Sunday, July 25, 2021

Crusade: Issue 70 - Serving the Warrant


Adamas walked into the CHESS surveillance room. The Alien Powerhouse tried using his Ethereal Vision to look into the 3 floors of the building across the street but he couldn’t. The metal strength was too strong and too thick for his vision to penetrate.

Adamas realized that The Destroyers headquarters was going to be more difficult to ram through than Dr. Velo’s headquarters {GM Note: Crusade Issue 46}. He wouldn’t be able to dive down from the edge of the atmosphere. The sonic boom and shock wave would damage the other buildings in surrounding blocks. There would be the difficulty in stopping himself so he didn’t continue down to the floors below the headquarters. He would have to start closer. He won’t have as much speed built up as last time but the goal was to creating an opening for the team, not severely damage the base like it was with Dr. Velo’s.

He would have to blast with his Energy Beams too.

Adamas returned to the conference room. He informed the team that he wouldn’t be able to collapse the roof on top of The Destroyers. It will take all he had to punch a big enough hole for everyone else to enter through.

A CHESS Rook entered the conference room, “The Pawns have arrived.” He said.

GM Note: This is where the Megalopolis Universe differs from the V&V and Mighty Protectors Source Books. CHESS does not make clones, LMDs, or any other type of copy of an individual.

“Okay bring them in.” The CHESS Bishop said.

Through the doorway entered Dreamweaver and Blizzard.

Blizzard and Dreamweaver introduced themselves to the New Crusaders. They were glad to get to meet the new team. Evergreen had said good things about them.

Dreamweaver said, “Manta-Man sent us as we both have abilities which could assist the team with surveillance activities or any attempts to infiltrate the location. We both have limitations so none of us provide the perfect solution but maybe we can be a piece of the solution.”

“I can turn invisible to sight but I can still be smelled or touched. I can create illusions but they don’t smell and can’t be touched either. They are holograms with a sound component,” she said.

Blizzard said, “I can vibrate to the point that I can’t be touched. I can pass through anything physical and I can’t be hurt by physical items. Only force fields are a barrier I can pass through. I am still visible so I can be seen. I can be heard as I move. My steps are audible and my vibrations give off a low buzzing sound.”

“We can function as a support team instead of the assault team too. My ice powers and Dreamweaver’s telekinesis power can reinforce structures which have taken damage to ensure that pieces of the building don’t fall on the shorter buildings next to it,” he said.

Demy summoned MISHA successfully. After 5 minutes had past, Rubicon’s companion stood next to him.

Demy said "Knight Demanis, I have a few questions to know if the lower floors are indeed non-Destroyer related:

"Who owns the building?"

Knight Demanis replied, "The building is owned by Montuori Trade and Industries."

Demy asked “Is it a private real estate investor group, corporation, or owned by Dr. Apocalypse outright?”

Knight Demanis said, "Montuori Trade and Industries Company is a subsidiary of Montuori Corporation. Who's majority shareholder is Sandra Montuori. There is no connection between Ms Montuori and Dr Apocalypse."

Demy said “Are the lower floors general business offices or are they fronts for Dr. A?"

The CHESS Knight said, "They are general business offices conducting business as part of Montuori Trade and Industries. The top 3 floors are the only front we found which is thought by the rest of the company to be a secret research and design facility of Montuori Corporation, when in reality it is the HQ of The Destroyers. The Destroyers are partners with Dr A. He is not their leader and he is not associated with this building."

Demy asked "We are going in after hours so there should be less people. Can CHESS check the floors with thermal imaging now to get a body count to see how many on what floor to expect?"

The CHESS Knight replied, "No, our surveillance authorization doesn't allow that kind of invasion of privacy on the normal business activities of Montuori Trade and Industries. We tried on the top 3 floors but there are countermeasures that prevent it."

Demy asked "We don't want to telegraph our intent. Seems like a fire alarm or bomb threat is too much. Maybe call each office/floor individually to have them quietly evacuate due to some standard concern or a gas leak?

Knight Demanis paused and looked at Bishop Prince. Bishop Prince said, "Are you suggesting that the US Gov’t. call each floor and lie to them?”

"Knight, I'm suggesting that a white lie to help get any civilians out of the building for their safety and the safety of our people in the fastest way. I don't care if it’s the US Government, the buildings maintenance team, or hell, I'LL EVEN DO IT!"


Demanis said, “What explanation would we give that would tell them to be quiet and not follow their standard procedures for a dangerous gas leak. Demy, the U.S. Government doesn’t have that kind of authority."

Demy said, “Maybe building maintenance has a suggestion on a plausible ongoing issue?"

Knight Demanis said, "The building maintenance team believes all floors engage in legal and lawful activities. They would insist on alerting and evacuating all floors"

Demy said "We want to reduce casualties, but also want to remove any potential, additional threat both while we're in there as well as not release anyone that may also be suspect. May have to run this by legal, but I think it is standard to remove people tactically to maintain control? Can CHESS handle this?"

Knight Demanis said, "Can CHESS help evacuate the people? Yes, Can CHESS or MPD maintain control of them by detaining them? No, we could if we have grounds to detain them but we don't. None of the employees were identified as being a part of the creation of the Doomsday Robot. This isn't Russia; we can't hold people because they chose to work for the wrong company. Only Iron Maiden has been implicated, she is the person that we have an arrest warrant for. There is a second warrant to search for evidence that will tie all the Destroyers and Dr A to each other and to the Robot. Because there is reasonable justification that the Destroyers will not comply peacefully, the warrant was issued as a no knock warrant."

"MISHA needs room to maneuver." Deny pointed to doors on the roof. "Are these big enough to get a hovercraft or helicopter in?"

Knight Demanis replied, "Yes, either of those or a plane can fit through the hangar doors."

