Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quest: Standoff - Issue 19

Location: Megalopolis TV studio of Capes

Neville was on the talk show to hype the sale of his upcoming book Maxima and the Underground Empire. He took every opportunity to bash DarkStar and state he was the reason Maxima had left for parts unknown. Neville stated he would be leaving soon as well. Maxima always left for missions first and he would follow later to chronicle the events from her narrative retelling of it.

DarkStar knew the results before he requested Cybil to search for Maxima. As the search was being run, he instructed Cybil to set the long-term monitoring protocol for the program if there were no readings available. DarkStar was positive Max had completed her mission.

“Bio-signature search program monitoring protocol established based on negative results.”

Location: Dr. Avery’s Mansion

Dr. Avery enjoyed a few moments with his granddaughter by the pool. He sadly told Hannah that it was time for him to meet the others in the library. She should get dressed so she can meet the newest members of the Quest and provide them a tour of the estate.

Meanwhile, waiting patiently in the foyer of Dr. Avery’s Mansion . . .

Standing nowhere in particular and wandering very slowly about the room was a tall thin man wearing a slightly dated three-piece suit.  His gaze moved about from up to down and across all points, soaking in the sights while not seeming to scrutinize anything, and all with a look of contented amusement on his face. The man’s name was Elwood, and while seemingly talking to nobody in particular, he suddenly said aloud, “A very pleasant place indeed Harvey . . . I most certainly agree with you.”  Long slow steps which could have been described as strides if he were a smaller man, quickly brought Elwood to the center of the room where he stopped and took a deep breath.  Removing his hat, and placing it in his hand which already carried a hat and two overcoats, his gaze fell upon a costumed superhero who had been silently observing Elwood and remaining mostly still.

 When the two men had each other in their line of site, the costumed stranger brought his chin up just slightly as if he were about to say something but then stopped himself and gave a look to Elwood inviting him to offer greetings. “Dowd, Elwood P. is the name” he rang out in a warm firm fashion and draping the overcoats over his left forearm he reached out his right hand slowly, purposefully and with a palm facing almost completely upward.  As the two men shook hands, Elwood continued, “You have a most intriguing and smart looking outfit, I must say, and… and… and,” coughing slightly so as to clear his throat unexpectedly he continued, “what sir, should I call you?” Waiting for a response, Elwood reached into his front vest pocket and handed a business card to the young man standing before him.

As he examined the business card, the young man noticed that the only thing printed on it is ‘Elwood P. Dowd’ and then two phone numbers listed towards the bottom. He thought to himself, “I bet these aren’t even in service . . . I swear I know this guy from somewhere . . .” He then smiled and placed the business card on a nearby table and said with a smile, “Thanks . . . my name? Well, you . . . you can call me Al, and if you’ll be my bodyguard; I can be your long lost pal. In fact I’ll call you Betty, and Betty . . . when you call me . . . you can call me Al.” He immediately took notice of a confused look running slowly across Elwood’s face as Elwood tried to make sense of the comedic response. Deciding to give him something more serious in the way of a response; he patted the man on the shoulder and continued, “I’m only kidding there Eddie . . . the names Catalyst, and thanks for the compliment on the outfit.” Catalyst struggled desperately for a moment to find something about Elwood’s wardrobe to compliment. Unfortunately being at least twenty years his senior, Elwood lacked any real fashion sense in Catalyst’s eyes. Doing the best that he can with what’s in front of him, Catalysts quickly returned with, “. . . and . . . might I say that you too are dressed rather . . . err . . . rather interestingly.” He then reached forward and started to feel the material of Elwood’s jacket and tried to catch a glimpse of a manufacturers’ label, “I love the vintage suit; is this Sears or J C Penny’s?” With a look of sincerity on his face he explained, “I ask only because the average guy wouldn’t be able to pull something like this off, but on you . . . on you it hangs like cheap hotel room curtains . . . well done!”

Still not sure what to make of his new friend, Elwood said, “You know, whenever I meet a new and interesting person such as yourself, I find that a little libation can help to make the meeting even more interesting and (ahem) I do find myself more than (ahem) a little dry.”  Elwood’s slim hand reached up to his collar and started pulling on it slightly, but managed to keep his tie in place the entire time as he looked about the room with even greater focus than he had earlier.  “Did you happen to see any glasses about our host’s abode?  I, uh… I have a little… well a little something than we can share, but it would just seem nicer if we had a couple of glasses.”  From within his vest pocket, a dark metal drinking flask with Celtic looking etchings was brought out. After a very lackadaisical visual search of the room he said, “Nope . . . don’t see any glasses around here, guess we’ll have to do this the old fashion way.”

Catalyst could see that there were also a few words etched on the front side of the flask which read, “Elwood – Through Thick and Thin, We Will Always Be Friends – Harvey.”  Catalyst then intentionally made his staring at Elwood’s flask blatantly obvious and said, “Fine looking flask you’ve got there Elmore.” The flask remained between the two men in Elwood’s hand as a look of only mild concern fell over Elwood’s face. Gently liberating it from Elwood’s hand; Catalyst raised the flask to his mouth, but then paused right before he took a sip. He looked strangely at Elwood and asked with an inquisitive tone in his voice, “. . . err . . . you don’t happen to have the cooties or anything do you?” Grabbing the top of the flask with his forefinger and thumb; Catalyst gave his hand a few turns and then winked at Elwood as if to say, “There . . . that ought to sterilize it.” After taking a good long gulp of whiskey from it, Catalyst handed the flask back to Elwood and thought to himself, “I swear I know this guy from somewhere.”

As Elwood placed the flask to his lips Catalyst can’t help but notice that the inscription on it appeared to have changed - "Humor is just another defense against the universe." Shaking his head as if he had just suffered a momentary dizzy spell; Catalyst said, “Wow – that’s good stuff! If I didn’t know better I would swear I was starting to see things.” Elwood then suddenly looked slightly upward over his shoulder and with a raised eyebrow asked, “Hmm, what’s that Harvey? Oh . . . well y-yes.  Let’s, shall we?” Catalyst couldn’t help but think to himself, “Who the Hell is this guy talking to?” Looking back at Catalyst, Elwood asked, “What is it that brings you here to this most fascinating place?  That really is a great suit you have on by the way, very smart.  Yes, very smart indeed, but I’m sorry . . . you were about to tell me why you were here.”

In a burst of unexpected epiphany Catalyst suddenly realized where he knows Elwood from. “Oh my God! I do know this guy – He’s one of my father’s old accountants. This guy is nuttier then a Christmas fruitcake!” Catalyst thought to himself.

Elwood’s posture began to settle a bit as Catalyst started to explain why he too came to the mansion, “Well . . . err . . . to be honest, some spooky guy dressed like Hugh Hefner invited me up here. Said his name was Dr. Arcane or something; I figured it was just an alias, sought of like Dr. Dre or something. I didn’t have anything too important to do so I figured I would take him up on his invitation. I figured best case scenario - I end up doing some ‘keg stands’ with some hot, half naked co-eds while Heff worked the hibachi. Worst case scenario – Dr. Heff invites me up here to hang out with a bunch of ‘wacked out’, poorly dressed friends, and we spend the rest of the night playing twenty questions and maybe a wicked-crazy round of peaknuckle.” Catalyst barely had time to finish getting out the last of his response to Elwood’s question, before a sudden look of excitement splashed over Elwood’s face. “Speaking of friends, I absolutely must introduce you to someone I think is most wonderful and I am sure you two will hit it off.  Mr. Catalyst, this . . .”

The two men are then abruptly interrupted as Donnah entered the foyer.

Catalyst used the opportunity to scan the foyer. He picked up two humans. Neither Elwood nor Donnah had an mutant DNA. He scanned a second time and did not pickup any other beings in the foyer. Neither person could tell that Catalyst was doing anything other than staring at Hannah’s boots.

“. . . oh well, a little later on then,” Elwood said as he looks up and winked back at Harvey.

Hannah smiled at both men. “Welcome to my grandfather’s home. It is nice to have friends of Dr Arcane’s visit us. She reached out to each of them handing them an object. “It is called the ‘Amulet of the Arcane’. It will allow you to talk with Dr Arcane and the rest of your teammates by either speaking or sending your thought. While wearing it you can will it to be invisible. It will allow you to come and go freely from the Mansion.”

Elwood asked if she had one for Harvey. Donnah smiled at him sweetly and patted him on the shoulder. Softly she said Harvey didn’t need one because he had Elwood. She treated him as you would imagine she would treat a doddering favorite uncle.

This small gold magical pendant hangs loosely from around its wearer’s neck from a gold chain. When worn, the Amulet of the Arcane has the ability to disappear from sight ( i.e. turn invisible ) if the wearer so desires. Unless willed by its wearer, this enchanted necklace cannot be removed from around its owner’s neck. Additionally, the ancient incantations employed in the creation of these amulets provides the wearer safe passage passed the magical wards and protections place upon Dr. Avery’s estate.

The Amulet of the Arcane is a paranormal artifact that allows it wearer to telepathically communicate with anyone else who might also be similarly adorned with one. When activated, the medallion normally defaults to broadcasting the wearer’s thoughts to everyone else that possesses one of these items. However; the user can limit these telepathic communications to a specific individual or group, but the intention to do so must be declared before hand to the GM. The maximum communication range for this device has still yet to be determined, but the furthest communication successfully attempted so far has been from Earth to Mars; a distance which at its furthest point is approximately 250 million miles. Communication via the amulet does not require the use of an action or movement from its wearer, PR=0
Donnah showed them around the estate grounds explaining how the spires were like huge magic wands. The intricate cravings were magical incantations and wards.  Secret words and reagents have been craved or stored within the spires and columns on the Mansion threshold and patio. “No one can enter by flight, teleportation, or dimensional travel while these are here. The Amulet of the Arcane will allow the wearer to come and go as they please as long as they are wearing it.  Someone can enter by car or walking, to setup wards against that was impractical and consume too many magical resources”

“Magic is a hidden art full of subterfuge and espionage. The consequences of outright magical conflict are on the same power scale of nuclear war. It only happens when one side does not care about the area they are fighting on, a scorched Earth situation.”

As they walked around the pool area they walked up to Pietor and Miss Ellie. Catalyst scanned them. He determined that Pietor was a typical human and Miss Ellie was a mutant.  Miss Ellie quickly left as Dr. Avery had called for her. Catalyst started to follow her but Donnah put her hand on his arm. “Catalyst and Elwood please met Pietor. He is Dr. Avery’s student.” Catalyst noticed that Pietor bristled at being called anyone’s student. Catalyst thought about moving into range to perform his Weakness Detection on Miss Ellie but it would be too obvious he was up to something.

Pietor expressed welcome to them both. He looked to Elwood. “Is Harvey with you?” He asked. Expecting at totally different question handed him a piece of paper. “Here… Here is my card.  Now don’t call this number, call the one on this side.  The old one doesn’t work anymore.  And what may…” Elwood paused as if he had been interrupted, “What’s that Harvey?” Elwood looked up as if he was speaking to someone taller than himself, and looked ready for an immediate response. “Oh. You asked if Harvey is here, yes he is standing right next to me.”

Pietor immediately stiffened as if in the presence of royalty. He bowed and spoke.”Welcome ancient and powerful one. It is an honor to be in your presence. If there is anything you need please make it known to me and I will provide it.”

Elwood cleared his throat and pulled at his collar in slight embarrassment. “Uhm, Mr Pietor”



“Elwood, I have a PHD in Archaeology, please refer to me with the honorific of Dr.”

“Dr. Pietor, Harvey isn’t standing there. He is standing there now”. Elwood pointed to the other side of the group.

Pietor with a look of embarrassment quickly turned and bowed in the direction Elwood was pointing.
Donnah did her best to suppress a giggle. She paused as if listening to someone speak. Pietor wondered if Harvey was speaking to her. He grew jealous at the thought. Catalyst wondered if she was making fun of Elwood. Elwood wondered what she was listening to because he knew Harvey wasn’t speaking.

Donnah looked to them. “It is time to meet my grandfather. Please come with me.”

{Earlier while Donnah was taking Catalyst, Harvey and Elwood on the tour}

Dr. Avery gathered the remaining members of the Quest in the library. He let out a tired sigh.  “Windblown has quit. He said he had more important things in his life he didn’t want to put on hold any longer. I would say our team is coming apart but we never came together as a team to begin with. I blame myself for that. I am too weak to go on missions in person and sending my astral projection drains me of too much of my energy.”

“I should have appointed a team leader in my place instead.  I will correct these over sights first. As for a name, I envisioned us to be the Team that saved Megalopolis from the Domain.  So that will be our name, “The Team”. I don’t care if it polls well with the media or the people. I don’t care if you like it. It is a reminder of who you are and how you are to work together, AS THE TEAM!”

“I am naming Agent America as team leader. He has the best mental defenses and has the most versatile roll on The Team.”

“Joshua, you are going to have to embrace having some else set your priorities again.”

Commander Rose sat in his titanium reinforced chair at the meeting table listening to Dr. Avery’s declarations concerning the team’s name, organization, and leadership. “It’ll take more than saying we’re a Team to make us a team. I hope Agent’s up to the task. God forbid he leads with the same heavy hand of his mentor “The Commander”. Joshua focused his thoughts through the amulet, concentrating on only communicating with Dr. Arcane. “Doc I’ll give him every bit of support he needs, but he’s going to have to proof he’s worthy of the title Team Leader. Saying it doesn’t make it so, and I’m always going to have problems trusting someone who hides behind a mask.”

Dr. Avery responded mentally, “I know Joshua. You could have ended with: I’m always going to have problems trusting. Unfortunately everyone has acted as if every decision should be reached by consensus. When agreement isn’t reach each went their own way as if it was some meaningless side journey. That has to end today.”

 “Agent America, you are going to have to embrace diversity. I purposely did not assemble a military unit. Conventional forces has never defeated the Domain, it has always been the outcasts and misfits that defeated the Null Masters.”

