Stonehenge, England
over the fallen zombie she knew not from where she came, she only knew that her
spirit was as old as all the forests there have been since life began. She
knows now why she was summoned. It was to stop the Domain invasion of Earth and
their converting its matter to energy. Evergreen knows that she must protect
the Earth from those who would abuse her or in the case of the Domain, subdue
and consume her resources.
is of the old days, when the Earth was not ruled only by men, but by the elves,
dwarves, and goblins as well.
of the Water remember! Spirit of the Earth remember!
she is Evergreen, Earth’s eternal protector.
calmly surveyed the defeated foe outside. She activated her StarCorp Comm.
unit. “All heroes! We have defeated the outside forces of the Tarot Masters.”
Fist, Blastar, and Klondike leave your areas. Enter the Tower the fastest way
possible.” She hand signaled to all the heroes around her to enter the Tower as
from the group, the Armored Emissary of War stood up slowly and surveyed the
scorched battlefield that stretched out before him. He could see the bodies of
the dead and dying, he could smell the unmistakable odor of burned flesh, and
he could hear the muffled cries for help from those that were still suffering -
an all too familiar landscape for a seasoned soldier like Phantom. His eyes
then drifted up towards the Tower and he could see the last of the heroes enter
through its upper levels; he knew that it was only a matter of time now before
the battle would be over . . . he knew that there was only one last bit of
unpleasant business to take care of. The Alabaster Avenger took a second to
make sure all of his weapons and equipment were safely secured to him before
taking a slow walk towards the Towers entrance. Wading through the vast sea of
bloody bodies that littered the landscape before him, Phantom took out both of
his pistols and began to search for signs of life.
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at the fiend lying on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, fired off two rounds at his head,
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at the fiend lying on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, fired off two rounds at his head,
On the Top floor of the Tower. The heroes battled the Demon
forces of the Domain.
Adamas stands in front of Elwood as he watched to see where the next attacks
are coming from and who they are against.
The Abomination with the club stood majestically in place. He pointed at the
different heroes giving commands in a language that the Demons could only understand.
Thunderhead said, "Those of us who are injured, feel free to use me as
Then the
two-fisted titan of the 20th century looked calmly and resolutely into the eyes
of the Demon Prince in front of him. "You don't belong here. You've made a
mistake. Yes, mankind squabbles among ourselves from time to time, like any
family does. But there's no way we won't unite against you. This is just
the beginning. We will never stop fighting you. Go home. There's nothing
here for you. It's still not too late to turn back from the wrong path."
giant right fist inside his left, Thunderhead would hold his attack until an
answer came.
Demon Prince looked Thunderhead square in the eye, “Please don’t stop fighting.
That is what we live for. Soon we will turn on the Anti-Matter Vacuum and it
will fuel the creation of more Demons. It will create so many Demons that it
will build a bridge from the Domain to your dimension.”
we fight and we fight eternal!” the Abomination cried as it hit Thunderhead
with an overhead smash of it massive fist.
Note: 32 points damage, -32 HP. Since TH has so many more HP than PP. I did not
have him roll with the hit. Please let me know if you want it differently}
said, “Eat electrons you horror!” as she fired electrical blasts from each
hand. The first struck the Horror Demon removing more armor. The second missed
striking the ground under Elwood. He jumped and hopped to the side to keep from
falling off the Tower.
Thunderhead stared in shock as the Abomination turned into a giant nail right
before his eyes. The nail had eyes, a mouth, and was moving.
Molecule Man in his gaseous form reached out with both hands. Mini-explosions
erupted from both of them but missed the Horror.
American Woman fired a light ray, hitting the Horror. More of its armor was
chipped away.
sigh escaped Elwood's parched lips as he dodged side to side, making himself a
moving target. Looking to be enjoying himself less than he had been upon
a little while ago, he said, "I wonder if Charlie will still be open by
the time we get back."
