Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Phantom: Angel of the Night - Issue 19

Location: Foundry near dawn

Rico moved quickly from Center City back to the Foundry. It was obviously that he wasn’t headed to where he lived. The rat hole Phantom had snatched him from. Suddenly Phantom lost sight of Rico, it was as if the darkness had swallowed him up. In the distance he could hear a sinister feminine voice. “Rico tell me want I want to know. Where is Buzzard and the Moonlighters hiding place?”


The sound of ribs breaking, Rico moaned in pain. “It took me all night to find you. It will be sun up soon. So I don’t have long to get the answers I want.”


Another blow and the sound of a body hitting the ground, hard, were heard.  The darkness waded away. Standing over Rico was a woman in black costume with a white halo on her chest.

With no weapons drawn, Phantom casually stepped forth from his position of concealment. Slowly walking towards the mysterious ‘Lady in Black’, Phantom said in his normally ominous tone, “Nice job . . .”

The ‘Ashen Avatar of Vengeance’ then continued.”. . . he was already on his way to meet up with Buzzard and the Moonlighters . . . I’ve been tracking him for a while now . . . thanks.” As he looked down to see how badly injured Rico was; Phantom made her an offer, “Seems you and I may be after the same people . . . to avoid stepping on each other’s toes, maybe we should pool our resources . . .” His eyes then snapped back up and settled firmly upon the mysterious ‘Lady in Black’ once again,” . . . so what do you say? Partners?”

She looked at him for a moment, waiting to see what Phantom’s next move would be. “Partners? Maybe, Rico wasn’t going to lead you to the Moonlighters. He was heading toward Od’s territory. He might have found protection from Od for a price. The Moonlighters only protect their own. Rico is not a Moonlighter. I am definitely willing to have an exchange of information.”

Phantom responded in his normal throaty tone, “Good . . . I heard you mention to Rico that you needed to get off the streets before sun-up . . . so let’s go somewhere and talk.”
On a nearby secluded rooftop Phantom shared with her what he knew about the Son of James gang, ‘Trickshot’ Alexander, and Detective Hill. How Rico had fingered Hill as one of Buzzard’s Moonlighters.

Ebony Angel shared that Buzzard was a dirty cop unfortunately she did not know which one. All the Moonlighters are dirty cops. She is attempting to gather evidence against Buzzard for the murder of Brian Knight. He had witnessed Buzzard performing a drug deal. He was going to testify but didn’t live long enough to. Buzzard runs half the drugs in Megalopolis and uses his dirty cops to protect his markets.

She recommended he check out The Champions Sports Bar. It is run on the up and up but it is a favorite of Monarch Boosters and police friendly.  It would be a good place to pick up Det. Hill’s trail. If he was interested in having a little back up she would meet him there in civvies. She would be wearing halo earrings.

If not, then good luck. After getting Phantom’s response she disappeared into the night.

<Due Date: January 7th, Actions? Replies?>

Current Conditions:
Phantom                       Hit Points: 23    Power Points: 50           Invulnerability: 5           
                                                                                                Right FN Five-seveN Pistol: 18 rounds
                                                                                                Left FN Five-seveN Pistol: 18 rounds
                                                                                                AR-57 Assault Rifle: 27 rounds
                                                                                                M406 High-Explosive Round Grenades: 3


Only sending this to you and Greg, Tom since it seems that its only us two left in Street Patrol now =(

I'll have Phantom's Response out to you tonight - my apologies for the lateness. I'm hoping that since Greg is off with the guys from Crusade that my tardiness doesn't have that big of an effect on anything - sorry again.

- Kev

No effect at all. I can work on all the other books first and do yours last.


Street Patrol: Issue 18: Back On Patrol!


Rico moved quickly from Center City back to the Foundry. It was obviously that he wasn’t headed to where he lived. The rat hole Phantom had snatched him from. Suddenly Phantom lost sight of Rico, it was as if the darkness had swallowed him up. In the distance he could hear a sinister feminine voice. “Rico tell me want I want to know. Where is Buzzard and the Moonlighters hiding place?”


The sound of ribs breaking, Rico moaned in pain. “It took me all night to find you. It will be sun up soon. So I don’t have long to get the answers I want.”


Another blow and the sound of a body hitting the ground, hard, were heard. The darkness waded away. Standing over Rico was a woman in a black costume with a white halo on her chest.


With no weapons drawn, Phantom casually stepped forth from his position of concealment. Slowly walking towards the mysterious ‘Lady in Black’, Phantom says in his normally ominous tone ( OOC: think Batman from the Dark Knight movies ),”Nice job . . .”

If She Doesn’t Attack Phantom:

The ‘Ashen Avatar of Vengeance’ then continues.”. . . he was already on his way to meet up with Buzzard and the Moonlighters . . . I’ve been tracking him for a while now . . . thanks.” As he looks down to see how badly injured Rico is; Phantom makes her an offer, “Seems you and I may be after the same people . . . to avoid stepping on each others toes, maybe we should pool our resources . . .” His eyes then snap back up and settle firmly upon the mysterious ‘Lady in Black’ once again,” . . . so what do you say? Partners?”

If She Agrees To A Team-Up:

Phantom responds in his normal throaty tone, “Good . . . I heard you mention to Rico that you needed to get off the streets before sun-up . . . so let’s go somewhere and talk.”

If She Does Attack Phantom:

As the ‘Ivory Gunman’ jumps for cover behind a nearby garbage dumpster, he quickly draws his holstered pistols with the speed of a trained killer and starts firing madly at his ebon opponent.


He wants to try and figure out who the new ‘player on the field’ is.


In case a fight does break out between Phantom and ‘The Lady in Black’, am I correct in assuming that drawing a weapon doesn’t require an Action? As he fires at her, he’ll try his best not to harm her too badly ( Reverse Accuracy Bonus? ) – he wants to follower her, not kill her. He’s hoping that a heavy barrage of gun fire ( accompanied by a few injuries ) will be enough to scare her off- again he wants to follow her, not kill her.

If they go back to ‘her place’, Phantom will share with her what he knows ( i.e. Trickshot, the Buzzard and the Moonlighters, etc. ) in hopes that she’ll share some of what she knows. Just in case something should get ‘weird’ between the two of them, Phantom will reaffirm that he’s there on business, not a date.

While in the alley area where ‘The Lady in Black’ jumped Rico, Phantom will keep his guard up – he knows Rico has friends and he has no desire to be ambushed by them ( i.e. Fortitude to keep from getting distracted by ‘The Lady in Black’ and Heightened Senses to keep from getting ambushed ).

Let me know if you need more then this from me for the next issue, Tom.

My apologies once again for the lateness.

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev