Friday, October 16, 2015

Quest - Gate of the Dimensions - Issue 52

Location: Hidden Tomb of Cor on Easter Island

The archaeological avatar was excited at the chance to experiment with the ancient gem technology. When no one volunteered to heat them, he used his weather powers, raising the air temperature in the gems' immediate vicinity with his supernatural powers.

The first video displayed a scientific study on the effects of crossbreeding Cor’s people with native hominids. The audio narration is unintelligible, but from the pictures one can see that the genes of the offspring mutate in unpredictable ways, causing a far more frequent occurrence of superhuman abilities.

The second video displayed Cr’tgerof melting and consuming a beautiful city, He was gigantic!

Red Hawk stood back with Starbolt and watched as Clark manipulated the gems on the walls and ceiling. As the second display brought their nemesis, Cr’tgerof rising above the melting city; nudging Rick with an elbow whispering. " ... I don't we are going to be in much need of bubble gum from this point my friend."

The third video displayed a panoramic view of a land of shallow glowing streams and strange forests. In the center of the land floats a giant read ball, held aloft by the force of a pulsating blue energy beam.

"That would seem to display a stronghold does it not Adamas, likely domain of our devil as it says?  I hope we are able to contact Nomad and your friend Agent America. I fear trying to fight our way past those hordes of demons and skeletons would be our undoing." Red Hawk said.

The video showed inhabiting this strange land are hordes of demons of all sorts and armies of skeletal warriors. Thunderhead was able to read the hieroglyphs above the image. It read ‘THE DEVIL’S DOMAIN’.

Jack Frost’s cold blue eyes glared through the glacial bars into the creature's hideous face as he spat, "Well 'fellow guardian,' you are our prisoner now! Where is the gate? Are there further protections cast around it? Tell us everything you know, leave nothing out, and be quick about it or else face the same dire fate as your minions!"

The Demon Guardian met Jack Frost’s icy stare. The Gate of the Dimensions and Cor’s Tomb is beyond. Cor’s Tomb has great magical protection. Only the damned should enter it.

The Black Orchid made herself visible again. She said in a serious subdued tone "I don't think that should a problem."

The Gate of the Dimensions’ first protection is simply a key. Without the ‘Key to the Worlds Beyond’ the Gate is useless. The Gate of the Dimensions will take you to what you are seeking. That is its last protection.

The Black Orchid commented "Do we have this key?"

Adamas gave an affirmative nod.

Once it stopped speaking, the Demon Defender looked to the floor. Any attempts made by the Guardians would not result in convincing it to speak further.

Jack Frost hated riddles. "Speak plainly!" he demanded impetulantly. Jack balled his hands into fists and stamped his feet and went on and on, not realizing that the Guardian would no longer reply. "Answer me!"

Seeing that Jack had the creature contained, Starbolt removed his energy construct, as it was not needed. He maintained his flight until he was needed.

The Black Orchid said, "I'm sorry for not following orders, but I have to believe that I too am here for a reason, and that reason is to provide an outside point of view. I've never experienced magic before, but someday I can tell you about the technological dangers of pursuing something that seems too good to be true. Do you all still wish me to hold the scythe?" She held the scythe out as she said this.

Thunderhead said with a gentle smile, "I'm happy you are guarding the Scythe, Black Orchid." The archaeological avatar then considered the riddle of the guardian.

As the discussion continued Chris placed a trusting hand on the dark defender's shoulder. "No Orchid. Please keep the Scythe, be its Guardian. I trust you to make the decision maybe the rest of us might not have the experience of willpower to do properly."

CX opened the hidden door and moved back into the Dome with the rest of the Guardians.

They looked down a 35 foot hallway leading to another room.

"Well ... It's not exactly a Looking Glass. Are we ready for this?" Red Hawk said.

Adamas nodded and produced the key he had obtained; he was prepared to begin their journey.

They cautiously traveled to the end of the hallway wary of another attack but there wasn’t any.

The room appeared to be a carpeted in a deep brown shag... but closer inspection revealed that the ‘carpet’ was in fact a layer of tiny squirming live maggots. On the south wall was painted a picture of a large wooden door, but the keyhole to this door is real.

Adamas flew across the room. When he came to the painted door he looked to his left. There was a hall leading to Cor’s Tomb which was choked with human skeletons and hieroglyphics. Thunderhead flew next to Adamas. The ancient archeologist read the long forgotten writing. The hieroglyphics warned trespassers to turn back or be forever cursed.

The key Adamas had taken from the room with Jacco fit the lock. The door opened to reveal a glowing energy field. As the door opened a voice spoke in each player’s mind, asking “What doest thou seek?”

What entered the Guardians’ minds next was displayed to them through the portal. Each Guardian saw only their own image. No one knew what or could see what the others were seeing.

<What entered your PC’s mind?>

It was time for the Guardians to enter the portal.

<Do you enter the portal, go to Cor’s Tomb, or back the way you came?>

When the Guardians arrived they were near the location that Adamas had been the last time he had been there.

They are met there by Nomad

He welcomed them and was glad they had joined them. He said would lead them to his base camp and the others. As they travel he explained how the Domain was different from Earth.

“The Domain’s atmosphere has the following effects on entities from Earth’s dimension. It is more draining to move and use your powers. It does have stronger recuperate effects so you heal quicker than normal.”