Woman replied, “I don’t know this Charlie you speak of but I can assure you
that it will open up for us once we are victors.”
The Crawler unleashed a sonic cry upon Thunderhead.
was struck by the sound wave.
Note: 11 damage, -11 HP}
Skylark unleashed her sonic blast on the Horror
sound wave missed.
The Horror tried to turn to unleash its toxic gas on Molecule Man but got its
tail stuck in the edge of the Maw.
Thunderhead grabbed as much machinery as he could lift from the Maw on top of
the platform and slammed it down onto his adversary. He wanted to drive the
attack downward like a hammer driving a nail.
floor of the Tower bent as the Abomination was drove down on it. The Demon
Prince crumpled to the floor unconscious.
Note: 25% change of KO, rolled 23}
The Demon XO’J from the back on the platform focused its single eye on
screamed as a migraine headache ripped through his skull.
Note: Psy Blast; 9 damage, -9 HP}
[13] Slime 2 fired its Power Blast.
American Woman’s and Adamas’ surprise it was toward the other slime. The blast
Woman said, “I wonder why it did that?”
Blastar flew from the battlefield to the center of the Tower. Skylark used
their team signals to tell him to target the Horror.
power blast struck the Horror from behind. His shot by passed the Demon’s armor
and dealt maximum damage to it. The blast was so powerful the scaly horror was
knocked off the platform.
Demon hit the earth with a great force. It was on ground incapacitated.
Klondike finished his jump across the battlefield by landing on Abomination 1.
struck a mighty blow with his fist but the Abomination stood its ground.
With its club the Abomination swung at Klondike, missing.
Slime 1 fired its power blast as Slime 2 which had just attacked it. The power
blast struck true knocking out the traitorous Slime
Adamas fired his power blast at the Abomination 1. The blast struck the Demon
Prince but it withstood the damage and continued to fight.
On the ground floor of the Tower the fight was between the heroes and the Tarot Masters Swords Suite.
[32] Epsilon focused his mind. Two TK bolt flew at the FOUR of Swords. Both hit the Tarot Master hard. FOUR groaned with pain but continued to stand. He was ready to continue the fight.
Tomahawk charged across the room. He slammed his ancestral namesake weapon in
the King of Sword’s armor. Destroying part of it but failing to harm the Tarot
Master leader.
Archer silently went up the stairs.
Through the doorway Lightning Fist came running. Quickly spotting the leader of
the resistance he attacked the King of Swords. Pulling out his Nunckukus as he
ran across the floor he dual struck the King. The first blow missed the
protective armor and the second damaged the armor further. The King of Swords
withstood the blows and waited for his turn to strike.
Starbolt eyed The King and decided to blast at him until he drops. Starbolt
fired two blasts at the King. The first struck the King by passing his
protective armor knocking him out as the King fell he replied "Your reign
has ended."
second blast went astray striking Lightning Fist, knocking him out.
Note: Second attack was a roll of 20, a fumble result. On the fumble table
result was strike an ally}
Magnetor fired a magnetic wave at the FOUR of Swords. The wave hit the soldier
but he withstood the damage and continued to fight.
Knight of Sword attempted to shoot Tomahawk but his gun jammed. He attempted to
clear his weapon.
Note: Fumble result. Knight has +4 to be hit until his next action}
FOUR missed with his pistol shot at Magnetor.
Space Racer signaled to Starbolt. “I am going to a higher floor. Join me after
you have finished mopping up these broken Swords”. He flew up the stairs.
With the stealth of a ninja, Kali came through the door and silently went up
the stairs
Dreamweaver followed through the doorway and went up the stairs.
Raven attacked FOUR of Swords with the claws on both his hands. He racked across
the chest of the Tarot Master soldier who fell to the ground incapacitated.
Red Hawk flew around the room with Starbolt. He kept the wingman position. Red
Hawk fired a vibe blast at the Knight of Swords. The blast missed.
Volcanic Man ran through the doorway, “Outta my way you muggs. Flaming big guy
coming through!” He ran up the stairs.