Chuckling at Doc’s comment about conventional forces, Rose’s face turns serious when he asked “Who are the Null Masters Doc.? Before this is over, I’m going to need a score card to keep up with all the players.”

Dr Avery said “I will explain who they are shortly first I need to tell you. I have added three more members to the team.  They will be brought to the library shortly. Donnah is entertaining them with a tour of the Mansion. I need to explain one of the members to you. It is Harvey. He is a Pookah.  Please listen closely as I tell you his story.”

“Queen Mab, a fairy of royal stature had designs on a free spirit and while this spirit returned her interests he was not as dedicated as Mab required.  The free spirit was more distracted by the comings and goings of humans and was particularly interested in the actions of poets, wits and drinkers. By way of testing her suitor, Mab gave the spirit the choice of being her royal partner but he would need to swear to refuse all contact with mankind and this was too much sacrifice for the spirit.  A furious Mab cast a powerful and irreversible spell on the spirit forever banishing him from the neverseelie realm of the fairies and at the same time she made him almost completely undetectable by humans.  Not completely cruel
Mab allowed the spirit to bond with one soul at a time so the spirit would still be able to make contact with a being beside himself.”

“The lonely spirit first connected with a young Irish poet in Dublin where the two would conjure all kinds of playful and sometimes socially dangerous witticisms.  Jealous of the joy the spirit found, Mab inspired others at first by way of competing to be wittier but when this was not as effective as she wanted she turned her inspiration to malevolence.  The poet was imprisoned and never was the same dyeing shortly afterward and the free spirit was alone.”

“The spirit floated without direction for many years and in that time considered many things but mostly he considered how unjust the worlds - both fairy and earthly - can be.  He decided that if and when he next would get a chance to bond with a human he would make it a point to focus at least a part of his energies to being a champion of the common man, perhaps inspiring justice.”

“Elwood P. Dowd was an accountant, and very good one, but not very happy.  One fateful day Elwood had been in his drink when a large 6'4" rabbit greeted him.  The two became fast friends and they both found new joy that neither had known for many years.”

“Elwood does not fully understand that his new friend, Harvey, is a spirit that not everyone can see, but he does know that Harvey is special.  Elwood is special too because he is Harvey’s anchor. If Elwood dies Harvey is banished from Earth until he can find another one to bond with. If Elwood is knocked unconscious, Harvey is so concerned with Elwood’s safety he won’t take any action but to wake Elwood.”

“Elwood has to come with us and we have to protect him.”

Miss Ellie walked into the room. Dr Avery smiled at her as she walked behind his wheel chair. He signaled for Donnah to bring Catalyst, Harvey, and Elwood to bring to the library. Agent America, Adamas, and DarkStar watched as Donnah ushered two people into the room.

She walked over to where her Grandfather was sitting and told him she going to her room.

Catalyst entered the room first and quickly noted that Dr. Avery and someone dressed in an America flag motif were both ordinary humans. There was a bald, blue skinned man that was clearly a meta-human, and a tall muscular man in a yellow and white costume who’s DNA; despite appearing human, could only be described as extra-terrestrial in origin. Although he had always figured that there was probably life on other planets; he never thought he would ever actually meet some of it face to face. Although he was extremely excited and intrigued by the idea that he was about to meet an alien; Catalyst kept his best ‘poker face’ on the entire time.

After sifting through Adamas’ DNA like a young boy rifling through his father’s hidden stash of ‘nudie magazines’ for the first time, Catalyst had determined although he would be able to use his abilities on him it would require some additional effort. (GM NOTE: It will cost one additional Power Point for each attempted use of Catalyst’s Genetic Resequencing ability on Adamas).

Entering the library behind Catalyst and pausing at the door for an odd moment, Elwood looked up to see a room with now more fascinating looking individuals. “My goodness . . . now this is a grand gathering, Harvey.  What wonderful company this should be, eh my friend?  Let’s see what’s-what, shall we?”  Elwood jabbed his left elbow outward for a moment and then nodded with a smile as he walked closer to the group of people. “Are you sure you are right my friend; he is our most generous host . . .,” Elwood said as he took moderate paces to reach the doctor sitting in the wheel chair. Dr Avery smiled warmly at Elwood. “Yes my appearance is significantly different than when you meet me.” Dr. Avery looked up and above his head appeared the man that Elwood had meet in the alley.

It was obvious now that it was just a projection.  An astral projection as it is called in the realm of magic but in the alley way it had looked very real. Catalyst looked around the room to the projector which was showing the hologram but there was none because this was magic.

The Magic of Dr. Arcane.

“. . . but I am afraid I never did get your name, and please tell me who these most intriguing folks are.” Elwood looked almost gleefully at each person in the room; including his ‘new friend’ Catalyst, as he nodded and smiled, anxious to hear who it was he was about to meet.

“I am Dr. Avery but in the realm on magic names have power so a nom de plume is used. So please refer to me as Dr. Arcane.”

“This is Agent America, Adamas, and DarkStar. I believe you met Catalyst on your tour.  I will leave The Team to introduce themselves better and get acquainted.”

Dr. Avery asked Agent America to assemble The Team for a briefing in the study in 30 minutes after they have had a chance to make proper introductions with each other. Miss Ellie left the room but Catalyst was able to perform Weakness Detection on her before she left.

Transformation (Disguise): can assume the appearance of any creature of relatively the same size and build.
{GM Note: Catalyst failed his Detect Hidden role so he had no reason to think that Dr. Avery and everyone else at the Mansion wouldn’t know that Miss Ellie was a meta-human}

As the Team Founders meeting broke up DarkStar quickly introduced himself to Catalyst and hurriedly nodded in the direction of Elwood and his “pookie”. The sound of his departing can be heard even before the door to his room gently closed.


Agent America’s costume had been modified. Now it was almost as hardened as the man inside it.

He welcomed the new outcasts and misfits that would soon have the Null Masters shaking in their boots. He wasn’t going to talk to invisible rabbits, but other than that, he’d try to make nice with Elwood.

He’d planned on being cordial with Rose too, and wouldn’t open old wounds first but DarkStar has remedied the situation with his departure.

He was happy to see Adamas. America was still impressed with his courage, or stupidity, at tackling the Destroyers single-handedly.

Adamas greeted each individually with a handshake. "Welcome to the "Team", fellow defenders of this world.  I look forward to fighting at your side as we strive to protect its inhabitants. 

I can tell you a little about myself.  I do not believe I come from this world, I was actually found in orbit by some of your astronauts. 

I've found that I am different from non meta homo sapiens. I have dense skin, the ability to fly, I'm stronger and faster than most, and I have the ability to discharge energy in varying degrees from my eyes.  In addition some of my senses are heightened by a degree.

Hopefully this information will aid you as we work together. 

I look forward to learning about you as we fight the evil of this world and beyond with the "Team" the good Doctor has assembled."

Elwood suggested. “I.. I know the most charming place across town called ‘Charlie’s’ and may I suggest we all go visit good ol’ Charlie where we can share some spirits and laughs?”  Another look up and a wink as Elwood was quite pleased with his pun.  “Ha, ha.  Sorry about that Harvey, I couldn’t resist.”  One could tell that this man was parched as he smacked his lips and cleared his throat.

At this moment of uncomfortable silence as everyone tried to think of something to respond to that. Catalyst said, “So . . . err . . . anyone up for a round of peaknuckle?”
On that note the Man from MEDUSA turned the conversation back to the matter at hand.  “So . . . Catalyst . . . what exactly is it that you’re bringing to The Team?” Catalyst smirked at Agent America and then responded, “Well . . . for starters, I’m definitely bringing a strong sense of fashion to the team.” He then blatantly turned around to look at all the other members of The Team before continuing, “. . . because lord knows it needs it . . .” Catalyst then looked back at Agent America and said sincerely, “. . . and ham sandwiches, I love ham sandwiches. I mean tell the truth, is there anyone here who wouldn’t love a good ham sandwich?” He then turned to look at Elwood; pointed at him, and then looked back at Agent America and said, “I know Elmer here would definitely be down for a ham sandwich.” He then turned to face Elwood once again and asked him, “I mean am I right, or am I right . . . wouldn’t you love a good ham sandwich Elmer?” Before Elwood even has a chance to respond Agent America tilted his head ever so slightly and shot Catalyst an obviously disappointed glare.

Realizing that Agent America wasn’t amused in the slightest by his tomfoolery; with a look of passing defeat, Catalyst sighed and in a more serious tone said, “Wow . . . tough room . . . *sigh* my abilities then? Well . . . first off I’m a meta-human; my mutant cellular structure provides me with a superhuman level of physical endurance and stamina. I also have the ability to detect people; and living things in general, all around me regardless if I can see them or not and I can even tell you if they’re ‘normal’ or a ‘mutant’. If they possess any genetic abnormalities; as is the case with meta-humans, If I spend a few seconds concentrating on that individual I can determine what beneficial and detrimental mutant abilities they possess.”  

As the group began to show only mild interest in what he had told them so far, Catalyst started to explain the details of his unique Genetic Resequencing ability, “Now here’s where it gets really interesting, If I have enough time to actually determine the nature of a meta-humans special abilities; not only can I amplify those abilities two-fold, I can also turn them completely off. The whole on / off thing only last for a minute or so, but I find that a minute or so is usually more than enough time make a difference in any given situation. To be honest; given enough time, I can usually understand a meta-humans abilities better then they themselves can.” As he continued with the description of his abilities, he could see by the look on everyone’s face that he had caught their attention once again, “ . . . the only downside to all of this unfortunately is that I can only ‘play’ with genetically altered creatures in this way.” He then turned to Agent America and said with a look of slight disappointment on his face, “Normal humans; such as yourself Agent America, are still however beyond my ability to genetically manipulate.”
Agent America watched Elwood and smiled.

"Another one," he thought. The double agent of democracy had seen this kind of thing before: psionic talents who, in order to cope with their fearsome abilities, fabricated unnecessary requirements like rituals, talismans, a belief in "magic," even entire alternate identities in order to justify the existence of a power that was simply rooted in themselves like any other meta-power.

As Catalyst explained his capabilities, Agent America thought about all the governments on Earth that would gladly pay to have Catalyst's power. Within this man's DNA was the way to disarm all meta-humans on the planet. Absolute power would be restored to the nation states again.

His anti-meta gene would be isolated, replicated, and made airborne... if news of his powers ever got out.

He thought of how Catalyst could be easily abducted by a normal human and auctioned off to the highest bidder. It would change the balance of power across the globe. And make his abductor extremely wealthy.

Elsewhere in the world:

For almost the next half hour Joshua Rose inspected the R&D center he had set up in Fort Worth. He refused to accept his team’s five year projected time estimate to get a working teleport generator up and running. Always the engineer, it wasn’t five minutes before he’s in a sterile environment suit with tools and diagnostic equipment fastened about his person. He discovered the team was wrong. It would take 18 years or more to even get a prototype ready.  The problem was that the only teleporters in the world were living. There were no devices anywhere.  Even MEDUSA couldn’t get Stigmata working without an occupant. Only with a living brain would it teleport. He wished he could get access to those files but MEDUSA tech was above his security clearance and Kevin refused to put in a request. . “Damn it! I am an engineer not a geneticist.” He would have to bring in a specialist in meta human genetics. Involved so deeply in solving the current glitch blocking teams progress, it’s not until Cybil reminded him about the meeting did he think of the briefing he’s supposed to be attending back at the mansion.


Agent Amercia went to the library early and said to Doc: “Leader, huh? I guess I had that coming. I hope you know what you’re doing, old man.”

Dr Avery smiled back and nodded as if to say “me too, me too.”

Still dressed in his work gear from the R&D lab Joshua made his apologies for the last minute entrance and sat back down at the Team’s meeting table to listen to Dr. Avery’s take on the Quest’s next target.

“Thanks for joining us, Joshua, I had just finished explaining the history of the Null Masters and the Geonesian. Their conflicts in the Domain and how it had led to conflict in our dimension, in summary the Null Masters conquer worlds to power their evil magic. They created the Star Devourers and were the ones that had sent them to Mars, causing its destruction when it couldn’t be subjugated.  I have finally eliminated the possibility of it being other factions in the Domain and believe they are behind the events taking place now.

 “Some months ago, a small golden casket was unearthed at the archeological dig of a 2,000 year old tell in Egypt.  With great care, the casket was opened and found to contain five remarkably well-preserved scrolls.  The casket itself was placed on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Unknown to the Null Masters and its allies the scrolls were sent to America. One each was sent to five prominent scholars for translation and analysis. I was one of those scholars even though my field of expertise has never been archeology or linguistics but parapsychology and the history of occult science.”

“Since Pietor does have expertise in archeology he has been doing the translation and doing the analysis. It would appear the purpose in sending the scroll to me is for more than to study the fifth scroll, but to guard it and prevent it from falling into evil hands. If what small portion of the scroll Pietor has translated is accurate, then this scroll holds the key to the proper use of the other four, and those four contain long-forgotten secrets of mystic and ancient alchemical transubstantiation which could shake the very foundation of modern science.  I believe the Domain destroyed the Golden Casket attempting to get the five scrolls that they thought were inside it.”
“I spent today attempting to contact the other four scholars. Three are missing and the last one is in the hospital. He was hurt in a burglary gone badly.  The police did not know all that was stolen from the house but I believe the Domain is behind this. I believe they have acquired the four scrolls and will soon be after the fifth.”

Somewhere between Egypt and Pietor’s analysis, Rose’s hyper-active mind took an interest in the Agent’s shiny new combat suit. As one part of him was paying attention to the Doc’s briefing, knowing Cybil was recording everything, the other part of his intellect occupied itself with reverse engineering the apparent and likely alterations the Agent had made. Hmmm, I wonder where he got the money for those kind of modifications? It’s certainly more than he could afford on a government income?


A loud peal of lightning sounded outside and it started to rain. It was a very heavy rain. The sky was pitched black from the storm.

Something strange outside the windows of the study seemed to catch the attention of everyone within the room. As Catalyst approached one of the room’s windows he turned off a nearby desk lamp so as to reduce the glare it was producing on the glass.

