At the poolside of Dr. Avery’s mansion, three of our intrepid adventures have placed on their medallions and have been briefed on their mission to the Island of Juompur. The team is waiting to see the response of Agent America.
Agent America watched the superhero circus pitch its tent. It wasn't like he hadn't been warned.
Preparing his strongest mental defense (Willpower use) he placed the medallion around his neck and watched it disappear.
Then he quickly set up quarters, as directed by Avery. On the way he stopped for a moment before the painting, The Indestructibles Fall Before the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Twenty minutes later, a Chinese man in humble clothes emerged from Agent America's quarters. "Okay. I'm ready," he said in the voice of Agent America.
Joshua says, “I know Doc said we need to hurry, but it might help if we introduce ourselves, at least let the others know what we all "specialize" in. That way we can decide how to proceed once we arrive on the island. I'll start. "My "codename" is DarkStar. I have world class teleporter ability. I'm also resistant to kinetic and energetic damage, and have the ability to generate and control electrical fields at point blank ranges. Most of my military background is classified, but while not bad in a scrap I'll always consider myself more of a technician than tactician"
When Rose revealed his abilities for the good of the team, MEDUSA's man of mystery politely waited for Adamas and Windblown to respond first.
After a timely pause the Agent in disguise replies, "Given the deadline, I suggest we divide forces. Some search the jungle," the master of disguise said, eyeing the otherworldly omni-man, Adamas.
"And others investigate the city. I'll be part of the latter force, although I'm comfortable working solo if need be."
Cmd. Rose thinks to himself, Nice disguise Flagman, it's no wonder Alexi booted my ass out of Medusa. Then states, "I'm fine with that, obviously I'm going to stick out in a crowd so, it's probably best I stay with the jungle team.
"We'll need to be in communication with each other," Agent America said to Avery, completely expecting some form of MEDUSA-style communicators to appear.
Instead the blue electronics genius responds, "Now you’re talking my specialty". Smiling proudly, he pulls out 4 silver dollar sized badges with a stylized "S" on them. "I designed these for StarCorp's security. They have a 100 mile independent range can hook into an authorized comm-sat, and can be either set to manual or voice activated. (Miniaturized super walkie talkie) They operate on a multi-wave frequency shifting principle, obviously not with the comm-sat, but otherwise they're almost impossible to intercept communications from.
The Chinese man smiled at Rose's communication coins and pocketed one. "Perfect. Nice work."
Looking at Agent America DarkStar said, "I tried to sell them to Alexi, but he said production cost was too much for their budget - too expensive for Medusa? Can you believe that? I tell you man when they let you go your gone"
Looking at Agent America DarkStar said, "I tried to sell them to Alexi, but he said production cost was too much for their budget - too expensive for Medusa? Can you believe that? I tell you man when they let you go your gone"
"Yes," murmured Agent America distractedly. "When they let you go, you're gone."
Donnah opens her present from Joshua and let out a gasp of astonishment. She lifts up a diamond encrusted com-device shaped like an eight pointed star. “It’s beautiful! Thank you, Joshua. Thank you so very much.”
Then the man from out of this world speaks, “I will go directly to the temple.”
“Unless you got X-ray specs and Telescopic vision, ‘Big Guy’, then heading directly to the temple might be a difficult”, responds the founder of StarCorp. “Although I do wonder why if Dr. Arcane placed wards and cantrips on the temple, he can't at least point us down the right jungle path. I assume it's a magic thing - (chuckling deeply) which as we've all seen is way outside my bailiwick. If what little I know is true about your abilities Adamas, then you're definitely the right guy to lead the search, and with time short contacting the locals might tip our hand to the bad guys. I'm betting Agent America here might have another idea though?
Cmd. Rose is shock by the sound of feminine laughter. “Don’t tell me you forgot to give them the map, Grandpa” Donnah says between laughs. “They mess up your ‘show & tell’, so you lose your temper and completely forget the map. That is so rich!”