"I'd like MISHA and I to hit the roof so we can cover any escape from here and it looks from the floor plans that these doors access to at least the floor or two below.”

Bishop Prince said, "From here? You mean the roof? The doors will provide access to the floor below. I don't believe the hangar is 2 stories tall, I figure it is only on the 3rd floor."

"While you are coming from below can we get these doors open so we can disable any potential getaway vehicle and get a better fire angle from above?  "Even if they have fliers or teleporters, this mitigates their egress." Demy said

Knight Demanis said, "Who do you mean by 'we'. The team that StrikeForce is leading or are you suggesting a second team other than them? CHESS will be too focused on getting the civilians out of the building. There is no way we can open any doors for you."

"Knight, if we don't want to break up the team in two approaches I'm fine going in with everyone if that is the direction."


Demy said, "I'm voicing my opinion on how I feel MISHA can be effective from what I'm seeing. Again, I'll follow the direction of StrikeForce."


"Hey! It's like the Die Hard, nyet? Except we are the Hans Gruber." Demy said.

Deepening his voice with bad German overlapping with Russian, " Yippee Ki Yay, Moth-"


Bishop Prince said, “Demy, how much American Television have you been watching? You were briefed that the majority of what Hollywood writes in TV and movies isn't legal or how police are allowed to behave in America, weren't you?"

Rubicon jumped off the counter where he's been sitting and got close to Knight Demanis. "I'll tell you what we had in Russia: the Government always looking over your shoulder.  Yes, I like your American movies, but you apparently like your American Football more. HOPEFULLY, we can do our job without being called for every apparent "penalty by the Refs".

Demy turns around and walked away from the group, "Just tell me when we go."


Knight Demanis slightly raised his eyebrows as he looked at Bishop Prince. The CHESS Bishop barely shook his head but the CHESS knight got the message, "No, he doesn't know what happened to Hans Gruber in the end."

StrikeForce was thinking about the connection of the Doomsday Robot and his family’s company, Vanguard Incorporated. It has stolen tech. According to CHESS, The Iron Maiden actively engaged in industrial espionage. She was believed to have stolen from Manning Enterprises, Yasmashito Electronics, Emerson Electronics, and DeBrandt Industries. She specialized in stealing cybernetic technologies and intellectual property. There was the possibility that other thefts have occurred that CHESS was unaware of. Using this stolen technology she had built her Iron Maiden power suit which provides her with super-strength and super-leaping abilities and a Disruptor Staff, an energy staff. CHESS confirmed that the majority of the Doomsday Robot was her design, using her stolen tech with help from CyberDoom.

StrikeForce asked the New Crusaders and CHESS to assemble around the briefing display.

Patty spoke up, clearly uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"Hey everyone, maybe it's because I'm new to the team thing but I'm still fuzzy on the details. Are we going in as two squads, or as one? Are we teleporting in or being "helicoptered" in like commandos on that rope thing?"

"How much of their HQ do you want me to scope out? One floor, two floor, three floors? Which exact floors? There's also the, uh, detail that my body needs protecting while I'm going astral in case you didn't know."

She looks around. "I know everyone has a voice in the planning, but who's the leader here? Who makes the final decision and gives us our marching orders?"

Dr Wildman tapped Patty on the shoulder then pointed to StrikeForce. "He does. Manta-Man needed someone in the field with leadership experience so passed the mantle on to StrikeForce. Just follow what he says and we get the job done. In time you will learn to trust his direction as we do."

The Cyborg Crusader told everyone, "I understand that some of you have concerns about whichever strategy we choose to employ. While I understand your concerns, we cannot get bogged down in being so afraid of not taking the perfect action, that we are unable to take any action. I need you all to get your head clear and focused on the task at hand."

"I understand about not wanting to split forces, and attacking as a whole. By entering through the side of the first floor, we become a barrier between the civilians that we need to protect, along with C.H.E.S.S. who is assisting us and the Destroyers.

Dreamweaver said "It is possible I could cast an illusion in front of the team but that would only fool video cameras, any audio devices will still put up the team's sounds and any aroma devices would pick up the team's smell. We would need to practice this as a team several times before attempting this because without proper timing the lead person could easily take a step too far which would cause them to walk through the illusion. It would be like walking through a green screen as you see on TV.

The Black Orchid listened to all the plans and considers all of the suggestions. "I can definitely help with any covert actions and technological sabotage we want to do. While I definitely agree with all of the plans and the way they are shaping up, I wonder if we're missing something. Are we not paying close enough attention to our approach, to improve the element of surprise? I think I can work on a formula-based system to make our approach craft less visible, or I could even attempt it with my power, but it might be an incredible strain. I could also potentially use darkness as concealment or a decoy. Finally I could attempt to extend my invisibility to a single individual, especially if we're pretty sure they know we are coming. I could, for example, conceal Adamas and myself to allow a surprise strike. Any thoughts?"

StrikeForce said, “Using Dream Weaver to pilot the helicopter with her and Blizzard, they can land on the roof, and use his ice powers to coat the hanger doors to prevent them from opening. While not everyone here was with us, we had success using this against Dr. Velo."

Blizzard said, “We wouldn’t need to land. I can ice the hanger doors from the helicopter while it is in flight”

Bishop Prince said, “I don’t think everyone entering through the first floor is the best. A multiple prone attack will be quicker and could leave the Destroyers in confusion as to where the most immediate threat was.”

Several of the New Crusaders acknowledged this made sense.

Knight Demanis said, "It won't be the MPD entering the building. MPD will maintain the perimeter. It will be CHESS Knights that enter the first floor.”

James looked at the Intel of the layout of the Destroyer's base. It's not as interesting as a DNA chain, but he gleaned what he can from it, anyway.

