Sunday, December 12, 2010

Archer: Taking up the Bow - Issue 1

At school after lunch, focusing on studies is not easy.  The desire to use the laptop to search the web for info on Megalopolis is greater than the desire to take the practice test. “I still need to find my safe house”, he thinks to himself.

Closing Internet Explorer, he notices that there are two new emails and neither are from class mates.  The first one is from the Craftsman.  He would like to have a meeting to introduce himself.  He provides directions to a warehouse in the Foundry.

The second email is from someone calling himself The Oracle.  He informs you that the Talons reach has made it to Megalopolis.  It will be grasping nicotine tonight.  If you want to stop the smoking habit before it starts. Patrol the docks tonight. Closing the email, he turns to the web browser.  Doing a quick search on nicotine and Megalopolis, He finds there are 17 different companies to quick smoking, 5 stores that specialize in selling smoking accessories, and 1 about the Vigilante Lightning Fist and a motorcycle gang called the Nicotine.  They have a history of violence and drug selling.

Do you meet with the Craftsman?

Go to the Docks?

Street Patrol?