“Miss Ellie, please provide our stalwart adventurers with their maps of Juompur Island. While these isn’t a way to arrive directly at the temple and there isn’t a path to follow in the forest to the temple. There is a map which provides the location of the Temple.”
When the map to the temple was produced, Agent America studied it carefully. (Willpower use to memorize)
Dr. Avery says, “Be careful, the Dragon has a significant amount of magic protecting it. That is why it still exists. Do not attempt to grab it when you first get there. The best time to get it is when the ritual to open the portal is started. The majority of its magic is used to open the portal. That is the best time to grab it or destroy it. Keeping the portal from opening is more important than preserving the statute.
Examining the map, Agent America said to the superheroes," You'll likely locate the temple before I uncover anything in the city. Still, I think we could use more Intel on this mission. What say you give me two hours in the city to learn what I can, during which team one locates and monitors the temple? That'll still give us two hours to infiltrate it."
"Hmmm," Windblown nodded. "But I recommend that someone go with you. No one should be alone."
The man formerly known as DarkStar speaks. "No he shouldn't. Does that mean your volunteering to go along? Are you qualified for that kind of work? It would be nice to know just what you do do. If the shit hits the fan how do you two propose we re-assemble the teams? Adamas flies and I might be able to respond quickly, but if everything goes south at the Temple while you guys are in the city - does that leave us hanging in the wind?"
"Being caught in the wind isn’t always a bad thing”, Windblown states then. “Yes, I am volunteering to join him. As for what I can do, the element of air is mine to manipulate."
Agent America said, "Great. Can you pass for Chinese... or at least human?" There was a smile in his voice. Then: "Air, huh? Can you hear things from a distance on the wind?"
Darkstar said: "I can hold in reserve at a high point on the island. Then Adamas or you guys can signal me in with flare guns if things get hot or I can bring a helicopter to the island and the two of you can use that. My pilot will have orders to bug out if things start to look hairy."
Agent America nodded, "That works. While undercover our coins will be set on vibrate. If you send two vibrates within 10 seconds, we'll assume that's a call for help."
"I can say 'hello' in Chinese," the man who controls air teased back. "And I'm reasonably certain that I can pass as a human, out of costume. I'm not exactly going to blend in, though."
"Looks like we've got a game plan then”, states Cmd Rose. “If no one minds, let me summarize, to make sure we're all on the same page. Once things get moving we'll be out of contact unless this thing turns turkey"
"First. We go through the portal. I suggest me and Adamas first.
"Second. If the 'beachhead's clear, then I'll teleport in a StarCorp helicopter and pilot.
"Third. I'll teleport to the islands highest point. Adamas will fly to the Temple vicinity. Stay in contact with me big guy. Try to avoid contact with any OpForces, if possible observe and report only. If things get hot, use the flare gun so I can teleport to your location. Once I do that I can either stay or retrieve AA and WB if needed. You guys will need to pop your flare after I get a fix on Adamas' location. If we're using the flare guns the shit has hit the fan and all chance of surprise is gone. At that point it turns into a Smash and Grab.
"Fourth. AA and WB will try to stay covert but just in case, Windblown will pose as an American business executive if needed. Agent will pose as his translator. Use the cover story of StarCorp being interested in expanding its Specialty Transportation interest into south East Asia. Your story is your helicopter is just outside the city and your island hopping out of the Philippines checking potential investments. The pilot will only come pick you up if you give the all clear - remember he's a civilian. My civilian. Hopefully we won't need him except to bring you to the Temple. If anyone checks you'll have a flight plan already out of Manila on the computer records. Right, Cybil? Bug out if things star looking dicey. Use the flare gun if you need us to come to you - it'll guide us into your location."
"I know it doesn't really need said, but let’s stay focused on our objective. The most important thing is getting that Dragon Statue in the Doctor's hands."
Agent America said respectfully, "I fear an American business executive is going to attract the wrong kind of attention in this lawless enclave. He'll be seen as a potential kidnapping target or worse, CIA.
"If Windblown can make himself look human, I can make him look Chinese in 20 minutes. Also, I know someone who frequents this place. With luck, he'll be here today.
