Monday, September 5, 2011

Quest: Safeguard - Issue 15

Adamas and DarkStar returned to the mansion after a very eventful excursion in outer space.

{See DarkStar Semi-Annual 2011 for the exciting adventure}

Kyle was taken aback, but no less delighted, by the efficiency of Meta-Manpower. It would be interesting, and quite different from what he was accustomed to. He smiled and thought to himself, maybe I'll even learn to speak a little German. That night, he treated himself to a nice steak dinner at Diamantes. The hostess, Stacy made him feel very welcomed.  He was able to get the best waiter that they had. Dave really knew how to treat the customer. It made him feel as if he was the most important person in the restaurant.  Kyle noticed what appeared to be a large cat behind the bar.  The bartender “T-Rex” said that Mr. Fitzson was a real animal lover. The cat’s name was Sir and Mr. Fitzson also had dog named Fluff.  Fortunately the dog was not allowed in the restaurant.

Agent America thanked and paid the Craftsman.
"Have a think about those missile launchers and I'll see you soon."

In Vegas, the seductive super-spy never called Madge by her unfortunate name. He called her Baby. Gorgeous. Honey. But never Madge.

After a big win at the tables, the Man from MEDUSA headed home before he had time to give it all back.

He contacted Arcane when he arrived back in Megalopolis, via the necklace gizmo. "Checking in, Doc. What's the good word?"

Dr. Avery welcomed the adventures back to the mansion. He ushered them into the library. “I hoped you had a restful time. When I first brought you here I told you I needed you for a Quest, a Quest involving 6 artifacts. What I failed to properly explain is that our Quest is not to recover the artifacts but to prevent their recovery.  The domain needs them to enhance their ability to invade our dimension.  In some ways it would be easier if we brought them all here but it could also turn the Mansion into our final stand against all their combined forces.  By spreading the artifacts throughout the world, it is hoped that it would force the Domain to split their forces trying to recover them. Allowing us to pick them off one by one”

“Unfortunately I do not who is the leader of the invasion or why they have chosen this time to attempt to recover the artifacts. When I first told you about the six, I figured the Cloak of Ambulation would be the last to be stolen because it is the least powerful of them all. It grants its owner the Power over Movement. It has the power to grant flight, prevent undesired movement to owner (knockback, teleportation, dimension travel, etc...). It has to be bond to its owner through a special ceremony. While it is ownerless it can only be moved by carrying it while walking.”

“While you were gone I received a surprise. The museum which has the Cloak of Ambulation has contacted me asking me to find a more secure location for it. For a donation and a duplicate copy of it, they will give me with the original. I believe the theft of the Orbs and the destruction of the Golden Casket in Egypt is what changed their mind.”

Pausing as he noticed the quizzical looks on the adventurers’ faces, Dr Avery said, “Oh I didn’t tell you about that did I?  Some months ago, a small golden casket was unearthed at the archeological dig of a 2,000 year old tell in Egypt.  With great care, the casket was opened and found to contain five remarkably well-preserved scrolls.  The casket itself was placed on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Unknown to the Domain and its allies the scrolls were sent to America. One each was sent to five prominent scholars for translation and analysis. I was one of those scholars even though my field of expertise has never been archeology or linguistics but parapsychology and the history of occult science.”

“Since Pietor does have expertise in archeology he has been doing the translation and analysis. It would appear the purpose in sending the scroll to me is for more than to study the fifth scroll, but to guard it and prevent it from falling into evil hands. If what small portion of the scroll Pietor has translated is accurate, then this scroll holds the key to the proper use of the other four, and those four contain long-forgotten secrets of mystic and ancient alchemical transubstantiation which could shake the very foundation of modern science.  I believe the Domain destroyed the Golden Casket attempting to get the five scrolls that they thought were inside it.”

“The High Society Museum of Soiree Heights curator wanted to transfer the Cloak of Ambulation as quickly as possible.  So while you were gone I contacted CHESS Bishop Prince to see if there was any way to move without drawing attention. I was worried that my going to get it would draw too much attention.  I did not know when you were going back.” Dr Avery paused to look Joshua directly in his eyes, “or if you were coming back at all. By the way, Kevin is still overwhelmed with your giving him Tobacco Road.”

