Sunday, July 25, 2021

Crusade : Issue 69 - Intelligence Gathering


37 minutes later:


"...ank you very much, Mr. Roboto

For doing the jobs nobody wants to

And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto

For helping me escape to where I needed to

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I want to thank you, please, thank you, oh yeah"

A JEEP squealed into the area where Demy can be seen rummaging around stuffing some things in a large duffel bag simultaneously taking long pulls from ridiculously large energy drink can. All the while the vehicles radio volume dial apparently has no issue going past 11.

"..The problem's plain to see, too much technology

Machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize

The time has come at last (secret secret I've got a secret)

To throw away this mask (secret secret I've got a secret)

Now everyone can see (secret secret I've got a secret)

My true identity

I'm Kil-"

Duly satisfied the song was coming to the end, Demy cut the engine along with the blaring music. 

The silence was deafing...

Suddenly he was aware of his surroundings and all those looking his way in various degrees of disgust, humor, impatience, and annoyance.

"What? Oh, sorry. Too soon?"

Whether it is irreverence, insensitivity, or just plain youthful naivety, Demy immediately seemed to brush aside his disruption to the group and walked up to Black Orchid.

"Let me know if and when you want me to bring back MISHA to look over.  In the mean time, can we try to jack into the hard drives of CyberDoom’s smaller robot they have in there”? Demy pointed to the CHESS mobile lab nearby.  "Who knows, maybe we can find out a little more if it share the same technology with MISHA."

One of the CHESS techs working with Black Orchid replied, "No we can't jack into the hard drive of an android without a warrant. The law considers it the same as getting a telepath to read a human's mind when they are in custody. There has to be a search warrant, it has to specify the specific information being searched for, and what is the probable cause for initiating the search."

"Before you ask, searching to see if it shares the same technology as MISHA isn't enough to get a warrant. The courts have ruled that it is an attempt to access Intellectual Property, not search for evidence or information in support of criminal charges, since this case isn't about the theft of I.P. Can you assert that you or MISHA owned the I.P. that he was made from?

Rubicon said, "In my country, response to terrorists can be...", he looked down, shaking his head back forth while rolling his tongue in his mouth while looking for the right words, "...heavy handed. You recall the Moscow theater hostage incident, nyet? I'm just glad there are no hostages. You must understand, I have no issue with excessive force - 'Do bad things to bad people...?', but certainly oversight should not be out of the question."

StrikeForce said, "Rubicon, or Demy, if you prefer. I would like you to authorize the Super Forces to send over your medical records to us. I would want us to be able to set up a possible medical care plan in advance of possibly needing it. Shifting gears, I wouldn't mind getting a look at M.I.S.H.A., the tech involved seems very interesting. And speaking of interesting, I enjoyed your song selection; it reminds me of the type of music they played at the lab when they were rebuilding me. Maybe when this is over, we as a team can all go out and grab a beer. It would be cool to bond with all the new members."


Demy smiled, responding to StrikeForce:

"Please StrikeForce, Demy to friends! At Super Forces we were very regimented, especially when operational in the field and in the presence of others outside the Teams. This helped ensure we kept our personal cover."

"As for my med file, I'm hoping I'm good to go!  I was poked and prodded at MEPS almost as much as when I synced with MISHA. I'm sure they injected peanut butter into my left cheek. I could not sit for 3 days!"  After a moment, “I kid, but not really. Ow!" Remembering back and shaking his head.

"I'll check back with CPT Turner, our S-1 at SF.  I don't know how the admin stuff works, but assume she can forward my Personnel file to where it needs to go. I have hard copies back at the BOQ, but assume she'll have to send to whomever at your end to be legit."  

Rubicon looked around, finally seeing Black Orchid before continuing, "Oh, the song...sorry, just can't help myself. Da YES is a great group." You know, 'I love the '80's...' ", Demy used air quotes next to his face.”Sometimes I let the music take over. But MISHA reminds me..." Demy tapped his head, "maybe I'm the only one who likes it, nyet?  MISHA, not so much."

Patty shook her head and chuckled to herself. "Hey, sportski, that's not a YES song," she said good-naturedly. "Were you born in the Styx?"

"Or maybe he was saying that yes, Styx is a good band?" she pondered to herself, and then decided to not confuse the situation any further.

James continued to listen to the briefing as most of the information continued to evade him. However, once they started to review the Destroyer's profiles, his research scientist focus returned as he absorbed the information.

He couldn't help but think to himself about how most of his research was predicated on specimens like these and that, while in the lab, he had to rely on DNA samples and reports, this would be a prime opportunity to see some of these biological anomalies in action! Not only were there specimens from scientific experiments, like himself, but there were also aliens and mutants to examine!

As soon as the briefing was over, Erdbeben approached Agent America for directions to the medical support staff. "If we're expecting any kind of resistance, we should be prepared with medical support!"

Erdbeben worked with medical resources to put together a field medical kit in order to support the team. To the untrained eye, it looked like a sophisticated first aid kit. To a trained EMT, it appeared to be a field surgery kit with all of the high-end tools necessary for field medical support. They may wonder why there's about a half dozen specimen sample containers and DNA sample kits mixed in with the Atropine Injectors, but given James' background in experimental medicine, they assumed that he knew more about treating field trauma then they did...

With his med-kit assembled, Erdbeben marched back out to the team and Agent America, "I'm ready! When do we leave?"

“We have to get the others prepared and gather more Intel.” The Bionic Brawler said.

StrikeForce said, "Yes Agent America, I would like to get the warrant for The Destroyers as soon as Bishop Prince can possibly get it."

Pausing before continuing; "Agent, I wanted to ask if anyone has reached out to DarkStar about Apocalypse's interest in the orbs? I know that the two of you were teammates, and you may have him on speed dial. Perhaps if the orbs are still in his possession, he can ensure that they are moved to a secure location."

Agent America replied, "I spoke with DarkStar. He told me the orbs are safe. DarkStar had said, ‘Dr Apoc is wrong they aren't on any of the Islands. They are only in a place that I know about and very few can reach. They have to know it is there first before they can reach it so there are no worries.’"

William watched as StrikeForce had meandered to the front to chat with Agent America.

"Well old boy..." He mused to himself..."looks like things are getting serious."

He stood up, uprooted the Staff of Thorns which snaked back into its more usual form as a staff. Holding the Helm of the Chimera in his other hand he spoke an unheard word and ram’s horns turned back to stag’s antlers.

He watched StrikeForce talking to Deny. The Russian worried him, not the man but the bear inside him. To manage that level of detail in a cybernetic form was spectacular, miraculous even...but there was something in the...aura of the creature...elusive, predatory, dangerous. This was more than a machine, or had become more...and William wasn't sure Demy had any notion of what he carried within him.

Whistling the tune to "I will survive", Dr Wildman headed out of the briefing back to the hovercraft. It was time for a cat nap. He hadn't slept for over 36 hours and until the warrant was issued they were bunked down here.

William stopped as if something occurred to him.

He walked back to the briefing area and got one of the agents to print off a copy of Ratman's dossier.

Leaving the area he headed to the hovercraft looking over the photo's of Edward Fink and his psych profile. Sitting in the reclined co-pilots seat he shut his eyes and drifted to sleep. As he did unconscious arcane hand movements danced over the helm that rested on his chest. Deep beneath the craft in the sewer system below rats stopped their scurrying as if something long forgotten reawakened in their consciousness!