The Queen of Swords misfired when she tried to shot Tomahawk. Her pistol
exploded in her hand. She rolled with the explosion. She signaled for the other
Swords to continue fighting.
NINE of Swords shot Tomahawk. The Native American hero groaned in pain but
continued to fight.
Evergreen ran through the door and went up the stairs.
War Wagon fired a Tarot Master pistol at the Knight of Swords. His shot hit the
Knight bypassing his armor. The Knight screamed in defiance. “When I clear my
gun, you will be next four wheels!”
A silhouette appeared at the edge of the doorway. Enforcer walked through the
doorway with gun ready to meet any attack. He sidestepped quickly across the
floor marking each enemy target as he went. He pressed his back against the
wall of the stairway. He provided as small as target as possible as he ascended
the stairs.
Thud, thud, thud were the sounds heard as Resonator slowly trudged through the
doorway. A loud and long creak was heard as he went up the stairs.
the second floor the fight had just begun with the Cups Suite.
Archer having followed DarkStar and Centurion X up the stairs. He continued to
provide fire support by using two sonic arrows. He buried them in the ceiling
right above Tarot Soldier Five.
first arrow hit directly above FIVE of Cups. He stood in a cone of silence and
was not hurt by the first arrow.
sonic wave damaged the armor of both the King of Cups and the Knight of Cups
but they were unharmed.
FOUR, SIX, and the Page of Cups bent over in pain from the sonic wave. All were
hurt but all could still fight.
Fool rolled with the damage and was unhurt by the first arrow.
second arrow hit a little away from the FIVE of Cups.
FOUR, Knight, SIX, and the Page of Cups bent over in pain from the sonic wave.
All were hurt by the second arrow but they could still fight.
of Wands fell to the ground unconscious.
second sonic wave damaged the armor of the King of Cups but the King was
The Fool fired a Tarot Master pistol at Archer. His shot missed wide.
The Malefactor, Ace of Cups, fired a green flame-like blast at Centurion X. The
blast engulfed CX who rolled with the damage as best as he could.
Note: 18 damage points, -4 to PP, and -14 HP}
The Page of Cups missed when shooting at Archer.
FOUR of Cups fired his pistol at Archer. He hit the Mystic Bowman
Note: 13 damage, -5 PP, -8 HP}
NINE of Cups fired his pistol at DarkStar. He missed.
Space Racer flew out of the stairway. He circled quickly, flying back into the
stairway entrance. He flew up the stairs.
Kali came through the stairway. She attacked Moonflash. Her Power-Chuks struck
true. Moonflash flew across room hitting the back railing. She fell to the
ground unconscious.
Invisibly Dreamweaver followed through the stairway. Standing behind Kali she
fired a TK Blast at SEVEN of Cups. She missed.
Queen of Cups hit Centurion X with her pistol shot.
Note: 8 damage, -4 PP, -4 HP}
[20] "But, Wenchy-Poo, if I knock you out
right away, you won't learn nuthin' " CX said to the Priestess
as she struggled against her restraints. CX reached out with his Magnetic
control and ripped strands of outer casing from the Gravity Generator.
They flow and stream toward the flaming Ace of Jock Straps. He
attempted to wrap him up in them and then merge his tangled mass with the one
holding the Priestess.
his breath, "I hope this works..." but it didn’t. Centurion X couldn’t guide the strands to where
Malefactor actually stood. The green flames surrounding him made it hard for CX
to see him. What he had thought was Malefactor’s leg had been a reflection of
his leg in the flame.
The Black Orchid said to herself, "That was close; they may still know I'm
here." She looked for any that may be eyeing her location. Black Orchid
saw SIX of Cup was trying to locate her so she blasted him surreptitiously. His
body shuttered as he was drained from the vacuum blast.
Orchid realized she was standing in front of a power generator that was twice
the size and power as either of the two downstairs.