“Bishop Prince and I figured that the best way to hide a valuable transport was to hide it in another valuable transport.  Our options were limited by the enchantment on the Cloak of Ambulation.  Bishop Prince discovered that New World Genetics Labs (NWGL) was delivering a rare isotope to Three Kilometer Island Power Plant.  The route from the NWGL to the Refuge Islands where the power plant is would pass directly by High Society Museum and 2 miles from my mansion. We believe the cloak being added to the transport would not be noticeable.”

“We did have to figure out a way for the Cloak of Ambulation to allow us to transport it by armor car.  The Safeguard Superhero Protection Agency provided the answer.” Dr. Avery played one of their commercials on the recorder he had saved it on. It showed the one Safeguard Superheroes, Firewall, holding off a motorcycle gang.  Everyone paid particular attention when the commercial highlighted the abilities of The LodeStone.  The commercial proclaimed he could absorb magic, even stopping an evil wizard in his tracks.”The LodeStone is our solution.  With intense focus he can absorb magical energy.  He will ride in the armor car which will allow us to transport it.  The LodeStone is not powerful enough to allow us to fly or teleport it here.  The LodeStone shuts down all magic in an area surrounding him, so he can’t shut the cloak down exclusively, so any type of magical transportation is out of the question as well.”

“New World Genetics Labs agreed to have Safeguard perform the transportation and make the clandestine pick up of the cloak as well.”

“I have arranged for Firewall to come to the mansion today to go over the plans with anyone that likes. Unless anyone objects, I would like to start the transfer in the next three days.  NWGL and Safeguard are waiting on us to start.”

Joshua walked around the mansion with a dejected look on his face. Donnah asked DarkStar what was wrong.  He paused for a second and said, “I feel like the contractor whose wife hired a plumber to fix a clogged pipe. To make it worse they are privately family owned business. I can’t attempt a leverage buyout of their stock because there isn’t any.  I tried to straight out buy it but The Amazing Floop Brothers turned down my offer. Now I will have to buy their debt, the buildings they are leasing and the banks they have their accounts in.  That takes time and money. I wonder what's it going to cost to acquire Star err Safeguard?” Seeing the look on Donnah’s face, Joshua mutters, “joking, just joking, well sorta.”

That evening Firewall arrived to discuss the plans. All of Safeguard would be dressed in typical Safeguard security uniforms, not the uniforms seen in the commercials. The LodeStone would ride inside the armor car with the isotope and the cloak. Firewall and Stronghold would be driving and riding shotgun. Psi-pher and Watchdog will be in a lead car about 5 miles ahead of the vehicle. They would be making sure the route was open and secure.  Skywatch would be the only one in her superhero uniform.  She would be following the armor car from above and behind.  He asked if they had any input to make into the plan.

<Due Date:  August 31th, Actions? Replies?>


Kyle was taken aback, but no less delighted, by the efficiency of Mega-Manpower. It would be interesting, and quite different from what he was accustomed to. He smiled and thought to himself, maybe I'll even learn to speak a little German.

That night, he treated himself to a nice steak dinner at Diamantes.


Holy Friggin Sweet Jesus Tom

Downtime Part One was absolutely awesome dude. Spy Cars, Space Aliens, International Industry and foreshadowing into the next adventure. Bueno compadre

Is everyone using the next issue to continue with Downtime Part Two?

No sweat on the Diatanium or the Mega-Manpower. I sent Mr. G a note saying I thought he should suggest a name change to Mega-Manpower. Still a great brand name and more subtle than Meta-Manpower.

By the way, I'm . . . curious, cautious, perplexed, etc. with the current status you have outlined of StarCorps situation. Is DarkStar's wealth levels in danger? Meta-Manpower in Germany? Professor Layton "something" is pushing my wierd meter in the red also?

Do Commander Astro and Rose have any history? I don't mind one bit, but I did have Adamas on station in case things went belly up. Which begs the question does Adamas have a relationship of any sort past or present with GIANT other than having been brought to the Space Station? I just want to have proper context for formulating DS's responses when he wakes up. I know we batted that ball around a bit but wanted to get the Canon straight.