* . . . click . . .*

Catalyst’s eyes squinted tightly as he struggled to pierce through the inky veil of darkness hanging heavy over the grounds of the Avery Estate. Peering through the glass he could see droplets of rain slip passed the almost gossamer-like leaves of some nearby trees. The leaves lying lazily on the wet ground slowly begin to stir amidst an unseasonably cool breeze. Catalyst stood silent and still for a moment as he took in the stormy evening setting. Much like the other members of The Team, he can’t help but feel that something strange and uninvited was out lurking amongst the rain soaked exterior of the building.

A feint glow of light caught The Team’s attention as it slowly began to grow in intensity from the far side of a nearby hill. Across the lawn seven shadowy figures could be seen emerging from behind the tree line and slowly approaching the Avery Mansion. Their various forms outlined by a soft yellow light generated by the flame encased flier seen hovering ominously behind their number. The advancing horde then suddenly stopped their military-like advance midway between the mansion and from the point at which they were originally spotted. They stood there like a well disciplined army awaiting orders from a leader who was about to enter negotiations with his enemy before committing to battle.

Looking out the window, The Team saw the decorated columns and spires either disappear into the ground or fly up into the sky. They couldn’t see how far up they went but they didn’t them come back down either.

A soft chill suddenly replaced the warmth of the mansions interior as each member of the team heard an unfamiliar voice speaking to them telepathically, “You are gravely wrong about us coming for the fifth scroll soon . . . we are coming for it now.” The sinister sound of the voice sent a slight shiver running down Catalyst’s spine like a bead of chilled water sliding anxiously down the curved surface of a leaf. The voice then issued a dark ultimatum to the members of The Team, “You have a choice . . . give the fifth scroll and The Cloak of Ambulation to Miss Ellie to bring out . . . or we will come in and take them.”

Lord Noman and his Tarot Masters had arrived . . .

As the other members The Team prepared their defenses and ready themselves for battle, Catalyst turned to Agent America and asked, “ . . . friends of yours?”

Former Employer,” Agent America thought as he immediately remembered a meeting he had with a fellow spy who worked with metas as well, The Huntsman.

"We work for no man ..." the rocket launcher carrying spy stopped speaking and let out a frustrated sigh. "The names that they use today. The fool must think he is being very clever by making me say I work for no man."

"Our employer is the Leader of Tarot Masters, Lord Noman"

The Man from MEDUSA also remembered what his follow up research had been after he returned from the meeting on the Island of Juompur and his conversation with Dr. Avery.

Agent America informed Dr. Avery what MEDUSA had on the Tarot Masters. “MEDUSA had noticed the Tarot Masters but while they are fledging criminal organization, they are not classified as a threat but as a nuisance group.  This is because they claim to use magic for their powers and tend to rob museums and art collectors.  Their creator Mr. Noman claims to have a magical wand which can command weather.”

Avery nodded, “It is more than a claim and they will become more than a nuisance someday.”

{GM Note: From their Classic 1st Adventure found in Quest issue #7}

The daredevil of democracy lied to Noman: “Okay. Okay. She’s getting ready to come out!”

Agent America concentrated to shield his thoughts from Noman (and began gathering intel for what was about to happen). Using the amulet he talked to The Team.

“Everyone hold your fire, stay indoors and spread out.

“Pietor, lock that scrap of paper up right now.

“Catalyst, Elwood: what are your offensive and defensive capabilities? Be clear and concise. I need information, not wit.

Elwood responding to AA who had asked about the abilities of the new members:
“Well…  Uh…  Agent America, Harvey is quite a remarkable individual, and a pookah!”

“Doc that goes for you too.”

“Also, what defenses have you got baked into this place? Anything gonna stop that bruiser from bringing this building down around us?

Dr Avery responded in the negative with the spires and columns gone all the Mansion’s defenses had been disabled. He also show he was had a pistol with him. “Unfortunately, my health makes my magic unreliable.”

“Anyone with X-Ray vision or AI programs,” Agent America said, “please see who else is near the property. I suppose it’s possible their entire force is visible and attacking from one direction all at once, but not likely. Give us everything you can see and hear.

“Anyone with photographic memory or wireless service,” he smiled, “start IDing these damn mooks.”

Once he had intel, he’d start working crafting plans with his Team.

“You got any defenses, you better turn ‘em on,” he said merrily. “You new guys, I hope you got your insurance policies paid up and your wills signed. Welcome to the Team!”

As the Agent started barking orders to the team, DarkStar looked up momentarily from the holo-display, Anyone with X-Ray vision or AI programs? What the hell? Like he’s referring to the new guys. Arrogant son of a bitch can’t be bothered to use our names now when he needs something? I knew it, I knew he take after that rat ass bastard “The Commander”. Head down as he made a couple alterations to the feed from the Ares combat sensors, “Right, already on it.” A three dimensional display of the mansion and surrounding grounds was projected across the top of the Team’s conference table.

It was a complete white out.  The storm outside was completely interfering with the satellite’ ability to gather data and was having difficulty sending it to Joshua’s gauntlets and goggles. DarkStar was frustrated. His system should be able to penetrate any storm, even a hurricane. If it was a normal meteorological event, that is.

While Agent America barked out orders to the other members of The Team; Catalyst stood next to one of the windows in the study and clasped his hands together tightly as if he had just trapped something in-between them. He then gave Adamas a sly look and said to him, “This might feel a little weird ‘big guy’, so try not to get freaked out by it.” He then started to slowly separate his hands and an eerie red glow began to emanate outward from between them. Pulling his hands even further apart, the red glow between Catalyst’s hands took form and appeared as a chaotic ball of crackling red electricity. The look on Catalyst’s face then turned serious and Adamas could tell that he was being sized-up and carefully targeted by one of The Team’s newest members. Before Adamas could say a thing, Catalyst pointed his palms directly at the veteran member of The Team and a steady stream of dancing red electricity roared his way. As the energy beam struck him it seemed to instantly and harmlessly disperse itself across his rugged alien frame. Catalyst then looked at his new teammate and said, “There ya go ‘big guy’;a double shot of ‘bad ass’ just for you.”
As the new Team member attacked Adamas, Joshua started to leap forward but was stopped in his tracks as Dr. Avery laid a hand on his wrist. Catching himself he realized his potential blunder. Looking at Doc with a grin and focused his thought through the amulet "I take I missed Show and Tell? Watching as Adamas was irradiated in a strange red glow, he whispered to Doc. "I think he and I need to have a talk before he tries that trick on me. I want to know how, why and what he's doing, beforehand."

“Joshua that is why I gave you thirty minutes to greet each other, so he could do just that, next time I will take the amulet away from you beforehand so you can’t leave.”

Adamas smiled from the new found sense of power and invulnerability. "Thank you my friend, if I'm going to be much help in the coming battle I'll need all the "bad ass" I can get!”

{GM Note: Adamas now has Invulnerability of 48 and Power Blast of 2d20. Catalyst could not give him Adaptation Defense. His power can only boost what he has or remove a specific weakness/power. He can’t give something that is not there. This would be true for Adamas’ Invulnerability not applying to Mental/Magic – He doesn’t  have Invulnerability against these and it can’t be given him.}

Thinking about how the pillars to the front of the mansion disappear into the ground and the sky, Commander Rose analytical mind leapt forward in a search for information. Gravity Powers? “Cybil, please tie into the Ares full-spectrum of combat sensors. I need to know if they just registered a localized graviton pulse, and have the satellite track the trajectory of those columns.” Standing behind Dr. Avery, Joshua activated the holo-keypad and starts running a facial recognition program through all available data services to identify the figures out on the lawn. Who the hell is Lord Noman and the Tarot Masters?

His database pulled up the same information from the MEDUSA files as Agent America had found before. There were no new entries since them.

 Asking Cybil to continue to run the holo-display of the grounds and monitor the Bloodhound program, Joshua stands up and walks to stand guard behind Dr. Avery. “How do they know the Cloak is here? Did they follow the Agent and Lodestone without being spotted? Or has he sold us out to the highest bidder? That fancy new suit of his didn’t come cheap”. Another more insidious thought enters DarkStar’s pondering . . . “I have to warn Doc and the others. That might not even be the Agent. We’ve never seen his face how do we know that’s even him?”

Joshua focused his thoughts through the amulet so only that Dr. Arcane can hear him, Doc, unless you have to be here, I’d be a lot easier to focus on the coming battle if Pietor got you, Donnah and the staff out of here ASAP. Look at Adamas … while you guys are here he’s not going to be thinking of how to protect himself.”

“Agent! Someone needs to go after those marble columns, if they land in a populated area of Megalopolis the shrapnel is going to kill a lot of people.”

Overhearing Doc's concerns about the gaps in the defenses he tried to sense any changes in his ability to teleport to, from, and around the mansions grounds. Focusing on his amulet "Adamas do you feel any changes in your ability to fly about the mansion? AA is trying to determine any damage the assault has done to its defenses."

He and Adamas couldn’t sense any difference since they wore their amulets and it negated the defenses in the first place. DarkStar looked at Adamas to see if he could tell any effect for Catalyst’s boost. He couldn’t see any difference ill or otherwise.

From his watchdog position beside Doc, DarkStar signaled to Agent America. "Adamas is all but out on his feet, and barely going to be able to provide fire-support. We have two untested newbies, and a house full of women, old men and academics ... no offense intended Doc, to defend against a frontal assault by some goons calling them Tarot Masters. We better come up with a plan fast." Quickly checking to see the status of Cybil's Bloodhound search for information on the Tarot Masters. "If they make a move on the mansion I'm going to start cracking heads, and a couple of those guys are going to find their spandex wearing asses at the north pole."

Elwood yelled, “OK Harvey I will!  You be careful too!  You’re the best friend I have so don’t do anything foolish!”

Pietor returned to the Library. He was wearing the cloak of Ambulation. The cloak was black with silver skulls as the clasps which attached a little below his shoulder.  Anyone looking at the palms of his hands would see fresh cuts and a few drops of blood. He stood next to Dr. Avery, Miss Ellie and DarkStar. “I have a spell with saps an opponent’s strength”

{GM Note: It is a Devitalization Ray Magic Spell}

Adamas flew to the highest point he can inside the library, and used his Ethereal Vision. He scanned the area around the mansion looking for anyone else whom might be in the vicinity, sharing what he saw with The Team.

There was no one else standing with the Tarot Masters in the front of the Mansion but along the sides and behind were men and women wearing ornate breastplates and helmets. They were all wielding batons which were pointed toward the mansion. Adamas couldn’t tell which one was Lord Norman.  There were 4 warriors, 3 males and 1 female, which carried additional weapons and had others next to them as if they were a leader.

Adamas identified that there were four people in the upstairs of the house. They were walking down the hallway. Three of them looking very familiar but since this is the first time he ever saw them with his Ethereal Vision he wasn’t sure. They appeared to be heading toward the Library.
At the same time Catalyst was scanning the house and grounds as well. He only scanned one typical person in the house, not four as Adamas said.  All the troops around the grounds were typical humans. He turned his attention to the heavy hitters in the front yard.

1.     She registered as a typical human. Once again Catalyst was a little frustrated. First Elwood and now her. He had expected Psionics to be DNA based but it appeared it might not be.
2.     He registered as meta human. He was a being of pure electricity. {Lightning Control and Non Corporealness – not permanent}
3.     She registered as typical human. She must be a Psionic as well he concluded.
4.     He registered a typical human. Catalyst was shocked
5.     He is a meta human. He is a human star {Adaptation, Flame Powers, and Invulnerability}
6.     He is a meta human. His DNA was bursting with strength. {Heightened Strength, Heightened Endurance, Body Power: Mass x2, Biological Armor, Natural Weaponry from spikes on Armor}
7.     She registered as typical human. She must have device base powers he thought.

Cybil was finally able to penetrate the storm and respond to DarkStar’s request.

{GM Note: She provided data on attackers using the same chart above)

“Unable to scan grounds due to weather interference, did receive your scans and images. Able to find individual data in MEDUSA files, no combat files ever created for subjects because of nuisance status. Inquiries to FISH, CHESS, GIANT, and US Marshal’s office were denied because of inadequate security levels and lack of justification for ‘need to know’.

1.     Tarot Master: The Empress codename Mindstorm: no known identities, no criminal record, possible powers: Telepathy.
2.     Tarot Master: The Emperor codename Ion: no known identities, no criminal record, no known powers.
3.     Tarot Master: The Hanged Man codename Emerald: no known identities, wanted for theft of art relics from Turkey and Russia, possible powers: Telekinesis.
4.     Tarot Master: The World codename Terra-rizer: no known identities, no criminal record, possible powers: no known powers.           **** Deleted entry recovered previously made by MEDUSA Agent Squid: Terra-rizer is a druid who bonded with the earth through magic. He can travel through the earth, move the earth on his command and physically join earth becoming a human/elemental hybrid****
5.     Tarot Master: The Sun codename Super Nova: no known identities, no criminal record, possible powers: Flame Summoning and Control.
6.     Tarot Master: Strength codename Bulwark: no known identities, no criminal record, no known powers.
7.     Tarot Master: Judgment codename Mother Superior: no known identities, wanted for theft of ancient Crusade era relics by United Kingdom, no known powers but owners of relics claim the stolen objects are magical.

That is all the information I can provide. Verification with Meteorological Satellites has confirmed unusual storm activity in Megalopolis which is not according to normal weather patterns. National Weather Service has declared this to be Meta Induced Storm and for citizens to seek shelter immediately. National Weather Service cannot predict possible changes or outcome on storms in this category.

Adamas warned everyone to prepare themselves as the 4 people in the house were nearing the library. He knew 3 of them immediately when he saw them with his own eyes. It was Occult, Samhain, and Chainsaw. The fourth could have been Chainsaw’s twin if he wasn’t wearing a different mask.

Catalyst still only scanned 1 typical person. Was it possible the other 3 weren’t even living.