"Everything else sounds good, especially limiting copter use," the superspy said, remembering a Blackhawk ride he once took in Mogadishu.
Agent America secured his flare gun and added, "Everyone, keep in mind: the entire place is hostile territory." "Windblown? After you," indicating his quarters and a new face.
"I'm human, but unless you can give me the power to speak Chinese, I don't think that the best disguise in the world is gonna work." Windblown inhales deeply and sighs, looking at the assembled. "We all friends here, right?" Without waiting for an affirmation, he peels the mask from his head, revealing the face of a black man in his late twenties. "As I said, subtlety may be a bit of a problem."
Agent America laughed despite himself. "Don't worry, friend. It's a renegade port city, full of foreign criminals, pirates and smugglers. We'll make you a Somali pirate."
Commander Rose says, "Careful down on those docks guys , it might be a likely transport point for the Dragon but with all due respect to your amazing disguise skills, and that is an excellent disguise, I'm not sure WB, no offense intended WB, is going to have the acting chops to imitate a Somali pirate."
"Let’s get this thing done"
Agent America said to Windblown, "There won't be much acting involved. You just need to not attract attention to yourself. I think you can handle it.
"But if you prefer, you could cover me from the air while I try to meet my contact," the incognito operative said, checking his watch and calculating the time in Juompur. "Still a few hours before dawn. You'd have cover of darkness. It's up to you. You know your abilities best."
Windblown replies, "Yeah, well, much as I'd like, flying is beyond me just yet. But I'm workin' on it. Meantime, I'll keep both feet on the ground."
Together Agent America and Windblown leave to get ready. In 30 minutes everyone is ready to leave.
Adamas and Cmd. Rose appear on the road. After a few minutes of scouting, a Whoump is heard and Cmd. Rose is gone. Next Windblown and Agent America appear. Another Whoump is heard and a Bell Helicopter Long Ranger suddenly appears on the road as well with a Pilot and Cmd. Rose inside.
Agent America and Windblown walk to the Capital city. To any native looking they see a Chinese man and Somali Pirate wanting together down the road.
Adamas lifts himself into the air and flies off into the direction that the map showed the Temple to be. Joshua pulls out his Holo-pad; he has Cybil pull up the topography maps from the Peoples’ Republic of China government survey office. He identifies the best position to view the Temple, Capital City of Juompur, and the Helicopter. He walks over to his pilot and provides a few last minute instructions to his pilot.
Cmd. Rose
Joshua stands next to a tree. After a few minutes he finds a good place to set up base. He places his Holo-pad down and switches it to holographic projection mode. “Cybil patch me into the current weather satellites over the island. Connect to all Google map images. Identify all other satellite, airplane transmissions, and GPS communications which are non military grade encryption. Provide data correlation for a single overlay map.
Twenty minutes later the Island image is projected. “Now add the communicators’ tracking signals. Two lights appear at the Capital City location. One is near the estimated location of the Temple, one showing Joshua at his position, and finally the helicopter signal.
“Cybil provide threat information”. Cybil responds that is not within current parameters. “Okay”, Joshua sighs, “provide traffic patterns and projected trajectories”. Cybil responds again that is not within performance parameters. “Cybil can you overlay the map with body heat signatures within the human range?” Cybil acknowledges that is within parameters.”Then proceed.”
Looking at the map, two heat signatures show up near the Temple but neither line up with the communicator signal. At Joshua’s location there is one signal and one heat signature and they are on top of each other. “Hmm, so the overlay is in sync.”
Checking the City, there are multiple signals throughout. There are two additional heat signatures in the same location as Windblown and Agent America.
At the helicopter sight there a few signatures on the road. One expected heat signature is next to the tracker signal. “Yeah, that makes sense; I don’t believe the tracker signal is under the Pilot’s seat.” Joshua frowned as he spotted several heat signatures in the foliage a short distance from the helicopter.
