time on the floor between them! His goal was to disintegrate all of it, creating a hazardous moat between the Halloween costume party and the Team.

Rose could teleport behind them for HTH attacks. Everyone else could attack from a distance. But the zombie movie refugees had to be in-close to use the chainsaws. (OOC: and needed to make agility saves to jump/climb across the moat. heheheh)

From the top of the desk, America said through the necklace: "Team, massacre these mooks. No need to hold back. They're dead already."* [insert reply, if any]

"Doc, how long before you figure out a way to follow Occult?"
[insert reply]

"Doc, Pietor. I'm going to evac you two right now unless you'd rather stay and fight. Your call. Now, please."
[insert reply]

"Donnah? You got one of these necklace things?"
[insert reply]

His next move depended on the answers he got.


First, saved, action:
Attack: Floor under the terrible trio. Hopefully they fall onto their chainsaws.
Movement: Move 5" backwards to desk
Movement: Attack the floor between terrible trio and the big desk, twice if need be (see attached map. I'd like to evaporate the floor I've marked red.)
Movement: Carry Doc and Pietor to Donnah, if they ask for it.

Second action:
TBD. Depends on Pietor and Doc reply.

Tom, if any of this is impossible, please let me know. Thanks.


*to paraphrase Scotty.

When you state his next move do mean next issue?

Since AA acted then moved then acted again that uses up his actions for this issue. That would be how it is unless you change your input.

If you were wanting to perform a dual attack then both attacks have to be before or after movement.

All replies except Pietor's will be next issue and  I already sent his. Let me know if you need it again.



Sorry. I thought attacking an inanimate object (the floor that isn't
under the trio) is movement only. My bad.

Here's how it works if attacking the floor is an action:

Saved action:
Attack: Blast floor under trio
Movement: back up to desk, talk to Team.

Regular action this turn:
Attack: Blast floor
Movement: to be determined by answers, which I've gotten at this point. Might evac Doc to Donnah (with Doc blasting hole in back wall to escape)

Harvey & Elwood

Tom wrote: "Since Harvey's illusions are Psionic they will have little effect because Samhain, Chainsaw, and Manslaughter are mindless killing machines. Harvey knows enough about these ancient revenants and Occultic lore and history to realize after the attack that Occult had to be using Mind Control for those 3 to follow her.

Do you mind writing up a response to that.

To grab a mask and turn it would be 1 action and PR=1. With Harvey's agility, he can attempt to turn two masks for 1 action and PR=4 (TK=1+1 and second attack PR=2)"
OOC:  Thank you for clearing that up for me, and for granting some knowledge to Harvey.  (See guys, there really is a big invisible rabbit in the room!)

First Action for Harvey =
Harvey will target the masks of the chainsaw wielding villains and try to telekinetically twist them turning the masks so that the eye holes are in the back and thereby blind the wearers (Leatherface and Jason).  He will position himself on top of the couch that Elwood is hiding behind.

As narrative...
Stress and a physical sense of horror filled the room and while the costumed members of the Team began their heroic actions, Elwood casually crouched behind the nearby couch.  It smelled of fine Corinthian leather which for some reason reminded him of his days working for Mr. Winthrope.  "He always had the nicest furniture" thought Elwood.
"Harvey my friend, I believe I will need a little boost to keep me brave."  As he said this, Elwood smiled and carefully unscrewed the cap to his favorite flask.  He lifted it slightly, "To your health" and took a relaxed swig.

((The results of Harvey's actions could go here.))

OOC:  If Harvey is successful...
Seeing the horrific adversaries masks spin backwards may have caused the two chainsaw wielding foes trouble but it gave Elwood a great feeling of joy and he erupted in laughter.  "HAHAHAHA!  Excellent!"  His jacket wrinkled in the back as his shoulders slid down the side of the arm of the couch and he couldn't help but hold his stomach from the laughter.  "Oh that is good stuff buddy."  Catching his breath, Elwood then simply says, "You're quite welcome."