Occult smiled a very evil smile. “Lord Noman told you we would come for them if you didn’t bring them to us.”

Miss Ellie stepped from around Dr. Avery and walked to Occult. Joshua immediately tried to ‘jump’ to stop her. He was immediately overcome with a sense of dizziness and couldn’t concentrate. He couldn’t visualize where he wanted to teleport to even though he could see it with his eyes. The rest of The Team was focused on the threats in front of them to prevent Miss Ellie’s movement. They were caught by surprise that she voluntarily joined them.

Miss Ellie handed the scroll to Occult. “Thank you, Mortal”, Occult said to Miss Ellie. Both DarkStar and Agent America remembered that Mortal was the codename for the Tarot Master: Death.

Occult made a wave with her and spoke a few unrecognizable words and Mortal disappeared. The same way that Samhain had appeared in the Temple of the Dragon of Juompur Agent America, DarkStar and Adamas remembered.

Both Catalyst could sense and Adamas could see the Tarot Masters withdrawing from the estate. They were leaving.

She looked at Pietor. “It seems I took too long in getting here. You have bonded with the cloak. That is okay. I will take if from your dead body. Get him!” She said as she teleported away.

Joshua Rose felt the light-headness leave him as the same time.

DarkStar immediately contacted Cybil to track where Occult went. Dr. Avery thought “She isn’t in our world, Joshua. She has not simply teleported. She dimensionally traveled. She has gone to the Domain where she will deliver the scrolls and the necessary reagents for the ceremony.”

Samhain and the ‘Halloween Twins’ entered the room. The Twins were both carrying chainsaws.

< Happy Halloween, Everybody! Due Date: November 19th, Actions? Replies?>

{GM Note: DarkStar healed 9 Hit Points and all Power Points. He has 73 HP and 110 PP.
                  Adamas healed 2 Hit Points and all Power Points. He has   7 HP and    73 PP.
                  Agent America, Harvey & Elwood are full on HP and PP and Catalyst has used PR for boost +1 PP}

<Due Date: November 19th, Actions? Replies?>

{GM Note: I will be on business travel Nov 7th to Nov 11th, so I will be slow in responding to email. We will be celebrating my son’s birthday that weekend and Nov 14th to 16th I will be a volunteer on his 5th grade trip to Sky Ranch Family Camp so I won’t be checking email at all then. That is why the due date is longer than normal.}


You are a freak of nature!  This is awesome, and not only to do it once, but twice... WoW.

I enjoyed the Cybil version, really helped to see what went on timewise... didn't help Adamas much from the flat of his back, but very cool, and He's shaking in his boots for this next battle with 7 hp... jeez, I soo wanted to blast off into the big guy at full speed, but at this point, he'd be a bug on a windshield.

I'll get a response out as soon as possible, probably going to have to read through it a couple of times to prepare...

Thanks for all you do!


Agent America



Great issue!

Since he wasn't planning scuba or zero g operations, is it safe to assume that America's default is:
Armored look (Adaptation defense) with Jet Pack and one other device?


Thanks, glad you liked it.

Tell me what you want the default to be.  I would agree it should be the Armored Look, if you want the jet pack as default that would be fine too.



Agent America

and one more thing....

What would a Heightened Strength exoskeleton give me in points?
How about a blaster pistol? Is that Power Blast?
Or maybe just another does of Natural Weaponry? (hardened fists and targeting system) What would the numbers be?



Agent America:

OOC: Great job, Tom. Welcome Catalyst, Harvey and Elwood!
Tom, you got a map of Doc’s place?

Dr. Avery asked Agent America to assemble The Team for a briefing in the study in 30 minutes after they have had a chance to make proper introductions with each other.

Agent America’s costume had been modified. Now it was almost as hardened as the man inside it.
He welcomed the new outcasts and misfits that would soon have the Null Masters shaking in their boots. He wasn’t going to talk to invisible rabbits, but other than that, he’d try to make nice with Elwood.

He’d be cordial with Rose too, and wouldn’t open old wounds first.

He was happy to see Adamas. America was still impressed with his courage, or stupidity, at tackling the Destroyers single-handedly.

He’d head to the library early and say to Doc: “Leader, huh? I guess I had that coming. I hope you know what you’re doing, old man.”

The Storm:

The daredevil of democracy lied to Noman: “Okay. Okay. She’s getting ready to come out!”

Agent America concentrated to shield his thoughts from Noman (activate Willpower Defense) and began gathering intel for what was about to happen.  (If the new guys have amulets, he'll use them. Otherwise he'll say this aloud.)

“Everyone, hold your fire, stay indoors and spread out.

“Pietor, lock that scrap of paper up right now. (ie: the scroll)

“Catalyst, Elwood: what are your offensive and defensive capabilities? Be clear and concise. I need information, not wit.

“Doc that goes for you too.
“Also, what defenses have you got baked into this place? Anything gonna stop that bruiser from bringing this building down around us?

“Anyone with X-Ray vision or AI programs,” Agent America said, “please see who else is near the property. I suppose it’s possible their entire force is visible and attacking from one direction all at once, but not likely. Give us everything you can see and hear.

“Anyone with photographic memory or wireless service,” he smiled, “start IDing these damn mooks.”

Once he had intel, he’d start working crafting plans with his Team.

“You got any defenses, you better turn ‘em on,” he said merrily. “You new guys, I hope you got your insurance policies paid up and your wills signed. Welcome to the Team!”



Cybil has a comic? My little girl is growing up.

That was pretty cool Tom. I think I missed a post by Jeff. I was way off on AA's time/space locations. I thought he and Lodestone were in the warehouse at the time DS teleported into Central City and would be driving to the mansion during the whole fight. It's one reason I thought it good to recruit heroes from the party for the fight - and then I under-estimated Tom's sneaky use of the Destroyers and Doc Apoc's robots (and Bull).

I still think recruiting Max and the others ought to give me a pass for going after Bull though  Not only was it dramatic a hell but I don't think there's much DS could have done that bad momma didn't. By time DS got there Adamas was already up the creek. I totally had that whole timeline badly visualized. Again my bad I apologize.

BTW - I / DS still holds the Isotope was never the "mission". The cloak was "our" mission the Isotope was the diversion. If it was really a big deal they should have hired StarCorp and had DS teleport it site to site. That's what happens when you hire second best.  

Well worth the wait Tom. Awesome stuff
Off to read "New Members and Street Patrol.
John R

Agent America


Well I think the difference between DS and Maxima being there is DS could have been there faster, right on Turn 1, when Adamas was getting beaten up.

If DS teleported directly there when he heard what was going down (which was actually the agreed upon plan, that he serve as instantaneous back up) the Destroyers would have divided their attacks between you two bricks.
Then AA is there on Turn 2.

Instead, DS used Turn 1 to recruit Max and the Super Society.

Re: the mission. We told Safeguard how to handle the whole Isotope mission. So, our fingerprints were all over that thing... giving us responsibility for it.
But even if the isotope wasn't our mission, our team mate was going toe to toe with the Destroyers. That's when it became our mission.



OOC: Possibly

(This is all just my opinion on "What If" but I think it has validity)

Or most likely it would have triggered the Doombot Ambush and had DarkStar in the same boat as Adamas is in right now. All those attacks on one character would have easily overcome the new ret-conned DarkStar defenses and he would never have handled them as fast as Max did.

Note: I mentioned to Tom I had no clue Adamas was in the position he was in when DarkStar teleported out to fight Bull. I assume I missed, or misunderstood a post. That one piece of knowledge would have totally changed my response for DS. If he had known Adamas was in that position there is no way he would have teleported out. StarCorp is his extended family but the Quest is his immediate family. Guess I need to ease up on the peddle with DS and stop so much Side Shot stuff with him. It had a negative effect even if it was by accident.

My apologies
John R

Agent America


The Cyber-Doombots didn't ambush Safeguard. They only activated when the Super Society showed up. It's possible they were programmed to intervene when the total number of conscious good guys reached a certain amount.

Glad that DS would do things differently next time. :)

No apologies necessary!
This is all good fodder for IC interaction.



Hey Tom
OOC: Just some initial thoughts addressing the newest Quest Issue. Just quick thoughts I had while doing the first read through.
Crap both the new guys are alcoholics? (lol)
Are we seeing a step in Cybil’s evolution? She’s “forcing” DS to watch the news and her combat analysis?
“This is simply a case of Joshua being Joshua” Hey! What’s with the crack? Ouch, uhm,  the rest doesn’t get any better. I’ve never had DS say one thing that wasn’t true (at the Bridge and the party) and he told the heroes at the museum he wouldn’t be at the Adamas fight before they teleported. Hey why is DS refusing an interview?
Cool on the Doombot analysis – I didn’t think they would let him but he had to ask.
5 year plan on the teleport generator? The boss is not amused, totally unacceptable J
Hmmm, seems DS should pick up German as a language skill.
I did say “extended” family – I think DS might have a messiah complex? Okay I have a real aversion to time travel stories, but dude you really made me feel the tragedy of Maxima’s plight. As far as being his meal ticket, Neville is officially on the shit DS’s list for seemingly taking advantage of Max J
Okay now I see why DS is refusing the interview – he’s a nut. Still . . . maybe I could leave him on Mars (lol)
SHIT – no way you dropped Max out that fast? No way does he delete the program though. He would make it an “event” like “celebrating” the Accident with Kevin. Plus who is to say something doesn’t happen to reboot the “Day the Bubble Burst” – time travel stories give me headaches (lol) J
*** Please correct me if needed ***
It is my understanding from the Cybil Issue that Adamas was already beaten by the time Rose showed up with the Super Society? (And it was not communicated to DarkStar at the time he left to chase Bull) It is also my understanding that Adamas took it upon himself to protect the Isotope? When did it become the Quest Team’s mission to guard said Isotope?
*** I ask because I totally never understood that to be the team’s mission but rather Adamas’s own side shot – so to speak. I must have totally misunderstood something here? ***
If it’s just Jeff having AA view it different, RPing then cool. We can have that battle. He says he’s not a meta and needs more Powers, but V&V wise AA looks on par with Spider-man to me. He’s the team’s best hth fighter already. As of now I see a major blow up between the two in the near future.
But if it’s me screwing all this info up then I need to know. Thanks
Uhm what’s a Null Master? Doc said it like it’s common knowledge?
No peeking on the new guys character sheets huh?
Initial Combat Analysis
-       Telepathy
-       Weather Control
-       Gravity Control
Cool, Mother Superior and Super Nova. He look familiar but can’t remember who the big guy is. The others are a total mystery

Hey Big Tom

Beautifully written issue Tom.

I'll weave an IC response over the next few days. I just seem to like to give you an initial reaction to the comic n you put them out. I hope that's always been okay?

I'm not liking the odds here. Might take for some desperate measures.

Speaking of can we have some character sheet updates? I'm sure Harvey's is invisible and Catalyst spilled a martini on his

Once again nicely done pal
John R


Hey Tom my man

 Thanks for h feedback - I still feel pretty dumb more misinterpret ting the time line so badly. I really would have had DS stay if he knew Adamas was in that condition - Hey did he call for mental help after being cocooned and I missed it? Spilt milk all

DS: Hey why is DS refusing an interview?
GM: I thought Trisha was the head of StarCorp security and had her refuse the interview.
DS: That makes sense. I think Rog needs to have a Come to Jesus meeting with DS.
DS: No way does he delete the program though. He would make it an “event” like “celebrating” the Accident with Kevin.
GM: Okay, I will change the wording, would he archive it or keep it an active program?
DS: I'd go active for 1 year if it didn't hamper Cybil's efficiency, Then a month check for a year. Then an annual check.
DS: Plus who is to say something doesn't happen to reboot the “Day the Bubble Burst”
GM: Me   
DS: (lol) yes you and you could always change your mind

DS: He says he’s not a meta and needs more Powers, but V&V wise AA looks on par with Spider-man to me
GM: Interesting comment, AA and Archer both have HtH 1d10.  AA has STR 22 & Archer has 21, AA has END 21 vs Archer 18, AA AGI 30 vs. Archer 21; AA has a modifier of +12 to hit on HtH vs Archer's +12 (with Bow). The real difference between the AA and Archer is AA having Natural Weaponry +3/+6 and Willpower Defense.
DS: okay I have to bow to your V&V analytical skills. We are ret-conning Archer for that very reason though. His stat-line is goofy fro Street Patrol. Agent's Agl of 30 is Spider-man-ish V&V terms to me. He has a better chance to hit targets in hth than Adamas or DarkStar. His +6 damage is in some ways better than having a 1d10 damage dice. His Willpower defense in hth combined with Evasion makes his Spider-man-ish in the dodging department. Combined with his bag of gimmicks he's a much better fighter imo than Adamas and DarkStar - especially against certain opponents.

It's not so mush of a DS vs AA vs Adamas, but seeing how he really excels in his own way. They all do. Adamas has a killer skill. I tossed Jeff a couple thoughts on how I thought if played a certain way I think Adamas could have really given the Destroyers a run for their money all on his own. All just for fun - there is no way I think Jon played Adamas wrong - he did exactly what is in his character to do. I just going over stuff like this as an tactic/intellectual exercise for fun. I miss talking with my war gaming friend lost due to the divorce. I think it would be kinda cool if somehow if the Destroyer fight led to the Team developing some real team combat tactics.
GM: So Archer is a normal with only a minor superpower (spatial awareness) and AA is a superhero on the level Spider-man, did I have that right?
DS: Nope  as mentioned Archer needed ret-conned fro SP (even if he is jinxed) currently I've seen him physically as on Captain Americas level.

DS: He’s the team’s best hth fighter already. 
GM: Interesting comment, especially since AA wouldn't have a chance in a HtH battle with DarkStar. Even if DarkStar promised not to teleport. AA has HtH of 1d10+10, so dual attacking every turn AA has only 50/50 chance of getting past DarkStar's  Invulnerability of 30. If he made his 1% chance of rolling 40 points of damage then DarkStar could roll with 100% of that damage the first time and maybe the second time as well. The Team's best HtH fighter is DarkStar.
DS: I didn't mean against each other - though if his WIllpower is used as a hth defense hitting AA is going to be tuff - no I meant generally. Against villains that bring HTH to "0" to hit before modifiers AA would be out best HTH fighter due to the number of modifiers he has. That's where I was going with that. Say versus Spider-man. AA would be better fighter than DS. If it were versus Thing then DS would excel. I guess when I say out best HTH fighter it's like calling Captain America a better HTH fighter than the Thing.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts


I guess when I say out best HTH fighter it's like calling Captain America a better HTH fighter than the Thing.
GM: Which is a fine statement to make when you are comparing characters on a concept basis but if the Fantastic Four was fighting Dr. Doom and his Doom-Bots, Annihilus and his minions, or the Heralds of Galactus which do they want fighting HtH for them. Thing or Captain America?

I compared AA to DarkStar in combat because I have to do the same thing with every villain I use in designing the adventures. Because of his teleportation, I can’t hold him off to the side to fight a few specific villains, the whole battlefield is his oyster.

If a villain doesn't measure up to DarkStar I have to decide whether to beef him up or use a second villain to team up with the villain.  While you could say I could design villains specifically for each member of the Quest. It won't work because of the transportation powers of Adamas and DarkStar. Switching villains can be done with ease by The Team.

So know you know why the changes with AA were done.

The Tarot Master in the middle is Terra-izer.



Wow, I'm going to apologize ahead if time. I must be having a post workday blonde brain mush moment

Okay I get the concept thing and the Galactus Herald thing, but I'm curious don't you think AA's willpower, agility, and martial arts make him better suited versus certain opponents - especially when 3.0 gets going? Just curious.

Crap   We're still having problem with DS? I'd hoped the ret-con would have toned him down enough it wouldn't be an issue anymore.

Point taken on the use of teleportation. I have a feeling it's going to be tested to the limit with Big A sitting on 7 hp. I told just it would be nice if Catalyst, speed up the healing process.

   (lmao) Im all cool with Jeff making any changes to AA you and he want - My biggest problem is how to find a RP appropriate way for DS to get a good dig in (lol)  

Terra-izer, yeah yeah heard of him, don’t have that module but cool.

Thanks Tom


DS: Hey did he call for mental help after being cocooned and I missed it?

GM: Nope and DS didn't ask for a status report before he left either. He told Maxima to have fun and left.

The most common thread I can find is everyone thought the Destroyers would fight fair and be easy to beat.



The most common thread I can find is everyone thought the Destroyers would fight fair and be easy to beat.


Dude that is great. Not sure I thought of it that way, but it sure was a great indicator of what is to come and what team work can accomplish.

You know those scripted interviews Sports Stars do where they say "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" ? I think me and DS need to have Nigel schedule a press conference.

Dude I'm so sad to see Max disappear    


IC: Adamas will Fly to the highest point he can inside the mansion, and use his new "Ultra Vision," (trying to stay away from the stigma of X-Rays)  He will scan the area around the mansion looking for anyone else who might be in the vicinity, and share any findings with the Team (OK, reminds me of the A-Team, but it works.)
OOC: He will save his first action.  I like MIke's format for turns, and think I'll copy it...
·         Protect the defensless, if anyone attacks someone that seems to be a non-powered individual, Adamas will intercept.
·         Stay out of Melee Range (He is very aware that he is not in any shape for a head to head battle)
·         Use Ranged attacks, Specifically his new Auto Fire option on his target not knowing the powers of his new allies, he will focus on flying opponents, or those again threatening anyone he views as non-powered.
·         Try not to get surrounded and teamed up on...


OOC Questions:


{GM Note: I am not providing Catalyst‟s background and power to you. That is up to Catalyst to decide how much he will share with The Team. While I gave Harvey‟s history, his powers is up to his deciding to share. Same for Elwood}

Dr. Avery asked Agent America to assemble The Team for a briefing in the study in 30 minutes after they have had a chance to make proper introductions with each other.


Dr. Avery said, “Some months ago . . .

Just wanted to clarify before we get too deep into discussing our characters combat actions, do our characters have 30mins ( of game time ) to interact with each other before the bad-guys try to lay siege to the mansion? The above quote is what made me think that maybe we did.

One of the reasons that I ask is because there are a few things I would like to do with Catalyst’s abilities before we actually get into combat if possible. Also; I have to be honest, I love the idea of actually having to have to explain our abilities and backgrounds to the other team members - it definitely adds opportunity for some good roleplaying.

One other thing – until Catalyst and Harvey & Elwood actually get a chance to reveal their powers and abilities to the other members of the team, should Mike and I send you private e-mails if we decide to use our abilities, Tom?

Talk to you all soon,



Hey Kev

Woke up early today. Going to work on DarkStar's reply since I'm off work today and decided to see if anyone had replied to Jeff's post yet. Glad I did.

Tom will confirm (because after last issue my timeline interpret ting skills can readily be called into question) but I'd say you have the 30 minute time window to work with thing right on the money.

Except DarkStar won't be there so whatever you have in mind, he won't be available til right before Doc's briefing on the Scroll starts. You will be able to communicate with him through the team comm-badge he gives you right before he disappears. He'll be busy so unless it's an emergency you'll probably end up talking to Cybil. I assume Doc gave or will give you an amulet, and he can always be reached by a Team member that way.

Later Warrior


Hey Jon

OOC: I have an idea

It just hit me as a possibility. If you're wanting to stay away from the classic (and more scientific) definition for your new power, how about a more mystic oriented one?

Ethereal or otherwise known as E-vision. It's suppose to play on the whole insubstantial  theme which I usually think of as ghostly/mystical. Just a wild ass thought.

I have a second idea. (lol - I'm gonna get a chuckle out of this one for a little bit)

I'm sure Jeff will craft a masterful plan but this is just a thought. Lets identify and eliminate the mentalist as fast as possible. Generally telepathy is only one step from some kind of mental or emotional control, and I highly suggest we nix that possibility before someone has a chance to turn Adamas or DarkStar against the Team.

My early morning two cents


Hey Guys - here we go

OOC: (lol) and here I thought the new Team structure would lessen my verbosity (lol)

<DarkStar: IC response and actions>

Commander Rose sits in his titanium reinforced chair at the meeting table listening to Dr. Avery’s declarations concerning the team’s name, organization, and leadership. It’ll take more than saying we’re a Team to make us a team. I hope Agent’s up to the task. God forbid he leads with the same heavy hand of his mentor “The Commander”. Joshua focuses his thoughts through the amulet, concentrating on only communicating with Dr. Arcane. “Doc I’ll give him every bit of support he needs, but he’s going to have to proof he’s worthy of the title Team Leader. Saying it doesn’t make it so, and I’m always going to have problems trusting someone who hides behind a mask.”


Chuckling at Doc’s comment about conventional forces, Rose’s face turns serious when he ask “Who are the Null Masters Doc.? Before this is over, I’m going to need a score card to keep up with all the players.”
As the Team Founders meeting breaks up DarkStar quickly introduces himself to Catalyst and hurriedly nod in the direction of Elwood and his “pookie”. The sound of his departing can be heard even before the door to his room gently closes.


For almost the next half hour Joshua Rose inspects the R&D center he has set up in Fort Worth. He refuses to accept his team’s five year projected time estimate to get a working teleport generator up and running. Always the engineer, it isn’t five minutes before he’s in a sterile environment suit with tools and diagnostic equipment fastened about his person. Involved so deeply in solving the current glitch blocking teams progress, it’s not until Cybil reminds him about the meeting does he think of the briefing he’s supposed to be attending back at the mansion.


Still dressed in his work gear from the R&D lab Joshua makes his apologies for the last minute entrance and sits back down at the Team’s meeting table to listen to Dr. Avery’s take on the Quest’s next target. Somewhere between Egypt and Pietor’s analysis, Rose’s hyper-active mind takes an interest in the Agent’s shiny new combat suit. As one part of him is paying attention to the Doc’s briefing, knowing Cybil is recording everything, the other part of his intellect occupies itself with reverse engineering the apparent and likely alterations the Agent has had made. Hmmm, I wonder where he got the money for those kind of modifications? It’s certainly more than he could afford on a government income?




As the pillars to the front of the mansion disappear into the ground and the sky, Commander Rose analytical mind leaps forward in a search for information. Gravity Powers? “Cybil, please tie into the Ares full-spectrum of combat sensors. I need to know if they just registered a localized gravitonic pulse, and have the satellite track the trajectory of those columns.” Still sitting at the table, Joshua activates the holo-keypad and starts running a facial recognition program through all available data services to identify the figures out on the lawn. Who the hell is Lord Noman and the Tarot Masters?


As the Agent starts barking orders to the team, DarkStar looks up momentarily from the holo-display, Anyone with X-Ray vision or AI programs? What the hell? Like he’s referring to the new guys. Arrogant son of a bitch can’t be bothered to use our names now when he needs something? I knew it, I knew he take after that rat ass bastard “The Commander”. Head down as he makes a couple alterations to the feed from the Ares combat sensors, “Right, already on it.” A three dimensional display of the mansion and surrounding grounds is projected across the top of the Team’s conference table.

Asking Cybil to continue to run the holo-display of the grounds and monitor the Bloodhound program, Joshua stands up and walks to stand guard behind Dr. Avery. Just who is this Lord Noman and where did these Tarot Masters come from? Matter of fact how do they know the Cloak is here? Did they follow the Agent and Lodestone without being spotted? Or has he sold us out to the highest bidder? That fancy new suit of his didn’t come cheap. Another more insidious thought enters DarkStar’s pondering . . . I have to warn Doc and the others. That might not even be the Agent. We’ve never seen his face how do we know that’s even him?

Joshua focuses his thoughts through the amulet so only that Dr. Arcane can hear him, Doc, unless you have to be here, I’d be a lot easier to focus on the coming battle if Pietor got you, Donnah and the staff out of here asap. Look at Adamas … while you guys are here he’s not going to be thinking of how to protect himself.

“Agent! Someone needs to go after those marble columns, if they land in a populated area of Megalopolis the shrapnel is going to kill a lot of people.”

<DarkStar: Goals>
·         Provide the information Agent America needs to formulate a battle plan
·         Insure the safety of Doc and Donnah
·         Stop the columns from killing civilians and possible use them as a weapon.
OOC: … and just when you thought the blue bastion of brawling couldn't get any more paranoid. We’ve yet to plumb the depths of DarkStar’s paranoia psychosis (lol). Good start Jeff. I thought this looked bad – then I saw the position Vanguard was in – holy cow.


DS: monitor the Bloodhound program

GM OOC: Sorry I don't remember this. Is it flavor only or are you expecting some kind of results?



Hey Pal

The Bloodhound program is the name I give to the program that acts as a Cybil's uber-search function. It takes Rose's search parameters and puts them into effect freeing him to do something else. It can be as simple as find the nearest Starbucks or as complex as downloading a complete list of weaponized mil-sat activation codes.

Commander Rose's Security Clearance should make hacking unnecessary most the time, and when it does you've let me know in the past. I've thought of coming up with a DarkStar glossary for when he's communicating in code to Cybil or StarCorp personnel but haven't gotten around to putting pen to paper - so to speak

Mostly flavor to describe things we've had Cybil do in the past. In this case AA asked for ID's for the op-forces on the lawn, and DS is trying to be a good (yet suspicious) little soldier (lol)

John with an R

Agent America


Hey Tom, my Goal was to gather intel first and then have everyone help craft a battle plan based on the intel.
Is this possible?
Specifically, will you report intel findings, if any, mid- issue or next-issue? Thanks.

Also, have Catalyst and Elwood got amulets?

John: I know you were IC, but to be clear, it really wasn't AA's desire to be abrasive. The "anyone with [insert powers]" was mostly targeted at the new guys, because he didn't know what they've got. His (and my) intention was for humor, almost like an ironic depiction of the classic drill sergeant. Problem with irony around strangers, of course, is they may not detect it.

Jeff/Agent America


GM: Yes, it is very possible.  The Tarot Masters are making it clear they are not going to invade the house. They would rather you hand over what they want and they will leave. They are trying to be "civilized" about this.

Think of it as how the Roman army would march up to the city and appear in Phalanx and ask the city to surrender. If they refused then the Romans would meet the city's defenders outside the city. They would defeat them there without destroying the city or having any civilian casualties.
I wil answer most of your questions about the mansions and surrounding but any intel on the Tarot Masters will be next Issue.

Yes, they were given amulets when they were getting their tour of the mansion.

For them getting StarCorp Comm Units, DarkStar is going to have to give it to them in writing. So it will have to be written as an action or a 1/2 luck point is required to Retcon it.  So far I don't remember reading DarkStar giving them comm units.



Before I start with the questions I just wanted to mention that I removed John Grisby from the list of recipients for receiving my e-mails about The Quest. I'm assuming that since he left the group that he's probably not interested in getting e-mails about stuff he's not involved with any more. Was that the right assumption to make, or did he mention that he still wanted all The Quest stuff sent to him?

OK - now for my first question – it’s a multi-part question for Tom:

A couple of the other players mentioned something about some kind of amulet / talisman / group communicator thingie – did the good doctor every give us ( i.e. Catalyst and Elwood ) something like that? Did he have Donnah give it to us while we were waiting in the other room? Did he give us both one after we entered the main room to meet The Team? Did he maybe just leave them on a table for us somewhere? Or are we still waiting to get them at some future date?

Now a couple of questions for Tom regarding this quote:


Dr. Avery signaled for Catalyst, Harvey, and Elwood to bring to the library. Agent America, Adamas, and DarkStar watched as two people entered the room. Catalyst quickly noted Dr. Avery and Agent America were typicals which he couldn‟t affect. DarkStar was a meta-human which he could easily affect and even though Adamas was alien he was humanoid enough that Catalyst could affect him too. It would be a little more tiring {GM Note: PR is +1 for power usage}.

1. Am I correct in assuming that Donnah was the one he signaled to?

2. Am I also correct in assuming that Catalyst has had the chance to FULLY scan all members of The Team? Could Catalyst have scanned them all while he was in the next room waiting for The Team’s meeting to end ( while talking with Elwood )? One of the reasons that I ask is because DarkStar seems to be heading out almost immediately after The Team’s meeting breaks up, and I would love to have a chance to fully scan both him and Adamas before the upcoming fight.

By the way, I like the extra little PR bump you attached to dealing with Adamas – nice touch!

Questions for everyone with regards to these quotes:


Dr. Avery asked Agent America to assemble The Team for a briefing in the study in 30 minutes after they have had a chance to make proper introductions with each other.


As the Team Founders meeting breaks up DarkStar quickly introduces himself to Catalyst and hurriedly nod in the direction of Elwood and his “pookie”. The sound of his departing can be heard even before the door to his room gently closes.



He welcomed the new outcasts and misfits that would soon have the Null Masters shaking in their boots. He wasn’t going to talk to invisible rabbits, but other than that, he’d try to make nice with Elwood.

He’d be cordial with Rose too, and wouldn’t open old wounds first.

( OOC: I think this might be a ‘non-issue’ since John has DarkStar leaving the introductions almost instantaneously – sounds like there might be a little tension between Agent America and DarkStar lol )

He’d head to the library early and say to Doc: “Leader, huh? I guess I had that coming. I hope you know what you’re doing, old man.”

1. Did Dr. Avery leave the room ( i.e. teleport out, walk out, end his Astral Projection, etc. ) right after he ended his meeting with The Team?

2. Did Donnah enter the room after letting Catalyst and Elwood & Harvey in or did she just open the door; usher them in, and then close the door behind them ( i.e. didn’t come into the room too )?

3. Did Agent America do the old ‘hi – bye’ routine or did he stay for a few minutes to talk with The Team’s newest members?

4. Assuming that Dr. Avery left immediately, and that Donnah didn’t enter the room, and knowing that DarkStar stayed for about 10secs, and that Agent America was leaving shortly after meeting Catalyst and Elwood & Harvey as well – does that mean its just Adamas, Catalyst, and Elwood & Harvey left in the room?

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev

Agent America

OOC: Hey Kev!!!  'Sup?!

To clarify:
Agent America didn't do the hi-bye. Of the 30 minutes, he spent 25 with the group, welcoming the new guys, and went to the library early to have a 5 minute private chat with Avery, seeing as how Avery just promoted him without checking with AA first.

Jeff /AA



OOC: Hey Kev!!!  'Sup?!

Hey, hey, hey! Whats go'n on man? You know - we're going to have to stop meeting like this - people might start to talk lol ;)
To clarify:
Agent America didn't do the hi-bye. Of the 30 minutes, he spent 25 with the group, welcoming the new guys, and went to the library early to have a 5 minute private chat with Avery, seeing as how Avery just promoted him without checking with AA first.
Jeff /AA

Awesome! Thanks for that clarification Jeff - I was actually hoping Agent America would be sticking around for a while.

- Kev

Harvey & Elwood


I was surprised to see that had Dr. Avery relay the history of Harvey.  That was cool to see, but now I fear that we have removed the element of doubt.  Having the characters question the existence of Harvey seems fun.  Is it too late to strike that section from the record, so to speak?

What do you think?



Don't worry about that. DarkStar and Agent America only believe half of what Dr. Avery tells them.  I am sure I will hear soon that half is an over optimistic statement from both of them.

Agent America doesn't believe in magic. Did you notice that AA only asked Elwood his capabilities? Well play that up and AA disbelief will become more evident.

DarkStar only believes in what he discovers. Did you notice DarkStar is already referring to them as "Elwood and his pookie"?

That is why Harvey won't get an Amulet or any other way to communicate directly.  Keep roleplaying it with Elwood doing all the talking and the doubt will be showing pretty quickly from those two.

Adamas on the other hand is a magical being, so less skeptism from him would be natural.

To help with the disbelief and the surprise of both Harvey & Elwood and Catalyst I will hold off posting their character sheets for a while. That would be the item that gives the players too much understanding of the situation.




Donnah will have given you the amulets, they allow you communicate with the rest of The Team by thought or Speech. Harvey did not get one (would negate Invisibility bonus).

Yeah, kind’a figured that Harvey wouldn’t be getting one – being intangible might make it hard to wear jewelry and stuff I would imagine lol ;)

Are these 'small' amulets? Are they something we can conceal beneath our costumes? Can we use them to selectively communicate with other members of The Team ( e.g. one or two members instead of the whole group ) or can they only be used to communicate with everyone wearing one ( i.e. all or nothing )?

My apologizes for all the question – I’m still playing a little ‘catch up’ with all the finer points of the Quest storyline.


No he couldn't scan from next room. Full scan of Adamas performed in 30 minutes and barely any scan of DarkStar because he left.

So then I’m assuming that either someone is messing with Catalyst or that the room is shielded in some way since his scanning ability can penetrate normal walls and stuff . . . hhmmm . . . very interesting . . . very interesting indeed.


So it would be Catalyst, Harvey & Elwood, Adamas, and Agent America during the ‘meet and greet’.

Sweet – thanks – now I know who Catalyst can verbally eviscerate . . . err . . . talk to, during the next ( in game ) 30mins. ;)

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev


OOC: I'm loving the Ethereal vision, and I think it ties into Adamas background which we'll hopefully get into soon. :) No spoilers....

Basically, he's not so much seeing through things, as looking into surrounding dimensions/existence where the walls simply don't exist...

Given 30 minutes to meet his new companions, Adamas will great each individually with a handshake if possible.

IC: "Welcome to the "Team", fellow defenders of this world.  I look forward to fighting at your side as we strive to protect it's inhabitants. 

I can tell you a little about myself.  I do not believe I come from this world, I was actually found in orbit by some of your astronauts. 

I've found that I am different from non meta homo sapiens. I have dense skin, the ability to fly, I'm stronger and faster than most, and I have the ability to discharge energy in varying degrees from my eyes.  In addition some of my senses are heightened by a degree.

Hopefully this information will aid you as we work together. 

I look forward to learning about you as we fight the evil of this world and beyond with the "Team" the good Doctor has assembled."
OOC: Again, Welcome!

Jon H.


Crystal Clear Campadre

OOC: Everything is IC and on target. The drill sergeant motif is spot on. I'm just taking the paranoia thing with DS that AA and Adamas mentioned last issue and running with it a bit. It dovetails nicely with a psychological evaluation DarkStar had when he exited MEDUSA. Its could just be an itch that needs scratched or could end with him spending some time in a psych ward and losing control of StarCorp. All depends on "in game" circumstances.

Right now I plan on keeping it all in his internal dialogs (that was all internal right?). Playing the "good soldier" - mostly (lol)

More OOC: Just my two cents, but . . .

I think with the odds it's time DarkStar quit playing the four color hero and started getting serious. It might have repercussions but I'd give serious thought to either deep-sixing the terra monster into the ocean or a low orbit of some kind. Maybe some flash bang action from AA could help him insure a first turn hit?

With Adamas' condition being what it is we have to make sure they don't combine attacks on him and get past his invulnerability. I've already suggested to him to stay at range and focus on the enemy telepath. Mind Controlling him or especially DS at this point would be ... unfortunate.

I see alto of messages have come (I haven't read yet) so hopefully someone can do something about Super Nova. He and Vibron use to be my fav villains to run when GMing. Being on the receiving ends not near as much fun - thanks Thomas.  (lol)

More later John


For them getting StarCorp Comm Units, DarkStar is going to have to give it to them in writing. So it will have to be written as an action or a 1/2 luck point is required to Retcon it.  So far I don't remember reading DarkStar giving them comm units.

No need for ret-conning. As mentioned last issue DarkStar started carrying a couple extra comm-badges with him as part of a SOP. He hasn't offered them to the new team members yet due to his quick exit after the Founders meeting and the pace of events during Doc's briefing and bad guys showing up. It'll happen in the course of play.

So who gets the comm-badge Pookie or Elwood?  (Loved the fairy references by the way. I'm a big Harry Dresden fan and Queen Mab and her crew play a big part in some of the stories. Crap the Winter Knight would make an awesome Quest member)


Hey Mike

Tom's got it spot on Mike. Jeff has had AA rationalizing "magic" effects for a year now and DS is going to eventually see Harvey in the same light scientist do "dark matter". Only after observing enough evidence or events that he can infer Harvey must exist will he except it as "fact".

Until then he will cover his frustration with not having a scientific means to detect Harvey with "wit" and sarcasm - it's all a coping device for the big guy.

Agent America


I know what AA would say: If these noble mooks are chivalrous enough to let us prepare as much as we want, we might as well.

B it is, as long as they're letting us have those 15 seconds.



OOC: I was going to wait til Tom sent us the response for Cybils ID search and the Ares combat sensors around the mansion - see AA's response then add two cents as needed - so to speak


I guess it will be B. unless you are willing to do A with limited intel.  Cybil replies and the results of Adamas' E-Vision scan will be given next issue.  If you want to wait for it then B.

Hint: You are a part of a Mental Switchboard (except AA who can choose to shut it down with Willpower) so you can negotiate with Lord Noman if you choose.



OOC: Hey Tom

Does that "hint" mean Noman is reading our (except AA and I assume Doc's thoughts?

If so then we might as well skip to the "games on" phase because I'm pretty sure he'll read DS putting 3 battleplans together at the same time - none of which include sending Miss Ellie out (lol) i.e. We of the weak willpower will be giving AA's subterfuge away?



I was just flipping threw some of the 'back issues' of Quest and I finally found the one that described the Amulets. Which naturally caused a few questions to pop into my head:

1. ( This is a silly one ) Is there an actual name for them or should we just refer to them as 'The Amulets'? Something like Merlin's Medallion, Amulet of the Arcane, Telepathic Talisman, etc . . ., just curious.

2. Is there a PR, action, or movement cost to use them or are they cost free ( e.g. PR=0 )?

3. It was mentioned that the amulets protect the wearer from the magical defenses and wards that surround the mansion - would wearing one allow Catalyst's scan to penetrate whatever it is that was blocking him originally? Or is his scan still blocked even while wearing the medallion?

4. Speaking of magical defenses and stuff - Jeff - have you factored these into your upcoming battle plan at all? Catalyst would have no ides about what they are or even that they exist, but as Team Leader I was thinking Agent America might.

5. Does Donnah explain the pendants special abilities and functions to Catalyst and Elwood & Harvey? Is so, as soon as he heard something about 'magical defenses and wards that surround the mansion' he would definitely ask her about that. I'll include this in my IC Response if you want, Tom.

6. Whats the range on the amulets? Again - I can include this as a question for Donnah in my IC Response as well if you want, Tom.

7. Why is the sky blue?

8. Why do zebra's have stripes?

9. . . . and last, but not least . . . How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop, Wise Owl?

My apologizes for the flood of questions; again, I just want to make sure that Catalyst ( and myself ) are up to speed on everything that's going on.

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev


I might have a limited answer for one of those (Tom jump in if I have this wrong)

6. (answer - range has been tested from New Mexico to the "Face" on Mars)

 the real trick was getting the comm-badges to match that.

Brought to you by StarCorp Inc. "Tomorrow's Technology Today"
(unless your in the England offices, then it's Tomorrow's Technology Yesterday's Engineering"


1. Amulet of the Arcane are their official name now (I really like that one)
2. No cost, they are a plot device to allow constant contact with Dr. Arcane as advisor.
3. No, we never mention the range for the scan, so I decided he had to see them to scan them, if you think something different let me know. Beware if you don't have something to trigger it: sight, sound, etc. I will be including all the normals he walks by as scan. That would explain the heavy drinking at the party to dull the scan overload (unless he fake drinking as well as fake drunk).

The main defense the mansion has is it won't allow anyone to teleport or fly in. So the amulets allow DarkStar and Adamas freedom of movement.

4. Jeff, This one is yours.
5. Yes, I will have it in the next issue.
6.Over half the world. The team has communicate with Dr. Avery in Megalopolis and they are on an island in the China Sea
7. Because red would be ugly
8. because the Horse picked white and the panther chose black and those were its two favorite colors
9. three but I need to test it to be sure.


Agent America


4. Hi Kev. AA knows the defense exist, but not what they are. AA asked Doc to fill in the team about them in his initial response to the turn.

9. Three.



OOC: Only applies if DarkStar overheard Doc telling AA about the gap in the defenses.

IC: Overhearing Doc's concerns about the gaps in the defenses he tries to sense any changes in his ability to teleport to, from, and around the mansions grounds. Focusing on his amulet "Adamas do you feel any changes in your ability to fly about the mansion? AA is trying to determine any damage the assault has done to it's defenses."

From his watchdog position beside Doc, DarkStar signals to Agent America. "Adamas is all but out on his feet, and barely going to be able to provide fire-support. We have two untested newbies, and a house full of women, old men and academics ... no offense intended Doc, to defend against a frontal assault by some goons calling them Tarot Masters. We better come up with a plan fast." Quickly checking to see the status of Cybil's Bloodhound search for information on the Tarot Masters. "If they make a move on the mansion I'm going to start cracking heads, and a couple of those guys are going to find their spandex wearing asses at the north pole."

OOC: After a year, I figure they both would be use "feeling" the areas of the mansion Doc warned them about in Issue #1 (sans Marianas Trench or deep space references  lol)


Meanwhile, waiting patiently in the foyer of Dr. Avery’s Mansion . . .

