Friday, June 14, 2019

Crusades: DarkStar Maneuver - Issue 46

{Location: Everglades Florida}

The New Crusaders travel to the military base that the Crusader Jet was at. Evergreen and StrikeForce retrieved the Crusader Shuttle from where Dr. Wildman and she had left it. Evergreen took the opportunity to train StrikeForce on the basics on the controls.

{GM Note: Manta Man healed 2 Hit Points. Current Hit Points are 3}

After all had properly rested, the New Crusaders flew the Crusader Jet to Atlanta where the near CHESS Office was located. Black Orchid quickly gained access to a lab. With the UK MoD providing the information they had obtained from the raid of Dr. Velo’s lab and the CHESS Rook technicians assisting; she was able to quickly determine how to invent a compound to slow the reaction time of Dr Velo’s compound. Since Black Orchid had access to the best tech available at the CHESS facility and Dr. Velo didn’t she was confident that he hadn’t finished creating his compound from the stolen chemicals while she had completed her task.

{GM Note: Invention provided the following power: NEGATION: Duration reduced by 1 month, Opposing Save Bonus +6, 1 Charge 0    Limited Damage Type - specific form (-10), Reduced charges (-22.5)}.

During the same time Manta Man took both Skink and himself to the medical facility in the CHESS Offices. Manta Man received medical treatment while they ran Skink through a series of scans and tests.

{GM Note: Medical attention provided Manta Man another healing event. He healed 2 Hit Points. He now has 5 Hit Points}

Manta Man checked on the status of Skink. The CHESS doctor told him there were still several more hours of testing to be performed.

Manta Man asked StrikeForce to assist him in a CHESS engineering lab that was available for their use. Together they were able to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Manta Man’s suit. The improvement increased the electrical defense capabilities of his suit.

{Manta Man used experience points and inventing points to increase his Electrical Field from d6+1 to d8+1}.

Evergreen and Dr. Wildman communicated with Blitzkrieg on the Dr. Velo case. The man they have captured had not provided any concrete evidence that Dr. Velo is in America or what his plans were. The British Authorities believe they have the real Dr. Velo. They believe this is Dr. Velo trying to escape conviction by using the “It wasn’t me, the real Supervillian put me in the costume” defense. Blitzkrieg tried explaining that Dr. Wildman could smell the difference but until another Dr. Velo is produced they planned to prosecute the Dr. Velo they had to the fullest extent possible.

Near the end of the day, Manta Man and the rest of the New Crusaders checked on Skink. They were shocked when they saw that Skink had grown a tail! It was an extremely flexible tail. He could lift himself with it, just like he was using one of his arms to pull himself up. He was able to hold objects with it. He had successfully held two at one time.

{GM Note: Skink’s mutation resulted in the following power: PHYSICAL ABILITY: Extra Limb, Tail, hold 2 objects, +1 Mass for KB, +3 to Acrobatic tasks}

The CHESS doctor explained to everyone that Skink has skink iterons genetically laced with his human ones. It is very common defense of reptiles like the skink to release its tail when it is grabbed by a predator. The skink will grow back the tail later. That is what happened here. The skink iterons asserted itself to grow a missing tail but the tail is still laced with human iterons which the only appendage it could relate to was an arm. So the tail has the musculature of human arm and skink tail combined.

Dr. Wildman checked on Manta-Man and Skink. Dr Wildman cast heal on Manta-Man four times. Manta-Man thanked the Dynamic Druid for the help

{GM Note: The heal spells provided Manta-Man 4 HPs healing. He healed 4 Hit Points. He now has 9 Hit Points}

Long into the night at the CHESS gyms, he trains with it on the parallel bars, the uneven bars and the rings, and it the weight room with it until it really is like another arm... It grew quick... and he hopes that villains won’t be able to break it off and he’ll have to run around with a tail hole stump while it grows back, like a real Skink.

Dr. Wildman watched Skink to make sure the transformation wasn’t harmful to his friend.

The Skink had been practicing nonstop with his new tail, shaky at first, then horrified by it. Skink’s thoughts were filled with concern about having to learn how to poop/ wondering how to hide it, how dating is possible now. He thought the claws and fangs were bad, but THIS...

CHESS Rooks helped Skink with a new costume to accommodate the mutation.

The New Crusaders flew back to the Florida military base.

StrikeForce asked his teammates. "All right, quick show of hands, who’s would be up for grabbing some rest before interrogating Swamp Rat and Shaman in the morning?"

The majority of the New Crusaders indicated they preferred the search option instead of the interrogating of the two captured villains.

Manta Man indicated that he was concerned about searching at night. While a lot of the team had senses that help with sensing in the darkness, not all of them did. It would be easy to fall into another trap like we did last time when they were searching the hut in the middle of the night. Manta Man added he could use one more night’s rest as well.

Adamas nodded to the team.  “Very well, we should probably all rest then”.  After resting, he'll join those searching, as planned.

{GM Note: Manta Man healed 2 Hit Points. Current Hit Points are 11}

In the morning all the New Crusaders gathered.

Dr. Wildman cast heal twice on Manta-Man.

{GM Note: Manta Man healed 2 Hit Points. Current Hit Points are 13}

The New Crusaders went to the island where the ambush occurred.