Cmd. Rose keys in a command on the Holo-pad and Cybil zooms onto the area. The foliage is thin enough to get a visual image. There are three men in camouflage. All are armed but none of the weapons are drawn. One man is operating a laptop. Attached to the laptop is a video camera which the second spy is focusing on the helicopter. The third is talking on a cell phone. Quickly Cmd. Rose pulls out his keyboard and attaches it to the Holo-pad. He calls up a second screen projection. He launches three of his ‘special’ programs. The first is a Wi-Fi/Satellite search program to determine what signal the laptop is using.
The second is a routing program which will redirect the signal through the Holo-pad and back to the originating signal. Other than a momentary freeze that looks like the signal was dropped and then reconnected the spies don’t notice what has happened. The third program is a cell phone hacker program designed to tap into cell phone calls.
The laptop is hacked first. The laptop is operating a video recording program. Watching the video feed Joshua can see the spy operating the camera is getting a good long distance view of the helicopter, and then he zooms up on the StarCorp logo. Finally the video frame settles in on the Pilot getting a clear image of his features.
The laptop is also running Google. The spy has three searches going on. In the first window is a search on the re-sell value of the helicopter. The second window is searching on the StarCorp business. The search is getting the basic business data: size of company, owner, yearly sales and profit, projected CAGR for next year, 5 years, and 10 years and if it has stock available on any exchange. The third search is on StarCorp history of paying international interests. Do they pay ransoms, bribes, tariffs, trespassing penalties, charitable donations, and offset agreements with international countries, businesses, and entities.
After reviewing everything on the laptop, Cybil displays a third screen representing the cell phone. Switching over to it, the Holo-pad starts playing the cell phone conversation. Joshua can’t understand what he is hearing. “Cybil! The conversation is in Mandarin, initiate translation program.” Joshua shakes his head and thinks; I really need to improve Cybil’s A.I.
<Voice 1> “But boss, there is only one of them. We can easily take him”.
<Voice 2> “Then what? The others could return and we know not what they are capable of. Our agents are reporting the Helicopter did not fly to the Island. It just appeared.”
<Voice 1> “That is correct, then two walked off, one flew off inland and the last one disappeared.”
<Voice 2> “One flew off and one disappeared! Based on those results you are recommending a kidnapping! You really have the intellect of a {untranslatable}. Negative!”
<Voice 1> “Hind end”
<Voice 2> “No hind ends! This is a surveillance mission only. Do not approach the helicopter or any visitors. Over.”
Windblown and Agent America
The walk to the Capital City was uneventful. If anyone thought it was unusual for a Chinese and Somali to walk together they did not show it. The American spy talked easily with those willing to let them approach. Windblown keep quiet and watchful, responding head nods and hand gestures to those that did not speak English. After a few friendly conversations and contributing to the local economy, the disguised spy discovered that the Red Flag Fleet pirates have a false store front which pretends to offer fishing guides and equipment to tourists.
The two Americans in disguise walked to the store front. Upon entering the man from MEDUSA has to hide a smile. He knows the man sitting at the manager’s desk.
The master of the wind closes the door behind them and looks to the other man. The man is watching them intently with his hand resting in the top drawer of the counter.
Agent America walks up to the man he knows as Ching. He puts on the desk a stack of money and on top of the Chinese yen is a single American Silver Eagle coin. The pirate with the eye patch looks up at the Chinese man. “{In Mandarin} how does one as you get American money …?” Recognition dawns on his face. “I apologize, I thought you were local. I was wrong. You and your friend are tourists. Here on a fishing expedition. Come into the back room.”
“We can discuss what my company can offer you in the way of fishing guides. I believe we can give you what you need to catch the fish you are after.”
Turning to his associate, “These two are friends of Ching. Please pass on that they are under the protection of the Red Flag Fleet pirates for the duration of their stay.” The man nods, removes his empty hand from the draw and picks up a handheld radio, it appeared to be U.S. Army issue.
Once in the back room, Ching turns to extend his arm to the Chinese tourist. Embracing forearms, he says “{in English} Ah Agent it is good to see you again. My coffers always overflow when I am of service. So what are you after, no, you are not here to retrieve anything. Nothing new has been brought to the Island that would merit your attention.