Standing nowhere in particular and wandering very slowly about the room was a tall thin man wearing a slightly dated three-piece suit.  His gaze moved about from up to down and across all points, soaking in the sights while not seeming to scrutinize anything, and all with a look of contented amusement on his face. The man’s name was Elwood, and while seemingly talking to nobody in particular, he suddenly said aloud, “A very pleasant place indeed Harvey . . . I most certainly agree with you.”  Long slow steps which could have been described as strides if he were a smaller man, quickly brought Elwood to the center of the room where he stopped and took a deep breath.  Removing his hat, and placing it in his hand which already carried a hat and two overcoats, his gaze fell upon a costumed superhero who had been silently observing Elwood and remaining mostly still. When the two men had each other in their line of site, the costumed stranger brought his chin up just slightly as if he were about to say something but then stopped himself and gave a look to Elwood inviting him to offer greetings. “Dowd, Elwood P. is the name” he rang out in a warm firm fashion and draping the overcoats over his left forearm he reached out his right hand slowly, purposefully and with a palm facing almost completely upward.  As the two men shake hands, Elwood continues, “You have a most intriguing and smart looking outfit, I must say, and… and… and,” coughing slightly so as to clear his throat unexpectedly he continued, “what sir, should I call you?” Waiting for a response, Elwood reached into his front vest pocket and handed a business card to the young man standing before him.

As he examines the business card, the young man notices that the only thing printed on it is ‘Elwood P. Dowd’ and then two phone numbers listed towards the bottom. He thinks to himself, “I bet these aren’t even in service . . . I swear I know this guy from somewhere . . .” He then smiles and places the business card on a nearby table and says with a smile, “Thanks . . . my name? Well, you . . . you can call me Al, and if you’ll be my bodyguard; I can be your long lost pal. In fact I’ll call you Betty, and Betty . . . when you call me . . . you can call me Al.” He immediately takes notice of a confused look running slowly across Elwood’s face as Elwood tries to make sense of the comedic response. Deciding to give him something more serious in the way of a response; he pats the man on the shoulder and continues, “I’m only kidding there Eddie . . . the names Catalyst, and thanks for the compliment on the outfit.” Catalyst struggles desperately for a moment to find something about Elwood’s wardrobe to compliment. Unfortunately being at least twenty years his senior, Elwood lacks any real fashion sense in Catalyst’s eyes. Doing the best that he can with what’s in front of him, Catalysts quickly returns with, “ . . . and . . . might I say that you too are dressed rather . . . err . . . rather interestingly.” He then reaches forward and starts to feel the material of Elwood’s jacket and tries to catch a glimpse of a manufacturers’ label, “I love the vintage suit; is this Sears or J C Penny’s?” With a look of sincerity on his face he explains, “I ask only because the average guy wouldn’t be able to pull something like this off, but on you . . . on you it hangs like cheap hotel room curtains . . . well done!”

Still not sure what to make of his new friend, Elwood says, “You know, whenever I meet a new and interesting person such as yourself, I find that a little libation can help to make the meeting even more interesting and (ahem) I do find myself more than (ahem) a little dry.”  Elwood’s slim hand reached up to his collar and started pulling on it slightly, but managed to keep his tie in place the entire time as he looked about the room with even greater focus than he had earlier.  “Did you happen to see any glasses about our host’s abode?  I, uh… I have a little… well a little something than we can share, but it would just seem nicer if we had a couple of glasses.”  From within his vest pocket, a dark metal drinking flask with Celtic looking etchings was brought out. After a very lackadaisical visual search of the room he says, “Nope . . . don’t see any glasses around here, guess we’ll have to do this the old fashion way.” Catalyst could see that there were also a few words etched on the front side of the flask which read, “Elwood – Through Thick and Thin, We Will Always Be Friends – Harvey.”  Catalyst then intentionally makes his staring at Elwood’s flask blatantly obvious and say, “Fine looking flask you’ve got there Elmore.” The flask remained between the two men in Elwood’s hand as a look of only mild concern fell over Elwood’s face. Gently liberating it from Elwood’s hand; Catalyst raises the flask to his mouth, but then pauses right before he takes a sip. He looks strangely at Elwood and asks with an inquisitive tone in his voice, “ . . . err . . . you don’t happen to have the coodies or anything do you?” Grabbing the top of the flask with his forefinger and thumb; Catalyst gives his hand a few turns and then winks at Elwood as if to say, “There . . . that ought to sterilize it.” After taking a good long gulp of whiskey from it, Catalyst hands the flask back to Elwood and thinks to himself, “I swear I know this guy from somewhere.”

As Elwood places the flask to his lips Catalyst can’t help but notice that the inscription on it appears to have changed - "Humor is just another defense against the universe." Shaking his head as if he had just suffered a momentary dizzy spell; Catalyst says, “Wow – that’s good stuff! If I didn’t know better I would swear I was starting to see things.” Elwood then suddenly looks slightly upward over his shoulder and with a raised eyebrows asks, “Hmm, what’s that Harvey? Oh . . . well y-yes.  Let’s, shall we?” Catalyst couldn’t help but think to himself, “Who the Hell is this guy talking to?” Looking back at Catalyst, Elwood asks, “What is it that brings you here to this most fascinating place?  That really is a great suit you have on by the way, very smart.  Yes, very smart indeed, but I’m sorry . . . you were about to tell me why you were here.” In a burst of unexpected epiphany Catalyst suddenly realizes where he knows Elwood from. “Oh my God! I do know this guy – He’s one of my father’s old accountants. This guy is nuttier then a Christmas fruitcake!” Catalyst thought to himself. Elwood’s posture begins to settle a bit as Catalyst starts to explain why he too came to the mansion, “Well . . . err . . . to be honest, some spooky guy dressed like Hugh Hefner invited me up here. Said his name was Dr. Avery or something; I figured it was just an alias, sought of like Dr. Dre or something. I didn’t have anything too important to do so I figured I would take him up on his invitation. I figured best case scenario - I end up doing some ‘keg stands’ with some hot, half naked co-eds while Heff worked the hibachi. Worst case scenario – Dr. Heff invites me up here to hang out with a bunch of ‘wacked out’, poorly dressed friends, and we spend the rest of the night playing twenty questions and maybe a wicked-crazy round of peaknuckle.” Catalyst barely has time to finish getting out the last of his response to Elwood’s question, before a sudden look of excitement splashes over Elwood’s face. “Speaking of friends, I absolutely must introduce you to someone I think is most wonderful and I am sure you two will hit it off.  Mr. Catalyst, this . . .”  The two men are then abruptly interrupted as -

***Donnah enters the foyer??? – GM Response needed***

( OOC: Catalyst will now use his Heightened Senses – If I’m correct in assuming that Harvey has no discernable DNA/RNA type stuff inside of him, then it won’t register him as being there. Thus strengthening Catalyst’s belief that Elwood is insane. If Catalyst can identify either Donnah or Elwood as a meta-human, Catalyst will use his Weakness Detection ability on the mutant(s). While he is attempting to scan him/her/them, Catalyst will appear to be behaving completely normal as if nothing unusual is going on. )

“ . . . oh well, a little later on then,” Elwood says as he looks up and winks back at Harvey.

***Donnah gives guided tour – GM Response needed***

***Donnah gives Amulets of the Arcane at some point – GM Response needed***

***Donnah introduces Pietor and Miss Ellie to them at some point – GM Response needed***

( OOC: Catalyst will once again use his Heightened Senses and then his Weakness Detection should either one of them register as a meta-human. )

----------------------- ONCE THE GUIDED TOUR IS OVER -----------------------

( OOC: While waiting outside of The Team’s meeting room, Catalyst will use his Heightened Senses. He’s hoping to pick up on who ever is on the other side of the door )

*** Dr. Avery signals Donnah to bring both of them in – GM Response needed***

Dr. Avery signaled for Catalyst, Harvey, and Elwood to be brought into the library. Agent America, Adamas, and DarkStar watched as two people entered the room.

***Donnah opens door and ushers both of them in – GM Response needed***

( OOC: Assuming that Catalyst was able to scan the members of The Team while he and Elwood were waiting outside of The Team’s meeting room - Catalyst will now put faces to the beings he picked up on while scanning the room from outside and will hopefully have names to put to those faces shortly )

Catalyst entered the room first and quickly noted that Dr. Avery and someone dressed in an America flag motif were both ordinary humans. There was a bald, blue skinned man that was clearly a meta-human, and a tall muscular man in a yellow and white costume who’s DNA; despite appearing human, could only be described as extra-terrestrial in origin. Although he had always figured that there was probably life on other planets; he never thought he would ever actually meet some of it face to face. Although he was extremely excited and intrigued by the idea that he was about to meet an alien; Catalyst kept his best ‘poker face’ on the entire time.

( OOC: Being so taken by the idea of meeting an alien, Catalyst would use his Weakness Detection on Adamas first. While he is attempting to scan him he will appear to be behaving completely normal as if nothing unusual is going on. )

After sifting through Adamas’s DNA like a young boy rifling through his fathers hidden stash of ‘nudie magazines’ for the first time, Catalyst had determined although he would be able to use his abilities on him it would require some additional effort. ( GM NOTE: It will cost one additional Power Point for each attempted use of Catalyst’s Genetic Resequencing ability on Adamas ).

Entering the library behind Catalyst and pausing at the door for an odd moment, Elwood looks up to see a room with now more fascinating looking individuals. “My goodness . . . now this is a grand gathering, Harvey.  What wonderful company this should be, eh my friend?  Let’s see what’s-what, shall we?”  Elwood jabs his left elbow outward for a moment and then nods with a smile as he walks closer to the group of people. “Indeed you are right my friend; here is our most generous host . . .,” Elwood says as he takes moderate paces to reach the doctor, “. . . but I am afraid I never did get your name, and please tell me who these most intriguing folks are.” Elwood looks almost gleefully at each person in the room; including his ‘new friend’ Catalyst, as he nods and smiles, anxious to hear who it is he is about to meet.

*** Dr. Avery gives a quick 1-2-3 introduction??? – GM Response needed***

***Miss Ellie enters to wheel Dr. Avery out – GM Response needed***

Dr. Avery asked Agent America to assemble The Team for a briefing in the study in 30 minutes after they have had a chance to make proper introductions with each other.

AS PER JOHN: As the Team Founders meeting breaks up DarkStar quickly introduces himself to Catalyst and hurriedly nod in the direction of Elwood and his “pookie”. The sound of his departing can be heard even before the door to his room gently closes.


OOC:  Here is a little more for Elwood / Harvey:
After names are exchanged but as the group gets acquainted, Elwood will suggest…
Elwood IC:  “I.. I know the most charming place across town called ‘Charlie’s’ and may I suggest we all go visit good ol’ Charlie where we can share some spirits and laughs?”  Another look up and a wink as Elwood is quite pleased with his pun.  “Ha, ha.  Sorry about that Harvey, I couldn’t resist.”  One could tell that this man was parched as he smacked his lips and cleared his throat.

<<reactions, followed by Dr. Avery explaining the golden casket etc., and "ZZZAABOOM!">>

Elwood IC:
Elwood (yelling):  “OK Harvey I will!  You be careful too!  You’re the best friend I have so don’t do anything foolish!”

Elwood responding to AA who had asked about the abilities of the new members:
“Well…  Uh…  Agent America, Harvey is quite a remarkable individual, and a pookah!”

Other actions–
·         If there is an immediate threat, Elwood will seek cover behind a couch or chair while still being able to keep an eye on his friend.
·         If there is no immediate threat, Elwood will try to walk to a part of the room that will allow him to see the group on the lawn.
·         Harvey will assume he cannot be detected, and will walk outside paying close attention to see if he attracts any attention.
·         If he appears to be detected, he will evade, and go back through the wall.

Agent America

OOC: Great work guys!

Jeff / Agent America


OOC:  I had sent the response for after AA gave direction, the only change I'd make is for Adamas to scan the area with his "Ethereal Vision," when he first meets his new companions in an attempt to see if he's missing something.  If he doesn't see anything, he will address his comments to Catalyst and Elwood.  If he can "see" Harvey, he'll nod to him, but his response will remain unchanged.

Jon Hammonds


Adamas cannot see Harvey.  His heightened senses aren't advanced enough to get passed Harvey's defenses.


Agent America

OOC: Yeah, right. Likely story.
Adamas can't see Harvey cause Harvey doesn't exist!!!



On 10/21/2011 2:13 PM, jeff j wrote:
> OOC: Yeah, right. Likely story.
> Adamas can't see Harvey cause Harvey doesn't exist!!!
> :)
LOL Tell 'em Jeff!!  :D

Quest: Issue 18: New Members


( OOC: Some ‘last minute’ stuff I wanted to include with the ‘meet and greet’ section of this issue )

Since there doesn’t seem to be much dialogue out there to support an entire thirty minute conversation between the two new members of The Team with the existing members. Lets assume that during that time Catalyst will introduce himself to everyone ( NOT revealing his secret identity or background ) and will give a general outline of what kind of powers he has and what they can do.

During the course of any ‘first meeting’, there always seems to be that moment of uncomfortable silence as everyone tries to think of something witty or clever to say or ask. When that moment finally hits, Catalyst will say, “So . . . err . . . anyone up for a round of peaknuckle?”

( OOC: Now for the part when the mansion gets attacked by Lord Noman and his Tarot Masters )

Something strange outside the windows of the study seems to catch the attention of everyone within the room. As Catalyst approaches one of the room’s windows he turns off a nearby desk lamp so as to reduce the glare it was producing on the glass.

* . . . click . . .*

Catalyst’s eyes squinted tightly as he struggled to pierce through the inky veil of darkness hanging heavy over the grounds of the Avery Estate. Peering through the glass he could see droplets of rain slip passed the almost gossamer-like leaves of some nearby trees. The leaves lying lazily on the wet ground slowly begin to stir amidst an unseasonably cool breeze. Catalyst stands silent and still for a moment as he takes in the tranquil evening setting. Much like the other members of The Team, he can’t help but feel that something strange and uninvited is out lurking amongst the rain soaked exterior of the building.

A feint glow of light caught The Team’s attention as it slowly began to grow in intensity from the far side of a nearby hill. Across the lawn seven shadowy figures could be seen emerging from behind the tree line and slowly approaching the Avery Mansion. Their various forms outlined by a soft yellow light generated by the flame encased flier seen hovering ominously behind their number. The advancing horde then suddenly stopped their military-like advance midway between the mansion and from the point at which they were originally spotted. They stood there like a well disciplined army awaiting orders from a leader who was about to enter negotiations with his enemy before committing to battle.