Dr Wildman said “I will track the thieves.” He asked if Skink wanted to come with him. “I will use my favored wolf form to investigate and track any scents.” Dr. Wildman told Skink.

 The Skink was still groggy from mutating, but shook it off, always up for superheroing, and enthusiastically joined Dr. Wildman on the mission. "You got it, Doc, let's hit it!"

Dr. Wildman turned into a wolf tracking the scents around. Both Skink and he followed different trails that led to the same spot to the water’s edge. Dr Wildman turned into a Crocodile and motioned for Skink to climb onto his back. The two attempted to follow the path in the swamp.

Adamas scanned the area with his enhanced vision looking for clues that might lead them on their quests next leg. He looked for tracks or construction nearby.

StrikeForce attempted to identify any electronic signals in the area.

The other New Crusaders attempted various ideas to try to discover where the stolen chemicals were taken.

At the end of the first day, they made a campfire on one of the larger islands and bedded down for the night.

The next morning the New Crusaders put out the campfire, had a quick breakfast, and started the search again.

StrikeForce in frustration determined there wasn’t any telecommunications activity occurring that he could find and use to trace back to Dr. Velo.

Skink and Dr. Wildman reached a dead end as well. While they were certain of the direction the thieves went, the swamp water wasn’t stagnant enough to maintain a trail. They didn’t have anything to follow.

Adamas used his Ethereal Vision for the next two hours scanning the direction indicated. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Slowly he gazed at the clump of trees that had briefly caught his attention; he saw there were 5 trees obscuring an object. Slowly he focused his vision to penetrate the density of the trees. There was a structure in the center of them. As he looked at each tree, he saw that hidden cameras and electronic eyes where hidden within the trunks of them.

“I found the island”, Adamas said.

"Good job Adamas," StrikeForce replied, "how much are you able to see?"

Dr Wildman used his grow plants cantrip to create a 3D model of the layout of the surrounding area as described by Adamas using the abundance of vegetation around them.

Turning to Dr. Wildman, he said, “if necessary, we could use you to gather some more Intel in one of you animal forms,"

Dr Wildman nodded at StrikeForce and considered the options before him. He turned to Adamas and asked: “How far from here is the island you spotted?" He used his cantrip to grow a brightly colored plant as a marker to position the team on the map.

StrikeForce attempted to scan towards the area Adamas indicated to see if he can pick up any information. He wasn’t able to see or hear anything beyond what Adamas had already told them.

"Can I suggest that we try and get Adamas close enough to the island that he can use his Ethereal Vision to penetrate the external disguise and see what going on inside the Island? I'm happy to do some reconnaissance StrikeForce. I suspect if I flew onto the island as something a...Little Green Heron I'd have the liberty to hop and fly around without arousing suspicion. But if he can see what’s going on behind the scenes that may give us better options? "

Dr Wildman looked at Black Orchid: "My dear Orchid, you are our stealth expert...have you any thoughts about how can we get Adamas nearer to the island undetected? It has occurred to me that most of us can operate equally well in the darkness of night as we can during the day". He looked around at StrikeForce, Skink and then back at Black Orchid. "That might be an option."

StrikeForce replied, "Options are always beneficial."

Never unprepared to jump in when the conversation goes quiet the ever effervescent Englishman paused for a heartbeat then launched in again: "Of course another option is the underwater that could be fun! Very James Bond." With a gesture of his hand he causes the floral map to rise by a foot and creates a bed of blue flowers underneath. "Adamas with his fine set of lungs..." Dr Wildman unconsciously taps the adamantium alien on his chest as if testing the integrity of a wall to make his point. "...would be able to join Manta Man and myself on an underwater reconnaissance trip and use his vision to get a good view of entrance and exit points. Presumably if Velo is here this is the place he intends to dump his chemical doomsday weapon ...he must be close to refining it by now. We might also be able to sabotage any mechanism he plans to use to deliver the chemical."

Manta-Man said, “The Island is about 5 miles away, it is 1 o'clock in the afternoon, it is a cloudy overcast day.”

Dr Wildman paused again this time simply to take a breath then relaunched into a continued cascade of external processing: "It would seem sensible to sabotage what we can, destroy Velo's chemical compound or if the very worst happens use Orchids formula to temporarily negate its effect. But our bigger more ethical challenge is that Velo knows the formula and the compounds he needs are accessible...we need to think of the future as well as our present dilemma..." Dr Wildman left that sentence trail off, with his normal smile replaced with a determined gritting of teeth as he allowed the profound enormity of their situation wash over the team. "We can't allow him to destroy the earth now, or at any time in the future."

"Doc, I agree with you about the reconnaissance option. Formulating our attack strategy would be easier if we are able to factor in as many variables as possible." Looking around at the rest of the team, StrikeForce asked, "What are your thoughts?"

Adamas magnified his ethereal vision in an attempt to tell if there are electronic surveillance devices underwater. He spotted there was several at the edge of the Island.

Adamas shared with the team that there were surveillance devices under the surface of the water. "Perhaps the good Doctor could take out a few of the surveillance devices making it look random." He did his best to remember their positions which Dr Wildman marked with bright yellow flowers on the floral map.