“So you must be here as part of the chase. I knew the woman was trouble but to send both, The Agent and Derek M'bse, the Huntsman. She must really be serious trouble.”
Surprise showed across the Master of Disguise’s face as he thinks, “What is that shadowy mercenary/assassin doing here? He has connections with a number of Western covert agencies and organizations but why would any send him here?
“What you were not sent by the same group. We have competing interests for what this woman is after.”
“Yes, three days ago she entered our store. She had another with her but chose to leave him outside the city, in the forest. My men could not figure out why. When we thought about her request; what, she wanted a guide to the Temple of Juompur.”
“Of course, we told her ‘no’. Yes Agent, I know you are a non believer but I won’t risk my men to test your beliefs. I took our surveillance footage to the island wizard”
“Did that ever cause an uproar. The wizard claimed it was a … how do the Americans say it … a revenant. The only reason the wizard could figure it hadn’t entered the city to start killing was that it was under this woman’s sway.
“Revenant … you don’t know what that is? Have you seen the movies: Friday 13th, Halloween, Crow, or Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Those are revenants with the Hollywood treatment.
“So anyway for three days we had to put up with Occult (that is her name) asking around for guides, equipment, and supplies. She even tried to hire the wizard but he was not having anything to do with it.
“So finally she leaves yesterday afternoon with the revenant lumbering after her. Then the Huntsman shows up.
He quickly gets what he needs from his contacts and by sundown he is out of the city on her trail.”
“There you have it Agent. Those are the biggest fish to be had. How else can I be of service?
Flying over the trees, he scans for any sign of the Temple. He quickly crosses back and forth in a searching pattern. Once he disturbs a flock of birds that scatter from the trees around him. Finally he spots the top of the ancient building.
Quietly he lowers himself down to the side of the building. He floats about 8 feet off the ground. Hoping no one thinks to look up. As he moves around the Temple he spots a cave opening to the side. There is no movement in the entrance of the cave or in the foliage surrounding the Keeper of the Dragon.
The unbreakable man floats to a position to look into the Temple opening. In the Temple he sees two people. One is a lumbering male. The male is grabbing furniture and throwing them out the doorway or into a corner of the Temple.
The second is an authoritative female. She is giving direction to the male and at the same time she is drawing a shape around the pedestal that holds a statue on it. The Alien Hero thinks that the statue is the image that Dr. Arcane had shown them.
It is the Dragon of Juompur

<Actions, Replies?>
Agent America reply
Hi Tom,
I didn't get these emails from the PCs. Did I fall off the list or should I be emailing my orders privately?
Also, Does the master of disguise think he can make himself look like a Chinese man? If yes, how quickly can he pull it off?
GM reply
Did you receive the email for Windblown and Adamas? They should have included all players.
Does the master of disguise think he can make himself look like a Chinese man? If yes, how quickly can he pull it off? He can make himself look exactly like a 6'1" Chinese man in 15 minutes. It would take 1 hour to alter his height by 3" (which is the max height change he can fake with clothing and harnesses).
Cmd. Rose reply
OOC: Hey guys I had a thought (no cracks from the gallery ya hear ) it occured to me we might smooth/improve communications if we all were using a similiar text style with our characters responses. For example "quotes" for a verbal exchange, Italics for character's thoughts, plain text for describing actions, so on. I'm sure there are others I just had a long nigt last night and today was a nutcracker so Im operating ay 60% right now. I know we've basically done that most time but when the monkey gets a thought . . .
<Joshua IC:> I know Doc said we need to hurry, but it might help if we introduce ourselves, at least let the others know what we all "specialize" in. That way we can decide how to proceed once we arrive on the island. I'll start. "My "codename" is DarkStar. I have world class teleporter ability. I'm also resistent to kinetic and energetic damage, and have the ability to generate and control electrical fields at point blank ranges. Most of my military background is classified, but while not bad in a scrap I'll always consider myself more of a technician than tactician"
Adamas reply
Adamas is for heading directly to the temple.
