Friday, February 9, 2024

Crusade: Issue 85 - Target: Power Station


Hours ago:

 Heading to board Strike Force aircraft, Demy shouldered his gear bag and waited his turn to enter the vehicle. He admired the sleekness and technology. Form and function. He looked at the hard points for ease of customization.

 Is that a burn mark? He wondered to himself as he inspected the craft, imagining the history it, and what its creator had gone through.

 Siding up to Black Orchid and finding his seat he settled in. "Congratulations on your promotion. Well deserved! Great speech back there."

 Continuing on he said, "My parents were originally from Kiyev in the Ukraine.  They were directed to move by the Russian government in the late 80s due to our proximity to Chernobyl. Life became harder after that." He paused for a moment. "Well, I ended up fantasizing about our Russian Supers Team. And eventually the Super Forces here in America, too. They seemed to stand for what was right verses just strengthen and protecting the Country. At least that's what I imagined. It all gets more complicated when you grow up, da?".

 " 'Best not to meet your heroes,' they say.  They never live up to your expectations."

 He smiled, "But then, I joined the military-I wanted to be Spetnatz. SF is the pinnacle, no?  Oh well, sometimes things work out the way they are supposed. 'I made plans and GOD laughed...'. Instead, I was to be a 'drone pilot' they told me."

 Looking around the craft he finally said, "Much nicer and way-WAY- more quiet inside than the An-12 we used for exercises.  Looks like it will move faster, too." With that, Demy put on old school wired foam headphones, pulled out a small jacket as a makeshift blanket, and shifted to make himself comfortable.  Before long he was snoring lightly. A barely audible We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel could be made out.

 James took his place on the plane next to Demy. He spent most of his time on the flight checking his gear with a hint of nervous anticipation. He couldn't help but think about how this was not only his second mission with the Crusaders, but it was in international waters and far from home.

 The thought of how he'd be able to survive if something went wrong, let alone get back to the States, occupied his mind for most of the flight.

 When it was time for Patty to go into her trance, he said "I'll keep a monitor on your vitals in case anything unexpected should happen." With that and Patty's permission, he put a blood pressure monitor on Patty as well as a portable EKG.

 He seemed very interested in the readings while she was in her trance and, for the time being, he seemed more relaxed now that he's back in his element. He can deal with the medical stuff, and it keeps his mind off of the rest of the 'unfamiliar' things that are going on around him.

 They warned him to stop and not go any closer to their metal ??coral/reef/structure?? If he swam closer, he would bring the metal men. The fish were terrified of the metal men. The metal men could swim fast and attack the same way Pistol Shrimp do. Repeatedly he was warned of the danger of the metal men and told to turn back before they came.


Once again, the technology of man was intimidating and disrupting the flow of life of the natural world. He sighed as once more he would be entering his continual campaign against the misuse of technology. The creature pressed on but with a little more caution. He wondered if his communicator worked underwater but chose not to test it. He was too close to the Islands now and he didn't want any of the robots to be drawn to any signals he might emit.

When William came upon a larger shark as he approached the reef tried to use his Amulet of Charming.

{GM Note: Luck roll. Dr. Wildman needed a 10 or less, rolled a 9. The Shark had an IN save of 11 minus 6 for Amulet of Charming abilities. Shark needed a 5 or less, rolled 20. There are no fumbles on save rolls}

The amulet worked, the shark was now “charmed”. Dr Wildman shapeshifted into a smaller clown fish.

As he drew nearer to the reef Dr Wildman used the outcrops of rock and coral to stealthily approach the island. As he and his shark companion hid a patrol of 3 Aquatic Cyberion {Seaberions} swam past him.

He saw they were headed away from the island and out to sea. Dr. Wildeman wondered if they had spotted the Mini-Sub that Manta-Man was piloting.