Adamas studied the map with his arms crossed, the breeze catching his cape causing it to undulate with the air currents. "Of course we could just go nuclear..." His deep voice resonated in the silence. ",,,but let me be clear I'm not down with taking anyone out permanently; I'm no assassin." StrikeForce nodded in silent agreement.

Dr Wildman knew that comment was weighted at him. "Forgive me for the confusion caused by what I said. I have no intention of assassinating any one. All of life is precious, but that is exactly the point and why the dilemma exists. Velo's intent is to rid the world of all life, not just humanity but every animal and plant; and he has not only the means to do it but the knowledge to keep on doing it."

The druid looked intently at both Adamas and StrikeForce. "I know I'm new to all of this but please understand this needs more than invulnerable fists and glowing judo sticks. We may stop him now but he is only one water supply away from achieving his goal...and the whole premise is that we are quicker than him in stopping him now, but we know that speed is one of his scientific fields of expertise. We may win this race through surprise but what about next time?"

"Just because it’s a difficult dilemma doesn't mean we can ignore it...this is potentially an extinction level event we are facing down, but unlike an asteroid that can be knocked out of the way, this has the potential to keep on coming back. We can go nuclear or stealthily...but the problem will remain: Dr Velo has in his mind the chemical formula to destroy everything and he's insane enough to use it!"

Evergreen nodded knowingly as Dr. Wildman spoke. She would glance from time to time to Manta-Man. It was obvious to all the New Crusaders this wasn't the first time this topic was discussed between members of the Crusaders.

Manta-Man said, “We understand your concern Dr. Wildman. This isn't the first villain with the knowledge, ability, and willingness to implement mass destruction and deaths. There are a lot of heroes that have 2 of the 3 qualities themselves. There are laws and courts to handle this. Please remember as Licensed Superheroes we are all subject to the DSA Code of Conduct rules for Licensed Superheroes."

 "First Rule: The lives and safety of innocent bystanders will always be protected."

"Second Rule: The lives and safety of you (the licensed superhero) and members of your team will be protected to the extent it doesn't conflict with the first rule."

"Third Rule: The lives and safety of all opponents (meaning the non licensed superhero) will be protected to the extent that it doesn't conflict with the first two rules."

"Once we stop and capture Dr. Velo, and we will do both, it is up to the courts to decide how dangerous he is and the appropriate punishment for his crimes.  In the US we have the Fear Island  Super-Penitentiary located on one of the Refuge Island in Megalopolis. It does its job well. Escapes are rare and with the New Crusaders, CHESS, and other superhero teams located in Megalopolis, no one has tried a mass breakout yet."

"This isn't like a T.V. show or movie where the audience falls in love with the actor playing the villain so now no jail or prison can hold him because he needs to keep showing up in the sequels."

"The courts accept Licensed Superheroes as expert witnesses during the trial and sentencing. Evergreen, Dr. Wildman, and any other New Crusader can testify what is in their expert opinion the best method for sentencing. It is for cases like Dr. Velo that all states in the USA still have the death penalty for convicted Super Villains."

Manta-Man paused to allow others to think on what he said and offer a response if they choose.

​Dr Wildman's warm smile returned to his face and his arms out in an open gesture: "Of course...of dear Manta-Man; and once again let me underline my position...I am not seeking Velo's life but exploring whether there is a creative way that we can deal with the dilemma before us. Mankind even in its worst moments must find a way to thrive alongside the natural order of things." ​

Evergreen said in a controlled, even tone, "You know my stance, if caught in your country then your rules. If caught in one of the hidden societies then my rules. Dr. Velo better not escape again and if he does Dr. Velo better choose where he runs to wisely."

​Dr Wildman placed a hand on the shoulder of the two heroes in front of him and in a whispered tone comments to Adamas and StrikeForce: "You can't tame nature..." He winked at them and then crouched down over the floral map. With a clap of his hands as if to punctuate the moment he declared "So then...if we are going 'nuclear' - let's find some crocodiles!"​

When all was said and done Dr Wildman used his Druidic knowledge to seek out the biggest crocodile he could find! Dr Wildman was successful. He discovered a 15 foot long night Crocodile.

Dr. Wildman successfully used the amulet of charming to put the crocodile under his control.

There are two ways in from underneath the island. There was a man size airlock and there was a door that appeared to be a dock for an underwater vehicle to exit through.

Manta-Man asked, "So no underwater assault? We are all attacking surface side through the two entrances; the entrance between the trees and the one that Adamas makes?”

"Oh no" interjects Dr Wildman, “we are so going underwater...just mind the battling crocs! We'll crash the surveillance devices and you follow in our wake. We'll need you to find the underwater entrances whilst me and Tic Toc here..." He nodded at the charmed 15 foot crocodile beside him..."cause a rumpus!"

Adamas nodded his head, "That plan is acceptable as well. I will follow the crocks, scanning for an underwater entrance.”

Manta-Man was confused for a moment then he remembered his discussion with Dr Arcane about Adamas. Dr Arcane wanted to make sure that Manta-Man understood that Adamas did not always understand idioms and slang as he wasn’t an alien raised on Earth but was found and brought to Earth when he was an adult. Adamas had come a long way and wasn’t as socially awkward as he use to be.