Volcanic Man ran by the second floor stairway opening. “Looks like ya guys have
this floor covered! Next stop third floor!” He continued running up the stairs.
The King of Cups missed with his pistol shot at Archer.
SIX of Cups feeling drained from earlier evaded.
SEVEN of Cups fired his pistol at Dreamweaver. Even though being invisible he
hit her in the arm. Dreamweaver scream in pain and the horror that she couldn’t
move her arm.
Evergreen ran through the stairway entrance. She ran across the room. She
attacked SEVEN of Cups with her thorns. Her attack missed.
DarkStar moved toward NINE of Cups. He punched him with a single punch.
blow landed solidly but NINE didn’t fall. DarkStar knew that if he wasn’t
fatigued he would have knocked the Tarot Master out. Instead NINE stood there
ready to fight some more.
FIVE fired on Archer, missing.
TEN of Cups missed Archer with his shot.
THREE of Cup’s shot went high over Archer’s head.
The Knight of Cups took careful aim. “Frak” he cursed when his shot missed.
EIGHT of Cups missed with his shot at Centurion X.
Moving sideways as he pressed his back against the wall of the stairway,
Enforcer ascended the stairs to the third floor.
Thud, thud, thud were the sounds heard as Resonator slowly trudged up the
stairway to the third floor.

the Third floor, Lord Noman, Mindstorm and the Tarot Masters Wands Suite
Space Racer shot out of the stairway entrance. He soared over the room looking
for the perfect target.
FIVE of Wands fired his wand at Space Racer. The electrical zap missed the space alien hero.
Mindstorm raised her hand to her temple. She focused her mind. An illusion of Lord Noman appeared in the place of one of the large support legs. Space Racer swooped and turned. He barrel straight at the illusion. At the last moment he realized it was indeed a false vision. Space Racer veered off missing the very real supporting leg.
Queen of Wands blasted as Space Racer as he flew by her. Fortunately for the
hero and unfortunately for the Queen her reaction time was too slow. The
electrical blast missed.
As Space Racer flew down the right wall the Page raised her wand.
Spacer Racer barrel rolled by the electrical ray and flew to the other side of the room.
THREE of Wands fried at Space Racer from behind but his shot missed.
Space Racer banked for the last time. Placing both fists in front on him he flew toward his target, Lord Noman.
In a panic Lord Noman dove to the ground as Space Racer soared through where he had been standing a mere split second before. Space Racer flew past his foe and prepared to make another run.
[19] Busting through the stairway at an entrance like an eruption. The molten hero surveyed the room. “Hey, ya chumps! Its play time!” Spotting the King of Wands, Volcanic Man charged between the Tarot Master soldiers who were too shocked to react.
The King of Wands did react. He raised his wand, aimed.
The electric ray blasted a chip off of Volcanic Man’s rocky hide.
“That all ya got? It didn’t even tickle. Now it’s my turn to crown ya!”
Volcanic Man delivered a haymaker right to the kisser. The punch damaged the King’s armor then the King is engulfed in flames. The King’s power armor provided no protection from the flames. He fell to the ground unconscious.
{GM Note: Flames Carrier Attack rolled a 1 for a crit. hit. Damage provided an 8% change of KO, rolled 2.}
[17] EIGHT of Wands fired his wand at Volcanic Man. The ray struck him doing more damage to his rocky hide.
[16] NINE of Wands hit Volcanic Man with his wand blast. The Molten hero rolled with the damage to minimize the loss of his precious hide
[15] Marutukku decided discretion was the better part of valor than facing these heroes and what possibly could be coming up those stairs. With his morale shattered he flew out of the Tower.
[15] In shear panic TWO jumped from the Tower to hit the ground incapacitated.
[15] In a clear showing of lost morale SEVEN and TEN of Wands fleed down the stairs.
[14] Enforcer came out of the stairway in a crouch position. He quickly moved to a supporting leg to setup in a firing position.