Elsewhere on the Island of Dr. Apocalypse, above the “abandoned” military base.  "Jackpot!" Patty joked to herself, but in reality, she was intimidated by all of the activity she found and the danger it represented. "I expected to find some bad guys, not an army factory."

 "Hmmm, speaking of... where are the boss bad guys?"

 She flew back to the plane at top astral speed so she could make a report to the rest of the team.

 "Demy, you're up".

 Demy felt the headphones being pulled away from his head by someone to hear this before being slapped back to the side of his face. Fumbling around, he took them off and got adjusted knowing it was by his volunteering he would want to watch over Patty. He knew it was not necessary since they were enroute still, but he felt he had to do something productive. Watching her in her trance as her non-corporeal form left her body was very odd, but fascinating. With her "ghost" having exited the aircraft, she just looked asleep.

 Now, he waited to see what she and Dr. Wildman found. Hoping Striks’ radar and Adamas would be early warning should they be attacked.

 Demy looked around, seeing the ocean for miles in all directions. Shivering, he internally thought of being in the water for what seemed like forever, going in and out of consciousness.

 Suddenly, realization of more Primal instincts and needs became all too apparent, "HEY!! Please tell me there is a lavatory on this flight!!!".

 Patty saw that Adamas was flying near the plane, so Patty turned visible, popped him a friendly salute, then returned to her body and made the report.

 Adamas scanned the island using his vision to see if he could discover an underground base. Adamas saw an undersea base. The undersea base is a permanent structure located at the bottom of the deep-sea trench located north of the two largest islands. {GM Note: Dark shaded area within the white area surrounding the islands.}

 There was an undertube system connecting the base to all the islands at multiple locations.

If that Giant Robot came from here, there had to be a hanger somewhere, but Adamas didn’t see one. The Giant Robot must have been built somewhere else on the Island. At one corner there was an entrance and exit hatchway to the base {GM Note: On the next map it is marked with an E}. It was literally an open hole in the floor of the main chamber that grants access to and from the sea. It was large enough so that two one-man submersibles could surface through simultaneously. The one-man submersibles were smaller than the Mini-Sub which Manta Man was in. They were more like the Deep Hawks subs the salesman tried to sale them when they called about oceanographers. Adamas watched the exit be primarily used for the comings and goings of the aquatic Cyberions {Seaberions}. The base was made out of a combination of special titanium alloys and specially fabricated glass. Because of the unique material structure Adamas wasn’t able to make out if any person or robot was in the undersea base. All he saw were vague shapes.

Once Patty was back and gave her reconnaissance report, she suggested "It seems that most of the operation is automated. If we are going to infiltrate this facility, I would suggest that we take out the power station (Building B) in order to shut down most of their facilities as well as cause the maximum amount of chaos. That should give us a decent amount of cover."

StrikeForce replied to the team. "I would agree with taking out the power first, if we can't get eyes onto Dr. Apocalypse and the other villains in his employment. I wonder if they are located in an underground bunker?"

James repacked his bags of equipment as he listened to the rest of the team's input.

Responding to StrikeForce, Patty said: "I bet if we go wreck their evil robo factory we'll see some or all of the bad guys pretty quick. If we can get our hands on one hopefully, we can find out more about what's happening on the island."

Patty cracked her knuckles. "But I'm up for whatever. Tell me what to hit. Or I can scout some more." The last was said from a sense of regretful duty, as she obviously wanted to punch something.

“If we're intent on raiding the base,” Erdbeben agreed, “we should take out the power and then attack the robots, sparing any civilians that surrender.”

StrikeForce steered the aircraft toward the island. He flew at half speed to employ stealth movements that he and Black Orchid devised to avoid detection from any radar devices or patrols.

StrikeForce tried to display an air of confidence as he flew the aircraft as planned and Adamas flew next to him.

15 miles from the Island, Adamas noticed several small cone-like objects rising from beneath the water. They were camouflaged to appear as underwater land masses. Hatches opened from them launching flying Cyberions {Skyberions}.