Manta-Man said, “No, Adamas we still want you to perform your DarkStar Maneuver, smashing down into the Island coming from sub-orbit.”

“Right,” Dr Wildman said, “My understanding of the plan is I will create a fog and those on the ground slip across to the island. Adamas takes to the skies and dive bombs the base meanwhile I will let the fog dissipate and with TicToc and Manta Man go on underwater assault mode. We attack on three levels air, land and underwater.”

"I dunno what im gonna do about all that swimmin," the Skink said, poking his head into the water, looking around with Thermo-Vision, "but these crocs are like three or four of me in mass, so sneakin in is no problem... staying under that long? the pressure? could be trouble... could be MY kind of trouble..Im in!"

"Doc, what kinda control you got over the crocs? Can it tow me for cover? I aint gettin near that thing's trap or cloaca! Are we blitzing them or going for stealth? Whos gonna handle barriers?”

Dr Wildman couldn't help but admire the plucky teenager and then internally wondered if anyone used the term 'plucky' anymore.

"To be honest Skink, to a certain I think we are making this up as we go. When it comes to survival: plan as best you can and then adapt from there!" He flashed an encouraging grin.

"Perhaps a better way is for Manta Man to tow you behind our 'distraction run' through the surveillance gear. There will be less chaos for you to orientate yourself and I wouldn't want you to catch a tail blow by accident! You seem to have mastered yours, but that's a human mind steering, not a charmed croc! I guess we are going to be churning up a lot of silt and stuff so visibility in our immediate vicinity will be minimal; and if we encounter 'obstacles' - well we will probably need you and your mentor to help us deal with them." He looked between MM and Skink: "How's that for a plan?"

Manta-Man agreed, "Yes I think that will work fine, I can tow Skink by using a cable or cord."

Adamas agreed to follow the team's lead providing overhead surveillance for the team until everyone was in place.

{GM Note: Adamas’ view from space}

Dr Wildman used his cowl of storms to form a mist to cover the movement of the ground based assault.

Manta-Man signaled he was in position with Skink while distraction by crocs was occurring. He had control of the door and could open it when signaled.

Black Orchid discovered that the trees hid an elevator which she was able to open the panel to it. She opened the elevator with electronic by-passes. She couldn’t tell how many levels are below but her best guess was more than 3.

Adamas focused and magnified on the area where Black Orchid should be {GM Note: Black Orchid is invisible and can’t be seen by Adamas}

Adamas used his Ethereal Vision to see below the Island surface. It is at his limit but he is able to see through. {GM Note: Adamas can see through Structure Rating 10 or less. He would have to spend 2 power points to push himself to see through SR 12. The ceiling and floors of all levels of the base are SR 10 so he can see without pushing}

Adamas looked at the second level of the base. He couldn’t find his target, the water purifier tank.

Adams looked at the third level of the base. He would have to look even further below to find his objective.

Adamas looked at the fourth level of the base. So far he had looked at 4 underground levels and still hadn’t found it. “How far down does this base go?” Adamas thought.

Finally on the fifth level, Adamas had found his objective. He knew he was going to have to push himself and use his optic power blast as well to get through the ceilings of 5 levels and destroy the Water Purifier Tank.
Adamas mentally prepared himself. Adamas signaled the New Crusaders he was starting his attack. He told everyone to get ready to move on his mark.

“Mark!” Adamas said as the dove full speed through Earth’s atmosphere toward the Island base.

As he accelerated toward the island he pushed his speed as much as he was capable.

{GM Note: Spend 2 power points to double his speed and add +2 to his velocity damage}

As he closed on the area he planned to impact he blasted the spot with his powerful optic power blasts.


Adamas optic power blasts ripped wide open a hole in the Island. The New Crusaders watched as the Alien Powerhouse flew through the hole as his blasts struck the floor of Level A.

{GM Note: He pushed each power blast with 2 power points for +2 damage points for each blast. Adamas power blast did 41 points of damage to the Island ground. The Island ground floor and ceiling of the first level, called Level A had a structure rating of 10. The SR absorbed 10 points of damage. Adamas’ power blasts were now 31 damage points. Using 7 damage points would create a 5 foot hole (1” in game terms on the map) which would be big enough for him to pass through at full speed. 7 points are removed from the 31 leaving Adamas with 24 damage points}

Adamas optic power blasts ripped wide open a hole in the floor of Level A. Guards reacted in shock as an intruder ripped through Level A, diving down into Level B! Before they could react the intruder was gone, continuing his power dive!

{GM Note: Adamas has 24 damage points left. The Ceiling of Level B has a SR of 10. It absorbs 10 damage points; Adamas has 14 damage points left. To create another 5 foot hole requires 7 points. 7 points are removed leaving Adamas with 7 damage points from his optic power blast.}

He flew through Level B without being seen.


As Adamas’ power blast weakened but failed to penetrate the ceiling C he stuck it with his diamond hard fists and he flew full speed into the attack. The ceiling gave easily as he rocketed through Level C without encountering any inference.