As he was looking at the layout of the roof, he stopped for a moment pointing to the Microwave Transmission tower and asked, "What's this?" Looking at it more closely, he said "This seems to be some kind of communications array. I don't know who they're communicating with, but I'd guess that maybe we should take that out first so that they can't... you know, communicate."

"I remember as a kid I watched the news when we invaded Iraq. One of the first things they did was try to disrupt the communications system. Maybe we should do the same here?" He looks around to see if anybody agreed or not and timidly adds, "Just say'n..."

Demy said, "Da, taking out comms is as good as taking out any other defenses. Sounds like solid SOP to me."  Looked closer at the roof plans, "You think they are hiding any flame turrets up there that may pop up...?" pensively to himself.

StrikeForce replied. "Well, Erdbeben, since you can produce such a powerful blast, would you be interested in taking out the tower for us?"

Erdbeben replied, "It's not brain surgery, but I'll do my best."

Dr Wildman continued to stand and listen to the team. From his perspective, at this stage, there are far wiser and more experienced hands who can work out the assault strategy.

Dr Wildman said, “I am happy to teleport the team if desired. If Dreamweaver is a telepath could she keep in mental communication with Patty and broadcast to the rest of us what Patty see's if she scouts ahead in astral form?

Dreamweaver said, “I am a not a telepath.”

Adamas shared he like the idea of being between the Destroyers and the civilians below. He would gladly make the opening in the lowest of the 3 floors that were the Destroyers Headquarters.

William took a step forward, the movement drawing the attention of the gathered Crusaders. "I'm mindful that no plan is perfect in these situations and many of us are finding ourselves fighting alongside strangers. For all my artifacts and enchantments my greatest ability is neither spells nor magic, its survival. Before this I made a living teaching others how to survive for entertainment. It's not entertainment anymore! We are here so that the many millions that Dr Apocalypse threatens will not just survive. But they will thrive. The most important rules of survival are staying positive and trust those around you. Trust StrikeForce's leadership, trust in the strength of Adamas and trust yourself...and stay positive - tonight we take the fight to him - he is on the back foot. He did not expect his giant robot to fall as easily as it did, and it fell because of you..." Dr Wildman paused and looked each of them in the eye "...each of you, defending Megalopolis. That was yesterday, and now we counter attack, we find the Doctor and we put an end to this threat."

"Crusaders, it's time to charge!"

Patty turned to Dr. Wildman. For the first time since she has been with the New Crusaders, there is some steel in her voice.

"Thanks. It's not about trust; it's about knowing who's in charge."

She spoke very loudly. "Hey, everyone. Hey, hey! Hi!"

"We're doing a lot of talking, which is good when developing a strategy, but there's also a time to act and time's wasting. Let's use the mental momentum we've built up and get going! It's not going to get any more fun than it is now."

She pointed at StrikeForce. "The Granola Guardian here says StrikeForce is in charge. Give the word, Strikey, if the plan is in place then let's plan to work and work that plan!"

Turning towards Patty Plus, StrikeForce replied. "To quote our Dr. Friend here, Crusaders Charge"!

At 3 am, the next morning everyone took their positions. All was ready to begin.

Bishop Prince took Patty Plus to a secure room in the building. He watched over her body as she left in Astral Projection form to scout the Destroyers HQ.

Patty left her body and floated above the surveillance building waiting for the signal.

Dreamweaver casted an illusion of a cloudy day over the entire block with the sounds of high winds (to cover the noise of the Crusader Helicopter).

Dreamweaver and Blizzard were in the Crusader Helicopter and were flying outside of the entire block. She had the illusion of a cloud over the helicopter. They waited for the signal.

Adamas was flying/floating outside the entire block at the height he wanted to start his dive from. He was waiting for the signal.

The rest of the New Crusaders were on the roof of the surveillance building, away from the edge. All their defenses are activated, including Black Orchid being invisible. They were waiting for the signal.

CHESS Knight Demanis and his squad were outside the area in the alley way, waiting for the signal.

Detective Broyko and the MPD officers had set up traffic barricades outside the area to prevent any inflow to the area. They have a second set of barricades they were ready to seal the area when they receive the signal.

GM Note: These locations were picked to be outside the range of the area where the Destroyers would be given Perception rolls for identifying anyone suspicious approaching the building. They will still get their luck rolls on the first Phase of Combat.

First round of Combat (10 seconds of real time)

 [All of this will be on the same Phase]

Patty Plus scouted the lower third floor to determine the best target for Adamas entry. She let him know there were no Destroyers on the 3rd floor or in any key rooms.

GM Note: I am limiting her to one floor, if she wants to move through all 3 floors in 10 seconds, she has the movement. I will have to make perception rolls on what she sees. On a failed test this will simulate her failing to see something because she is moving so fast. For one floor I will roll only for the harder to determine items not for everything worth seeing.

Patty flew out of the building to Adamas; she told tell him what she knew about the lower floor. She returned to the building and began to search for evidence {GM Note: she has more than enough movement to do this and talking doesn't take an action}

Adamas gave the signal over the communicator and dove toward the building. He hit the side of the building with 5 eye blasts first. The first 2 ripped a 20 foot hole in the same. The next 3 blasts ripped a 3 foot hole in the wall across the hallway from the exterior.

Adamas smashed into the interior wall. He created a 20 foot hole in the wall. He flew across the chemistry lab and smashed other side of the lab’s walls. He created a 5 foot hole in that wall.  

He burst through the wall into a chemical storage room. He smashed into a huge shelf with chemicals and the wall behind it. Adamas left a dent in the wall and destroyed the shelf which fell on top on him. Adamas lay prone on the floor with a shelf, broken vials, and unknown chemicals covering him. Adamas thanked his good luck that lightning hadn’t stuck the struck him when this happened.

GM Note: I rolled a Luck saving throw for Adamas. He needed a 10 or less to be lucky and the chemicals don’t result in a chemical attack against him. He rolled a 6 so he was lucky that no chemical reaction occur.