Cmd. Rose reply
<Cmd. Rose IC> Unless you got X-ray specs and Telescopic vision big guy then heading directly to the temple might be a difficult. Although I do wonder why if Dr. Arcane placed wards and cantrips on the temple, he can't at least point us down the right jungle path? I assume it's a magic thing - (chuckling deeply ) which as we've all seen is way outside my balewick. If what little I know is true about your abilities Adamas, then you're definitely the right guy to lead the search, and with time short contacting the locals might tip our hand to the bad guys. I'm betting Agent America here might have another ideal though?
GM reply
Cmd. Rose is shock by the sound of feminine laughter. “Don’t tell me you forgot to give them the map, Grandpa” Donnah says between laughs. “They mess up your ‘show & tell’, so you lose your temple and completely forget the map. That is so rich!”
“Miss Ellie, please provide our stalwart adventurers with their maps on Island Juompur. While these isn’t a way to arrive directly at the temple and there isn’t a path to follow in the forest to the temple. There is a map which provides the location of the Temple.”
Agent America reply
Agent America watched the superhero circus pitch its tent. It wasn't like he hadn't been warned.
Preparing his strongest mental defense (Willpower use) he placed the medallion around his neck and watched it disappear.
Then he quickly set up quarters, as directed by Avery. On the way he stopped for a moment before the painting, The Indestructibles Fall Before the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Twenty minutes later, a Chinese man in humble clothes emerged from Agent America's quarters. "Okay. I'm ready," he said in the voice of Agent America.
"Given the deadline, I suggest we divide forces. Some search the jungle," the master of disguise said, eyeing the otherworldly omni-man, Adamas.
"And others investigate the city. I'll be part of the latter force, although I'm comfortable working solo if need be."
<Replies if any?>
"We'll need to be in communication with each other," he said to Avery, completely expecting some form of MEDUSA-style communicators to appear.
<Reply if any?>
When Rose revealed his abilities for the good of the team, MEDUSA's man of mystery politely waited for Adamas and Windblown to respond first.
<Replies if any?>
OOC: Thanks.
Cmd. Rose reply
"Given the deadline, I suggest we divide forces. Some search the jungle," the master of disguise said, eyeing the otherworldly omni-man, Adamas.
"And others investigate the city. I'll be part of the latter force, although I'm comfortable working solo if need be."
<Cmd. Rose IC> Nice disguise Flagman, it's no wonder Alexi booted my ass out of Medusa. "I'm fine with that, obviously I'm going to stick out in a crowd so, it's probably best I stay with the jungle team.
"We'll need to be in communication with each other," he said to Avery, completely expecting some form of MEDUSA-style communicators to appear.
<Cmd. Rose> "Now your talking my specialty". Smiling proudly, he pulls out 4 silver dollar sized badges with a stylized "S" on them. "I designed these for StarCorp's security. They have a 100 mile independent range can hook into an authorized comm-sat, and can be either set to manual or voice activated. (miniaturized super walkie talkie) They operate on a multi-wave frequency shifting principle, obviously not with the comm-sat, but otherwise they're almost impossible to intercept communications from. Looking at Agent America "I tried to sell them to Alexi, but he said production cost was too much for their budget - too expensive for Medusa? Can you believe that? I tell you man when they let you go your gone"
Agent America reply
The Chinese man smiled at Rose's communication coins and pocketed one. "Perfect. Nice work."
Darkstar said, "I tried to sell them to Alexi, but he said production cost was too much for their budget - too expensive for Medusa? Can you believe that? I tell you man when they let you go your gone"
Darkstar said, "I tried to sell them to Alexi, but he said production cost was too much for their budget - too expensive for Medusa? Can you believe that? I tell you man when they let you go your gone"
"Yes," murmured Agent America distractedly. "When they let you go, you're gone."
When the map to the temple was produced, Agent America studied it carefully. (Willpower use to memorize)
OOC: The location of the temple is marked, but not the route to it, correct? Does that mean we could fly to it? Thanks.
GM reply
Yes, the map would tell you the vicinity to land but you will not be able to see the Temple from the sky.
