Sunday, March 18, 2018

Crusade: Ideas for a Next Move! - Issue 30

-------- Flashback -------
{After being introduced to the team}
The bewildered Skink looked around at the assembled heroes and admired their "twernt nuthin' " attitude about dimension hopping.

Red Hawk could tell from Skink’s body language what he was thinking and with a smile said “Adamas is an alien from a different planet than Earth, Black Orchid is a scientist and CHESS agent, StrikeForce is a cybernetic warrior, and I am a sentient android created by a Super Villain. So traveling to a different dimension is not that far off the beaten path for us.”

{After defeating the ghoul}
"W-what was that? WOW! Didja get a load of the size of that brain coral?" the skink took out a tiny smart phone from his S-belt.

“That isn’t going to be much use to you”, Red Hawk said, “This dimension doesn’t support our electronics very well. I’m not sure if you used it only to take photos if it will properly save them.”

{After leaving Dr Avery’s house}
"I know this is gonna sound messed up, and I'm sorry, but I’m just a kid. The coppers think I killed doc. I got nowhere to go. I guess I’m a superhero full time now..."

The Skink glumly perused his phone for ideas for a next move, sources of food, and a base.

As he stood there half heartedly searching for ideas, a bum lying in the alley way stood up. “You look like you could use something warm and food to eat.” He motioned for Skink to follow up down the alley way. Not sensing any threat, Skink followed. They came to several cardboard boxes arranged into a make shift dwelling. “A mutual friend asked me to look out for you. He wants to know why you didn’t rejoin the others.” The raggedly old man paused and waited for Skink to answer. When he didn’t, the old man said, “What? You don’t think Dr. Arcane could be friends with the likes of me?”

Standing up he said, “I am a powerful sorcerer in my own right. You can call me ‘Guardian Spirit’. I protect the down and out. I am a protector of those who live life on the streets. I am the guardian spirit of the lower class, the working man struggling to make it in this world, not those in fancy high rises and mansions.”

“I am not a powerful as the Sorcerer Supreme”. A frown appeared on his face, “or a former Sorcerer Supreme. Yes, I heard he had to pass the mantle. I have my doubts about Pietor in the morals department but there is no doubt he is powerful enough to be Sorcerer Supreme and he has protected the Earth on multiple occasions.”

“Well, enough about the politics of the magical world. We need to get you to Florida if you are going to join the Crusaders.” The Guardian Spirit handed Skink an old chicken bone. “If you ever need me, just snap the bone in two. I will either come to you or open a way for you to come to me.”

Guardian Spirit walked out into the alley way. He stood next to a large dumpster. He took a large ham hock bone from his coat pocket. He waved it around as he muttered an incantation. He tapped the dumpster with the ham hock bone once, twice, and then a third time.

“In you go youngster. The portal is at the bottom of the dumpster it will take you to where you need to be in Florida. Manta Man will be waiting for you.”

------ End of Flashback -------
{Location: Everglades Florida}
The two men took the Crusaders through the ripped section of electric fence and then onward to the crushed side of the chemical storage building. Ramirez informed the Crusaders that it had been determined that an explosion of dynamite could not be responsible for the gaping hole in the structure. Once inside, they were shown there were great smears of swamp mud splashed over the entire floor of the building. Many of the remaining chemical containers have similar muddy smears. Within some of the smears are the footprints of some unknown person wearing boots. One guard had been killed. There was nothing extraordinary about the bullet that killed him. Hector Ramirez informed the team that it has been determined that nothing else of importance has been found.

As he listened to the description, Adamas would be scanning the “Mud Splashes”, the downed fence, and the damaged walls.  “They must have known what they were looking for, it doesn’t appear they were just trying to wreck the place,” Adamas stated.  “How could they know what was going on here?”

Manta Man said, “Maybe they had someone on the inside providing them information?”