{GM Note: In game terms: All actions cost +2 power points over and above its normal costs. Normal healing takes place every hour instead of once per day. Adaptation will negate both the positive and negative effects of the atmosphere}

Nomad said. “The Domain’s gravity is 1.89 Gs, which is 1.89 times Earth’s gravity.”

{GM Note: There might be slight modifications to Agility, Carrying Capacity, and HtH. I will check the additional weight to see if adds an Agility modifier. I will check the additional weight against the table not your PC’s total weight. The additional weight will not be put into the formulas so it will not increase Carrying Capacity but will be considered permanent use of Carrying Capacity while the Domain thereby lowing the amount of Carrying Capacity available for use. This might lower your HtH. I will provide the exact details next issue.

Nomad said, “The soil and rocks in the Domain are composed of diamond hard crystal and the native flora share these characteristics.”

“There are predators everywhere. There are not predators and prey in the Domain, only predators.” Nomad skillfully led the team to the base camp without incident.

{GM Note: All Guardians have recovered their Hit Points and Power Points thanks to the healing power of the Domain}

{GM Note: I will introduce the rest of the Heroes that Nomad gathered next issue please let me know how your PC will introduce himself/herself and what details he/she will provide to the others.}

Experience Points and Levels provided. (It has been so long since a break was found, everyone advances)

Adamas gained 7,696 experience points,          Total Experience 22,163:         Was Level 4 now is Level 6
Black Orchid gained 7,271 experience points, Total Experience 12,521:           Was Level 3 now is Level 4
Centurion X gained 7,271 experience points,    Total Experience 7.721:           Was Level 1 now is Level 3
Jack Frost gained 3,947 experience points,      Total Experience 3,947:           Was Level 1 now is Level 2
Red Hawk gained 7,271 experience points,       Total Experience 12,271:         Was Level 3 now is Level 4
Starbolt gained 7,271 experience points,          Total Experience 12,521:         Was Level 3 now is Level 4
Thunderhead gained 6,066 experience points, Total Experience 8,066:             Was Level 2 now is Level 3

 If you want to use your advancement for power increases in the Domain, we can do that. You can save it until you return from the Domain. I am changing the Critical Hit and Fumble charts. You can use your advancement to customize 4 slots to be specific to your character to create your own Critical Hit and Fumble Charts.

This is a good jumping off point if you don’t want to play anymore. I do hope all of you will continue. If you would like to change, drop, or switch characters we can do that now too. Please let me know.

<Replies and Actions due September 7th >
[Red Hawk: IC response]

[The second video displayed Cr’tgerof melting and consuming a beautiful city, He was gigantic!]

Red Hawk stands back with Starbolt and watches as Jack and Clark manipulated the gems on the walls and ceiling. As the second display brings their nemesis, Cr’tgerof rising above the melting city. Nudging Rick with an elbow whispering. " ... I don't we are going to be in much need of bubble gum from this point my friend."

[The third video displayed a panoramic view of a land of shallow glowing streams and strange forests. In the center of the land floats a giant read ball, held aloft by the force of a pulsating blue energy beam.]

"That would seem to display a stronghold does it not Adamas, likely domain of our devil as it says?  I hope we are able to contact Nomad and your friend Agent America. I fear trying to fight our way past those hordes of demons and skeletons would be our undoing."

[CX opened the hidden door and moved back into the Dome with the rest of the Guardians.]

"Well ... It's not exactly a Looking Glass. Are we ready for this?"

OOC: Red Hawk will use all the time spent examining the gemstones trying to recover as much of his power and hit points as possible.

"I too have no bubble gum my friend, can your 'a$$ kicking' at least wait until we have examined Jack Frost’s crystals?"

Nearly fell out of my chair... priceless!

Great writing guys!


IC: Seeing that Jack has the creature contained, Starbolt will remove his energy construct, as he/it was not needed. He will maintain his flight until he is needed.

Adamas would also like to investigate the crystals to see if anything can be learned, and is then prepared to begin their Journey!

The Black Orchid made herself visible again. "I'm sorry for not following orders, but I have to believe that I too am here for a reason, and that reason is to provide an outside point of view. I've never experienced magic before, but someday I can tell you about the technological dangers of pursuing something that seems too good to be true. Do you all still wish me to hold the scythe?" She holds the scythe out as she says this.

When the demon mentions the key, The Black Orchid comments "Do we have this key?" and then when mentioning being damned to enter, she says in a serious subdued tone "I don't think that should a problem."

Jack Frost hated riddles. "Speak plainly!" he demanded impetulantly. Jack balled his hands into fists and stamped his feet and went on and on, not realizing that the Guardian would no longer reply. "Answer me!"

Thunderhead said with a gentle smile, "I'm happy you are guarding the Scythe, Black Orchid."
The archaeological avatar then considered the riddle of the guardian.

OOC: Tom, if Thunderhead or Jack Frost have or saw a key, they will produce it now. I think there was one near the frozen cage of Jacco, if I remember correctly. Thanks!

Red Hawk

As the discussion continues Chris place a trusting hand on the dark defender's shoulder. "No Orchid. Please keep the Scythe, be its Guardian. I trust you to make the decision maybe the rest of us might not have the experience of willpower to do properly."

OOC: I have no reason why but I thought CX had extricated the key with his powers and was carrying it.

Adamas' has the key. He took the key from the ice cage with Jacco.