He fired on the Knight of Wands, puncturing the Tarot Master’s power Armor.
[14] Thud! Thud! Thud! Resonator walked out of the stairway. He followed the way he had seen Enforcer go. Spotting Mindstorm he raised his palm unleashing a sonic blast.
grunted from pain but was not hurt enough to quit.
[13] Lord Noman screamed “Overseer get me out of here! It is time to regroup at the island. Do it now!” With a popping sound Lord Noman was teleported away.
The Knight of Wand spun and moved backwards. He found his own protective spot.
He fired his wand at Enforcer hitting him. “Aarggh” Enforcer screamed as the
electric ray penetrated his force field. He fell to the ground unconscious.
Note: 9% of KO, rolled 1}
SIX of Wands fired his wand at Resonator. The ray penetrated his armor.
Resonator rolled with the damage.
FOUR of Wands having lost his morale yelled, “I surrender! Don’t hurt me! I
<Due Date: October 12th,
Actions? Replies?>
Current Conditions:
Adamas Hit Points: 2 Power
Points: 24 Invulnerability: 24
DarkStar Hit Points: 53 Power Points: 0 Invulnerability: 30. Fatigued
Hit Points:
9 Power Points: 54
Hit Points: 81 Power
Points: 90
Hit Points: 0 Power Points: 59 ADR: - 85; Adaptation Defense, Trapped in Ice
Cure Hit Points: 1 Power Points: 62 Fled the
X Hit
Points: 73 Power Points: 38 Magnetic Defense active
Orchid Hit Points: 30 Power
Points: 80 Willpower Defense active
Starbolt Hit
Points: 34 Power Points: 60 Creation
Points: 38
Wraith Hit Points: 10 Power Points: 52 Telekinesis Defense active, Fled the Battlefield
Hawk Hit Points: 49 Power Points: 43 Invulnerability: 10
Thunderhead Hit Points: 303 Power Points: 66 Height: 24 ft
Phantom Hit Points: 15 Power Points: 40 Invulnerability: 0
1) Right FN Five-seveN Pistol: 12 rounds - 4 extra FN Five-seveN
Pistol magazines
2) Left FN Five-seveN Pistol: 14 rounds
3) AR-57 Assault Rifle): 47 rounds - 2 extra AR-57 Assault Rifle magazines
2) Left FN Five-seveN Pistol: 14 rounds
3) AR-57 Assault Rifle): 47 rounds - 2 extra AR-57 Assault Rifle magazines
M203 Grenade Launcher: 0 grenade - M406 High-Explosive Round - 3 extra grenades
4) Gerber Mark II Combat Knife
Archer Hit Points: 17 Power Points: 49 Willpower Defense Active;
4) Gerber Mark II Combat Knife
Archer Hit Points: 17 Power Points: 49 Willpower Defense Active;
Explosive Arrowhead: +3 to hit, 1d12 damage w/ 3"radius
Qty. 0
Sonic Arrowhead: 10% breakage. 1d12
damage w/10"radius Qty. 1
Flare Arrowhead: 2d8,
Blinding Flash per Light Control
Qty. 2
Paralysis Arrowhead: as per Paralysis Ray.
Qty. 1
Arrowhead: multiple target's weight by -10, duration 3 turns
Qty. 0
Normal Arrowheads: 1d8 +1d3 HTH
Qty. 20
I have to agree with everyone, this is Great!
"But, Wenchy-Poo, if I knock you out right away, you won't
learn nuthin' "
reaches out with his Magnetic control and rips strands of outer casing from the
Gravity Generator. They flow and stream toward the flaming Ace of Jock
Straps. He attempts to wrap him up in them and then merge his tangled
mass with the one holding the Priestess. They will both get a little squeeze
form the bands of metal. If successful, the flaming Ass er, I mean Ace
will have to power down or risk burning up the Priestess.
his breath, "I hope this works..."
most certainly is!
is great stuff!
to the issue at hand (no pun intended):
Black Orchid says to herself, "That was close; they may still know I'm
will look for any that may be eyeing her location and then blast them
surreptitiously. Do any of the machines on this level look similar to those on
the first level?
one Black Orchid is standing in front of looks like the power generator from
downstairs but twice the size/power.
said, "Those of us who are injured, feel free to use me as cover."