Using the secure connection over the sat-sci drone; Jason reached out to his Dad. Wyatt answered "Yes." The Cyborg Crusader paused momentarily before replying. "I can now confirm that all information points to Iron Maiden from the Destroyers being the culpable individual behind the Industrial espionage at Vanguard Incorporated."

Wyatt replied, "Any idea how she did it or who she is?"

StrikeForce replied, “"Sorry, don't know yet, but I will find out."

A few hours later Bishop Prince provided StrikeForce with the warrant. "It is a no knock warrant, so the New Crusaders are all set to go", he said.

Receiving the warrant, StrikeForce said, "Thank you Bishop Prince. Good job."

StrikeForce sent the call out through the team’s comm. links, and asking them to bring along the new members. As the new members arrived StrikeForce gave them each a comm. link to allow them to keep in touch with the team.

William woke up with a start as StrikeForce called the team together. He stretched his limbs appreciating the brief catnap.

Tucking his helm once more under his arm he marched back to the area Strike had designated to gather.

When all had arrived he started his presentation. Calling the Sci-Sat drone over to his position, he had it provide a 3D image of the building that houses The Destroyers. It is a 40 story building.

 "While I have a basic idea for a plan, I need all of your input." StrikeForce momentarily paused and looked around the table to ensure that he has everyone's attention before continuing. "In order to stop or reduce potential hostages or civilian injury, I propose a late night, or predawn operation. This will in addition to limiting the in building personnel to a cleaning/maintenance crew, will mean that we have less traffic around the building as well. In coordination with Megalopolis Police/S.W.A.T. officers, we can use them to hold back until we give the signal to cordon off the area around the building and moving behind us to extract any civilians we encounter. I'm suggesting a two pronged attack. The quieter of the two will enter through the lower levels of the building and make their way upward, and the louder will attack from the top pushing downward as we try to catch them from both sides." As he talked, he pointed to the projected entry points that the team will use. "I know that some of us may have a particular person we are focused on, myself included. But in this type of encounter, we will basically be engaged with whomever we encounter. Basically a target of opportunity; I will need volunteers for both teams."

Looking to see how the team responded to the idea, he finished with. "This plan is not set in stone. Please, if you have any comments, complaints, criticism, let me know. And remember, No plan survives first contact unchanged. The situation is fluid; protect your selves and your teammates, and We Will Win!"

Dr Wildman chose to stand during the council, nodding as StrikeForce shared his plans to mitigate any potential harm to civilians.

As the cybernetic soldier concluded William spoke: "I'm happy to be part of either team, I can do subtle or obvious. Adamas has experience with these chaps, perhaps he should spearhead 'Team Obvious' and Black Orchid 'Team Subtle' with you coordinating us from whichever team you are on?"

James took off his sunglasses and adds, "I'm a Doctor, so I'm thinking I should go with..." he paused and looked over to William as he used the designations provided, "Team Obvious."

"I'm assuming they'll get the brunt of the action and I can help patch up anybody who gets hurt. Plus, my... condition makes me tougher than I look."

Adamas shared he would enjoy nothing more than making a very large hole in the top of the building. 

He had always been a bit dramatic with his entrances, and the Diamond Dynamo was OK with getting matched against any of the Destroyers.

Patty gathered her nerve and spoke up with a semblance of confidence.

"I'm good with either Team Loud or Team Quiet, wherever more experienced heads want me. I have a, well, Astral Projection ability is the common term as corny as it sounds, if anyone wants to get a peek at our friends before we go in."

She considered for a moment, and then continued. "Speaking of powers and abilities, I personally think we should talk about who should handle who if we run into them based on each of our profiles versus theirs. I have a better grasp of the Destroyers at this point than all of us good guys here."

"Personally, I'm a weird mix of stuff. I'm stronger and tougher than I look, but nothing like Adamas level. I can sometimes bounce physical and mental attacks back at the source. I can paralyze people if I can touch them. And the, uh, astral projection thing."

"Like I said, weird mix. And I'm pretty inexperienced compared to most of you here. You need to know that."

Paying close attention to Patty's Input before replying. "I think proper reconnaissance would be very helpful. While I know that you are still relatively new to all of this Patty, it would be greatly appreciated if you were willing to do it."

Demy raised his hand and asked, "Strike, just so you all know: it takes about 5 minutes to bring MISHA out. I assume you want me to do this prior to the attack? If so, we may need a bigger bird to fit us in for infil. We should all be able to fit in a CH-47 Chinook, Osprey, or something similar, from my experience, but they are not very quiet."

 StrikeForce said, "Demy, I would advise you to bring M.I.S.H.A. out before we depart, as it would give us the most firepower, but obviously that would be your call. I had an idea for a transport that is very silent and powerful enough to do the job. It is the Adamas model transport. We can use a ranger line to hook everyone to it and allow Adamas to carry all of you in."

William looked a bit confused, not sure what a 'Ranger Line' looks like...

"If it's of any use I can very quickly create a teleport gate to the roof for 'Team Obvious' that will get you all up there instantly. I can't gate you inside as I need to be able to see the end point, but it should be easy enough to get a view of the roof from a vantage point some way off."  

Rubicon said, "Hey Doc, that sounds way more pragmatic. I've not done that one yet! Using the SPIE harness system is fun, but I've not used it with M.I.S.H.A. without putting him in a cargo net at the bottom. I can see it being an issue if we are going in hot and I think may take minute to get everyone unhooked from the line.  It may make things harder if M.I.S.H.A. attacks something and we're all tied to it and brings us along for the ride." 

He pulled a remote from the table and showed some images up on the screen.

"But, either way, I'm good with whatever is decided on."

Dr Wildman looked at the image and genuinely pales: "Really! That's an effective way of getting people into combat? - Good grief; you guys are really brave - Wow!"

Hearing William's comment about teleporting Erdbeben chimed in, "I suppose it's too much to ask to find a picture of the area inside? I mean, could the Destroyers' headquarters be in an article for Homes & Villain Lairs?"

Looking to William he added, "Would a picture even work? Maybe we could use one of those surveillance drones to get sneak inside?"

William gave a warm smile whilst shaking his head: "sadly my enchantments rely on biology rather than technology - I guess it's a druid thing!"

The excitement visibly dropped from Erdbeben's face in response to William's answer. "So, you're saying your powers are due to magic and aren't from some DNA mutation?" he asked as he slowly put his DNA Sample kit away.

William grinned: "No bizarre scientific accidents, bitten by radioactive aardvarks, super tech gizmos or the like - it's 100% training my friend - hard work for the mind and the body, oh and the occasional magical artifact of antiquity to lend a hand."

As if to make a point he donned his helmet and in a nimbus of green eldritch energy - where the man stood, now stands an 8 foot Minotaur, bull faced; broad chested and stood on cloven hooves.

Dr Wildman clicked his knuckles together and brayed a deep and hearty laugh: “But don't panic Erdbeben - I have a doctorate in Zoology, biology and veterinary science - despite appearances I am a real doctor of science!"

With that and in another flash of emerald energy Dr Wildman resumed his human form and pulled off his helmet. "I have learned that science does not have all the answers, nor magic. Have faith my friend, the world is bigger that we think it is." He gave a cheeky wink to Erdbeben then looked to StrikeForce as the briefing continued.