Dude you rock, good stuff
John R


John, I am not sure how much the others want to delve in the next issue or just write their return to the Mansion.  Since only Windblown and Adamas wrote that they returned to the Mansion while AA was partying and DarkStar was jumping to Mars, I decided to foreshadow a little and let the team have another issue to come back together.

Cmd Rose would know who Commander Astro and the other leadership of GIANT are from his MEDUSA trip to space and from his StarCorp job.  All the shuttling of supplies would be with Commander Astro and Captain Manning on Space Station I. So he knows them personally.  DarkStar has not meet Det. Ravage or Agent L. DarkStar has never meet the aliens on board the Space Station I. Nothing sinister, he just never stayed long enough to socialize and do a meet & greet.

If you ever watch the first M.I.B. movie, that is sorta what I envision for GIANT. Adamas is an alien visitor on Earth. His visitation papers are with GIANT, not US Immigration. Adamas knows both Commander Astro and Agent L personally. Adamas also knows Rall and the other aliens on board Space Station I.

Yes, Adamas was there if things went belly up.  It didn't, everything work perfectly except when DarkStar arrived on Mars at the desired location he was unconscious. I tried to leave it vague enough where it could have been Adamas bringing DarkStar to Commander Astro.

No danger to DarkStar's wealth, just changing where his wealth is coming from.  I had spent a lot of time giving Megalopolis flavor and style for it different cities.  I decided that it would be fun to do the same with the rest of the world, but instead of making up fake countries I asked myself why couldn't I use real countries instead.  If I wanted to make a steampunk Victorian style country why make up one when I could just change England itself.  If I am looking for reasons why England embraced steampunk why should I look outside our story and backwards in time?  Why not use events with the Megalopolis storyline instead.  I started this as a nexus transition point with this new generation of heroes as a changing of the guard, why wouldn't they change the world as well. So that is what I decided to do. I would use Megalopolis story events to change real countries the way I wanted them to be for flavor and style. Victorian Steampunk England is much more fun than 2011 England.

One of the biggest issues that Marvel has with their universe is this: "If Reed Richards and Tony Stark existed, wouldn't they change their world like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs has changed our?" They really change do it without making it difficult to change writers and keeping the world recognizable for new readers.  Megalopolis doesn't have that problem.

So Joshua Rose and the other PCs can create back story items which their GM could find to be of use and suddenly without planning it they have changed the world.

Joshua Rose and Steve Jobs, which will change the World of Megalopolis more?



Morning Tom

That's awesome. Seriously though wouldn’t anyplace anywhere be more interesting than modern England

Not sure why but I think Commander Rose is going to have some paranoia about Germany though, so you'll probably see a Side Shot with him visiting a few MM clients in Germany.

Thanks for the background information I have everything I need to start To start Rose's awakening and on the Space Station. Will start the character responses soonest.

Steampunk England - Awesome
John R


Adamas Level Advancement

Heightened Sight:
    Telescopic/Microscopic Vision: Can see surface detail as small as one square foot from the distance of 1/4 of Earth away or on the bacteria level.
    X-Ray Vision: Can see through materials with Structure Rating of 10 or less and less than 1 foot thick. Every extra foot of thickness increase SR by 0.5. X-Ray Vision cannot see through Lead.  Cost is movement. Can use PR of 5 and 1 action to see through Structure Rating of 20 or less (1 foot thick or less) and PR of 15/1 action for SR 30.

PowerBlast: Autofire Ability:
    Can use autofire rules for fire 2d6 powerblast for PR=1 each.  +1 to hit and -1 damage cumulative for each blast after first.

Let me know what you think.



Sounds perfect.  And great issue!


Agent America Level Advancement added to Spy Car Stats

Corvette z06 - Weight: 3,000 lbs; Passengers: 1+1; Cargo Capacity: 500; Speed: 200 mph; Hit Points: 15/60 (Disable/Demolish)
a) Immune to HtH damage (house rule from V&V Book of Powers - Car takes no damage from HtH based attacks)
b) Smoke Screen: 10 charges; Range= 20"; Characters rendered sightless by being engulfed in darkness may cause themselves injury if they do not use caution when
moving about. A save vs Agility is required whenever a character movies in darkness recklessly to avoid an accident causing 1d6 of damage
c) Flat Fixing / Self-Inflating Tires: 1/4 quarter of car's movement is used while stopped to repair damage.  Cannot fix or repair disintegration damage

Let me know what you think,


Agent America

This is great, like the two new issues!



just a quick side note on level advancement

Lets treat this like we were working with V&V 3.0 (hero points?). We'll start with the lowest level of the power and have it grow til it gets to a full fledged power

Big T

this doesn't manifest itself until something happens during game play to make DarkStar aware he has developed a new ability.