They are informed they will be allowed to perform their own investigation on the base. Hector will need to accompany them to make sure that the military personnel don’t hinder their efforts.

Lt Nash stated he would be waiting back on the road in the van. He will drive them to any other location they desire but of course they could strike out into the swamp on their own. Lt Nash explain that the only unusual activity occurring outside the based is that some of the Indians from a nearby reservation have been scene sneaking around late at night not far from the base. He can’t imagine how they could have done it but he hasn’t visited the reservation in a long while either.

Adamas was also scanning the swamp, to ensure they were not being watched, while listening to the two men’s description of the events.

Adamas saw that they were being watched by 3 Seminole Indians. While they were well hidden they couldn’t hide from Adamas’ super eye sight.

"Adamas, Black Orchid, I would like for us to examine the areas in question with our senses to determine if we can find some clues that others may have missed." StrikeForce said.

Their search revealed a coin imbedded in one of the walls a coin. After they removed it they notice the coin wasn’t American. It was a German Deutschmark.

StrikeForce used his knowledge of superheroes and supervillians to determine that the embedded coin was the trademark of Doctor Velo. Using his satellite link up, he searched anything that seem relevant. He discovered that Doctor Velo had a chemical background and had attempted to evaporate the entire water supply of Germany. Blitzkrieg of the New Super Society had uncovered Doctor Velo’s plans. Currently Doctor Velo was in custody of the German police waiting trial. Doctor Velo’s entire legal defense was build around his not being the real Doctor Velo but that the real Doctor Velo had framed him and escaped to America.

Adamas speaking to their liaison, "What about any security monitoring of the perimeter or base, could we receive access to any that you have?”

“Yes, you are welcome to look through them,” said Hector, “Unfortunately they were disabled as the break in occurred.”

Manta Man asked, “Have you been able to identify who did that?”


The Black Orchid took in everything that was being said. She didn't like the similarities between this act and the one that gave her the powers of The Black Orchid. "We need to cross reference anyone who may have had access to that system with any contact with Germany or with the local reservation."

Adamas asked, “What items were taken, we may be able to track them by that."

Lieutenant Nash replied, “Experimental chemicals. If they are tried to be sold anywhere in the world, we will know it and stop it before it occurs. I am more worried if they don’t try to sell it.”

"Have they done any analysis of the mud or water immediately outside to look for trace amounts of any of these chemicals?" Black Orchid asked.
“We did pull samples of both mud and nearby water. We only found trace amounts which would be attributable to spillage as they were being carried out. There wasn’t enough in the water to form any kind of trail to follow and we never found any similar mud floating in the water.”

Judging by what he had seen so far, StrikeForce believed that the responsible person/persons escaped through the swamp. The footprints and mud splashes supported that hypothesis; he tracked them to the swamp where it appeared the thieves boarded a boat.

Adamas asked to know a little bit more about the Indian village, general population, historical interactions with the base, persons of interest, anything like that.

Lieutenant Nash said, “The Indian Village was a small reservation that was granted to a small group of Seminole Indians in 1919, despite the fact that very few Seminoles lived here. The Government went further to set up a small hospital and store for the care and benefit of the Indians. This hospital care are was once government run, but has been run by a local Seminole Doctor returned to the reservation after earning his medical credentials so as to provide care for his family and friends.”

"Has anyone talked to the Doctor if anyone has shown up with physical injuries that may be associated with the break-in?"
Black Orchid asked.

“No. We have not launched any investigation outside of the base. Both the Military and the Governor wanted to bring you in to be the investigation was expanded.”

“The village population is only twenty-five men, nineteen women, and fifteen children. There are from time to time archeologists, historians, and activists staying on the reservation. I don’t know if there is anyone there now or not but it rate when there isn’t.”