Cmd Rose reply
Way OOC: Trying to slow down DarkStar's IC comments down to give Adamas and Windblown time for input but . . . just a crazy thought . . . while Joshua can't teleport really big stuff since Tom and I took away his Heightened Str B, I did some checking and he still just about has the "carrying capacity" to teleport a Long Ranger III Bell helicopter to the island Hey he does own a Specialist Transport Company right?
Roflmao. Sorry guys it's been a really slow day with wife gone and Colts not losing err playing til this afternoon.
Enjoy your weekend
John R
Agent America reply
OOC: Thanks. Does the gazebo gate put us down near the city or the temple?
GM reply
In between, but if traveled by foot to the Temple in the Forest without a path it would take twice as long to get to the Temple than the city, There is a road to the City where the portal takes you.
Agent America reply
Examining the map, Agent America said to the superheroes," You'll likely locate the temple before I uncover anything in the city. Still, I think we could use more intel on this mission. What say you give me two hours in the city to learn what I can, during which team one locates and monitors the temple? That'll still give us two hours to infiltrate it."
Windblown reply
"Hmmm," Windblown nodded. "But I recommend that someone go with you. No one should be alone."
Cmd. Rose reply
IC DarkStar: "No he shouldn't. Does that mean your volunteering to go along? Are you qualified for that kind of work? It would be nice to know just what you do do? If the shit hits the fan how do you two propose we re-assemble the teams? Adamas flys and I might be able to respond quickly, but if everything goes south at the Temple while you guys are in the city - does that leave us hanging in the wind?" "I can hold in reserve at a high point on the island. Then Adamas or you guys can signal me in with flare guns if things get hot or I can bring a helicopter to the island and the two of you can use that. My pilot will have orders to bug out if things start to look hairy."
Windblown reply
"Yes, then. I am volunteering to join him. As for what I can do, the element of air is mine to manipulate."
Agent America reply
Windblown said: "Yes, then. I am volunteering to join him. As for what I can do, the element of air is mine to manipulate."
Agent America said, "Great. Can you pass for Chinese... or at least human?" There was a smile in his voice. Then: "Air, huh? Can you hear things from a distance on the wind?"
Darkstar said: "I can hold in reserve at a high point on the island. Then Adamas or you guys can signal me in with flare guns if things get hot or I can bring a helicopter to the island and the two of you can use that. My pilot (ooc: not Trisha) will have orders to bug out if things start to look hairy."
Agent America nodded, "That works. While undercover our coins will be set on vibrate. If you send two vibrates within 10 seconds, we'll assume that's a call for help."
Hey guys, I'm going to be online less often, from tomorrow til Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Windblown reply
"I can say 'hello' in Chinese," the man teased back. "And I'm reasonably certain that I can pass as a human, out of costume. I'm not exactly going to blend in, though."
Cmd Rose reply
<Commander Rose IC:> "Looks like we've got a game plan then. If no one minds, let me summarize, to make sure we're all on the same page. Once things get moving we'll be out of contact unless this thing turns turkey"
"First. We go through the portal. I suggest me and Adamas first.
"Second. If the 'beachhead's clear, then I'll teleport in a StarCorp helicopter and pilot.
"Third. I'll teleport to the islands highest point. Adamas will fly nap of the earth to the Temple vicinity. Stay in contact with me big guy. Try to avoid contact with any OpForces, if possible observe and report only. If things get hot, use the flare gun so I can teleport to your location. Once I do that I can either stay or retrieve AA and WB if needed. You guys Will need to pop your flare after I get a fix on Adamas's location. If we're using the flare guns the shit has hit the fan and all chance of surprise is gone. At that point it turns into a Smash and Grab.