- not even the halfway Adaptation Adamas has right now. Let's start it lower than that and grow from there. I like that he doesn’t need to breathe in space or water. Can survive the vacuum of space or the oceans depths?

But he won't figure it out til something happens in story to make him aware of it?

Really I'm just spitballing here. I woke up with the idea in my head, so wanted to see what you thought?



Sounds good to me, so first let’s choose between Life Support and Adaptation.
Basic definitions

Life Support: PC does not need extra resource (oxygen, water, food, etc) to survive. Full Life Support means PC needs nothing other than themselves intact to survive.
Adaptation: PC can change his body to replace missing resource with available resource (oxygen from air replaced by oxygen from water)

Pick which one you want to have.

Then pick the resource you wish the power to cover.  List of choices: oxygen, water, food, proper atmospheric pressure, shelter for harsh elements (Invulnerability will cover this area most of the time), sleep, and removal of waste/foreign/harmful substances (this will cover bacteria, virus, poison, venom, and food waste by-products).

If you think of something different from the list let me know.  As you advance we can add more from the list.



Hey Pal

This might sound lazy, and maybe it is :)  But I'd like to leave the whole rule thing to you. I just want a special effect for storyline material.

It might not be as useful as flight, sexy as machine-gun spy cars, or even as well themed as super-vision powers but it does allow me to use DarkStar in the way I envisioned him way back when I sent you his first "draft"

In no particular order I want him to discover in the course of the game's story he has the ability to survive both the vacuum of space and the crushing depths of the Marianna’s Trench without using equipment to do so. Maybe something similar to Life Support but with the PR of Adaptation?

He still eats, he still sleeps, he might be resistant to the freezing cold of space or lava flows in the depths of the ocean, but like you said his Invulnerability probably covers that pretty well. He should still be susceptible to poisons, venoms, and their like I think. Like Adamas non- of this applies as a Defense - but in 3.0 that’s a moot point anyway isn't it.

Is this Cool?
John R


Life Support Variant: PR=1 per hour. Survive any level of atmospheric pressure. He can survive the vacuum of space to the depths of the ocean floor without aid. Not usable as a defense.

Hows that?




That sounds right out of a rulebook :)

Seriously stupid question? Just wanting to be sure I guess. After DS's and Doc's first get together I've always felt it was better to ask too much than not enough:)

He doesn't need oxygen/need to breath in those situations???

Seriously I feel stupid asking because that is so damn well written it feels obvious :)

Thanks my Man I'll be writing Big Blue's response/actions on the space station tomorrow night. I assume a quick jump or two and then back to Avery's mansion is all you’re looking for?

Gracias again
John R


Glad you asked.  He still needs oxygen. Currently he can hold his breath for 42 turns or about 5 minutes.  We can adjust it to where in that state he can hold his breath for 5 minutes per 1 PP.  So his would get the first 5 minutes free, the 1 PP spend to Life Support will count for second 5 minutes. So we could modify it to this.

Life Support Variant: PR=1 per hour. Survive any level of atmospheric pressure. He can survive the vacuum of space to the depths of the ocean floor without aid. For an additional PR=9 per hour he can go without breathing (holding breathe). Not usable as a defense.

Yes, if all you want to do is briefly write his getting back to the mansion that is all is needed.  With the space booster available, he only needs one jump.



If you want to make the power a little more powerful - covers two areas instead of one then how about this.

Life Support Variant: PR=1 per hour. Survive any level of atmospheric pressure. He can survive the vacuum of space to the depths of the ocean floor without aid. He can also go without breathing (holding breathe) during the same duration. Not usable as a defense.

It is all about how weak you want the power to start out.  We can easily have it covering 2 areas and then add 2 more at a time.  I was just making it as you requested, covering only 1 area.