Hector answered the next question, “according to the base commander, the Indians are never allowed on base but they are allowed to walk nearby. There have been times in the past that he has sent Medical Corpsmen to assist with the hospital when it is short staffed. Currently there aren’t any Corpsmen assisting. The base also sends surplus medical supplies. Since medical supplies to expire, when they are using less than planned that is when it is declared surplus. Currently Gunnery Sgt. Leo McAlister is delivering supplies today. It is cheaper and more efficient to give it to the reservation then ship back to the main Supply Depot in North Carolina.”

“The only villagers of note are the new Doctor, Dean Nay and the Village Shaman. His name is Rolock.”

"Even if someone from the tribe isn't involved, they may have been in the area when the break in happened. We should talk to them and see what they know. "

StrikeForce planned to gather as much information as possible on Doctor Velo. IE: known powers, weaknesses, known associates. As much as he could from his satellite link-up.

"If Velo is involved, I want to be ready for him."

Black Orchid said, "StrikeForce, while you are looking up Dr. Velo, I want to research the new doctor at the Reservation."

"No problem Black Orchid, anything else?"

Adamas agreed that they needed to check out the Indian village, and speak to the doctor.

As StrikeForce started his online search, Manta Man asked to be excused he had to meet with someone off base. Manta Man had Lieutenant Nash drive him to the nearest junk yard. There he found Skink inside the hollow out shell of a ’57 Chevy Bel Air.

Manta Man helped Skink out of the car. “Humph, Magic users! Why must they always have a shtick? And why can’t they ever deviate from it. Sorry, about that kid but it was the only way to get you here in time.”

The three drove back to the base and Manta Man filled in Skink on the way and provide him with his temporary Superhero License. It showed that Manta Man was his assigned mentor.

Skink said hi to the others when they arrived at the base. Adamas, Black Orchid, and StrikeForce gladly welcomed him and welcomed to their new team.

StrikeForce’s online search review that Dr. Velo has heightened intelligence and strength. Dr Velo has the ability to control Velocity in objects. There are videos showing him increasing the speed of an object to a terminal velocity. He basically can get a straw of wheat enough velocity for it to punch through a telephone pole. He can decrease velocity of objects as well. That is how he had escaped the German Police for so long. He can stop their bullets in flight so they fall harmlessly in front of him. Somehow he can do it to humans as well. In the video of the police trying to arrest him, after the bullets fall to the ground the police officers do as well. StrikeForce watch as he saw the German Police Officers fall to the ground in a spasmodic state. Only after Dr. Velo flew away did their bodies stop having spasms. The files noted that Dr Velo carried a gun. He called it his Dehydration Gun.

There were no known associates of Doctor Velo in America or not in jail in Germany. Dr. Velo did have a habit of partnering with a local Super Villain team to bring added muscle and other support to his plans.

StrikeForce could find no connections with anyone on base with access to the system and Dr. Velo.

The only connection that StrikeForce could find with base personnel to the Indian village was the Corpsmen that had assisted in the Medical Center in the past and the enlisted that delivered supplies. Gunnery Sgt. Leo McAlister volunteered the most often to make the deliveries. When asked about this, the Camp Commander commented that he believed the ‘Gunny’ was smitten with some archeologist that was performing research in and around the village.

StrikeForce’s search on Doctor Dean Nay showed that he graduated college and medical school in the middle of his class in both. Not a great physician but he was far better than the villagers have had ever before. Dr Nay was from the village and was trying to do best for the village. Dean had no issues with the law that wasn’t typical for a college student. He did have debt from student loans for medical school. He had state grants to cover undergrad. There was no evidence of any secret benefactors paying his way or covering his debts. The doctor had come home to the village two months ago.

After hearing everything the team decided it was time to visit the village.

Before leaving, Adamas did a quick aerial search over the base to see if they missed anything obvious. They hadn’t.

When the heroes arrived in the Indian Village, they attracted a great deal of attention. It was very uncommon to find superheroes in the middle of a swamp. This wasn’t Megalopolis where a superhero could be seen on the streets, running across roof tops, or flying in the sky daily. The first tribesmen they meet gave them directions to the Shaman’s home. The Shaman was commonly known as Rolock to all the villages and any visitors.