"After much thought on how best to go forward with the two teams, I believe that this grouping will allow us the best chance of success. Team Obvious, the top down assault force will consist of these heroes, Adamas, Demolisher, Erdbeben, Rubicon and M.I.S.H.A. This of course means the bottom up infiltrators will consist of Black Orchid, Dr. Wildman, Patty Plus, and myself (StrikeForce)." He paused to ensure that there are no more concerns.

Upon hearing Strike Forces team roster, Demy can noticeably be seen restraining himself as he said, "Put me in Coach!  I'm ready to!"

Adamas rubbed his hands together glancing around at the gathered team, "This will be fun."

Black Orchid stated that it would take the infiltrators one and a half minutes to run up the stairs, if all doors were unlocked.

{GM Note: It would take 6 turns for them to run up from the lobby to the lower floor of The Destroyer’s HQ.}

Erdbeben chimed in, "Maybe we can pull up Google Maps and get a look at the roof of the building? We can see if there are any entrances or defenses that we should be aware of? But, I'm just a medical guy and not a tactical guy, so it's probably not the way you all do things..."

Dr Wildman said, “Unless I commit to memory a location I can't gate blind without a chance of something going wrong. My preference is to be able to see both ends of the gate. If you want a beer in the UK, a view of the pyramids in Egypt or just to go to my house; I can get you there safely”

“I could gate the team in blind but that comes at a risk.” Dr. Wildman said, “I’d be happy to do it though.”

The Solar Druid looked at StrikeForce.

StrikeForce said “Let's stay as safe as we can. It is looking more and more like this two pronged assault may not work. I guess we will have to let everyone decide if they are still onboard with it.”

Adamas said, “I like the idea of staying together, nothing good I can think of off the top of my head, has ever come of splitting the party.” He was remembering how the Fellowship of the Quest had split up when they faced The Destroyers. That did not go well.

{GM Note: Quest issues 15 to 17} 

StrikeForce said, “throw my vote towards a one group assault. Sending Patty Plus to recon before Adamas "knocks".

Erdbeben was good either way. He would like the additional recon, though. Maybe in addition to a satellite image of the roof, we can get the blueprints from the city as to what its 'supposed' to look like on the top three floors.

Dr Wildman looked at the sky..."so it's about 3pm. How long to liftoff boss?"

Replying to his friend; The Bionic Brawler said. "Doc., I'm thinking wheels up at 0300 so that has us reconvening at 0230 to be able to ensure that the Intel has not changed before we depart."

"Get whatever rest you can before we depart. We will reconvene 30 min. before liftoff to finalize any changes before we leave. Before we separate to rest, let me tell you Ladies and Gentlemen, I consider it a privilege to head into battle with you. While some of us are new to working together, and some are new to all of this." StrikeForce took a moment to pause and look at all of his teammates, and resumed. "I don't think that there is a finer collection of individuals anywhere, and I am proud to be here with you." After finishing StrikeForce went go to rest; he woke an hour before liftoff to go over any new Intel before gathering the team.

When he got up, StrikeForce meet with Bishop Prince, Knight Demanis, and Detective Broyko of the Megalopolis. Det. Broyko led the Crusher Crimewave Task Force {Last seen in Crusade Issue 18}. After the Crushers were captured, it was renamed the Super-Powered Crime Task Force. He was still its leader.

Bishop Prince introduced StrikeForce to Detective Broyko. Prince said, “The MPD (Megalopolis Police Department) will provide the crowd control and will ensure no one enters around the block on the Montuori Building where The Destroyers have their headquarters.”

“CHESS Knights will follow behind your team’s entrance to remove any civilians are in the building. They will not engage with The Destroyers, falling back immediately if they come into contact with them. Knight Demanis will lead the CHESS Knights”

Bishop Prince asked, “Would you like to visit see the surveillance location that CHESS has? We have the entire 50th floor to ourselves. We can get you in without anyone noticing”.

When it came time for the New Crusaders to gather together the Demolisher did not show up. He left with FISH agents the night before. He was needed on other urgent matters.

The entire team was shuttled in unmarked vans to the building where the surveillance occurred. Det. Brokyo readied his team to setup barricades and stop traffic at the agreed to time.

Across the hall from the room where the actual surveillance was occurring was a conference room with smart boards. The Intel being gathered was being transferred to the smart boards so the New Crusaders could make their plans.

The main smart board had an aerial view of the Montuori Building and the surrounding buildings. The letter ‘k’ marked the Montuori Building. The letter “b” marked the building which the New Crusaders and CHESS were in. The letter “h” marked a street-level pedestrian plaza. All the other letters marked buildings.

Bishop Prince pointed to the screens which were to the left and right of the main screen. “Here are skyline views from the west. It shows north to the left”

“We are in a building that is 50 stories high and the Montuori Building is 40 stories high.”

“There is a scale measuring in stories to the left of the image.”

Here is the view from the east side. “The building labeled “c” is the same height as the one we are in. That is why you can’t see our building. The other building completely hides it from view.” Bishop Prince said.

Here is the view from our building toward the Montouri Building.

Bishop Prince pointed to the other side of the conference room where 4 smart boards were. “Pull up the requested floor plans that were on file with the city for the 3 requested floors. Put on the 4th board the live view of the roof of the Montouri Building”.

“Here is the lower floor plan” Bishop Prince said.

“The location labeled “a” is an industrial elevator shaft that runs from the basement of the floor to this floor and the middle floor that the Destroyers are in. The plans don’t show where the openings are and which floors it opens on. It appears they bribed the city official to be able to submit incomplete plans.”

“Location ‘h’ is a stairwell both the middle and upper floors.”

“Location ‘n’ is a stairwell to all above floors and the roof.”

“Location ‘s’ is elevator. It leads to the lobby, all other floors and the roof.”

“Here is the middle floor plan”, Bishop Prince said.

“The location labeled ‘a’ is an industrial elevator shaft that runs from the basement of the floor to the within the 2 floors of the Destroyers are in.”

“Location ‘l’ is a stairwell both the lower and upper floors. We think it connects with ‘h’ on the lower floor”

“Location ‘g’ is a stairwell to all floors and the roof. It connects with ‘n’ on the lower floor’”

“Location ‘n’ is elevator. It leads to the lobby, all other floors and the roof. It is labeled ‘s’ on the lower floor.”

“Here is the upper floor plan”, Bishop Prince said.

“Location ‘k’ is a stairwell both the lower floors. We think it connects with ‘l’ on the middle floor”

“Location ‘s’ is a stairwell to all floors and the roof. It connects with ‘g’ on the middle floor’”

“Location ‘n’ is elevator. It leads to the lobby, all other floors and the roof. It is labeled ‘n’ on the middle floor.”

“Here is the roof view”, Bishop Prince said.

“Location ‘a’: This is the observation walkway. It is made out of steel and is raised six feet above the deck of the roof. It can be reached via the elevator on the roof or from the stairs to the roof deck behind the elevator. There is a four foot steel railing running around the exterior and the interior circumference of the walkway.”

“Location ‘b’: This is the helipad. It is made of steel mesh supported underneath by a heavy steel framework that leads to the single 36’ steel pole that connects the helipad to the deck 10 feet below. There is a metal stairway that leads to the roof deck from the helipad.”

“Location ‘c’: This is the stairwell leading to stairway (n) on the lower floor, stairway (g) on the middle floor, and stairway (s) on the upper floor.”

“Location ‘d’: These are the hangar doors to the hanger below.”

