Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bonesnapper: Loose Ends - Issue 8

The Bonesnapper has defeated an assassin of C.R.I.M.E.  Will this be the killer of his beloved Jessica or is the just the first of many he has to overpower? Using the wiring from the telephones and computers he has come up with enough to tie the Machete Killer to a chair.  It wasn’t hard because the killer is offering no resistance.  He has both hands broken and is in shock from the pain.

Now the Bonesnapper has to decide his next move.  Does he call the police to turn this man in? Does he interrograte him? He has to consider his next move carefully because time is on an essance.  The reporter who brought him here is out there being chased by other C.R.I.M.E. assassins and the Leader of C.R.I.M.E. is making his escape as well.

What will the Bonesnapper decide to do next?

Current Conditions:
Bonesnapper                Hit Points: 18    Power Points: 53

< Due Date: May 7th, Actions, Goal, Reply?>