Then the
two-fisted titan of the 20th century looked calmly and resolutely into the eyes
of the Demon Prince. "You don't belong here. You've made a mistake. Yes,
mankind squabbles among ourselves from time to time, like any family does. But
there's no way we won't unite against you. This is just the
beginning. We will never stop fighting you. Go home. There's nothing here
for you. It's still not too late to turn back from the wrong path."
giant right fist inside his left, Thunderhead would hold his attack until an
answer came.
the Abomination's answer was the expected one, Thunderhead would grab as much
machinery as he could lift from the top of the platform (marked "A"
on the map) and slam it down onto his adversary. He wanted to drive the attack
downward like a hammer driving a nail, with the goal of knocking him through the
floor or crushing him against it (if the Knockback didn't send him clean
the Abomination's answer was a surprise, TH would use the above approach on any
foes atop the platform who didn't retreat.
in game terms:
with the Abomination to give him a chance to see reason, as best as he is able
(outside of TH's action, before the Demon's action)
action to see what the Demon does with his action
the Demon attacks, use the machinery as a brawling weapon (attempting to get as
much as he can lift, to best increase chance to hit and damage bonus)
Demon doesn't attack, repeat process with other foes. :-)
will save his attack until he sees what is going on.
His #1 priority is to stay between Elwood and danger. If Elwood appears safe, he will attack whoever looks to be heading their way. If no one moves toward them, he will back up Thunderhead.
His #1 priority is to stay between Elwood and danger. If Elwood appears safe, he will attack whoever looks to be heading their way. If no one moves toward them, he will back up Thunderhead.
eyes The King and decides to blast at him until he drops. If he falls he
replies "Your reign has ended." He will maintain his evasive flight
patterns. If he drops the King, he will assist whomever needs the most help, or
which enemy is closer.
really meant to spend time prepping a decent Archer and DS post this Turn but
the I spent most the last two weeks with oncologist and back surgeon. My back
has improved with the surgery and oncologist confirmed I do have cancer -
Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Suppose to start prep for chemo next week. They say
if you have to have one this one is a good one.
please play Archer and DS for me this turn. Maybe have Archer follow DS
and CX up the stairs and continue to try to provide fire support by using two
sonic arrows and burying them in the ceiling right above Tarot Soldier
"5". a of get group of bad guys caught by the area of effect. Have DS
back slap the bad guy at the top of the stairs for now twice if needed
lol. No Power points is scary condition to be in but there it is. :)
for any snappy or philosophical dialogue you can use to flavor the guys with
help and concern are much appreciated
The Armoured Emissary of War stood up slowly and surveyed the scorched battlefield that stretched out before him. He could see the bodies of the dead and dying, he could smell the unmistakable odor of burned flesh, and he could hear the muffled cries for help from those that were still suffering - an all too familiar landscape for a seasoned soldier like Phantom. His eyes then drifted up towards the Tower and he could see the last of the heroes enter through its upper levels; he knew that it was only a matter of time now before the battle would be over . . . he knew that there was only one last bit of unpleasant business to take care of. The Alabaster Avenger took a second to make sure all of his weapons and equipment were safely secured to him before taking a slow walk towards the Towers entrance. Wading through the vast sea of bloody bodies that littered the landscape before him, Phantom took out both of his pistols and began to search for signs of life.
OOC: If he see's any zombies or villains still moving . . .
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at the fiend laying on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, fired off two rounds at his ( her ) head,
OOC: If he see's any heroes still moving . . .
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at *Insert Heroes Name Here* as he ( she ) just laid on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, he ask him ( her ) one very simple question, "Have you been bitten?"