GM Note: I couldn’t help myself but I had to joke that Adamas knew the comic book origin of the Barry Allen, The Flash even though neither The Flash nor DC Comics exists in this Universe.

GM Note: In Mighty Protectors in 1 phase you can only move then attack or attack then move. Adamas is moving first then attacking. How he is able to continue moving through the building after attacking the wall is because I am using the knockback rules. I am treating the excess damage to the wall as knockback to Adamas. He continues his forward path as if he was knockback. As he hits interior walls I resolve it per those rules. This is why Adamas is unable to turn or stop after he smashes the first wall. He is no longer moving on his own per the movement rules.

Erdbeben fired his vibe blast on the tower. He hit the tower knocking it out. It was still standing but it was not functioning.

GM Note: The communications tower is knocked out. It isn’t destroyed but it will have to be repaired before it is capable of working again.

Dreamweaver flew the Helicopter over the roof to the Montuori Building

Blizzard fired an ice blast to freeze the hanger doors. The hangers are covered in ice.

Dr Wildman opened a teleport portal from the roof to the room he could see from the hole in the side of the building

The New Crusaders (including Dr. Wildman) entered the portal and exit into the Destroyer's third floor. Black Orchid and Patty Plus surveyed the chemistry lab looking for evidence. Rubicon, MISHA, and StrikeForce prepared to encounter the Destroyers.

GM Note: Those preparing for an encounter will have a saved action. Those searching for evidence will be searching the room. They get 1 free perception test; a second will take an action. They will spend an action searching.

Black Orchid and Patty Plus searched the chemistry lab. It had a security door with “Chemistry Lab” printed upon it. Adamas has dented it badly and had ripped it with part of the wall when he rammed it. The chemistry lab contains four work tables with sinks and natural gas outlets, multiple racks along the walling containing all the paraphernalia of equipment that is used in chemistry work, and bookshelves containing texts on the subject. There is a setup of work in progress at one of the tables.

Patty Plus finds a damage journal that had been knocked to the floor. It appeared as it was clawed by a wild animal as pages were being ripped out. It was the journal of Edward Fink’s experimentations and his development of his potion.

Black Orchid determined one of the vials at this table contains residue of the potion that gave Ratman his mammalian powers.

<Turns and Actions due May 10th >


After Battle Conditions (Mighty Protectors character data):

Adamas                        Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   74      

Black Orchid                Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   92        Invisible

StrikeForce                 Hit Points:   31 Power Points:   93       Holding Action

Dr. Wildman                 Hit Points:   12 Power Points:   60        Form: Man

Patty Plus                    Hit Points:   15 Power Points:   60        Non-Corporeal

Erdbeben                     Hit Points:   46 Power Points:   66       

Rubicon                       Hit Points:   20 Power Points:   66        Holding Action

MISHA                          Hit Points:   41 Power Points: 101        Holding Action

Dreamweaver               Hit Points:   13 Power Points:   56

Blizzard                       Hit Points:   12 Power Points:   56


OOC: Received. I think I'm good with what develops.

A couple things: how we attack may affect any subsequent attacks on other members the Destroyers and Dr. Apocalypse. Not sure if this is something to consider much as we have no idea what systems are in place (either tech, arcane, or other) to forewarn them of our actions.

This assumes we make it through this attack relatively unscathed.


Other than that, I'm ready to attack from the roof based on my previous email.



Greg, with the speed that Adamas will have to achieve in order to penetrate the roof, I don't think that they will have an extended time to respond. A 3:00 a.m. assault would also limit who all should be awake at that time.(Hopefully)



Thanks, that makes sense. I look forward to this!

I was thinking of attacks past this attack on these Destroyers and whatever and wherever our next target ends up being. That may be over thinking it though.



OOC: If we do want to use the two pronged attack, it would be best for the infiltration team to start out first. Provided that that is the way we choose to proceed. Tom, would Dreamweaver be able to create an illusion of the stairwell being empty as we move upward?

GM: Dreamweaver could create an illusion of the stairwell being empty but she can't create silence to cover the sound of running or hide their smell. If the Team Subtle has to use stealth to move up the stairs, it will take double the time from the Lobby (12 turns).There is a risk that the PC will pierce the illusion as they are moving behind it. Think of those green screens on weather forecasts where a TV person walks behind it but to close and their elbow or leg becomes visible.

IC: Dreamweaver said "It is possible I could cast an illusion in front of Team Subtle but that would only fool video cameras, any audio devices will still put up the team's sounds and any aroma devices would pick up the team's smell. We would need to practice this as a team several times before attempting this because without proper timing the lead person could easily take a step too far which would cause them  to walk through the illusion. It would be like walking through a green screen as you see on TV.



James looks at the intel of the layout of the Destroyer's base. It's not as interesting as a DNA chain, but he gleans what he can from it, anyway.

As he's looking at the layout of the roof, he stops for a moment pointing to the Microwave Transmission tower and asks, "What's this?" Looking at it more closely, he says "This seems to be some kind of communications array. I don't know who they're communicating with, but I'd guess that maybe we should take that out first so that they can't... you know, communicate."

"I remember as a kid I watched the news when we invaded Iraq. One of the first things they did was try to disrupt the communications system. Maybe we should do the same here?" He looks around to see if anybody agrees or not and timidly adds, "Just say'n..."



Ooc: Great call Paul!

IC: Demy says, "Da, taking out comms is as good as taking out any other defenses. Sounds like solid SOP to me."  Looks closer at the roof plans, "You think they are hiding any flame turrets up there that may pop up...?" pensively to himself.



 IC: StrikeForce replies. "Well, Erdbeben, since you can produce such a powerful blast, would you be interested in taking out the tower for us?"



 "It's not brain surgery, but I'll do my best."