“Location ‘e’: This is the microwave transmission tower. It is a steel framework that stands 50 feet high from the deck.”

“Location ‘f’: This is elevator. It leads to the lobby of this building and to the lower, middle, and upper floors of The Destroyers headquarters.”

Adamas stepped out of the room briefly. He walked into the surveillance room. The Alien Powerhouse tried using his Ethereal Vision to look into the 3 floors but he couldn’t. The metal strength was too strong and too thick for his vision to penetrate.

Adamas realized that The Destroyers headquarters was going to be more difficult to ram through than Dr. Velo’s headquarters {GM Note: Crusade Issue 46}.

He would have to blast the roof with his Energy Beams too.

Adamas returned to the conference room. He informed the team that he wouldn’t be able to collapse the roof on top of The Destroyers. It will take all he had to punch a big enough hole for everyone else to enter through.

A CHESS Rook entered the conference room, “The others have arrived.” He said.

“Okay bring them in.” The CHESS Bishop said.

Through the doorway entered Dreamweaver and Blizzard.

Blizzard and Dreamweaver introduced themselves to the New Crusaders. They were glad to get to meet the new team. Evergreen had said good things about them.

Dreamweaver said, “Manta-Man sent us as we both have abilities which could assist the team with surveillance activities or any attempts to infiltrate the location. We both have limitations so none of us provide the perfect solution but maybe we can be a piece of the solution.”

“I can turn invisible to sight but I can still be smelled or touched. I can create illusions but they don’t smell and can’t be touched either. They are holograms with a sound component,” she said.

Blizzard said, “I can vibrate to the point that I can’t be touched. I can pass through anything physical and I can’t be hurt by physical items. Only force fields are a barrier I can pass through. I am still visible so I can be seen. I can be heard as I move. My steps are audible and my vibrations give off a low buzzing sound.”

“We can function as a support team instead of the assault team too. My ice powers and Dreamweaver’s telekinesis power can reinforce structures which have taken damage to ensure that pieces of the building don’t fall on the shorter buildings next to it,” he said.

Demy summoned MISHA successfully. After 5 minutes had past, Rubicon’s companion stood next to him.

<Turns and Actions due December 28th >


After Battle Conditions (Mighty Protectors character data):

Adamas                        Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   74       Healed 2 HP – Fully Healed

Black Orchid                Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   92       

StrikeForce                 Hit Points:   31 Power Points:   93       Healed 3 HP – Fully Healed

Manta-Man                   Hit Points:     8 Power Points:   66        Healed 1 HP

Dr. Wildman                 Hit Points:   12 Power Points:   60       

Patty Plus                    Hit Points:   15 Power Points:   60       

Laserfire                       Hit Points:     8 Power Points:   49       

Erdbeben                     Hit Points:   46 Power Points:   66       

Rubicon                       Hit Points:   20 Power Points:   66

MISHA                          Hit Points:   41 Power Points: 101



There is a new page on the website giving details on the Government Organizations of Megalopolis universe. Check it out. I have hidden an Easter egg of two in there :)





So excited to get the new issue! I can't wait to read it. I'll check out the website as well.



Thanks Tom!

Two issues of some great data and intel download. Now, what to do with it and where to go?


37 minutes later:


"...ank you very much, Mr. Roboto

For doing the jobs nobody wants to

And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto

For helping me escape to where I needed to

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I want to thank you, please, thank you, oh yeah"

A JEEP squeels into the area where Demy can be seen rumaging around stuffing some things in a large duffel bag simultaneously taking long pulls from rediculouly lage energy drink can. All the while the vehicles radio volume dial apparently has no issue going past 11.


"..The problem's plain to see, too much technology

Machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize

The time has come at last (secret secret I've got a secret)

To throw away this mask (secret secret I've got a secret)

Now everyone can see (secret secret I've got a secret)

My true identity

I'm Kil-"

Duly satisfied the song was coming to the end, Demy cuts the engine along with the blaring music. 

The silence is defining...

Suddenly aware of his surroundings and all those looking his way in various degrees of disgust, humor, impatience, and annoyance.

"What? Oh, sorry. Too soon?"

Whether it be irreverence, insensitivity, or just plain youthful naivety, Demy immediately seems to brush aside his disruption to the group and walks up to Black Orchid.

"Let me know if and when you want me to bring back MISHA to look over.  In the mean time, can we try to jack into the hard drives of CyberDooms smaller robot they have in there. Demy points to the CHESS mobile lab nearby.  "Who knows, maybe we can find out a little more if it share the same technology with MISHA."

Ooc: assuming this hasn't been attempted yet.

If she agrees, Demy continues, "I honestly don't know how it all works, it just does with MISHA and I, er....most of the time, I mean." Demy finishes slightly embarrassed.  "But," he quickly continues, " maybe we can hook me or MISHA up to it to, I don't know, maybe see if that help access it or something?  I'm, how do you say: "Spitballing?"



When he was able to talk to Rubicon, StrikeForce will say, "Rubicon, or Demy, if you prefer. I would like you to authorize the Super Forces to send over your medical records to us. I would want us to be able to set up a possible medical care plan in advance of possibly needing it. Shifting gears, I wouldn't mind getting a look at M.I.S.H.A., the tech involved seems very interesting. And speaking of interesting, I enjoyed your song selection, it reminds me of the type of music they played at the lab when they were rebuilding me. Maybe when this is over, we as a team can all go out and grab a beer. It would be cool to bond with all the new members."


In his interaction with AA.

"Yes Agent America, I would like to get the warrant for The Destroyers as soon as Bishop Prince can possibly get it." Pausing before continuing. "Agent, I wanted to ask if anyone has reached out to DarkStar about Apocalypse's interest in the orbs? I know that the two of you were teammates, and you may have him on speed dial. Perhaps if the orbs are still in his possession, he can ensure that they are moved to a secure location."

Using the secure connection over the sat-sci drone. Jason reaches out to his Dad. Wyatt answers "Yes." The Cyborg Crusader pauses momentarily before replying. "I can now confirm that all information points to Iron Maiden from the Destroyers being the culpable individual behind the Industrial espionage at Vanguard Incorporated."



 Demy smiles, responding to Strikes Force:

"Please Strike Force, Demy to friends! At Super Forces we were very regimented, especially when operational in the field and in the pressence of  others outside the Teams. This helped ensure we kept our personal cover."

"As for my med file, I'm hoping I'm good to go!  I was poked and proded at MEPS almost as much as when I synced with MISHA. I'm sure they injected Peanutbutter into my left cheek. I could not sit for 3 days!"  After a moment, " I kid, but not really. Ow!" Remembering back and shaking his head.

"I'll check back with CPT Turner, our S-1 at SF.  I don't know how the admin stuff works, but assume she can forward my Persennel file to where it needs to go. I have hard copies back at the BOQ, but assume she'll have to send to who ever at your end to be legit."  

Rubicon looks around, finally seeing Black Orchid before continuing, "Oh, the song...sorry, just can't help myself. Da YES is a great group." You know, 'I love the '80's...' ", Demy uses air quotes next to his face. "Sometimes I let the music take over. But MISHA reminds me...", Demy taps his head, "maybe I'm the only one who likes it, nyet?  MISHA, not so much. ".



 IC: William watched as StrikeForce meandered to the front to chat with Agent America.

"Well old boy..." He mused to himself..."looks like things are getting serious."