OOC:  The second actions will be saved unless...  If Harvey is unsuccessful... he will try the same action again (rinse and repeat).  If the second attempt is unsuccessful, I will hope the others lay a beat down anyway.  But here is the In Character response that I hope won't need to be used:
In a position of defense behind the sturdy couch Elwood is heard to say, "That is odd Harvey.  I wonder if these three are even real?"  After taking a consolatory sip from his flask, Elwood says, "I hope you're right.  Gentlemen, Harvey thinks these may be just illusions perhaps meant to keep us distracted from something."

Initial Responses

<DarkStar: IC >

[Regarding the character knowledge of Catalyst abilities.]

Dr. Arcane: “Joshua that is why I gave you thirty minutes to greet each other, so he could do just that, next time I will take the amulet away from you beforehand so you can‟t leave.”
Commander Rose: “True Doc, but I’m pretty sure if the amulet can reach Mars, the newbie could project his thoughts to me in Fort Worth through it as he was informing the rest of the Team. I have to admit Adamas looks pleased.”

[Pietor returned to the Library. He was wearing the cloak of Ambulation]

DarkStar glances over at Pietor as he steps up on the other side of Dr. Avery’s wheelchair. Looking to see the Doc’s reaction, he doesn’t notice anything other than a focus on the situation at hand, the cerulean commander can’t help a playful jab at Avery’s protégé. Joshua focuses his thoughts on the arcane assistant. “You ready for this Petey? It’s not going to be like anything you read those dusty manuscripts.”

[regarding information retrieved from the MEDUSA files]

Keeping his own senses focused on the opponents out on the lawn, DarkStar projects his thoughts to Agent America and the rest of the TEAM passing along the information contained in Cybil’s report as she displays the information on his goggles HUD. “Cybil please make a note for me to talk to Doc about getting access to FISH files and let’s create our own secure database on the “Ranch’s” computer system.”

[Dr. Arcane: “She isn’t in our world, Joshua.”]

As the three drones of the Domain advancing DarkStar takes up a defensive stance in front of Dr. Arcane. “Cybil, do we have a fix on the Tarot Masters? Agent, you guys can handle these three mooks, I think Occult targeted Pietor specifically, use that to our advantage. Either send me after Occult or the Tarot Masters, I’m the only one who has a chance of catching up to them and surviving the battle.”

OOC: Assuming AA nixes the Occult pursuit and refuses to release him upon the Tarot Masters.

“Cybil, activate Donnah’s comm-broach please, I need to locate her. Agent, at least let me get Doc and Donnah out of here. I’ll be back before you can blink twice. Donnah, where are you? Are you okay? Do you need assistance?

DarkStar Goals: Primary goal secure the safety of Doc and Donnah with a quick teleport to StarCorp Tower or anywhere else Doc designates. Secondary goal/desire to engage Tarot Masters and capture at least one. Tertiary goal observe the Dead Musketeers. If they are focused on Pietor, engage Samhain with a dual attack after a combat teleport behind enemy lines, attempting to use the knockback to propel his homicidal ass out on the lawn.

OOC: Will make in IC adjustments as necessary with other players IC responses. Sorry it’s taken a while to get my first response in.

IC: Donnah does not respond to your signaling her.

OC: Do you do anything else to try to locate her?


Hey AA

OOC: Yuck! If Donnah is Occult, Rose might never trust another living soul again, and DS hasn't been a fan of Pietor since he (like Occult) negated his teleporting ability. Since then he's slowly rose to the status of obnoxious step-brother - family (lol).

If you four want to focus on the bloodthirsty three, I'll try to evac
Doc and Pietor, and check on Donnah and then hightail back to the
fight as your (hopefully unnecessary) backup.
Hey Jeff - just curious - explain why we wouldn't be using the teleporter to perform these duties? I'm betting your armored form is worth at least one, if not two zombies, and as a flyer - honestly - Adamas can handle these guys all by himself, especially now the his eldritch energy vision just went cosmic power level. Flight and Power Blast should beat ground pounders without a ranged weapon any day of the week.

We'll need everyone in good shape if we catch up with Occult and the Tarot villains.

Why put off til tomorrow that which you can do today. Just two cents here and there.




John wrote: Hey Jeff - just curious - explain why we wouldn't be using the teleporter to perform these duties?