{GM Note:  All damage to a structure are added together, since there isn’t enough damage points left in his power blast attack, Adamas will now perform his move through attack from his dive. The move through attack has Adamas rolled his HtH damage, Velocity damage, and Mass dice for Mass damage. The smallest roll of the three rolls is set aside – which is his Mass roll.}

{GM Note: Adamas added 44 points of damage from his moved through attack to his remaining power blast damage. He has 51 damage points total. The ceiling of Level C has SR of 10 and creating a 5 foot hole requires 7 points for a total reduction of 17 points. Adamas has 34 damage points left}.


Adamas struck the ceiling of Level D! He smashed his way through as Adamas smiled in grim determination as his target was close enough that the possibility of success seems imminent. A lone figure jerked up from his scientific equipment as the Diamond Dynamo flew past scattering the scientist’s formulas and notes on chemical compounds.

{GM Note: Adamas had 34 damage points. The ceiling of Level D has SR of 10 and creating a 5 foot hole requires 7 points for a total reduction of 17 points. Adamas has 17 damage points left}.


Adamas flew into Level E. Before him is the Water Purifier Tank, his intended target. He slammed into the tank with all his might! The tank ruptured with a 10 foot hole spilling water all over the floor. Within seconds the tank was empty and the water rushed through the rest of Level E.

{GM Note: Adamas had 17 damage points. The Water Purification Tank has a SR of 7. Reducing Adamas’ damage points to 10 remaining, when applied it creates a 10 foot hole (2 inch) in the Tank.}

Adamas sat up on the floor. He signaled to the New Crusaders he was successful. “Now all we have to do is capture the bad guys.” Manta-Man said.

{GM Note: The move through attack is self damaging since basically the Superhero is using its own body as a battering ram. Adamas rolled 44 points of damage. These 44 damage points are applied to Adamas as well. Adamas has Invulnerability to Kinetic damage. This stops 33 damage points leaving 11 points. He rolls with 5 for -5 PP and takes 6 damage points for -6 HP.}

StrikeForce launched himself into the air using the repulsion ability of his staff. He jump in an arc toward the hole create by Adamas. He dropped the hole easily. As he dropped threw Level A he saw the surprise guards stare at him as he dropped through the hole in the flow.

{GM Note: To make it through the second hole required an Agility Save. StrikeForce rolled a 6, which is less than the 12 needed. He easily made it through}

{GM Note: You can see Adamas on this map because it is the top level and there is a hole all the way to the bottom. I put Adamas there hopefully making it easier to distinguish it represents a hole through multiple floors. The hole is 1 inch (5ft) in size. It takes up the entire space on the map}

StrikeForce landed on Level B. He quickly checked his surroundings. He didn’t see anyone but he heard voices and movement in other rooms on this level. They were to the left of him. He could make out 5 voices and he recognized one of them. It was the Swamp Goat they had talked to before. The old coot that had told them about the white heron they had followed to the island where Swamp Rat and Sludge had attacked them.

{GM Note: StrikeForce failed to make it through the third hole. StrikeForce rolled a 20 which is an automatic failure}
Manta-Man opened the doors to the underwater dock. Manta-Man, Skink, Dr Wildman, and TicToc entered in the vacant dock. As they came in they saw a guard staring at them. It appeared he was a communications device which Manta-Man figured was a transponder to a Mini-Sub. The Mini-Sub must have been on a mission as it wasn’t in the dock. Manta-Man turned on his Lightning Defense.

Black Orchid overrode the elevators control. Evergreen and she rode it down to Level A. The doors opened. They look out to see 4 guards staring back at them. They had been taken by surprise and hadn’t readied to meet them when they arrived.

{GM Note: The Mighty Protector V&V 3.0 doesn’t have facing bonuses. In comic books and superhero movies the only time an opponent gets an advantage from being able to attack from the rear or side is when they are taking their target by surprise. Otherwise the Heroes and Villains are skilled enough fighters to fight without facing being a consideration. Because of this I am showing all the faces toward the reader, to make the map viewing easier.}

Battle Conditions (Mighty Protectors character data):
Adamas                       Hit Points:   18  Power Points:   49         Attack Style: Offensive
Black Orchid                Hit Points:   24  Power Points:   92         Invisible
StrikeForce                  Hit Points:   31  Power Points:   93         Attack Style: Offensive
The Skink                    Hit Points:   24  Power Points:   82         Attack Style: Defensive
Manta-Man                  Hit Points:   13  Power Points:   66         Lightning Defense: On
Dr. Wildman                 Hit Points:   18  Power Points:   60         Form of: Crocodile
Evergreen                    Hit Points:   23  Power Points:   66         Attack Style: Offensive
TicToc                          Hit Points:   26  Power Points:   76         Charmed Crocodile

Phase of Action for next turn:
[15]       Adamas
[12]       Skink
[ 7]       StrikeForce
[ 7]       Manta-Man
[ 7]       TicToc
[ 6]       Black Orchid
[ 5]       Dr. Wildman
[ 5]       TicToc

<Turns and Actions due July 2nd>

No problem Tom. Great issue.

"Good job Adamas," StrikeForce replies, "how much are you able to see?" Turning to Dr.Wildman, he says, " if necessary, we could use you to gather some more Intel in one of you animal forms,"

StrikeForce will attempt to scan towards the area Adamas indicated to see if he can pick up any information. If so, he will relay it to the team.