OOC: Apologies guys, this will be a less interactive issue from me; Christmas with Covid is a new phenomenon for us Church Pastors! Life is proving to be a bit hectic atm.

IC: Dr Wildman continues to stand and listen to the team. From his perspective, at this stage, there are far wiser and more experienced hands who can work out the assault strategy.

Dr Wildman is happy to teleport the team if desired. If Dreamweaver is a telepath could she keep in mental communication with Patty and broadcast to the rest of us what Patty see's if she scouts ahead in Astral form?

Happy Christmas everyone, I'll see you on the other side - may you and your families have a fantastic and safe holiday season.

Merry Christmas,



No problem, taking care of family, friends and the congregation is more important.



 Dreamweaver informs the team she is not a telepath.



OOC: Upon further thought, I vote that we enter through at the lowest floor that starts The Destroyers' HQ, so that we act as a buffer between the villains and the citizens on the lower floors. What does everyone else think?



OOC: I think that works along with CHESS helping clear and secure those lower civilian floors.

IC: "Knight Demands, I have a few questions to know if the lower floors are indeed non-Destroyer related:

Who owns the building?

Is it a private real estate investor group, corporation, or owned by Dr. Apocalypse outright?

Are the lower floors general business offices or are they fronts for Dr. D?"

"We are going in after hours so there should be less people. Can CHESS check the floors with thermal imaging now to get a body count to see how many on what floor to expect?"

"We don't want to telegraph our intent. Seems like a fire alarm or bomb threat is too much. Maybe call each office/floor individually to have them quietly evacuate due to some standard concern or a gas leak? Maybe building maintenance has a suggestion on a plausible ongoing issue?"

"We want to reduce casualties, but also want to remove any potential, additional threat both while we're in there as well as not release anyone that may also be suspect. May have to run this by legal, but I think it it is standard to remove people tactically to maintain control? Can CHESS handle this?"

"MISHA needs room to maneuver." Points to doors on the roof. "Are these big enough to get a hovercraft or helicopter in? I'd like MISHA and I to hit the roof so we can cover any escape from here and it looks from the floor plans these doors access to at least the floor or two below. While you are coming from below can we get these doors open so we can disable any potential getaway vehicle and get a better fire angle from above?  Even if they have fliers or teleporters, this mitigates their egress."

"Hey! It’s like the Die Hard, nyet? Except we are the Hans Gruber."

Deepening his voice with bad German overlapping with Russian, " Yippee Ki Yay, Moth-"<< OVERWELMING EXCITEMENT>>



 IC: "Knight Demanis, I have a few questions to know if the lower floors are indeed non-Destroyer related:

"Who owns the building?"

Knight Demanis replied, "The building is owned by Montuori Trade and Industries."

Is it a private real estate investor group, corporation, or owned by Dr. Apocalypse outright?

Knight Demanis said, "Montuori Trade and Industries company is a subsidiary of Montuori Corporation. Who's majority shareholder is Sandra Montuori. There is no connection between Ms Montuori and Dr Apocalypse."

Are the lower floors general business offices or are they fronts for Dr. A?"

The CHESS Knight said, "They are general business offices conducting business as part of Montuori Trade and Industries. The top 3 floors are the only front we found which is thought by the rest of the company to be a secret research and design facility of Montuori Corporation, when in reality it is the HQ of The Destroyers. The Destroyers are partners with Dr A. He is not their leader and he is not associated with this building."

"We are going in after hours so there should be less people. Can CHESS check the floors with thermal imaging now to get a body count to see how many on what floor to expect?"

The CHESS Knight replied, "No, our surveillance authorization doesn't allow that kind of invasion of privacy on the normal business activities of Montuori Trade and Industries. We tried on the top 3 floors but there are countermeasures that prevent it."

"We don't want to telegraph our intent. Seems like a fire alarm or bomb threat is too much. Maybe call each office/floor individually to have them quietly evacuate due to some standard concern or a gas leak?

Knight Demanis paused and looked at Bishop Prince. Bishop Prince said, "Are you suggesting that the US Govt call each floor and lie to them? What explanation would we give that would tell them to be quiet and not follow their standard procedures for a dangerous gas leak. Demy, how much American Television have you been watching? You were briefed that the majority of what Hollywood writes in TV and movies isn't legal or how police are allowed to behave in America, weren't you?"

Maybe building maintenance has a suggestion on a plausible on going issue?"

Knight Demanis said, "The building maintenance team believes all floors engage in legal and lawful activities. They would insist on alerting and evacuating all floors"

"We want to reduce casualties, but also want to remove any potential, additional threat both while we're in there as well as not release anyone that may also be suspect. May have to run this by legal, but I think it is standard to remove people tactically to maintain control? Can CHESS handle this?"

Knight Demanis said, "Can CHESS help evacuate the people? Yes, Can CHESS or MPD maintain control of them by detaining them? No, we could if we have grounds to detain them but we don't. None of the employees were identified as being a part of the creation of the Doomsday Robot. This isn't Russia, we can't hold people because they chose to work for the wrong company. Only Iron Maiden has been implicated, she is the person that we have an arrest warrant for. There is a second warrant to search for evidence that will tie all the Destroyers and Dr A to each other and to the Robot. Because there is reasonable justification that the Destroyers will not comply peacefully, the warrant was issued as a no knock warrant."

"MISHA needs room to maneuver." Points to doors on the roof. "Are these big enough to get a hovercraft or helicopter in?"

Knight Demanis replied, "Yes, either of those or a plane can fit through the hangar doors."

"I'd like MISHA and I to hit the roof so we can cover any escape from here and it looks from the floor plans that these doors access to at least the floor or two below.

Bishop Prince said, "From here? You mean the roof? the doors will provide access to the floor below. I don't believe the hangar is 2 stories tall, I figure it is only on the 3rd floor."