We could. But you can take more damage than AA. Also, Catalyst can upgrade you but not me, Pietor, Doc or Harvey. Can you blast a zombie with your action before using your movement to port out?

John wrote: I'm betting your armored form is worth at least one, if not two zombies,

You'd lose. AA doesn't have any armor or invulnerability. :)

John wrote: Adamas can handle these guys all by himself,

Last time I heard that, he was squaring off with the Destroyers single-handedly. And he wasn't injured then. Jon just asked for help with the zombies.  :)

John wrote: Flight and Power Blast should beat ground pounders without a ranged weapon any day of the week.

Maybe. Or it could play out like this: Adamas blasts a zombie. Maybe he puts him down. Zombies go. All two or three of them close on Pietor, as they were ordered to. Pietor is disassembled by chainsaws.
We need to bring force to bear and wipe these guys out.

John wrote: Why put off til tomorrow that which you can do today.

Well, Doc said we have no way of following Occult right now. You can't port after her. She Dimensionally Traveled. But it wouldn't hurt to try.

Tarot is less important, as Jon said, but if you went after them, one of the two Psionics could Mind Control you, and then where would we be?

I think we need to stick together in the house for the next 15 seconds, end the zombie threat, regroup and figure out, together, how we follow Occult to the Domain to get the scrolls back.

Given our fatal lack of info last issue, I'd err on the side of caution for another 15 seconds.

Finally, I agree we could let Pietor fight IF the zombies hadn't just been told to kill only him. I think it's better to evac him, only because of that command from Occult.

Thoughts anyone?



Just realized that burning a moat doesn't occur on my saved action anymore, so I feel compelled to lay out some If-Then statements.  :)

Second action:

If and only if Doc, Pietor and Donnah are out of harm's way by AA's second action, then... Attack: the floor to create a moat. Movement: take cover behind desk

If Doc, Pietor and Donnah are out of harm's way AND if the zombies are already across the floor and the moat is pointless, then: Attack; Disintegrate the chainsaw of the zomboid that is most threatening to any bystander or member of the Team. Movement: take cover behind desk

But if Doc, Pietor or Donnah are in harm's way, he'll use his second action to get them out of here, disintegrating doorways into walls to make an escape route out the back wall, the furthest wall from the zombies.



DS: As the three drones of the Domain advancing DarkStar takes up a defensive stance in front of Dr. Arcane. “Cybil, do we have a fix on the Tarot Masters? Agent, you guys can handle these three mooks, I think Occult targeted Pietor specifically, use that to our advantage. Either send me after Occult or the Tarot Masters, I’m the only one who has a chance of catching up to them and surviving the battle.”

Dr Avery replied, "That is good human logic Joshua, unfortunately Samhain is not human but an inhuman mindless killing machine. He could fulfill Occult's order by killing all of us. Occult did not say to kill Pietor first or only."


Hey Guys, Tom

(take some of the stuff below with the idea that I wrote it early today at work – reply as you see fit or necessary)

Big Time OOC and chitchat cont.:

This has got to be one of the best starts to a new Issue we’ve had. I know we’re entering a combat phase but I’m confused about a few things and wanted to get them straight before I send Tom my “Final Response”. At which time, I will state DarkStar’s two (2) Actions.

What are our priorities here? I ask because, fighting the Dead Musketeers advances our needs how? If we evacuate the non-combatants then they aren’t an immediate danger to anyone. I think Adamas can handle these guys by himself, or now that Agent America went all Iron Patriot on us (wink) I’m betting he can too. I definitely am willing to volunteer DarkStar to deal with these guys if it frees rest of the TEAM to go after the Tarot Masters. I think I’ve mentioned it before, I enjoy the fight scenes in a comic, but like sex at the movies, I prefer it be important to furthering the storyline. Maybe I’m way underestimating each of our abilities to handle these guys, but if it’s remotely like Joumpur I don’t think so.