He stood up, uprooted the Staff of Thorns which snaked back into its more usual form as a staff. Holding the Helm of the Chimera in his other hand he spoke an unheard word and rams horns turned back to Stags antlers.

He watched StrikeForce talking to Deny. The Russian worried him, not the man but the bear inside him. To manage that level of detail in a cybernetic form was spectacular, miraculous even...but there was something in the...aura of the creature...elusive, predatory, dangerous. This was more than a machine, or had become more...and William wasn't sure Demy had any notion of what he carried within him.

Whistling the tune to "I will survive" Dr Wildman headed out of the briefing back to the hovercraft. It was time for a cat nap. He hadn't slept for over 36 hours and until the warrants was issued they were bunked down here.

William stopped as if something occurred to him.

He walked back to the briefing area and got one of the agents to print off a copy of Ratman's dossier.

Leaving the area he headed to the hovercraft looking over the photo's of Edward Fink and his psych profile. Sitting in the reclined co-pilots seat he shut his eyes and drifted to sleep. As he did unconscious arcane hand movements danced over the helm that rested on his chest. Deep beneath the craft in the sewer system below rats stopped their scurrying as if something long forgotten reawakened in their consciousness!

OOC: If we were around a table I would expect we would start to come up with a plan. Do we want to have an OOC conversation about a plan and then role play it?

Just a thought



James continued to listen to the briefing as most of the information continued to evade him. However, once they started to review the Destroyer's profiles, his research scientist focus returned as he absorbed the information.

He couldn't help but think to himself about how most of his research was predicated on specimens like these and that, while in the lab, he had to rely on DNA samples and reports, this would be a prime opportunity to see some of these biological anomalies in action! Not only were there specimens from scientific experiments, like himself, but there were also aliens and mutants to examine!

As soon as the briefing is over, Erdbeben approaches Agent America for directions to the medical support staff. "If we're expecting any kind of resistance, we should be prepared with medical support!"

Erdbeben will work with medical resources to put together a field medical kit in order to support the team. To the untrained eye, it looks like a sophisticated first aid kit. To a trained EMT, it would appear to be a field surgery kit with all of the high-end tools necessary for field medical support. They may wonder why there's about a half dozen specimen sample containers and DNA sample kits mixed in with the Atropine Injectors, but given James' background in experimental medicine, they'd probably just assume that he knew more about treating field trauma then they did...

With his med-kit assembled, Erdbeben marches back out to the team and Agent America, "I'm ready! When do we leave?"



 "Yes Agent America, I would like to get the warrant for The Destroyers as soon as Bishop Prince can possibly get it." Pausing before continuing. "Agent, I wanted to ask if anyone has reached out to DarkStar about Apocalypse's interest in the orbs? I know that the two of you were teammates, and you may have him on speed dial. Perhaps if the orbs are still in his possession, he can ensure that they are moved to a secure location."

Agent America later replied, "I spoke with DarkStar. He told me the orbs are safe. Dr Apoc is wrong they aren't on any of the Islands. They are only in a place that I know about and very few can reach. They have to know it is there first before they can reach it so there are no worries."

Using the secure connection over the sat-sci drone. Jason reaches out to his Dad. Wyatt answers "Yes." The Cyborg Crusader pauses momentarily before replying. "I can now confirm that all information points to Iron Maiden from the Destroyers being the culpable individual behind the Industrial espionage at Vanguard Incorporated." 

Wyatt replied, "Any idea how she did it or who she is?"




A few hours later Bishop Prince provided StrikeForce with the warrant. "It is a no knock warrant, so the New Crusaders are all set to go", he said.




Whether it is irreverence, insensitivity, or just plain youthful naivety, Demy immediately seems to brush aside his disruption to the group and walks up to Black Orchid.

"Let me know if and when you want me to bring back MISHA to look over.  In the mean time, can we try to jack into the hard drives of CyberDoom’s smaller robot they have in there. Demy points to the CHESS mobile lab nearby.  "Who knows, maybe we can find out a little more if it share the same technology with MISHA."

One of the CHESS techs working with Black Orchid replied, "No we can't jack into the hard drive of the Androids without a warrant. The law considers it the same as getting a telepath to read a human's mind when they are in custody. There has to be a warrant, it has to specify the specific information being searched for, and what is the probable cause for initiating the search."

"Before you ask, searching to see if it shares the same technology as MISHA isn't enough to get a warrant. The courts have ruled that it is an attempt to access Intellectual Property, not search for evidence or information in support of criminal charges, since this case isn't about the theft of I.P. Can you even assert that you or MISHA owned the I.P. that he was made from?





Thanks Tom,

I'm not certain if Demy has the knowledge or wherewithal to follow up with this information.

OOC: my inclination would be to correlate this as a State Department and/or DOD issue to be further defined with the ongoing investigation, something Demy is trying to support. To mitigate any metagamey aspect to this; is there a knowledge: legal roll I could make that I could use to jump to another conclusion, solution, or resource support? My initial reaction for Demy is to respond to the CHESS tech is to say, "Ok, Agent Einstein, all that legalese is great but the way I see it, that thing has part of MISHA in it that originated in another country. It was a part of an attack on US soil.

I don't know if I or others know enough about Dr. Apocalypse to be considered a foreign power or a national terrorist, but it seems to me that with all the resources and smart people here there has to be some loophole to connect the dots to get a warrant."

Demy trudged off mumbling in partial Russian about red tape...

With that, he leaves it to others with more patience and legal knowledge.

Think of Demy’s tone and response to the CHESS tech similar to Han Solo in the Empire Strikes Back when he calls for deck officer to see if Luke has reported back in from his patrol on Hoth.

Let me know your thoughts.



Replying to the Super Spy. "Good, I don't need to know where, in fact, the fewer who do know, the better. I'm glad that he won't be getting his hands on them. He is too dangerous already. Thanks AA."

Replying to his Dad.

OOC: Tom, if the information is known about her name and identity, StrikeForce's reply will be listed below. I'm playing that her image and name are in the gaps in Jason's memory. That way the reveal will be bigger, and have a greater impact.

"Yes, this is her I.D. and photo that I am sending to you over the drone. Is she ringing any bells for you?"

OOC: If he doesn't know, his reply is.

"Sorry, don't know yet, but I will find out."



 Receiving the warrant, he says "Thank you Bishop Prince. Good job."



 Iron Maiden's name and identity is currently unknown.




Demy has Military and Government background so that would be a +3 to his IN save of 11, so he needs a 14 or less. I made three IN save rolls,

The first roll was for the State Department / DoD definition of this as a foreign entity attack. Demy rolled a 15. He couldn't think of any way to categorize this as a military attack. Dr. Apocalypse didn't claim to be a foreign head of state, he didn't declare war on the United States, and the attack wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government. In fact he announced his criminal act before it occurred in order for civilians to leave the area. Their failure to do so can't be held against him. There are Super Powered civil liberty organizations (C.A.P.E.R. and G.A.L.A.N.T. from the V&V resource Citizens Report) which would argue the preceding storm and announcement clearly made this a criminal act under the category of black mail of the city and state not an act of war. Demy realized that the United States Congress would have to declare war on the country that Dr. Apocalypse is the head of state of. They would never declare war against an individual and there is no country for them declared against. Demy realized the irony that the government's giving into Dr. Apocalypse demands would have created a country for him to be the head of state of. The success of the New Crusaders in stopping the Doomsday Robot kept this from being a State Department matter.