"While you are coming from below can we get these doors open so we can disable any potential getaway vehicle and get a better fire angle from above?  "Even if they have fliers or teleporters, this mitigates their egress." Demy said

Knight Demanis said, "Who do you mean by 'we'. The team that StrikeForce is leading or are you suggesting a second team other than them? CHESS will be too focused on getting the civilians out of the building. There is no way we can open any doors for you."

"Hey! It's like the Die Hard, nyet? Except we are the Hans Gruber."

Deepening his voice with bad German overlapping with Russian, " Yippee Ki Yay, Moth-"<< OVERWHELMING EXCITEMENT>>

Knight Demanis slightly raised his eyebrows as he looked at Bishop Prince. The CHESS Bishop barely shook his head but the CHESS knight got the message, "No, he doesn't know what happened to Hans Gruber in the end."



 IC: "Knight, if we don't want to break up the team in two approaches I'm fine going in with everyone if that is the direction."


"I'm voicing my opinion on how I feel MISHA can be effective from what I'm seeing. Again, I'll follow the direction of StrikeForce."


"Knight, I'm suggesting that a white lie to help get any civilians out of the building for their safety and the safety of our people in the fastest way. I don't care if its the US Government, the buildings maintenance team, or hell, I'LL EVEN DO IT!"


Rubicon jumps off the counter where he's been sitting and gets close to Knight Demanis. "I'll tell you what we had in Russia: the Government always looking over your shoulder.  Yes, I like your American movies, but you apparently like your American Football more. HOPEFULLY, we can do our job without being called for every apparent "penalty by the Refs".

Demy turns around and walks away from the group, "Just tell me when we go."




 GM OOC: Bravo, Wonderful! I love it!





All these are great points from the CHESS Knight and Prince.

I wanted to take this opportunity to RP Demy’s frustration if this ok. I don't want to make a big deal of it just add a little intensity to the pretty situation. Let me know if I cross any lines. I just want to show a little of Demy’s hotheadedness and possibly a growing concern of his and MISHAs syncing.



No lines crossed at all. It is great role-playing to me. I love role-playing Demy's having to adjust to being in America as opposed to the Iron Curtain of old Russia. I think Demy and MISHA syncing situation is great too.



Awesome, thanks Tom!



GM OOC: I am unclear on where you want MISHA. He can stand on the roof. The Crusaders have a helicopter that can carry him there or MISHA could stay in the helicopter and it could hover over the roof until the hangar doors are opened.

Blizzard or Dreamweaver can fly the helicopter.

One idea would be for Dreamweaver to fly the helicopter and Blizzard enters the building to try to open the hangar door.

Does this sound like what you were thinking?



OOC: yes, that sounds good Tom. BUT, Demy will not go against the better judgment of the team if it is determined that the whole team is to enter from the other floor, as discussed.



I can't believe its Christmas... this year has been brutal, hoping the next is better for you and yours.

Adamas plans have not changed, it does sound like they are a bit more prepared for an aerial assault than I'd like, We could always come in from the side. :)

I'm open to suggestions, visions of Brightburn coming to mind...

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!



 I haven't watched Brightburn, so you will have to spell it out for me.



Have you seen Hancock, where he's removing the robbers from the bank one by one... it's kinda like that... but less friendly.

Making paper machete of his homestead, while his mother cowers inside.

A dark movie, but the visual was pretty fantastic



 Jon, as it would be your character making the entrance for us, we should go with what Adamas would be most comfortable with. Which floor would you like to enter through, and we could just follow. We could send Patty Plus's astral form to scout it out, and have our entrance based on what she finds. Dr. Wildman can gate Erdbeben to take out their communication tower before you punch an entrance for us.

Order of actions.(If everyone is o.k. with it.)

1. Patty's astral form scouts the building to gather Intel before we attack.

2. Decision for floor to be entered based on her Intel.( we need to decide if we want to be where the most members of the Destroyers or fewest are)

3. Adamas moves to gather speed to be able to break in.

4. Dr. Wildman gates Erdbeben to the communication tower to take it out.

5. Adamas pierces the building.

6. StrikeForce calls the Megalopolis S.W.A.T. to secure the area around the building, and to enter and remove any civilians.

7. Dr. Wildman and Erdbeben return, and Dr. Wildman gates us into the building to back up Adamas.



 Knight Demanis said, "It won't be the MPD entering the building. It will be CHESS Knights. So StrikeForce, are you suggesting we enter the opening that Adamas made before the New Crusaders? or that we enter the first floor of the building before the New Crusaders enter the opening?




Sorry Knight Demanis, I would suggest the first floor.



 If the team wants to enter from the lower floor, how will they do that?



Jon had suggested that Adamas could make an opening through the building instead of the roof. Like Bright burn, if I remember correctly.



 Unfortunately I never saw Brightburn. I am imagining that Adamas ramming the side of the building and creating a human-sized hole.

I am correct? Or was the opening created with eye blasts?



 It was a thought.  My preference would be making a hole for the team, wherever they decide will be the most beneficial.



 OOC: Because the roof is so reinforced, it will take more than just anybody blasting a hole to get in. Even with as much velocity that Adamas can achieve, he will still need to use his eye blasts in conjunction with his physical assault to penetrate the roof. If we used Dreamweaver and Blizzard to seal the hanger on the roof, while everyone else enters through the side of the building, at the first floor of The Destroyers HQ. Adamas will create the opening, and Dr. Wildman can "Gate" us inside. If I am not mistaken, as long as he can see where he is going, it doesn't matter if the hole is large enough for all of us including M.I.S.H.A. to fit through, we will bypass it and appear inside the building. That would be what StrikeForce will propose to the group. He will push for us to make a decision.