"Fourth. AA and WB will try to stay covert but just in case, Windblown will pose as an American business executive if needed. Agent as his Translator. Use the cover story of StarCorp being interested in expanding it's Specialty Transportation interest into south east asia. Your story is your helicopter's just outside the city and your island hopping out of the Philippines checking potential investments. The pilot will only come pick you up if you give the all clear - remember he's a civilian. My civilian. Hopefully we won't need him except to bring you to the Temple. If anyone checks you'll have a flight plan already out of Manilla on the computer records. Right Cybil? Bug out if things star looking dicey. Use the flare gun if you need us to co to you - it'll guide us into your location."
"I know it doesn't really need said, but lets stay focused on our objective. The most important thing is getting that Dragon Statue in the Doctor's hands."
<OOC:> As Joshua is summarizing the game plan he's making making the necessary contacts through the Holo-Pad. There's an Air Force base north of Manilla. If his own Security Clearance can't get a flight plan filled then he'll contact Kevin for assistance. Trisha is getting briefing the stand by pilot and prepping StarCorp Helo-One. Cybil's creating a false set of employee records for Windblown.
From John with an R It looks like this should be my final post for Issue 2. I wish you all a happy holiday. Hope you are able to enjoy a wonderful time with those you love.
Agent America reply
ooc: does agent america have any contacts here, by chance? If no, I'll spend a luck point to get one. If it succeeds, he'll likely enact an alternate plan than the one Rose outlined, fyi.
GM reply
One luck point spent to gain a contact.
Do you want to create the info? The only guideline I would provide is the contact is not a MEDUSA agent. This island is a smugglers paradise, so a fisherman, pirate, criminal, or freelancers are all appropriate.
I have included four characters artwork for inspiration
Agent America reply
Pirate is good. I like the eyepatch guy.
Pirate is good. I like the eyepatch guy.
Agent America reply
Agent America said respectfully, "I fear an American business executive is going to attract the wrong kind of attention in this lawless enclave. He'll be seen as a potential kidnapping target or worse, CIA.
"If Windblown can make himself look human, I can make him look Chinese in 20 minutes. Also, I know someone who frequents this place. With luck, he'll be here today.
"Everything else sounds good, especially limiting copter use," the superspy said, remembering a Blackhawk ride he once took in Mogadishu.
Agent America secured his flare gun and added, "Everyone, keep in mind: the entire place is hostile territory." "Windblown? After you," indicating his quarters and a new face.
Windblown reply
"I'm human, but unless you can give me the power to speak Chinese, I don't think that the best disguise in the world is gonna work." He inhales deeply and sighs, looking at the assembled. "We all friends here, right?" Without waiting for an affirmation, he peels the mask from his head, revealing the face of a black man in his late twenties. "As I said, subtlety may be a bit of a problem."
Agent America reply
Agent America laughed despite himself. "Don't worry, friend. It's a renegade port city, full of foreign criminals, pirates and smugglers. We'll make you a Somali pirate."
GM reply
Your contact's name is Ching and he is a Pirate with the Red Flag Fleet. The baddest Chinese pirates there are.
He will be glad to meet with you and will gladly exchange information for tribute, between 'friends' ;).
Agent America reply
Great. He'll bring some of the cash he procured from the safehouse
Great. He'll bring some of the cash he procured from the safehouse
Cmd. Rose reply
<Commander Rose IC:> "Careful down on those docks guys , it might be a likely transport point for the Dragon but with all due respect to your amazing disguise skills, and that is an excellent disguise, I'm not sure WB, no offense intended WB, is going to have the acting chops to imitate a Somali pirate."
"Lets get this thing done"
Agent America reply
Agent America said to Windblown, "There won't be much acting involved. You just need to not attract attention to yourself. I think you can handle it.
"But if you prefer, you could cover me from the air while I try to meet my contact," the incognito operative said, checking his watch and calculating the time in Juompur. "Still a few hours before dawn. You'd have cover of darkness. It's up to you. You know your abilities best."
Windblown reply
"Yeah, well, much as I'd like, flying is beyond me just yet. But I'm workin' on it. Meantime, I'll keep both feet on the ground."
Cmd. Rose reply
[OOC] feel free to have Donna open up her present - It's a diamond encrusted com-device shaped like an eight pointed start. He originally created it as a gift for Trisha but gave her something else instead.