The second roll was for Demy supporting an ongoing DoD investigation. Demy rolled a 6. Demy realized he wasn't here as part of the Super Forces. Demy had shown up on his own volition. The first action Agent America did was remove Demy from Super Forces and had him join the New Crusaders. If AA hadn't done that, would Demy have been forced to leave, he wondered? The only DoD representative on site is Agent America and he is coordinating activities between the agencies and ensuring intel is shared. The investigation is being led by CHESS. They have both Bishop Prince and Bishop Black Orchid supervising all aspects of the investigation. The crew members weren't being treated as prisoners of war but as criminals under arrest. Demy realized if they were treated as POWs then they would be protected by the United Nations war crimes accords. This would mean that UN representatives of Russia, China, and Malaia would all have influence in the situation about what would constitute a war crime and what would not. Would Russia use this as an opportunity to have the crew members returned to Russia and would they be able to leverage the situation to demand the return of M.I.S.H.A too? Demy realized that the State Department wasn't willing to take that chance. Any attempt to treat this as an act of war or terrorism would put the entire situation on the world stage subject to UN peacekeepers. Would Col Z use that opportunity to infiltrate the UN peacekeeping team with agents of his own? Demy knew he would try. Demy realized that treating Dr. Apocalypse as a foreign entity would provide him and the Destroyers diplomatic immunity while they are on US soil. The warrant that New Crusaders recently obtained would be invalid. The warrant allows them to investigate a crime on the identified property.

The third roll was for Demy making the argument that thing has part of MISHA in it that originated in another country. Demy rolled a 20 and then a 1, so the roll is a normal fail not a fumble. As Demy prepared his argument to take it to Agent America as he wanted the Super Forces Leader to take control away from CHESS, he realized that his argument could have the reverse effect. The State Department could agree with him but instead of allowing access to the androids they seized M.I.S.H.A. instead. Demy had thought that M.I.S.H.A. was being treated as part of Demy so therefore all of the US constitutional protections were extended as well. But seeing that androids have been given US constitutional protections based on court rulings regarding the rights of Mocker and Red Hawk, M.I.S.H.A would have the same protections. This must have been why General Samuel has insisted on the tests that were performed that proved M.I.S.H.A. was sentient and communicating with Demy. He did it to establish M.I.S.H.A.'s protection under US Law as a Cybernetic Sentient Being (C.S.B.).

Above is the world knowledge that Demy has of the situation. Feel free to role-play this out with AA and CHESS Knights & Rooks as you want. Feel free to continue to play out Demy's frustrations with the situation. This could be his first experience with how the U.S. treatment of Super Powered individuals given how their long history (1920s to now) has shaped the law to protect them from being treated as terrorists on the whims of politicians. This can be a stark contrast from Russia where Super Powered individuals have kept Communism in power longer than it should have lasted. In Russia there really aren't any Super Heroes but instead there are Super Soldiers of the State.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification on this topic.




Tom, that was an amazing run down. I really appreciate the amount of information provided. There's a lot of story, rules, let alone real life government, political, legal and social knowledge that can be overwhelming to take into account. I like how you presented this. I will try to pull my thoughts together on this for further response from Demy.

Really appreciate it Tom!



OOC: Planning:

- so we have a no knock warrant on the assumption that there is sufficient evidence that the Destroyer's are employed or at least connected to Dr Apocalypse and his potential worldwide threat. They represent the best chance of locating the Dr.

- we have a dossier on the individuals who make up the Destroyer team and where they are located - The top 3 stories of the Montuori Building.

- Presumably the simple aim is to determine the location of the Dr.

- Do we storm the building or enter covertly? - How do we get there, elements of surprise, is time of the essence etc

- Do we have predetermined targets?

- How do we bring them into custody?

- Are Chess or another agency going to do the interrogation; or is that what we do?

- Do we split the party?

Some initial questions OOC - we can write this up once we come up with a plan.

Thoughts anyone?




Thanks, some of these bullet points relate to what I was mulling over.  See my thoughts below for what it's worth.

Demy is currently trying to come to grips of the political, legal, social, let along rules and background story IRL.



Erdbeben won't have any thoughts on tactics as he has been focused on medical research most of his life, but from a player perspective, I would agree with a strong force hitting the 'front door' to create a diversion while the more 'infiltration' types try to sneak in another way.



 - so we have a no knock warrant on the assumption that there is sufficient evidence that the Destroyer's are employed or at least connected to Dr Apocalypse and his potential worldwide threat. They represent the best chance of locating the Dr.

- We have a dossier on the individuals who make up the Destroyer team and where they are located - The top 3 stories of the Montuori Building.

- Presumably the simple aim is to determine the location of the Dr.

- Do we storm the building or enter covertly? - How do we get there, elements of surprise, is time of the essence etc - I like the idea of an obvious team and a discrete team. What about danger to the public, how do we assault the building without endangering the public below? Do we create a cordoned off area? How do the Destroyers like Behemoth get in and out of the building without being seen? Is there a secret way in, I don't think anyone is a teleporter?

- Do we have predetermined targets? I have an idea, Dr Wildman's Helm of the Chimera allows him to boost his shape shift so that he can take the form of a hybrid animal e.g. a griffon or a hybrid man/animal - if we can capture Ratman; Dr Wildman can take his form and his place to sow confusion within their ranks.

- How do we bring them into custody?

- Are Chess or another agency going to do the interrogation; or is that what we do?

- Do we split the party? - That seems to be a yes if we go 2 teams



In my opinion the best way to minimize the risk to civilians, is to do a late night or pre dawn operation. The amount of people either in the building or on the streets would be greatly reduced. We could move forward with the police/swat in reserve, and when we give the signal they will move into place and cordon off the area surrounding the building. If we infiltrate with officers behind us, they can remove any cleaning/maintenance personnel inside.

If we go for a two team split, we need to determine what the roster for each team is.

While we may have "preferred" targets, in a split assault, in which we don't know in what order we will encounter them, we may be looking at more of targets of opportunity.

Remember: No battle plan survives first contact unchanged. The situation will be fluid, and we will need to adapt on the fly.




"Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all"

T'Chaka, Captain America: Winter Soldier

IC: Rubicon says, "In my country, response to terrorists can be...", he looks down, shaking his head back forth while rolling his tongue in his mouth while looking for the right words, "...heavy handed. You recall the Moscow theater hostage incident, nyet? I'm just glad there are no hostages. You must understand, I have no issue with excessive force - 'Do bad things to bad people...?', but certainly oversight should not be out of the question."



OOC: Sounds like we have a plan of sorts, at least something to go on - Jamey; do you want to start writing something up with StrikeForce calling the team together?



 OOC: Sure Steve. I'll start off and everyone else can join in where and how they feel comfortable.