IC: The Cyborg Crusader tells everyone, "I understand that some of you have concerns about whichever strategy we choose to employ. While I understand your concerns, we cannot get bogged down in being so afraid of not taking the perfect action, that we are unable to take any action. I need you all to get your head clear and focused on the task at hand."

"I understand about not wanting to split forces, and attacking as a whole. By entering through the side of the first floor, we become a barrier between the civilians that we need to protect, along with C.H.E.S.S. who is assisting us and the Destroyers. Using Dream Weaver to pilot the helicopter with her and Blizzard, they can land on the roof, and use his ice powers to coat the hanger doors to prevent them from opening. While not everyone here was with us, we had success using this against Dr. Velo."



 OOC: solid, sounds good to me.



 Hi all,

I admit to being overwhelmed by all of the responses and trying to see how The Black Orchid can fit in. I enjoy this game but it's not my style to write long responses, so I'll limp along the best I can.


The Black Orchid  listened to all the plans and considers all of the suggestions. "I can definitely help with any covert actions and technological sabotage we want to do. While I definitely agree with all of the plans and the way they are shaping up, I wonder if we're missing something. Are we not paying close enough attention to our approach, to improve the element of surprise? I think I can work on a formula-based system to make our approach craft less visible, or I could even attempt it with my power, but it might be an incredible strain. I could also potentially use darkness as concealment or a decoy. Finally I could attempt to extend my invisibility to a single individual, especially if we're pretty sure they know we are coming. I could, for example, conceal Adamas and myself to allow a surprise strike. Any thoughts?"




Glad to have you with us. Fit in however you feel comfortable. Write as much or as little as you want.



Shane, I need to know where Party will leave her body. If it is the surveillance location then Bishop Prince will protect it until she returns.

I need to know how Patty will search the floors. She has plenty movement but each turn is 10 seconds long. If she will ake multiple turns, I need to know that too.




Patty speaks up, clearly uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"Hey everyone, maybe it's because I'm new to the team thing but I'm still fuzzy on the details. Are we going in as two squads, or as one? Are we teleporting in or being "helicoptered" in like commandos on that rope thing?"

"How much of their HQ do you want me to scope out? One floor, two floor, three floors? Which exact floors? There's also the, uh, detail that my body needs protecting while I'm going astral in case you didn't know."

She looks around. "I know everyone has a voice in the planning, but who's the leader here? Who makes the final decision and gives us our marching orders?"


OOC: Patty has a military background and in her mind hasn't heard a final plan yet, so she is unclear on her exact mission profile.



Follow up OOC: Feel free to put Patty Plus wherever we need her based on the plan. I suggest giving her a time limit on how long to be astral and she'll search as much as she can and get back in time based on that. I would keep it fairly short, because the longer super heroes are hanging around the greater the chance of losing the element of surprise.



OOC: Since James/Erdbeben isn't much for military tactics, he doesn't have much input into the planning. He'll take out the communications array, as planned. However, from my perspective, if we have to take out the communications array, I would think it would be easier and more easily managed if we all just land on the roof. Then anybody can blast a hole in the roof and enter as a group that way.



 OOC: Because the roof is so reinforced, it will take more than just anybody blasting a hole to get in. Even with as much velocity that Adamas can achieve, he will still need to use his eye blasts in conjunction with his physical assault to penetrate the roof. If we used Dreamweaver and Blizzard to seal the hanger on the roof, while everyone else enters through the side of the building, at the first floor of The Destroyers HQ. Adamas will create the opening, and Dr. Wildman can "Gate" us inside. If I am not mistaken, as long as he can see where he is going, it doesn't matter if the hole is large enough for all of us including M.I.S.H.A. to fit through, we will bypass it and appear inside the building. That would be what StrikeForce will propose to the group. He will push for us to make a decision.

IC: The Cyborg Crusader tells everyone, "I understand that some of you have concerns about whichever strategy we choose to employ. While I understand your concerns, we cannot get bogged down in being so afraid of not taking the perfect action, that we are unable to take any action. I need you all to get your head clear and focused on the task at hand."

"I understand about not wanting to split forces, and attacking as a whole. By entering through the side of the first floor, we become a barrier between the civilians that we need to protect, along with C.H.E.S.S. who is assisting us and the Destroyers. Using Dream Weaver to pilot the helicopter with her and Blizzard, they can land on the roof, and use his ice powers to coat the hanger doors to prevent them from opening. While not everyone here was with us, we had success using this against Dr. Velo."



She looks around. "I know everyone has a voice in the planning, but who's the leader here? Who makes the final decision and gives us our marching orders?"

Dr Wildman taps Patty on the shoulder then points to StrikeForce. "He does. Manta-Man needed someone in the field with leadership experience so passed the mantle on to StrikeForce. Just follow what he says and we get the job done. In time you will learn to trust his direction as we do."

The Cyborg Crusader tells everyone, "I understand that some of you have concerns about whichever strategy we choose to employ. While I understand your concerns, we cannot get bogged down in being so afraid of not taking the perfect action, that we are unable to take any action. I need you all to get your head clear and focused on the task at hand."

"I understand about not wanting to split forces, and attacking as a whole. By entering through the side of the first floor, we become a barrier between the civilians that we need to protect, along with C.H.E.S.S. who is assisting us and the Destroyers. Using Dream Weaver to pilot the helicopter with her and Blizzard, they can land on the roof, and use his ice powers to coat the hanger doors to prevent them from opening. While not everyone here was with us, we had success using this against Dr. Velo."