Personally I’d rather DarkStar go straight after Occult, but while Tom hasn’t had Doc respond to his “offer” to chase down Occult, I’m fairly certain that’s a bit too rash … given her current location. The Tarot Masters on the other hand might have useful information if we can just capture one of them. I think this is really important. Adamas mentioned we need to quit being reactive. He’s right it’s time for us to start going on the offensive – they attacked Doc’s house for god’ sake.

And potentially put Donnah and Doc in real danger. We don’t even know where Donnah is, unless I’ve missed something. Finding/retrieving Miss Elllie and Donnah and insuring Doc’s safety are absolutely DarkStar’s Primary Goal. To that effect I have a few quickie questions – IC and OOC

-          IC: “Adamas, do you see Donnah in her room or anywhere on the estate?”
-          IC: “Doc, do you know where Donnah is? Do I need to evac the two of you to safety?”
-          OOC: Jeff, I want DS to be a good soldier but you know if Doc or Donnah’s safety is in question I have to take him “off the reservation” right? As heroes our first priority should be to help the weak and innocent right?
-          OOC: If Agent decides it’s to go after the Tarot Masters (which I bet he won't), make sure you take Catalyst and Harvey as back-up. If we do split up keep Adamas and Agent together. If DarkStar cant handle these three guys by himself then he needs to sign StarCorp over to Trisha and become a hero hermit in training.
-          OOC: If DarkStar has to evac Doc or insure Donnah’s safety ( in which case I’m sure Doc will want to go with him – he’s already lost his child, potentially losing his grandchild would be torture I imagine.) he’ll keep in constant communication and be back asap to help with the Dead Musketeers.

*** Important***

Can I get these questions or concerns answered before I submit both of DarkStar’s Actions? If Tom doesn’t want us to know Donnah’s location or condition this Turn then that’s that, between these questions, and my initial try of using the Star comm-brooch ( talking and trying to activate the internal GPS)and communicating through the amulet, I’ve tried everything to ascertain her whereabouts and condition I can think of.

If the Donnah question is a moot point for the moment, Jeff could you do me a favor and have Agent America “focus” DarkStar on a priority target. I’d appreciate it. A simple IC response from AA will put him in the “appropriate” combat arena, because I’m dying to go try and go capture Noman.

(if he doesn’t get anything indicating he should go after Donnah) DarkStar IC: “Agent, I can handle these three. Go capture Noman.”

I’d expect AA to say no, but feel DarkStar has to ask. (He gets bored unless three things are occupying his mind at the same time. 18 years?) (lol)

Thanks guys

PS: a moat? I hope Doc doesn't have a dragon chained up in the basement.

Doc does not know where Donnah is. He does not know if her not responding is because she is safely hiding and doesn't want to risk giving her location away to any Psionic which might be around or if it's because something worse has happened. He is also very afraid of the three revenants in the room. He does not share DarkStar's confidence.


Hey Jeff

I'm having problems picturing the "real" effects on the combat environment when AA disintegrates the floor beneath Team Zombie,

I know I talk a good game, but even I'm not too hot about DarkStar jumping into a "pit fight" with those three thugs.

Is it possible for you to hold your Action til DS reacts? I'd like have him harken back to his football days at Annapolis and tackle Samhain, like a linebacker, then teleport him out. I assume we're looking to finish this fast and neutralizing them is as good as beating them to a pulp? Any preferences for where he goes if this works?

Alternatively I can play offensive tackle and hold my actions til the bad bys make a rush on the quarterback (Doc) and pound them as they try to climb out of or jump over your moat?

Just lo some suggestions - disintegrating the floor thing kind of threw mw for a loop (lol)


John/DS wrote: "Just lo some suggestions - disintegrating the floor thing kind of threw mw for a loop (lol)"

OOC: The agent provacateur is nothing if not unpredictable.  <smug little smile>

I thought you were porting out Donnah, Doc and Pietor?

You mean I'll wait until you get them to safety, return and have a second action to tackle Sam Hane?

It might mean waiting too long. They might move before your second action.

Yo ho ho

AA OOC: The agent provocateur is nothing if not unpredictable.  <smug little smile>

DS OOC: Well I guess that's one thing they have in common.
I thought you were porting out Donnah, Doc and Pietor?