Glad I asked too

Life Support Variant: PR=1 per hour. Survive any level of atmospheric pressure. He can survive the vacuum of space to the depths of the ocean floor without aid. He can also go without breathing (holding breathe) during the same duration. Not usable as a defense.


Couldn't have asked for anything better, thanks.

Uhm "space booster'? I mean I know you mean teleport booster but if he's on the space station he should be in normal jump range anyway. Not to mention the booster has some very specific requirements at this time to work - no use putting himself out of business :)

Thanks Pal
John R


Hey Tom

OOC: Sorry if it's too much. I can post it as a Side Shot if that would be better?

<DarkStar Response/Actions: IC>

Slowly the sounds of electronic and mechanical devices started to pierce the veil of Commander Rose’s consciousness. A light, soft at first, slowly began growing in strength till it became blinding in its intensity. The commander tried to speak, but only a rough gravelly cough escaped his throat. Suddenly there were hands behind his head and the taste of cool water slowly trickled past his lips. Then a familiar voice “Take it easy Commander. You’re okay. Give yourself some time to adjust.” Time, time, time, never enough time. Get up you lazy yahoo, there’s work to be done.

“The light’s too bright, Cybil where’s my goggles?” Well that’s stupid, like Cybil’s going to hand me my goggles. Then suddenly hands were placing the custom-made diatanium lenses over his eyes. Blinking a few times till his eyes adjusted, Joshua looked up and smiled as he saw the familiar face of Commander Astro. “Hey Jim, good to see you … I guess” Looking around the hi-tech med-lab, Joshua knew he was on Space Station One, and that hadn’t been part of the plan. “Hmm, so let me guess, It looks like I needed cab fare home last night?”

During the next few hours Joshua allows the doctors and scientist to continue observing his condition. Xovert Le Tize explains to him the situation. Commander Rose had been undergoing minute mutations as a result of the solar storm a few years ago. Somehow the trauma he has sustained fighting the Dhole had accelerated the process, explaining the loss of his electrical powers, only to be stabilized the energy generated during Project Ares. He’d no longer be able to generate an electrical field, but his whole body was now stronger, something akin to a bluish-black bio-adamantium.

Joshua spent some time reviewing corporate reports displayed by Cybil of the situations with StarCorp and Manpower. Trish has shown amazing initiative and imagination getting the oversea licenses to sell diatanium in Great Britain. I think I’m going to have to see this Professor Abercrombie personally before we go any further though … and why the intense interest in Meta-Manpower from Germany? Something doesn’t smell right . . . “and what the hell is Ether-Space?” A few minutes later Commander Astro drops by to walk Rose to the launch platform reserved for the Cerulean Commander’s teleports.

“Well Josh, it might not have been the spectacular event you were going for, but at least the teleport booster works.” Although disappointed, Rose acknowledges the truth of Astro’s statement. “Yeah, who knew fighting demonic monsters could be so hazardous to your health? And you’re right; with phase one complete, I can start on developing a smaller version of the device capable of working within a ship like Mary Ellen or your own spacecraft Astro. In the meanwhile, I’m going to have fun exploring Mars, its moons and the Asteroid Belt a bit … “

“ … but first a couple hours with Alicia on a Miami beach, and then back to the Quest.”



Hey Tom

Was going over my post for DarkStar - yes it’s that boring of a Sunday. It occurred to me that Rose wouldn’t do anything before finding out the nature and limits of his powers after the transformation. With that in mind it seemed natural he would stop by Meta-Manpower - the most likely place he'd go to test his new strength and ability to resist damage. I don’t think his ability to not need to breathe would reveal itself though the ability to survive in a vacuum or the ocean deep might.

Regardless I thought it might mix well with John G/Windblown/Kevin's training for his new job at Meta-Manpower - a whole dual cameo thing. Or I could turn it into a Side Shot if you already have this issues stuff with John G/Windblown planned out. Cool either way - just thought it more in Roses character than laying on the beach after such a traumatic change in his physiology

Later Gater


That is fine; you can role-play his working out and Windblown in being shown in his secret identity.  It would be interesting to see their reaction considering they have seen each other’s faces but the hiring manager doesn't know that you both know each other.