 I'm not 100% sure, am I here or doing the research at CHESS?

Either one is fine.

Great issue Tom, that was a lot of dialogue brilliantly stitched together.

OOC: When in the CHESS lab Dr Wildman would (out of professional interest) like to observe Skink's mutation. He'd also use his mending cantrip to speed up Manta Mans recovery. He'll use all his daily charges.

I thought that we were all together.

You are all together. Black Orchid finished her invention then the team travel back to the military base

 "Good job Adamas," StrikeForce replies, "how much are you able to see?"

Dr Wildman will use his grow plants cantrip to create a 3D model of the layout of the surrounding area as described by Adamas using the abundance of vegetation around them.

Turning to Dr.Wildman, he says, " if necessary, we could use you to gather some more Intel in one of you animal forms,"

Dr Wildman nods at StrikeForce and considers the options before him. He turns to Adamas and asks: " How far from here is the island you spotted?" He uses his cantrip to grow a brightly coloured plant as a marker to position the team on the map.

OOC: Tom, what is the current local time and what are the prevailing weather conditions please?

"Can I suggest that we try and get Adamas close enough to the island that he can use his Ethereal Vision to penetrate the external disguise and see what going on inside the Island? I'm happy to do some reconnaissance StrikeForce. I suspect if I flew onto the island as something a...Little Green Heron I'd have the liberty to hop and fly around without arousing suspicion. But if he can see whats going on behind the scenes that may give us better options? "

Dr Wildman looks at Black Orchid: "My dear Orchid, you are our stealth expert...have you any thoughts about how can we get Adamas nearer to the island undetected? It has occurred to me that most of us can operate equally well in the darkness of night as we can during the day". He looks around at StrikeForce, Skink and then back at Black Orchid. "That might be an option."

StrikeForce replied, "Options are allways beneficial."

The island is 5 miles away, it is 1 o'clock in the afternoon, It is a cloudy overcast day.

 Dr Wildman looks at Black Orchid: "My dear Orchid, you are our stealth expert...have you any thoughts about how can we get Adamas nearer to the island undetected? It has occurred to me that most of us can operate equally well in the darkness of night as we can during the day". He looks around at StrikeForce, Skink and then back at Black Orchid. "That might be an option."

Never unprepared to jump in when the conversation goes quiet the ever effervescent Englishman paused for a heartbeat then launched in again: "Of course another option is the underwater that could be fun! Very James Bond." With a gesture of his hand he causes the floral map to rise by a foot and creates a bed of blue flowers underneath. "Adamas with his fine set of lungs..." Dr Wildman unconsciously taps the adamantium alien on his chest as if testing the integrity of a wall to make his point. "...would be able to join Manta Man and myself on an underwater reconnaissance trip and use his vision to get a good view of entrance and exit points. Presumably if Velo is here this is the place he intends to dump his chemical doomsday weapon ...he must be close to refining it by now. We might also be able to sabotage any mechanism he plans to use to deliver the chemical ."

Dr Wildman paused again this time simply to take a breath then relaunched into a continued cascade of external processing: "It would seem sensible to sabotage what we can, destroy Velo's chemical compound or if the very worst happens use Orchids formula to temporarily negate its effect. But our bigger more ethical challenge is that Velo knows the formula and the compounds he needs are accessible...we need to think of the future as well as our present dilemma..." Dr Wildman left that sentence trail off, with his normal smile replaced with a determined gritting of teeth as he allowed the profound enormity of their situation wash over the team. "We can't allow him to destroy the earth now, or at anytime in the future."

"Doc, I agree with you about the reconnaissance option. Formulating our attack strategy would be easier if we are able to factor in as many variables as possible." Looking around at the rest of the team, StrikeForce asks, "What are your thoughts?"

 Can Adamas tell if there are electronic surveillance devices underwater?

 Yes, he can and yes there are devices underneath the island.

Reminder that turns are due on Monday after this weekend.

I need to know what is the "Nuclear" option and how the New Crusaders will implement it this turn.

Ooc: To me the Nuclear option to me is throwing stealth out the window, and hitting them fast and hard.  Forget the doors.  Adamas would try to determine where the chemicals are being stored, and "go in"  through the walls or cieling.  Doing as much damage as possible with a goal of getting the chemicals away so they are no longer a danger.  Then we deal with Doctor Velo.

Maybe Dr. Wildman can take out some sensors with local wildlife so the rest of the team can get. Close enough to come in fast after Adamas makes a door.  Adamas can "drop in" from sub orbit at top speed, for a bigger impact.

"Adamas can "drop in" from sub orbit at top speed, for a bigger impact."

So it Adamas calling this his "DarkStar Maneuver"?

 OOC: Having found the crocodile Dr Wildman will attempt to use his amulet of charming upon it to put it under his control.

 OOC: Tom, how many miles between where we are and the Steading? Am I in 'gate' range?

 OOC: If all goes to plan Dr Wildman will control the crocodile and will change into another croc. He can still use his amulet in animal form and will fake a croc fight that (coincidentally) smashes into surveillance equipment clearing a path for Manta Man to find a way in. If we meet resistance we attack, if we don't and we find a way we go. If no way in we (2 crocs) head to the surface. Once in Dr W will try to find the chemicals and gate them out...then we take on Dr Velo.