A soft chill suddenly replaced the warmth of the mansions interior as each member of the team heard an unfamiliar voice speaking to them telepathically, “You are gravely wrong about us coming for the fifth scroll soon . . . we are coming for it now.” The sinister sound of the voice sent a slight shiver running down Catalyst’s spine like a bead of chilled water sliding anxiously down the curved surface of a leaf. The voice then issued a dark ultimatum to the members of The Team, “You have a choice . . . give the fifth scroll and The Cloak of Ambulation to Miss Ellie to bring out . . . or we will come in and take them.”

Lord Noman and his Tarot Masters had arrived . . .

As the other members The Team prepared their defenses and ready themselves for battle, Catalyst turned to Agent America and asked, “ . . . friends of yours?”

( OOC: insert group dialogue and actions )

( OOC: the next part is based purely on the assumption that Catalyst was able to use his Weakness Detection ability on Adamas )

While Agent America barked out orders to the other members of The Team; Catalyst stood next to one of the windows in the study and clasped his hands together tightly as if he had just trapped something in-between them. He then gave Adamas a sly look and said to him, “This might feel a little weird ‘big guy’, so try not to get freaked out by it.” He then started to slowly separate his hands and an eerie red glow began to emanate outward from between them. Pulling his hands even further apart, the red glow between Catayst’s hands took form and appeared as a chaotic ball of crackling red electricity. The look on Catalyst’s face then turned serious and Adamas could tell that he was being sized-up and carefully targeted by one of The Team’s newest members. Before Adamas could say a thing, Catalyst pointed his palms directly at the veteran member of The Team and a steady stream of dancing red electricity roared his way. As the energy beam struck him it seemed to instantly and harmlessly disperse itself across his rugged alien frame. Catalyst then looked at his new teammate and said, “There ya go ‘big guy’;a double shot of ‘bad ass’ just for you.”

( OOC: Catalyst just did a double ‘attack’ on Adamas with his Genetic Resequencing ability. He is revving up Adamas’s Invulnerability and [ if you’ll allow it Tom ] modifying / upgrading his Adaption so that it can provide him with the Adaption defense. If you're uncomfortable with Catalyst cranking up Adamas’s Adaption that way Tom; Catalyst will double up his Power Blast ability instead )


To identify any meta-human Tarot Masters as then try to scan ( with his Weakness Detection power ) as many of them as he can before the fighting starts.


Aside from tweaking Adamas’s powers as I mentioned above; Catalyst is going to scan the area with his Heightened Senses quickly to see ‘who’s who’ in the way of mutants. I realize we don’t know any of their names yet, but if you could use the image I attached to this e-mail Tom to let me know which members of the Tarot Masters are meta-humans / mutants I would really appreciate it. I gave them all numbers to make identifying them easier. I’m assuming that #4 ( the rock guy ) is a meta-human, if that’s the case; and if time permits, Catalyst will use his Weakness Detection ability on him if he can.

If I left anything out or if you need anything more from me let me know, Tom.

Talk to you all soon,

- Kev


OOC: Are we expending Actions this issue?

I only ask because I'm about 100% sure DarkStar will be attacking Catalyst right now if we are. Using your powers in an undefined way without permission and or explanation prior to use of said powers on a Team mate is going to end up provoking a retaliatory  assault from DarkStar. I'm not trying be as a butthead - honest, its just what would happen in the circumstance as they have been described.

I think this is how DS and Doc ended up on Mt. Everest in Issue #2

PS: If I've missed something or have DarkStar way out of bounds in his response Tom please this let me know.



OOC: Now that's what I'm talking about! Teamwork ;)


OOC: Now that's what I'm talking about! Teamwork ;)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

I agree, awesome, but I don't seewhere Catalyst explained what he was doing beforehand, and with everyone feeling DS let the team down last issue I think he'd be feeling a might protective at the moment. The whole standing guard over Doc and suggesting he and Donnah and the staff vamos is a result of that.

Once again if I missed/ or misterpretted a post pleaseeeeeee let me know


OOC: Hmm, Catalyst does explain his powers but DarkStar doesn't hear because he left and didn't stay to meet his new teammates. So he is clueless about what is happening but everyone else has meet Catalyst and knows what is going to happen.  Adamas is definitely going to welcome it.

You can definitely take actions this turn even though your team leader has not given you directions other than to perform surveillance activities.

So DarkStar would have a decision to make. Would he intervene without direction from the team leader to do so and no one (Dr. Avery, Agent America, or Adamas) is reacting in a negative way or would he choose to give Agent America a hard time for not controlling The Team and allowing this to happen?



To help with the setting for The Team

In the room is Miss Ellie, Dr. Avery, Catalyst, Elwood, Agent America, Adamas, and DarkStar

Pietor is somewhere on the first floor
Donnah is in her room and has not joined the others.

In the next issue I will better explain the events leading up to the confrontation because it turned out to not have enough details in it and I will make a map.



OOC: OK, let's try this again...I'm assuming this is before AA gives the surveillance order...

IC: "Thank you my friend, if I'm going to be much help in the coming battle I'll need all the "bad ass" I can get!



OOC: So DarkStar would have a decision to make. Would he intervene without direction from the team leader to do so and no one (Dr. Avery, Agent America, or Adamas) is reacting in a negative way or would he choose to give Agent America a hard time for not controlling The Team and allowing this to happen?

As much as I would hate to see Catalyst get his head ‘stoved-in’ by DarkStar, I think John might have already given you his answer, Tom.


OOC: Are we expending Actions this issue?

I only ask because I'm about 100% sure DarkStar will be attacking Catalyst right now if we are. Using your powers in an undefined way without permission and or explanation prior to use of said powers on a Team mate is going to end up provoking a retaliatory assault from DarkStar. I'm not trying be as a butthead - honest, it’s just what would happen in the circumstance as they have been described.

About 100% Sure? YIKES! Sucks to be Catalyst  lol

Again – I’m all for keeping Catalyst’s head firmly affixed to his shoulders, but I could definitely see how DarkStar would see this as an attack and go after him, because as you pointed out, Tom . . .

OOC: Hmm, Catalyst does explain his powers but DarkStar doesn't hear because he left and didn't stay to meet his new teammates.

To be honest, Catalyst wouldn’t expect an attack coming from DarkStar so I would imagine he would either automatically hit or at the very least get a +4 to Hit since Catalyst wouldn’t be trying to defend himself. That sound about right? =/

Regardless - all I have to say is – DAMN THIS IS GONNA HURT!!!  lmao :D

Talk to you guys soon,

- Kev

Agent America

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Teamwork ;) "

The team's new name is working already.

John, Catalyst DID say this: "He then gave Adamas a sly look and said to him, “This might feel a little weird ‘big guy’, so try not to get freaked out by it.”

So there was a warning that something was going to happen.

Does DS trust Doc Arcane enough to trust who Arcane puts in the Team?

Kev, did Catalyst answer AA's request for his offensive and defensive capabilities?



Hey Kev

Nah, my responses are sometimes as impulsive as the big guys ability to be here and then there. DS is on double secret probation, so that's why I made sure I asked Tom OOC. I'll just assume Doc caught the big blue smurfs wrist when he saw DS start to jump into action and DS noticed AA watching but not reacting.

###  I'm working on about 10 hours sleep total over the last 3 days so pardon my lack of an IC response - too loopy to be appropriately creative unless absolutely necessary - and it isn't

 OOC: I would definitely wait til the two rich boys had a meeting of the minds to try that trick on DS though

<DarkStar: IC response> As the new Team member attacks Adamas, Joshua starts to leap forward but is stopped in tracks as Dr. Avery lays as hand on his wrist. Catching himself he realizes his potential blunder. Looking at Doc with a grin and focuses his thought through the amulet "I take I missed Show and Tell? Watching as Adamas is irradiated in an strange red glow, he whispers to Doc. "I think he and I need to have a talk before h tries that trick on me. I want to know how, why and what he's doing, beforehand."

OOC: best I can do thanks guys


OOC: Good point on the "not to get freaked out" comment Jeff. Thanks, I considered that and wasn't sure it was enough to stop our resident paranoid brick given his failure to protect Adamas last issue.

I ended up carving my response partly with the idea ( ) that DS is use to AA reacting faster than he does. Since AA wasn't jumping into action then all it took was Doc to lay a hand on DS's wrist to stop him.

Big guy's looking to make up for last issues mistakes, so be prepared if I have DS do something "heroically stupid" (as opposed to stupidly heroic) this issue to make up for it  

Agent America


To be clear:

AA wants to stall for several seconds until he receives what intel The Team can provide, and until the Scroll is locked up.

Hold action.

If, and only if, the villains attack this ish,  he'll say:
"Adamas, keep your distance. Please retrive those columns and maybe use them as javelins against a non-flyer.
"Rose, please port me, you and Catalyst behind those guys, and then lay into the walking rock pile.
"Catalyst and Harvey: please pick the target you think you can put down fastest.
AA will attack the female psionic from behind with a martial arts kick, and then taunt the electrical guy or the firey flyer into attacking him, if neither has been engaged yet.

Otherwise, he holds!

Thanks everyone for the great ideas.



OOC: Going to put a few words into Agent America’s mouth for a sec, Jeff. Hope you don’t mind – if you would rather him say something else by all means change what I wrote. I’m just adding it in as an intro to Catalyst’s IC description of his abilities. Let me know if you’re cool with it.

IC: After a round of informal introductions; ‘The Team’ gets comfortable and starts to take a few minutes to get to know its newest members. Standing in a military parade rest posture, Agent America asks, “So . . . Catalyst . . . what exactly is it that you’re bringing to The Team?” Catalyst smirks at Agent America and then responds, “Well . . . for starters, I’m definitely bringing a strong sense of fashion to the team.” He then blatantly turns around to look at all the other members of The Team before continuing, “ . . . because lord knows it needs it . . . ” Catalyst then looks back at Agent America and says sincerely, “ . . . and ham sandwiches, I love ham sandwiches. I mean tell the truth, is there anyone here who wouldn’t love a good ham sandwich?” He then turns to look at Elwood; points at him, and then looks back at Agent America and says, “I know Elmer here would definitely be down for a ham sandwich.” He then turns to face Elwood once again and asks him, “I mean am I right, or am I right . . . wouldn’t you love a good ham sandwich Elmer?” Before Elwood even has a chance to respond, Agent America tilts his head ever so slightly and shoots Catalyst an obviously disappointed glare.

Realizing that Agent America isn’t amused in the slightest by his tomfoolery; with a look of passing defeat, Catalyst sighs and in a more serious tone says, “Wow . . . tough room . . . *sigh* my abilities then? Well . . . first off I’m a meta-human; my mutant cellular structure provides me with a superhuman level of physical endurance and stamina. I also have the ability to detect people; and living things in general, all around me regardless if I can see them or notand I can even tell you if they’re ‘normal’ or a ‘mutant’. If they possess any genetic abnormalities; as is the case with meta-humans, If I spend a few seconds concentrating on that individual I can determine what beneficial and detrimental mutant abilities they possess.”  

As the group begins to show only mild interest in what he has told them so far, Catalyst starts to explain the details of his unique Genetic Resequencing ability, “Now here’s where it gets really interesting, If I have enough time to actually determine the nature of a meta-humans special abilities; not only can I amplify those abilities two-fold, I can also turn them completely off. The whole on / off thing only last for a minute or so, but I find that a minute or so is usually more then enough time make a difference in any given situation. To be honest; given enough time, I can usually understand a meta-humans abilities better then they themselves can.” As he continues with the description of his abilities, he can see by the look on everyone’s face that he has caught their attention once again, “ . . . the only downside to all of this unfortunately is that I can only ‘play’ with genetically altered creatures in this way.” He then turns to Agent America and says with a look of slight disappointment on his face, “Normal humans; such as yourself Agent America, are still however beyond my ability to genetically manipulate.”

OOC: So that’s Catalyst in a IC nut shell. I’m not sure when Tom is planning to disclose Catalyst’s formal character information to the group, but being that I’m in process of a re-write of his powers ( I initially worded a few of them rather vaguely – solving that now ) I’m guessing that it won’t be this issue. I could be wrong though ;)

Talk to you later,

- Kev

Agent America

OOC: Awesome. Can't wait til next issue to hear what Catalyst learns about the bad guys!

Your depiction of Agent America was great with one exception. I'd just ask that we cut the "military parade rest posture,"

Despite his name and costume, he doesn't act like a patriotic super soldier type.


Agent America

Last minute internal monologue...


Agent America watched Elwood and smiled.
"Another one, " he thought. The double agent of democracy had seen this kind of thing before: psionic talents who, in order to cope with their fearsome abilities, fabricated unnecessary requirements like rituals, talismans, a belief in "magic," even entire alternate identities in order to justify the existence of a power that was simply rooted in themselves like any other meta-power.

As Catalyst explained his capabilities, Agent America thought about all the governments on Earth that would gladly pay to have Catalyst's power. Within this man's DNA was the way to disarm all meta-humans on the planet. Absolute power would be restored to the nation states again.
His anti-meta gene would be isolated, replicated, and made airborne... if news of his powers ever got out.
He thought of how Catalyst could be easily abducted by a normal human and auctioned off to the highest bidder. It would change the balance of power across the globe. And make his abductor extremely wealthy.

 OOC: Tom, or Kev, does the public know what Catalyst's powers are?



OMG Jeff you are my hero man. I had planned a creepily similar spoken dialogue for DarkStar next issue now that he knows of and how Catalyst powers work. Starting with a warning that if he ever "scans" DarkStar in any fashion he'd end up in a very dark place ... or worse. We all know how I like having DarkStar apply things on a global scale and your analysis of the implications of Catalyst powers in the game's universe is dead on to my own - minus the get rich quick scheme AA is plotting. (you capitalist dog you)

awesome internal dialogue dude