I had made the suggestion, but (if you believe this) was waiting for Doc or AA to give him the okay. Didn't want to be "that guy" again this Issue. Really trying hard to be the Team player.

You mean I'll wait until you get them to safety, return and have a second action to tackle Sam Hane?
It might mean waiting too long. They might move before your second action.

Nope now that I know you want Doc and Pietor taken out of the combat area, I'll have DarkStar teleport them out and come back swinging with his second Action.

Keep an eye on Petey in case he doesn't want to go. We can't make him go anywhere he doesn't want to when he's wearing that Cloak.

Hey Tom

I have one last IC idea and question for Doc before I write up my Actions. (your use of Cybil's sensor ability at the Pavilion inspired this idea)

<DarkStar: IC> "Cybil, use the Ares combat sensors and check for Donnah's heat signature in the house and on the grounds."

Joshua placed his hands on Dr.Avery and Pietor's shoulders as the minions of Occult start to advance into the room. "Okay guys time to evac the non-combatants before things get out of hand. Doc if you have a preference speak up quick. Pietor, we both know I can't make you go, and I respect your desire to fight the good fight, but I'd take it as a personal favor if you kept an eye on Doc during this crisis."

Thanks Guys

PS: If I've missed a response to this I apologize. Did Adamas see Donnah anywhere in the house or on the grounds? Starting with the area around her room obviously.

Adamas did not see Donnah in his scans during last issue.

Cybil replied the storm is preventing heat scans from working.


Hey Jeff

I think I got all that and it makes sense. See if I got the order right would you?

If Rose waits to attack, he would have to

1 - combat jump
2 - dual attack punch (preferably whoever Adamas is also targeting - I'd suggest Samhain)
3 - combat jump
4 - teleport out with whoever if hitching a ride (I assume both Doc and Pete)

Using this method he would be "moving" three times - I wasn't thinking this was legal, but I do remember an e-mail now of Tom telling me it was, just not attacking multiple targets, because that would be multiple Actions of which we normally only get one of now.

I'm still having problem picturing where the Dead Musketeers will be with AA destroying the floor before DS first combat jump. Am I being thick headed on that point? I don't seem to visualize the battleground and the order things go in right sometimes.

*** (Jeff btw if I missed where your "holding" AA's first attack on th floor til DS gets his first attack in - because I vaguely remember something like this - the just send me a reply "The Eagle has Farted" and my write up will be good to go - lol ) ***

Please - any clarification of said confusion would be greatly appreciated. Be assured I'll follow the above order in my response when I send it in, just looking to have the visuals  I guess.

I like the idea of teleporting Pietor out to potentially cause confusion. I think Adamas 48 pts of Invulnerability is insane protection, but absolutely, most definitely want to keep him out of any bad boys reach unless shit hits the fan and things go fubar. And yes I promise to lt the Tarot Masters go for the moment. [although you know I'll have to work that into his recently increasing sense of paranoia (wink)]

Am I on target?

John you are confusing running and teleporting as both being movement. We have never addressed whether both a combat teleport and full teleport is allowable in the same movement phase.

Touching Doc and Pietor counts as movement too because they are willingly allowing the touch. So it wouldn't be an action that is stopping it. 

So 1 & 2 are the first action.
3 & touch are the second action because touching Doc and Pietor is movement only.
4 would be the first action of the next turn.

You keep mentioning how invulnerable Adamas is. Please remember his invulnerability doesn't protect him from magic.


You keep mentioning how invulnerable Adamas is. Please remember his invulnerability doesn't protect him from magic.

Hey yeah, dang, I always forget that one - but I didn't think the Zombie Twins or Samhain bypassed Big A's invulnerability when we fought them on the island?

Thanks for the heads up on the TP/CJ movement issues

Busy Sunday Tom?

I'm fairly certain I used multiple teleports at some point. Okay maybe not, but it sure nags at me. We'll go with what you outlined below in my combat response for DS

I would NEVER think DarkStar could perform multiple attacks in a Turn (unless you gave us an additional Action like this Issue) regardless of how many Teleports or Comat Jumps  was allowed to perform in a single Turn. That would be a total cheat of the one Action per Turn rule (except in a nIssue like this were you gibe us an additional Action) No, no Nightcrawler stunts for DS, unless it was like a wierd version of a move through we came up with later as a level advancement or something.