There is time between now and the 17th for DarkStar and Windblown players to email out a little dialogue if you want to.



Sorry can’t help it, but since Jon is continuing to take Adamas along this "theme"  of his . . .

 . . .  I just had to suggest a story device  . . . lmao

How about GIANT or a bad guy find a young girl floating in space with his same powers? No? How about a horse? No that's stupid, how about a dog every boy needs a dog?

Too much? Probably but I bet you got something in mind don't ya? Something that’ll help us discover his "origin" maybe.

Oh and I'm serious about the dog thing, sorta. I'm a big dog person. I liked Krypto. Dorky but true. You read any of Butcher's Harry Dresden stuff? If not you should.

Okay I'll leave you alone dude -take it easy



A dog? I have not read Butcher's Harry Dresden stuff but I am reading "I am Number 4".  It has a dog in it {Insert loud maniacal GM laughter here}.

I loved that dog in the movie.  Yes, a dog around the mansion would be a good thing, especially a stray that shows up and nobody knows where it came from {Insert loud maniacal GM laughter here}.

Thanks for the idea.  I will see what I can do with that.




Don’t know a thing about #4 but Dresden is a wizard - a powerful street detective wizard in the modern streets of Chicago - could be Street Patrol or Quest character - the dog (awesome character very smart -like people smart) is a Temple Dog (as yet not truly defined) and appears at least as powerful as Dresden. Donnah would love him

You'd probably make him into a damn demon dog though LOL

later bro

Agent America

OOC: GIANT. That's awesome.

Agent America thanked and paid the Craftsman.
"Have a think about those missile launchers and I'll see you soon."

In Vegas, the seductive super-spy never calls Madge by her unfortunate name. He'll call her Baby. Gorgeous. Honey. But never Madge.

After a big win at the tables, the Man from MEDUSA heads home before he has time to give it all back.

He'll contact Arcane when he's back in Megalopolis, via the necklace gizmo. "Checking in, Doc. What's the good word?"

OOC: At what stage is the Safeguard plan?


 OOC: At what stage is the Safeguard plan?
Well that sounds downright ominous

Those darn sneaky GM's always throwing a curveball when you’re looking for the heater

I like how you’re really playing up the super-spy angle for AA Jeff. He is starting to come across more like a star-spangled Nick Fury every issue now. It's not like you do any other writing in your spare time  You ought to write up a side adventure/flash back or two for him. I'd love to see some stuff that gives us more of a feel of his "character/personality"

John R

Agent America


I enjoy reading your side stories. And I love how Tom pulls it all together.

You know I'm strapped for time. But if I wasn't, I'd still be tempted to NOT write flashback stuff. Keeping the mystery alive kinda suits this character.



OOC: At what stage is the Safeguard plan?

Dr. Avery has made arrangements with the muesum and the owner of the rare isotope for the transfer to occur.  He has contracted Safeguard to provide the transportation vehicle (armored car) and to have The LodeStone ride within the car.  The date has been decided on 3 days from now but Dr. Avery has not work out with Safeguard with the rest of their Superheroes assist or not.

The LodeStone is from The Amazing Floop Brothers from Opponents Unlimited.  AA can meet with the Safeguard team before transport occurs if he wants to.


Agent America

America wants to discuss the transport with Safeguard.
A few questions first:
I don't have Opponent's Unlimited. What is the Lodestone. Is the Lodestone the rare isotopes?
What is the Cloak? Where did we get it?
Where are we transporting from and to?



America wants to discuss the transport with Safeguard.

okay give me your basic questions and discussion points and it will be part of next issue.

What is the Lodestone. Is a Licensed Super Hero.  His name is The LodeStone.  He has the ability to absorb magic around him.  Basically a human magic negation field.

The rare isotope is a unique mineral with radioactive properties.

The Cloak is the least powerful of the artifacts.  It grants its owner the Power over Movement. It has the power to grant flight, prevent undesired movement to owner (knockback, teleportation, dimension travel, etc...). It has to be bond to its owner through a special ceremony. While it is ownerless it can only be moved by carrying it while walking.

From the same Museum as the Orbs.