IC: Sending the call out through the team’s comm links, and asking them to bring along the new members. As the new members arrive StrikeForce's gives them a comm link to allow them to keep in touch with the team. When all had arrived he starts his presentation. Calling the Sci-Sat drone over to his position, he has it provide a 3D image of the building that houses The Destroyers. "While I have a basic idea for a plan, I need all of your input." StrikeForce momentarily pauses and looks around the table to ensure that he has everyone's attention before continuing. "In order to stop or reduce potential hostages or civilian injury, I propose a late night, or predawn operation. This will in addition to limiting the in building personnel to a cleaning/maintenance crew, will mean that we have less traffic around the building as well. In coordination with Megalopolis Police/S.W.A.T. officers, we can use them to hold back until we give the signal to cordon off the area around the building and moving behind us to extract any civilians we encounter. I'm suggesting a two pronged attack. The quieter of the two will enter through the lower levels of the building and make their way upward, and the louder will attack from the top pushing downward as we try to catch them from both sides." As he talks, he points to the projected entry points that the team will use. "I know that some of us may have a particular person we are focused on, myself included. But in this type of encounter, we will basically be engaged with whomever we encounter. Basically a target of opportunity. I will need volunteers for both teams."

Looking to see how the team responds to the idea, he finishes with. "This plan is not set in stone. Please, if you have any comments, complaints, criticism, let me know. And remember, No plan survives first contact unchanged. The situation is fluid; protect your selves and your teammates, and We Will Win!"

StrikeForce waits on anyone else to voice their opinions.



William wakes up with a start as StrikeForce calls the team together. He stretched his limbs appreciating the brief catnap.

Tucking his helm once more under his arm he marched back to the area Strike had designated to gather.

Dr Wildman chose to stand during the council, nodding as StrikeForce shared his plans to mitigate any potential harm to civilians.

As the cybernetic soldier concluded William spoke: "I'm happy to be part of either team, I can do subtle or obvious. Adams has experience with these chaps, perhaps he should spearhead 'Team Obvious' and Black Orchid 'Team Subtle' with you coordinating us from whichever team you are on?"



James takes off his sunglasses and adds, "I'm a Doctor, so I'm thinking I should go with..." he pauses and looks over to William as he uses the designations provided, "Team Obvious."

"I'm assuming they'll get the brunt of the action and I can help patch up anybody who gets hurt. Plus, my... condition makes me tougher than I look."



Adamas would enjoy nothing more than making a very large hole in the top of the building. 

He's always been a bit dramatic with his entrances, and he's OK with getting matched against any of the Destroyers...



 OOC: Regarding both Adamas and Erdbeben, that is what I was thinking as well.



 OOC: Marc, would Black Orchid be interested in using the invisibility chemical that she invented and used when she/they infiltrated the Crusader Citadel to take out the Crushers? It would probably really benefit the Subtle team.



 > Then, "Oh, the music.  Da, YES is a very good band, nyet?  My apologies, the music sometimes takes over me.  You know...", Demy mimes air quotes next to his face, "..'I LOVE > THE 80's!' ".

> "MISHA has to remind me...", Demy taps his head, "..maybe not everyone like it so much".

Patty shakes her head and chuckles to herself. "Hey, sportski, that's not a YES song," she says good-naturedly. "Were you born in the Styx?"

"Or maybe he was saying that yes, Styx is a good band?" she ponders to herself, then decides to not confuse the situation any further.


Following the briefing, she gathers her nerve and speaks up with a semblance of confidence.

"I'm good with either Team Loud or Team Quiet, wherever more experienced heads want me. I have a, well, Astral Projection ability is the common term as corny as it sounds, if anyone wants to get a peek at our friends before we go in."

She considers for a moment, and then continues. "Speaking of powers and abilities, I personally think we should talk about who should handle who if we run into them based on each of our profiles versus theirs. I have a better grasp of the Destroyers at this point than all of us good guys here."

"Personally, I'm a weird mix of stuff. I'm stronger and tougher than I look, but nothing like Adamas level. I can sometimes bounce physical and mental attacks back at the source. I can paralyze people if I can touch them. And the, uh, astral projection thing."

"Like I said, weird mix. And I'm pretty inexperienced compared to most of you here. You need to know that."



 Paying close attention to Patty's Input before replying. "I think proper reconnaissance would be very helpful. While I know that you are still relatively new to all of this Patty, it would be greatly appreciated if you were willing to do it."


OOC: If we are splitting up into two teams, Obvious and Subtle. We could go with this split, if everyone is o.k. with it.

OBVIOUS: Adamas, Demolisher, Erdbeben, Rubicon and M.I.S.H.A.

SUBTLE: Black Orchid, Dr. Wildman, Patty Plus, and StrikeForce

This would probably be the best way to split, but I defer to whichever squad you feel most comfortable on and where you think your character fits best.



 OOC: Tom, what is the time at this point?



 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Eastern Time USA.



 Thanks Shane,

ACK Busted!

Yes, I admit I did mean YES, even though I knew it was a STYX song. I always associated them as similar bands, at least newer YES.

I'll be more careful in the future! ; )



OOC: You don't have to be more careful. You could allow that to be a part of Demy's personality. Just a thought. 



 IC: Demy gives the thumbs up

Ooc: I so want a cover of that image....

*starts drawing*



You draw it. I will make it the cover of the issue.



I would love that cover myself.



 At 0230 Rubicon will start to summon MISHA.



 IC: Demy raises his hand and asks, "Strike, just so you all know: it takes about 5 minutes to bring MISHA out. I assume you want me to do this prior to the attack? If so, we may need a bigger bird to fit us in for infil. We should all be able to fit in a CH-47 Chinook, Osprey, or something similar, from my experience, but they are not very quiet."



 "Demy, I would advise you to bring M.I.S.H.A. out before we depart, as it would give us the most firepower, but obviously that would be your call. I had an idea for a transport that is very silent and powerful enough to do the job. It is the Adamas model transport. We can use a ranger line to hook everyone to it and allow Adamas to carry all of you in."



 Dr Wildman looks at the sky..."so it's about 3pm. How long to the off boss?"



Replying to his friend. The Bionic Brawler says. "Doc., I'm thinking wheels up at 0300 so that has us reconvening at 0230 to be able to ensure that the

Intel has not changed before we depart."



IC: William looks a bit confused, not sure what a 'Ranger Line' looks like...

"If it's of any use I can very quickly create a teleport gate to the roof for 'Team Obvious' that will get you all up there instantly. I can't gate you inside as I need to be able to see the end point, but it should be easy enough to get a view of the roof from a vantage point some way off."  



 Hearing William's comment about teleporting Erdbeben chimes in, "I suppose it's too much to ask to find a picture of the area inside? I mean, could the Destroyers' headquarters be in an article for Homes & Villain Lairs?"

Looking to William he adds, "Would a picture even work? Maybe we could use one of those surveillance drones to get sneak inside?"



William gave a warm smile whilst shaking his head: "sadly my enchantments rely on biology rather than technology - I guess it's a druid thing!"



 Rubicon says, "Hey Doc, that sounds way more pragmatic. I've not done that one yet! Using the SPIE harness system is fun, but I've not used it with M.I.S.H.A. without putting him in a cargo net at the bottom. I can see it being an issue if we are going in hot and I think may take minute to get everyone unhooked from the line.  It may make things harder if M.I.S.H.A. attacks something and we're all tied to it and brings us along for the ride." 

He pulls a remote from the table and shows some images up on the screen.

"But, either way, I'm good with whatever is decided on."



The excitement visibly drops from Erdbeben's face in response to William's answer. "So, you're saying your powers are due to magic and aren't from some DNA mutation?" he asks as he slowly puts his DNA Sample kit away.



 Dr Wildman looks at the image and genuinely pales: "Really! That's an effective way of getting people into combat? - Good grief; you guys are really brave - Wow!"