 OOC: If the good Dr could roll the fog in, would that cover our movement to the island?

 Hi guys. I’m out of the country for a week so I might not be able to respond much. The Black Orchid will turn invisible and beeline it to any electronics that she can analyze and potentially sabotage as needed

 Dr. Wildman successfully uses the amulet of charming to put the crocodile under his control.

 It is 1000 miles to the Steading, so you are out of gate range by 300 miles.

 There are two ways in from underneath the island. There is a man size airlock and there is door that appears to be a dock for an underwater vehicle to exit through.

 Black Orchid discovered that the trees hid an elevator which she is able to open the panel to it. She can open it the elevator with electronic by passes. She can't tell how many levels are below but her best guess is 3 to 5.

 StrikeForce will use his staff to assisted jump to the location. He will blast any security devices he can. If we are confronted by security forces before we can gain entry, he will engage them.

 OOC: My only knowledge on mist in the Everglades is from the classic Thunderbirds episode where the central plot was also to not to let the chemicals get in the water! That led to giant alligators!

Dr Wildman will attempt use his cowl of storms to form a mist to cover the movement of the ground based assault.

If men or vehicles attempt to exit the compound Dr Wildman will shift shape into something small to sneak in. He will then armour up and find a way to either keep the door open or reopen the door to let the controlled crocodile in.

Once in its Dr Wildman in armoured form with a 15' croc blasting opponents with lightning bolts.

 Now that's nuclear!
 Dr Wildman in armoured form.

 Manta-Man asked, "So no underwater assault? We are all attacking surface side through the two entrances. The entrance between the trees and the one that Adamas makes?

 " I would not be able to hold my breath that long, but if there is s.c.u.b.a. gear Manta-Man, I would join you in an underwater assault."

OOC: Tom, could StrikeForce's staff provide underwater propulsion?

 No, it has to be anchored against something. So water alone isn't enough. To maneuver he would have to change anchor point with each change requiring a successful hit.

I like it... he can coordinate with the others using his heightened vision.

 "Oh no" interjects Dr Wildman, " we are so going underwater...just mind the battling crocs! We'll crash the surveillance devices and you follow in our wake. We'll need you to find the underwater entrances whilst me and Tic Toc here..." He nods at the charmed 15 foot crocodile stood beside him..."cause a rumpus!"

 OOC: O.k. Tom, it sounds like his first option would be for the best.

 Adamas nods his head, "that plan is acceptable as well." He will follow the crocks, scanning for an underwater entrance.

 OOC: I'm so sorry, I think I'm confusing everyone.

I'm my head Dr Wildman creates a fog and those on the ground slip across to the island. Adamas takes to the skies and dive bombs the base meanwhile Dr Wildman let's the fog dissipate and with TicToc and Manta Man go on underwater assault mode. We attack on three levels air, land and underwater.

I read back and the dialogue is unhelpful from me...sorry.

Does that make sense and is that what people want to do?

 The Skink had been practicing nonstop with his new tail, shaky at first, then horrified by it (having to learn how to poop/ wondering how to hide it, how dating is possible now.. the claws and fangs were bad, but THIS...

Long into the nights at the CHESS gyms, he trains with it on the parallel bars, the uneven bars and the rings, and it the weight room with it until it really is like another arm.. it grew quick... and he hopes that villains wont be able to break it off and hell have to run around with a tail hole stump while it grows back, like a real Skink..

"I dunno what im gonna do about all that swimmin," the Skink said" poking his head into the water, looking around with Thermo-Vision, "but these crocs are like three or four of me in mass, so sneakin in is no problem... staying under that long? the pressure? could be trouble... could be MY kind of trouble..Im in!"

 OOC: That is how I pictured it as well. StrikeForce will obviously be using the ground option.

 Adamas will follow the team's lead.

 "Doc, what kinda control you got over the crocs? Can it tow me for cover? I aint gettin near that thing's trap or cloaca! Are we blitzing them or going for stealth? Whos gonna handle barriers?

 Dr Wildman couldn't help but admire the plucky teenager and then internally wondered if anyone used the term 'plucky' anymore.

"To be honest Skink, to a certain I think we are making this up as we go. When it comes to survival: plan as best you can and then adapt from there!" He flashed an encouraging grin.

"Perhaps a better way is for Manta Man to tow you behind our 'distraction run' through the surveillance gear. There will be less chaos for you to orientate yourself and I wouldn't want you to catch a tail blow by accident! You seem to have mastered yours, but that's a human mind steering, not a charmed croc! I guess we are going to be churning up a lot of silt and stuff so visibility in our immediate vicinity will be minimal; and if we encounter 'obstacles' - well we will probably need you and your mentor to help us deal with them." He looked between MM and Skink: "How's that for a plan?"

Manta-Man agreed, "Yes, I can tow Skink by using a cable or cord."

 Adamas will share the info with the team.

Perhaps the good doctor could take out a few of the surveillance devices making it look random... or we just go Nuclear... Adamas is open to either option, but he is not down with taking anyone out permanently.   He wants justice and to protect the world, but he's no assassin.

