Monday, March 14, 2011

Bonesnapper: The trap is sprung - Issue 5

He carefully sets his trap.  He has positioned himself to watch for the Machete Killer without being seen. The machete bearing killer walks slowly through the office. He is checking the shadows for someone hiding. After a few minutes it is obvious he is expecting his prey to be cowering in fear.

Bonesnapper lets a grim smile appear on his face. “This killer has no idea who he is facing,” he thinks. With this knowledge he positions himself to attack when Machete Killer enters the smaller office.

With a sudden movement the vengeful artist slams the door on the assassin. Machete Killer senses he is in danger. He is able to brace for the attack.  He is hurt but able to counter attack with his weapon. Out of position he swings wide and hits the door.

Current Conditions:
Bonesnapper                Hit Points: 19    Power Points: 58

< Due Date: Mar 3rd, Actions, Goal, Reply?>

Bonesnapper waits patiently until he can hear the killer right outside the door to the office he is hiding in. He tries to make no sound, even slowing his breathing so as to be less noticeable.

<If the door opens inward>
Bonesnapper positions himself beside the door so that he will be against the wall and behind it when it opens. If the door starts to open, he lashes out with a kick against the door, hoping to throw his opponent off guard before moving in with the Tonfa.

<If the door opens outward>
Bonesnapper waits until he can hear the killer right outside the door, then throws it open with all his might against the target before closing for Tonfa action.