Yeah, I actually am using the ideas I was trying to use for the SDF fighter. It was going to have "charges". A true teleport was going to cost multiple charges and a combat jump a single charge but amuch  limited range. It just seemed natural when we came up with DS's combat jump to incorporate the same idea. In this case I kind of visualize DS not being abe to play two different kinds of "notes" at the same time (i.e. a Turn) to use the musical references from the Poker Game Shot Shot.

Wow - your right I never saw in the published Issue or  back and forth e-mails that the chainsaws bypassed my homies Invulnerability. Yeah - the twins are definitely DS's top targets now.

Thanks Tom

Final orders, superseding all previous orders. Sorry for all the back and forth, Tom.

Action 1, the saved action:
Movement: leap back to top of desk, talk with Team.
Attack: Blast floor between zombies and us to create the moat (see red area on jpeg I sent earlier, except for the floor under the trio of zombies. So this lets Rose combat teleport behind them, where there is still floor.)

I'd rather not cleanly evaporate the floor, but instead leave lots of caved in and jagged timber, beams and debris on the level below this.

GOAL: Create a hazard area between the zombies and us where the earth-bound zombies will have to climb down, or leap, to get across the chasm, forcing Agility saves from zombies holding live chainsaws.   >:-D

Action 2, the regular action:
Attack; Disintegrate the chainsaw of the zomboid that is most threatening to any bystander or member of the Team.
Movement: If zombies are beyond HTH range at this point, take cover behind desk. Otherwise, stay put on top of it.

GOAL : Disarm a zombie and help/protect a friendly.

Tom, I think I laid this out in IC form, just in a different sequence. If you need me to re-submit this IC, please let me know.

Hey Guys

To: Jeff and Tom

OOC: Hey guys something just popped into my head as I was getting ready to submit DarkStar's combat response Actions for this Issue.

Pietor can teleport.

He's done it a multitude of times in previous Issues. Why waste a DarkStar combat Action teleporting Pete and Doc to a secure location when they can do it themselves? If Pietor teleports he and Doc to safety the DS can combat jump behind the Dead Musketeers and perform two dual combat Actions instead of just one.

Jeff, Tom, what do you think guys?


OOC: If Peitor is told by AA to take Dr. Avery and get out of there. He will.


OOC to AA: "You heard him Boss"

OOC: great idea.
So ordered, but please have DS hold his action until Doc and Pietor
are safely away.
If the zombies move before Pietor, he could be killed.
DS's held action could save Pietor in that instance.

Sorry for OOC reply. Am traveling too.



I crafted the suggestion Pete get Doc to safety in my combat response, hope that works for you?

If it’s good with Jeff use this IC response to place the one where DS placed his hands on Doc and Pietor’s shoulders and suggested Doc suggest a secure location to be teleported to.

<DarkStar: IC response>
From his position in front of the two arcane academics, DarkStar turned to Dr. Avery and Pietor as the minions of Occult start to advance into the room. “Okay guys time to evac the non-combatants before things get out of hand. Pietor, get Doc out of here and some place safe. Keep us informed through the amulets. Please, keep an eye on Doc during the crisis.”

<DarkStar: Actions>
DarkStar will hold his Actions until Pietor teleports Doc and himself to safety. Considering DS is the slowest fighter on the team that shouldn't’t be a problem. As soon as our non-combatants are out of the way DarkStar will combat jump behind the trio as planned and use both his Actions to start slugging it out with Samhain. Both of DarkStar’s Dual Attacks will be used to target Samhain.

If AA and Adamas continue to target the chainsaw wielding murderer’s weaponry it should allow DS the opportunity to keep hammering at Samhain until one or the other goes down. If DS gets “lucky” I’d suggest everyone watch out for the potential knockback sending Samhain back across the room your way. If it does, I plan on following him with combat jumps, continuing to hammer at him until we both go through the outer wall, that at the moment is behind the Team.

Good Luck Everyone