At the Shaman’s house they found a very friendly and receptive old man. He would not shake hands with any of the heroes or touch, or allow himself to be touched in anyway. He offered the heroes a seat and did all those things normally expected of a gracious host.

When asked if any visitors with injuries had recently come to the village, he said no. Shaman did say if there were any outsiders looking to hide in the swamp it would be easy for them to avoid the village and not be seen by them. There was an old ‘swamp goat’ who seemed to know about everything that happened in the swamp region, especially if someone wanted to keep it secret. He could give the heroes directions to the fishing hole where he can always be found if they liked.

When asked about the authorities having seen the Indians sneaking around lately, he calmly replied that they have had problems with a black panther roaming at night and that they have had to take actions to stop the depredations of this creature. He informed that that because the village is not in Park territory, they have the right to take care of this threat as they wish, though they intend to only capture the beast and return it to the park. They would never harm a protected species. The officials, Shaman said, must have seen the Seminoles hunting for the panther at night for it sleeps during the day and cannot be found other than in time of darkness.

Afterwards they found that the archeologist, Karen Morgan was in the village. She said she was here because of her interest in Indian artifacts. She confirmed there had been a panther prowling nearby.

The heroes were able to meet with Doctor Dean Nay in the Medical Center. Dr Nay told the heroes that he had treated a young boy and an older woman for injuries caused by some large, clawed animal. He offered to show the heroes his records if they would like to see them. Dr. Nay said he had not treated any outsiders for injuries in the two months he has been back.

<Turns and Actions due Apr 10th >

Everyone welcome Chuck back! He hadn’t dropped out but was having medical difficulties so he couldn’t respond. He is getting better and is back in the game.

It’s wonderful to have you playing again Chuck.
The bewildered Skink looks around at the assembled heroes and admires their "twernt nuthin' " attitude about dimension hopping.

"W-what was that? WOW! Didja get a load of the size of that brain coral?" the skink took out a tiny smartphone from his S-belt.

"I know this is gonna sound messed up, and I'm sorry, but Im just a kid. The coppers think I killed doc. I got nowhere to go. I guess im a superhero full time now..."

The Skink glumly peruses his phone for ideas for a next move, sources of food, and a base.

Obviously StrikeForce will relay the information to the team.

IC: "Even if someone from the tribe isn't involved, they may have been in the area when the break in happened. We should talk to them and see what they know. "

StrikeForce will try to gather as much information as possible on Doctor Velo. IE: known powers, weaknesses, known associates. As much as he can from his satellite link-up.

"If Velo is involved, I want to be ready for him."

“Yes, you are welcome to look through them,” said Hector, “Unfortunately they were disabled as the break in occurred.”
Manta Man asked, “Have you been able to identify who did that?”

The Black Orchid took in everything that was being said. She didn't like the similarities between this act and the one that gave her the powers of The Black Orchid. "We need to cross reference anyone who may have had access to that system with any contact with Germany or with the local reservation."

Lieutenant Nash replied, “Experimental chemicals. If they are tried to be sold anywhere in the world, we will know it and stop it before it occurs. I am more worried if they don’t try to sell it.”

"Have they done any analysis of the mud or water immediately outside to look for trace amounts of any of these chemicals?"

but has been run by a local Seminole Doctor returned to the reservation after earning his medical credentials so as to provide care for his family and friends.

"Has anyone talked to the Doctor if anyone has shown up with physical injuries that may be associated with the break-in?"

"StrikeForce, while you are looking up Dr. Velo, I want to research the new doctor at the Reservation."

"No problem Black Orchid, anything else?"

Adamas agrees that they need to check out the Indian village, and speak to the doctor. 

Before leaving, he'll do a quick aerial search over the base to see if they are missing anything obvious.