From the Museum to the Scientific Lab to get the Isotope then to the GIANT Research facility to drop off the Isotope then to the Mansion with the Cloak.


Agent America

Last OOC Questions before AA talks to Safeguard. (Will we have the chance to talk with Safeguard next issue?)

Why not transport the isotope and cloak separate from each other?

Where did we find the isotope?

Does Lodestone negate the cloak's powers/requirements?



Will we have the chance to talk with Safeguard next issue? Yes you will.

You can definitely recommend to Dr. Avery that his idea of hiding the Cloak's movement with movement of the Isotope is a bad idea.  He will listen.

Dr. Avery knew the Isotope was being moved from CHESS Agent Prince.  He was asking for something that was being moved that could work as cover for the Cloak's movement.

Yes, The LodeStone negates the Cloak's power so it can be driven in a wheeled vehicle.  He is not powerful enough to allow any other type of transportation though.


Agent America

If we can talk to Safeguard next ish, I'm done with IC stuff.

More OOC:
Is the Cloak the next Quest item, like the orbs or the dragon? When did we first discover it/become aware of it?  Sorry I'm behind on this subject.

Jeff / Agent America

Agent America
OOC: Thanks.
Where did the isotope come from, before CHESS took ownership? Thanks.


I will answer this in next issue.




Okay here's where Tom chuckles, Jeff laughs and Jon smacks in the back of the head like Denozo on NCIS.

First e-mail I saw Jeff mention Safeguard I thought he had some nefarious plan tied into the earlier information he bought on everyone.

Thought he was going all Batman on us. You know a Kryptonite bullet for Adamas, I yellow paint gun for Windblown, a gag for DarkStar. I thought it was a codename for his "plan" not the name or a Transport Company.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn’t mean AA isn't out to get us (ROFLMAO)

Hey a transport company? What’s up with that Doc? I do believe Joshua just might be slightly offended (LOL)

Later Guys
John R

Agent America

I think you're thinking of "Plan B," not Safeguard.  :)

Is that why you were asking for AA to reveal more of his personality? haha


Safeguard is a Security company which employs Licensed Super Heroes as part of their security team.  Protecting items in transit is part of their services.  Nothing in StarCorp's mission statement led me to believe that "Protection from Super Villain Theft" was part of the services offered.  While Dr. Avery knew that DarkStar did that by himself on consulting contracts, he doesn't have the right skill set to move the Cloak and besides Joshua was focused on traveling to Mars.  When Joshua gave the bar title to Kevin, Dr. Avery decided to contact Safeguard.

I will respond on the Cloak in the next email.



Mission Statement? Hrumph.

I feel like the contractor whose wife hired a plumber to fix a clogged pipe. "But honey ..."

OOC: So just what is a leveraged buyout? and What's it going to cost to acquire Star err Safeguard (joking, just joking - sorta ) I smell some good old fashion Deux es Machina coming our way

You rock Tom
John R


If DarkStar would rather walk with the Cloak from the Museum to the Mansion, I am sure Dr. Avery would listen to Joshua's plan on how he planned to walk with the Cloak without being noticeable.



While walking is one way to go but I was thinking as a transport ... nope can’t do it ... while I'm sure StarCorp ought to have some appropriate set of vehicles for something like this, I’m having too much fun watching Jeff/AA taking point.

I'm just waiting for AA to suggest using his super-spy car. What no? Ahhh come on Jeff you know you want to!
Tom I'm curious do you get a kick out of seeing Vanguard "published"? I mean I do. Vanguard's awesome, but when you contribute to it (like we do Megalopolis) it just kicks it up a notch.