William grins: "No bizarre scientific accidents, bitten by radioactive aardvarks, super tech gizmos or the like - it's 100% training my friend - hard work for the mind and the body, oh and the occasional magical artifact of antiquity to lend a hand."

As if to make a point he dons his helmet and in a nimbus of green eldritch energy - where the man stood, now stands an 8 foot Minotaur, bull faced; broad chested and stood on cloven hooves. Dr Wildman clicked his knuckles together and brayed a deep and hearty laugh: “But don't panic Erdbeben - I have a doctorate in Zoology, biology and veterinary science - despite appearances I am a real doctor of science!"

With that and in another flash of emerald energy Dr Wildman resumes his human form and pulls off his helmet. "I have learned that science does not have all the answers, nor magic. Have faith my friend, the world is bigger that we think it is." He gives a cheeky wink to Erdbeben then looks to StrikeForce as the briefing continues.



OOC: Sounds good to me.

IC: Upon hearing Strike Forces team roster, Demy can noticeable be seen restraining himself as he says, "Put me in Coach!  I'm ready to!"



 OOC:  I thought it was all just perfect!  You guys are amazing #blessed to be included with such a great cast of characters.

Adamas rubs his hands together glancing around at the gathered team, "This will be fun."



 OOC: Thanks! Glad to have you with us.

Since no one has a change to the idea, StrikeForce's OOC will be given IC.


"After much thought on how best to go forward with the two teams, I believe that this grouping will allow us the best chance of success. Team Obvious, the top down assault force will consist of these heroes, Adamas, Demolisher, Erdbeben, Rubicon and M.I.S.H.A. This of course means the bottom up infiltrators will consist of Black Orchid, Dr. Wildman, Patty Plus, and myself.(StrikeForce)." He pauses to ensure that there are no more concerns, then resumes. " Get whatever rest you can before we depart. We will reconvene 30 min. before liftoff to finalize any changes before we leave. Before we separate to rest, let me tell you Ladies and Gentlemen, I consider it a privilege to head into battle with you. While some of us are new to working together, and some are new to all of this." StrikeForce takes a moment to pause and look at all of his teammates, and resumes. "I don't think that there is a finer collection of individuals anywhere, and I am proud to be here with you." After finishing StrikeForce will go to rest; he will awaken an hour before liftoff to go over any new Intel Before gathering the team. 


For team Obvious, I need to know what they plan to do once they are on the roof and if Adamas is leading the way through the roof, I need to know how many floors he plans on going through.

For team Infiltrators, I need to know how you plan on entering the bottom and get up to the floors.

If you want to have the issue stop right before you enter the floors that have been identified to belong to the Destroyers, I can do that. So that way everything is in a position where you can provide me you read the next issue before providing actions once you are in.

I need to know where you stop and how you are timing actions. Do both teams enter the Destroyers' floors at the same time or does Team Obvious enter while Team Infiltrators enters the building. So it could be a couple of turns before the Infiltrators show up.




 OOC: How about this as a suggestion? As far as we can work out from the briefing the Destroyers do not have a psychic. That means that Patty should be able to reconnoiter with a healthy margin of safety. Both teams make for a rooftop that can be a mile+ away but has a line of sight to the roof of the Destroyers building and the street below.

Adamas hits the skies, high enough not to be seen, above the building. Patty scouts the building in her astral form leaving her body with us on our roof top. Having got a sense of (1) where the Destroyers are and (2) a good route in for Team Infiltrators she heads up to Adamas and he preps his dive. Meanwhile Patty zips back to her body on our roof and shares her intel. Happy with the intel StrikeForce shouts "Crusaders Charge!" (It's like Avengers Assemble but cooler!) And Adamas starts his 'Dive through the rooftop with a pike finish'.

Dr Wildman meanwhile lines up the gate to the roof. Adamas smashes in with Team Obvious hot on his heels having been gated in.

Meanwhile Dr Wildman makes another gate to street level for Team Infiltrators shrouded in Black Orchids darkness with StrikeForce using his IR vision, Orchid using her night vision and Dr W assuming a suitable shape with night vision. Between them they steer Patty to the place where the infiltration starts.

Meanwhile, meanwhile - Team Obvious is causing mayhem up top and Team Infiltrators...infiltrate.

Now it may be that to start at street level might be a bit of a long drag to the top floors so Team Infiltrators could also gate to the roof and infiltrate from there; again shrouded in Orchid's darkness - With this option Patty could support Team Obvious - her powers are pretty awesome in a face to face fight and she's almost unbreakable like Adamas. That means StrikeForce can go Cyber Ninja, Black Orchid invisible and Dr Wildman can make like a Black Panther - infiltrating whilst the madness and mayhem continues.

Anyway I clearly need to stop now and do my real job - I'm quite happy to read an issue I'm not directly involved in if that helps the story develop.

This is great! Love it!



Erdbeben chimes in, "Maybe we can pull up Google Maps and get a look at the roof of the building? We can see if there are any entrances or defenses that we should be aware of? But, I'm just a medical guy and not a tactical guy, so it's probably not the way you all do things..."

OOC: We should have a means of recon of at least the roof so that we can form a more cohesive attack plan.



If Dr. Wildman is already gating them to the roof, he could change shape and follow Adamas in to get a look inside the building, and then just gate the other team inside.



Unless he commits to memory a location Dr W can't gate blind without a chance of something going wrong. His preference is to be able to see both ends of the gate. He could gate the team in blind but that comes at a risk. He'd be happy to do it though.

If you want a beer in the UK, a view of the pyramids in Egypt or just to go to his house. He can get you there safely



Let's stay as safe as we can. It is looking more and more like this two pronged assault may not work. I guess we will have to let everyone decide if they are still onboard with it.



I like the idea of staying together, nothing good I can think of off the top of my head, has ever come of splitting the party. 

Two smaller parties might be easier for Tom, if that's the case, we make it happen.



 Together or two parties, either way I can handle



Throw my vote towards a one group assault. Sending Patty Plus to recon before Adamas "knocks".



Erdbeben is good either way. He would like the additional recon, though. Maybe in addition to a satellite image of the roof, we can get the blueprints from the city as to what its 'supposed' to look like on the top three floors.




I was wondering if StrikeForce/Jason's knowledge areas of security/technology will possibly help the team when it comes to bypassing security measures in the Destroyers HQ?

As far as StrikeForce's next area of development, I have been considering a couple of areas for improvement. While not in any sort of order. Bumping up his Cool score, as this helps his strength of will. I have also been thinking of control of machinery, and an advanced drone like Redwing from the Marvel movies. I was wondering how many points I would need for either of these last two ideas. I would appreciate an answer when you can get around to it.




To bypass security measures that would be Intelligence save 12 or less with The Destroyer's Oppose Save score. So StrikeForce would need a 10 or less.

Cool score is easy to increase. It is 1 CP per 1 point of Cool increased

Control of Machinery is now called Gear Control. StrikeForce has 5 IP that could be invested as CP into which would give you a 15- (base chance) to control gear which after the hit, the Gear would have a save of 9 or less to avoid being controlled. You can invest less and the Gear save increases by 1 (2.5 CP is 10 or less and 0 CPs is 11 or less)

The Advance drone would be under the Companion. StrikeForce has 5 IP that could be invested as CP into which would give you 197 CPs to make your Advanced Drone. You can invest less and the abilities of the companion drop (2.5 CP is 177 CPs and 0 CP is 157 CPS)

Let me know if you have any questions.