OOC: If the hero is unconscious and can't respond, Phantom will look for signs of zombie bite marks. If he doesn't see any zombie bite marks; and/or the hero responds that he hasn't been bitten ( he'll still look for bite marks ), then he'll say the following in a dark and monotone voice, "Someone will be along for you shortly." - and he'll just keep pressing forward.
OOC: If the hero is unconscious and can't respond, Phantom will look for signs of zombie bite marks. If he see any zombie bite marks; and/or the hero responds that he has been bitten, then he'll say the following in a dark and monotone voice, " . . . that's a Hell of a thing . . ." If the hero is conscious continue with the following IC - A few moment of silence passes between the two heroes as they just stare into each others eye's. An ominous understanding suddenly sweeps over them both and Phantom raises his weapon and points it at *Insert Heroes Name Here* head. *Insert Heroes Name Here* begins to raises his/her hands defensively and tries desperately to scream out for mercy.
". . . BLAM . . . BLAM . . . "
Phantom is just going to go from body to body and kill anything he thinks should be dead . . . and that'll be just about everything lol
Tom, great issue as always! And if I haven't already mentioned this - its really awesome to see Jeff back with us as well.
Talk to you all soon,
The Armoured Emissary of War stood up slowly and surveyed the scorched battlefield that stretched out before him. He could see the bodies of the dead and dying, he could smell the unmistakable odor of burned flesh, and he could hear the muffled cries for help from those that were still suffering - an all too familiar landscape for a seasoned soldier like Phantom. His eyes then drifted up towards the Tower and he could see the last of the heroes enter through its upper levels; he knew that it was only a matter of time now before the battle would be over . . . he knew that there was only one last bit of unpleasant business to take care of. The Alabaster Avenger took a second to make sure all of his weapons and equipment were safely secured to him before taking a slow walk towards the Towers entrance. Wading through the vast sea of bloody bodies that littered the landscape before him, Phantom took out both of his pistols and began to search for signs of life.
OOC: If he see's any zombies or villains still moving . . .
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at the fiend laying on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, fired off two rounds at his ( her ) head,
OOC: If he see's any heroes still moving . . .
Phantom leveled off one of his pistols at *Insert Heroes Name Here* as he ( she ) just laid on the ground beneath him; and with the cold disregard of a methodical hunter, he ask him ( her ) one very simple question, "Have you been bitten?"
OOC: If the hero is unconscious and can't respond, Phantom will look for signs of zombie bite marks. If he doesn't see any zombie bite marks; and/or the hero responds that he hasn't been bitten ( he'll still look for bite marks ), then he'll say the following in a dark and monotone voice, "Someone will be along for you shortly." - and he'll just keep pressing forward.
OOC: If the hero is unconscious and can't respond, Phantom will look for signs of zombie bite marks. If he see any zombie bite marks; and/or the hero responds that he has been bitten, then he'll say the following in a dark and monotone voice, " . . . that's a Hell of a thing . . ." If the hero is conscious continue with the following IC - A few moment of silence passes between the two heroes as they just stare into each others eye's. An ominous understanding suddenly sweeps over them both and Phantom raises his weapon and points it at *Insert Heroes Name Here* head. *Insert Heroes Name Here* begins to raises his/her hands defensively and tries desperately to scream out for mercy.
". . . BLAM . . . BLAM . . . "
Phantom is just going to go from body to body and kill anything he thinks should be dead . . . and that'll be just about everything lol
Tom, great issue as always! And if I haven't already mentioned this - its really awesome to see Jeff back with us as well.
Talk to you all soon,
will stay put, and Harvey will create an illusion. Thunder Head was
addressing the Abomination. Harvey is going to attempt to make this guy
look like a giant nail.
sigh escapes Elwood's parched lips. Looking to be enjoying himself less
than he had been upon a little while ago, he says, "I wonder if Charlie
will still be open by the time we get back."