Thanks Man


OOC: Guys, I haven’t had a lot of time recently, and I think I’m pretty much lost on what’s going on.  The last I knew we were wrapping up the last adventure, and had some downtime.  DarkStar was doing his sideshot, but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to respond to that in this venue or not. 
I know I’d sent in my training stuff, and got Tom’s responses, but other than that, I’m totally lost on the Safeguard stuff.  Maybe I missed an email.  I think I picked up that Dr. Avery was moving something, and was using his cape to hide it… I don’t know where the Isotope comes in, but I’m game to do whatever the team needs Adamas to do.  He’ll fly point on any transport, or ride along whatever Dr. Avery thinks is best.  I’m going to respond here to the sideshot… that can be worked in or added to the Yahoo Megalopolis blog if it should go there.
Let me know if I’m missing something, and I’ll respond.
DarkStar Semi Annual 2011.
OOC: Adamas readily agreed to help his friend locate the SSPS platform on Mars.  As Joshua already had it in orbit it was relatively easy for Adamas.  The trip to Mars from Earth was a short jaunt for Adamas.  He’d often found himself drawn to the red planet, and the locations Joshua had chosen for his platform were interesting in and of themselves.  Adamas agreed to stand by at the agreed upon time in order to provide any aid that might be required, or simply to provide a ride home for DarkStar if things didn’t go as planned.  Luckily it appeared their communicators were not limited by distance, and Adamas was able to continue to communicate with him as preparations on Earth continued. 
Once the platform was prepared, Joshua and Adams re-entered the spacecraft to discuss specifics.  Adamas was again surprised by the technology commander Rose had at his disposal.  He was able to pull up holographic images of the planetary system in great detail.  Adamas had always thought most of the maps he’d seen were a little simplistic.  Most showed the planets circling the sun in concentric circles or ellipses.  The planets actually circled the Sun in shells, very similar to the way electrons circled an atom.  It appeared that they were actually approaching a time when Mars and the Earth would be in closer proximity that they were usually.  This would hopefully make what DarkStar had in mind a little easier. 
They calculated it would take Adamas close to two days to reach his destination as fast as he dared fly towing the platform.  He’d have to approach the planet slowly to prevent damage to the platform.  The platform itself was not that heavy, but it was bulky.  Adamas also had the same concerns with the platform he’d had with the Statue he’d flung into the sun what now seemed ages ago.  He’d had a lot of practice with that transport, and he’d wanted to try some things that might work better in space than they did on earth.   As he left orbit and flew toward the red planet, he kept the platform behind him, continually scanning the area ahead and to the sides for micro meteors.  Since his battle with the Star Devourer he’d been hoping to practice maintaining a continuous blast from his eyes. 
This seemed like a great time to practice that so he began targeting small objects in space, trying to focus farther and farther ahead, stretching his ability to focus on distant and small objects.  As he continued his trek over the next couple of days, He found that although he could not maintain a continuous blast, he was able to release blast in rapid succession.  He was also able to focus attacks further and further out.  He also found that by focusing very low energy rays, he was actually able to see through certain materials.  He’d never really just played with his powers like this, and was actually enjoying the solitude and practice as he found himself approaching Mars. 
As he came closer, he first saw Mars’ two moons, then as he drew closer, he began to see some artificial satellites, it appeared someone else was still interested in what was happening on the Earth’s sister planet.  He could easily see the area where Joshua wanted to platform located as he approached the Cydonia region.  He found the plateau and gently lowered the platform, and opened the solar panels that would provide power for the lights and limited life support inside the transport chamber. 
Once everything was in place, he reached out to Commander Rose to let him know everything was ready on his side….
Outside the platform, he heard the now familiar ***Whoump*** that accompanied DarkStars teleportation.  Adamas thought to DarkStar, “Congratulations DarkStar, and welcome to Mars.”  He waited a few seconds, but heard no response.  He looked through the Diatanium windows DarkStar had added to the platform and saw what appeared to be an unconscious DarkStar lying on the floor of the platform.  He quickly opened the hatch and entered.  DarkStars space suit appeared to be undamaged.  Adamas began to closely go over the suit, carefully searching for any small punctures or tears that might make space travel dangerous for DarkStar.  As he focused smaller and smaller, he found he could actually see the minute fibers that made up the suit, but found no damage.  He quickly picked up the unconscious blue form and headed back to Earth with considerable more haste than he had spent travelling to Mars.  He headed to Space Station I as they had discussed. 
As they entered the airlock, only moments after they’d left Mars, Adamas handed Commander Rose’s unconscious form to the emergency personnel on the station,  the very same ones that had probably taken care of him when the astronauts found him, floating freely in space.  As they wheeled Rose into a sterile environment, Adamas reached out to Dr. Avery and the rest of the team to inform them what was going on.   He turned to face Commander Astro and quickly related what had happened.

Hammer Time!