The robots spread opens wings from their back as they were launched skyward. There were six of them and they were heading toward the New Crusaders.

Manta-Man turned the Mini-Sub toward the island. Since he was a decoy, he didn’t attempt to use any stealth. Hopefully he will divert the Island’s attention toward him and not the aircraft.

Watching the sonar, he saw 3 objects heading his way. From the way they were heading directly toward him he was sure they weren’t fish. He reached for the controls and prepared for what was about to happen.

10 miles from the Island the distance had been closed between the New Crusaders and the Patrols. Black Orchid looked over at her CHESS Skycycle, wondering if she should try to reduce the odds from 3 to 1 to 2 to 1.

{GM Note: I will be using the Vehicle rules for movement so there will be turning restrictions. Adamas must move 2 squares before he can turn, and the aircraft must move 3 squares before it can turn. I am also using the War Heroes: WWII Sourcebook rules for dogfighting}

<Turns and Actions due June 22nd>

Battle Conditions (Mighty Protectors character data):

Adamas                        Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   72       Flying

Black Orchid                Hit Points:   24 Power Points:   92       Visible

Dr. Wildman                 Hit Points:   12 Power Points:   60        Form: Clown Fish and has Shark Companion

Erdbeben                     Hit Points:   46 Power Points:   66       

Patty Plus                    Hit Points:   15 Power Points:   60        Corporeal

StrikeForce                 Hit Points:   31 Power Points:   93        Flying Aircraft             

Rubicon                       Hit Points:   20 Power Points:   66        Absorption Protection

MISHA                          Hit Points:   41 Power Points:  101       Not Summoned


OOC: Tom - if possible and if there is an opportunity - William will try and use his Amulet of Charming on a larger shark if he comes across one as he approaches the reef. He will try to avoid contact with the robots, hiding etc. If necessary he will shapeshift into a smaller coral fish (clown fish?) and hide in the coral and then change back to 'Creature' form when the coast is clear. If Patty checks-in he will inform her of the conversation with the fish, explaining that Dr A has the sea route patrolled as well.



Yay a new issue! As always, thanks for the hard work Tom.

Loved Dr. Wildman's mini-comic, too.




"Jackpot!" Patty joked to herself, but in reality, she was intimidated by all of the activity she found and the danger it represented. "I expected to find some bad guys, not an army factory."


"Hmmm, speaking of... where are the boss bad guys?"


She flew back to the plane at top astral speed so she could make a report to the rest of the team.




If Patty spots Adamas on the way back, she will briefly turn visible and let him know she found a lot of scary activity at the "abandoned" military base and she's headed for the plane to get a message out to the rest of the team. Unless he has any instructions for her, she will turn invisible again, speed to the plane, then turn visible again and relay what she has found so it can be radioed to the rest of the team.


From there, she will wait for orders on whether to keep scouting astrally or get physical and get ready for a fight.


Hm, now that I think about it I assume Adamas has a radio so she could hang out with him while he radios and gets further orders. So that would be fine if she spots him on the way back and that's what he wants to do.




aaaaaand reading the issue again I see that Adamas is flying near the plane, so Patty will just turn visible, pop him a friendly salute, then return to her body and make the report.




 Hours ago:


Heading to board Strike Force aircraft, Demy shoulders his gear bag and awaits his turn to enter the vehicle. He admires the sleakness and technology. Form and function. He looks at the hard points for ease of customization.

Is that a burn mark? He wonders to himself as he inspects the craft, imagining the history it, and what its creater have gone through.


Siding up to Black Orchid and finding his seat he settles in. "Congratulations on your promotion. Well deserved! Great speech back there."


Contining on he says, "My parents were originally from Kiyev in the Ukraine.  They were directed to move by the Russian government in the late 80s due to our proximity to Chernobyl. Life became harder after that." He pauses for a moment. "Well, I ended up fantasizing about our Russian Supers Team. And eventually the Super Forces here in America, too. They seemed to stand for what was right verses just strengthen and protecting the Country. At least that's what I imagined. It all gets more complicated when you grow up, da?".