William took a step forward, the movement drawing the attention of the gathered Crusaders. "I'm mindful that no plan is perfect in these situations and many of us are finding ourselves fighting alongside strangers. For all my artifacts and enchantments my greatest ability is neither spells nor magic, its survival. Before this I made a living teaching others how to survive for entertainment. It's not entertainment anymore! We are here so that the many millions that Dr Apocalypse threatens will not just survive. But they will thrive. The most important rules of survival are stay positive and trust those around you. Trust StrikeForce's leadership, trust in the strength of Adamas and trust yourself...and stay positive - tonight we take the fight to him - he is on the back foot. He did not expect his giant robot to fall as easily as it did, and it fell because of you..." Dr Wildman paused and looked each of them in the eye "...each of you, defending Megalopolis. That was yesterday, and now we counter attack, we find the Doctor and we put an end to this threat."

"Crusaders, it's time to charge!"


 Patty turns to Dr. Wildman. For the first time since she has been with the New Crusaders, there is some steel in her voice.

"Thanks. It's not about trust, it's about knowing who's in charge."

She speaks very loudly. "Hey, everyone. Hey, hey! Hi!"

"We're doing a lot of talking, which is good when developing a strategy, but there's also a time to act and time's wasting. Let's use the mental momentum we've built up and get going! It's not going to get any more fun than it is now."

She points at StrikeForce. "The Granola Guardian her says StrikeForce is in charge. Give the word, Strikey, if the plan is in place then let's plan to work and work that plan!"



 Turning towards Patty Plus, StrikeForce replies. "To quote our Dr. friend here, Crusaders Charge"!



Thank you for your patience, this New Year has started off rough. It has settled down a little but I know there will be bumps in the future.

I am breaking this down into 2 parts - Pre-Combat and the First turn of combat. Please confirm I have this right for your characters and your team.


Bishop Prince will take Patty Plus to a secure room in the building. He will watch over her body as she leaves in Astral Projection form to scout the Destroyers HQ.

Patty leaves her body and floats above the surveillance building waiting for the signal.

Dreamweaver casts an illusion of a cloudy day over the entire block with the sounds of high winds (to cover the noise of the Crusader Helicopter).

Dreamweaver and Blizzard are in the Crusader Helicopter and are flying outside of the entire block. She has the illusion of a cloud over the helicopter. They are waiting for the signal

Adamas is flying/floating outside the entire block at the height he wants to start his dive. He is waiting for the signal.

The rest of the New Crusaders are on the roof of the surveillance building, away from the edge. All their defenses are activated, including Black Orchid turning invisible. They are waiting for the signal.

CHESS Knight Demanis and his squad, on outside the area in the alley way, waiting for the signal.

Detective Broyko and the MPD officers have set up traffic barricades outside the area to prevent any inflow to the area. They have a second set of barricades they are ready to seal the area when they receive the signal.

GM Note: These locations were picked to be outside the range of the area where the Destroyers would be given Perception rolls for identifying anyone suspicious approaching the building. They will still get their luck rolls on the first Phase of Combat.

First round of Combat (10 seconds of real time) [All of this will be on the same Phase]

Patty Plus will scout the lower third floor to determine the best target for Adamas entry. Let him know of any Destroyers on the floor and any key rooms.

GM Note: I am limiting her to one floor, if she wants to move through all 3 floors in 10 seconds, she has the movement. I will have to make perception rolls on what she sees. On a failed test this will simulate her failing to see something because she is moving so fast. For one floor I will roll only for the harder to determine items not for everything worth seeing.

Patty will fly out of the building to Adamas; she will tell him what she knows about the lower floor. She will return to the building to use her action to search for evidence (she has more than enough movement to do this and talking doesn't take an action)

Adamas will give the signal over the communicator and dive toward the building. He will hit the side of the building with 5 eye blasts first and then smash the building. Since he is not trying to dive through 3 floors he won't have to push his speed. He will continue to smash through the inside of the floor.

GM Note: In Mighty Protectors in 1 phase you can only move then attack or attack then move. Adamas is moving first then attacking. How he is able to continue moving through the building after attacking the wall is because I am using the knockback rules. I am treating the excess damage to the wall as knockback to Adamas. He continues his forward path as if he was knockback. As he hits interior walls I resolve it per those rules. This is why Adamas is unable to turn or stop after he smashes the first wall. He is no longer moving on his own per the movement rules.

Erdbeben fires his vibe blast on the tower. He needs a 19 or less to hit (his experience levels offset the Range Difficulty)

Dreamweaver flies the Helicopter over the roof to the Montuori Building

Blizzard fires ice blast to freeze the hanger doors.

Dr Wildman opens a teleport portal from the roof to the room he can see from the hole in the side of the building (If the hole is less than 10 feet in opening, he will have to make a perception test as he is 60 feet, 300 game inches away)

The New Crusaders (including Dr. Wildman) enter the portal and exit into the Destroyer's third floor. They survey the room and prepare to either encounter the Destroyers or look for evidence. Those preparing for an encounter will have a saved action. Those searching for evidence will be searching the room. They get 1 free perception test; a second will take an action. They will spend an action searching.


Preparing for an encounter (Have to have an action left)

Rubicon and MISHA



Searching for evidence

Black Orchid

Patty Plus


Please send your confirmations and changes for what I have written. Once I have them all I will prepare the next issue.


Again thanks for your patience.



 Looks good to me. Erdbeben is confirmed.



 Good for me - Adamas...make a very big hole buddy, belly flop rather than pike finish please



 Hi Tom,

No worries on the pace from me!

It all looks good. Earlier I think I missed Dreamweaver’s illusion part, which is why I had The Black Orchid suggest the darkness and the decoy. I can save PP if I don’t need to do that.

Yes, once there’s a hole, The Black Orchid will turn invisible and start searching as well.



 Sounds good to me.



 Good to go. Confirmed



 Adamas will blast around his entry point vs. his target in an attempt to make a larger hole.



 Hi Tom,

Glad things have gotten better on your end. You've done a wonderful job condensing all of that chatter into a list of actions!

Looks good on my end for Patty Plus.





I agree with Shane. Great job. You continually impress me.