 StrikeForce agrees with Adamas. If we go for the nuclear option, unless Adamas gives us a head start, he will have to kick it off himself until we can catch up.

 Adamas will share the info with the team.

Perhaps the good doctor could take out a few of the surveillance devices making it look random... or we just go Nuclear... Adamas is open to either option, but he is not down with taking anyone out permanently.   He wants justice and to protect the world, but he's no assassin.

Adamas shared with the team that there were surveillance devices under the surface of the water. "Perhaps the good Doctor could take out a few of the surveillance devices making it look random." He did his best to remember their positions which Dr Wildman marked with bright yellow flowers on the floral map.

Adamas studied the map with his arms crossed, the breeze catching his cape causing it to undulate with the air currents. "Of course we could just go nuclear..." His deep voice resonated in the silence. ",,,but let me be clear I'm not down with taking anyone out permanently; I'm no assassin." StrikeForce nodded in silent agreement.

Dr Wildman knew that comment was weighted at him. "Forgive me for the confusion caused by what I said. I have no intention of assassinating any one. All of life is precious, but that is exactly the point and why the dilemma exists. Velo's intent is to rid the world of all life, not just humanity but every animal and plant; and he has not only the means to do it but the knowledge to keep on doing it."

The druid looked intently at both Adamas and StrikeForce. "I know I'm new to all of this but please understand this needs more than invulnerable fists and glowing judo sticks. We may stop him now but he is only one water supply away from achieving his goal...and the whole premise is that we are quicker than him in stopping him now, but we know that speed is one of his scientific fields of expertise. We may win this race through surprise but what about next time?"

"Just because its a difficult dilemma doesn't mean we can ignore it...this is potentially an extinction level event we are facing down, but unlike an asteroid that can be knocked out of the way, this has the potential to keep on coming back. We can go nuclear or stealthily...but the problem will remain: Dr Velo has in his mind the chemical formula to destroy everything and he's insane enough to use it!"

OOC: Jon, I hope you don't mind the turning of your post into dialogue.

 Evergreen nodded knowingly as Dr. Wildman spoke. She would glance from time to time to Manta-Man. It was obvious to all the New Crusaders this wasn't the first time this topic was discussed between members of the Crusaders.

Manta-Man said,"We understand your concern Dr. Wildman. This isn't the first villain with the knowledge, ability, and willingness to implement mass destruction and deaths. There are a lot of heroes that have 2 of the 3 qualities themselves. There are laws and courts to handle this. Please remember as Licenses Superheroes we are all subject to the DSA Code of Conduct rules for Licenses Superheroes."

 "First Rule: The lives and safety of innocent bystanders will always be protected."

"Second Rule: The lives and safety of you (the licensed superhero) and members of your team will be protected to the extent it doesn't conflict with the first rule."

"Third Rule: The lives and safety of all opponents (meaning the non licensed superheroes) will be protected to the extent that it doesn't conflict with the first two rules."

"Once we stop and capture Dr. Velo, and will do both, it is up to the courts to decide how dangerous he is and the appropriate punishment for his crimes.  In the US we the Fear Island  Super-Penitentiary located on one of the Refuge Island in Megalopolis. It does its job well. Escapes are rare and with the New Crusaders, CHESS, and other superhero teams located in Megalopolis, no one has tried a mass breakout it."

"This isn't like a T.V. show or movie where the audience falls in love with the actor playing the villain so now no jail or prison can hold him because he needs to keep showing up in the sequels."

"If the courts accept Licensed Superheroes as expert witnesses during the trial and sentencing. Evergreen, Dr. Wildman, and any other New Crusader can testify what is in their expert opinion the best method for sentencing. It is cases while Dr. Velo why all states in the USA still have the death penalty for convicted Super Villains."

Manta-Man paused to allow others to think on what he said and offer a response if they choose.

Evergreen said in a controlled, even tone, "You know my stance, if caught in your country then your rules. If caught in one of the hidden societies then my rules. Dr. Velo better not escape again and if he does Dr. Velo better choose where he runs to wisely."

 Ooc: not at all, well written. Especially the undulating part.

 Manta-Man paused to allow others to think on what he said and offer a response if they choose.

​Dr Wildman's warm smile returned to his face and his arms out in an open gesture: "Of course...of dear MantaMan; and once again let me underline my position...I am not seeking Velo's life but exploring whether there is a creative way that we can deal with the dilemma before us. Mankind even in it's worst moments must find a way to thrive alongside the natural order of things." ​

Evergreen said in a controlled, even tone, "You know my stance, if caught in your country then your rules. If caught in one of the hidden societies then my rules. Dr. Velo better not escape again and if he does Dr. Velo better choose where he runs to wisely."

​Dr Wildman places a hand on the shoulder of the two heroes in front of him and in a whispered tone comments to Adamas and StrikeForce: "You can't tame nature..." He winks at them and then crouches down over the floral map. With a clap of his hands as if to punctuate the moment he declares "So then...if we are going 'nuclear' - let's find some crocodiles!"​

When all is said and done Dr Wildman will use his Druidic knowledge to seek out the biggest crocodile he can find!

 Dr Wildman was successful. He discovered a 15 foot long night Crocodile.