" 'Best not to meet your heroes,' they say.  They never live up to your expectations.".

 He smiles, "But then, I joined the military-I wanted to be Spetnatz. SF is the pinnacle, no?  Oh well, sometimes things work out they way they are supposed. 'I made plans and GOD laughed...'. Instead, I was to be a 'drone pilot' they told me."


Looking around the craft he finally said, "Much nicer and way-WAY- more quiet inside than the An-12 we used for exercises.  Looks like it will move faster, too." With that, Demy puts on old school wired foam headphones, pulls out a small jacket as a makeshift blanket, and shifts to make himself comfortable.  Before long he is snoring lightly. A barely audible We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel can be made out.


Currently: "Demy, you're up".

Demy feels the headphones being pulled away from his head by someone to here this before being slapped back to the side of his face. Fumbling around, he takes them off and gets adjusted knowing it was by his volunteering he would want to watch over Patty. He knew it was not necessary since they were en route still but he felt he had to do something productive. Watching her in her trance as her non-corporeal form left her body was very odd, but fascinating. With her "ghost" exiting the aircraft, she just looked asleep.


Now, the waiting to see what she and Dr. Wildman found. Hoping Striks radar and Adamos would be early warning should they be attacked.


Demy looked around, seeing the ocean for miles in all directions. Shivering, he internally thought of being in the water for what seemed like forever, going in and out of consciousness.


Suddenly, realization of more Primal instincts and needs became all too apparent, "HEY!! Please tell me there is a lavatory on this flight!!!".




Demy will continue to watch over Patty and not leave "his post" until properly relieved.


As things escalate, he will prepare himself, check his pistol, his med pack, any scout pack he has with rations and survival gear they may have brought, and be ready to summon M.I.S.H.A. if necessary. Hopefully as they touch down but hoping not sooner....




James takes his place on the plane next to Demy. He spends most of his time on the flight checking his gear with the a hint of nervous anticipation. He couldn't help but think about how this was not only his second mission with the Crusaders, but it was in international waters and far from home.


The thought of how he'd be able to survive if something went wrong, let alone get back to the States occupied his mind for most of the flight.


When it was time for Patty to go into her trance, he says "I'll keep a monitor on your vitals in case anything unexpected should happen." With that and Patty's permission, he puts a blood pressure monitor on Patty as well as a portable EKG.


He seems very interested in the readings while she is in her trance and, for the time being, he seems more relaxed now that he's back in his element. He can deal with the medical stuff and it keeps his mind off of the rest of the 'unfamiliar' things that are going on around him.


Once Patty is back and gives her reconnaissance report, he suggests "It seems that most of the operation is automated. If we are going to infiltrate this facility, I would suggest that we take out the power station (Building B) in order to shut down most of their facilities as well as cause the maximum amount of chaos. That should give us a decent amount of cover."


James repacks his bags of equipment as he listens to the rest of the team's input.



StrikeForce replies to the team. "I would agree with taking out the power first, if we can't get eye's onto Dr. Apocalypse and the other villains in his employment. I wonder if they are located in an underground bunker?"



Responding to StrikeForce: "I bet if we go wreck their evil robo factory we'll see some or all of the bad guys pretty quick. If we can get our hands on one hopefully we can find out more about what's happening on the island."


Patty cracks her knuckles. "But I'm up for whatever. Tell me what to hit. Or I can scout some more." The last is said from a sense of regretful duty, as she obviously wants to punch something.



Adamas will scan the island using his vision to see if he can discover an underground base, even if he can just find an entrance.  If that Giant Robot CME from here, there has to be a hanger somewhere.



If we're intent on raiding the base, Erdbeben agrees that we should take out the power and then attack the robots, sparing any civilians that surrender.

